* Webui will try to use debug files if deluge version contains 'dev'.
* Include webui debug files in sdist.
* Use exclude_package_data to remove debug files in release versions.
* Modify `git archive` to include all source code so that creating a
release source tarball is now done with `setup.py sdist` which uses the
MANIFEST.in file to determine files to be included.
By removing the components after they shut down, KeyErrors are raised when
trying to acccess the component. Unit tests now clear the component registry
on tear down.
* version.py script requires git tags but detached HEAD in travis clone
requires manually creating the RELEASE-VERSION.
* Also fix relative path issue building docs.
* In setup.py put web and deluged back into console_script as the gtkui hack in
bbfreeze is a windows only issue for popup cmd windows showing.
* Altered the bbreeze script to find any deluge scripts in pythonpath.
* Use setIcon now in bbfreeze and use icon from package.
* Use version stamp from pywin32.
* Create a 'minified' gettext.js by removing comments from file and simplifying js code.
* Added creating the file to generate_pot.py, so it is not forgotten about.
* Update path for ignoreing tests directory.
* The deluge-all and ext-extensions source code should not be ignored.
* Remove entries for non-existent build script and debug js files.
* Ignore the new packaging directory.
* Remove labelSeparator and manually add ':' so text matches gtk translations.
* Use consistent quotes around strings. This can affect gettext script picking up
marked strings.
* Added the equivalent deffered translation as gtkui for Filters and Progressbar
The status strings were incorrectly marked for translation which when combined with
some translations using 'connected' and 'online' as the same word resulted in
users being unabe to connect to running daemon.
* Removed translation markup from json_api but left as original capitalised word in
case other third-party scripts do comparison on these status strings.
* Added translation markup prior to displaying ConnectionManager using template.
* Reworded password prompt and added translation markup.
* Update gettext.js