Slava 32cedb717d
Update geth sync check (#11)
* Update Geth sync check in docker-compose.yaml

* Update the guide

* Geth check service name and container name updated
2024-03-31 01:45:40 +02:00

5.9 KiB

Codex Testnet Starter

Hit the ground running with Codex.

  1. Overview
  2. How to start
  3. How to get ready
  4. How to use
  5. How to stop
  6. How to stop and delete everything
  7. Troubleshooting


Overview Using the Testnet Starter, you can run a (mostly preconfigured) Codex node on your machine. You always have the option to build and run Codex from sources Here.

How to start

  1. Have Docker with compose installed

  2. Clone this repo

    git clone && cd codex-testnet-starter
  3. Create an Ethereum public/private key pair using web wallet or consider other local methods

    Use Docker
    # Generate keypair
    docker run --rm gochain/web3 account create
    Use MetaMask
    1. Accounts and Addresses
    2. How to export an account's private key
    Use Python code
    1. Create a venv

      pip3 install virtualenv
      mkdir $venv && cd $venv
      python3 -m venv env
      source env/bin/activate
    2. Install required packages

      pip3 install web3
    3. Create a script

       from eth_account import Account
       def generate_ethereum_keypair():
           # Generate a new Ethereum account
           account = Account.create()
           # Get the private key
           private_key = account._private_key.hex()
           # Get the public key (Ethereum address)
           public_key = account.address
           return private_key, public_key
       # Generate the Ethereum key pair
       private_key, public_key = generate_ethereum_keypair()
       # Print the keys
       print("Private Key:", private_key)
       print("Public Key (Ethereum Address):", public_key)
    4. Generate the keys

    5. Cleanup

      cd .. && rm -rf $venv
    # Example
    Private key: 0xacec4df7549199708a9f66b151aea7bf41b4d30bd325b96b26f017246226e1a3
    Public address: 0x1C408C8572ce7d5E79a3a6D353e5FC2E8E2c49ce
  4. Define variables

    export PRIV_KEY=0xacec4df7549199708a9f66b151aea7bf41b4d30bd325b96b26f017246226e1a3
    export CODEX_LISTEN_ADDRS=/ip4/
    export CODEX_DISC_PORT=8090
    # export CODEX_ETH_PROVIDER=
    # export GETH_DISCOVERY_PORT=8547
    # export GETH_PORT=8548
    # export GETH_NAT=extip:
    # export GETH_VERBOSITY=3
  5. Run local nodes

    docker-compose up
  6. Setup port forwarding on your router for Codex, based on defined values


How to get ready

When starting the Testnet Starter for the first time, (or restarting after a long pause) please keep in mind:

  • Your local Geth node will need time to sync.
  • Geth checker will wait until Geth is in sync and only then Codex will start.

Before you can use the marketplace functionality of Codex, you will need to obtain some tokens in the testnet.

  1. Join the Codex Discord server

  2. Find the appropriate testnet channel.

  3. Give your public key to the bot using set command.



  4. Ask it politely to mint some tokens for you using mint command.



(It may or may not happen in the future that testnet participation will be rewarded automatically with Discord server roles.)

How to use

Once running, Codex exposes a web-api at the API port. (default: 8080) To read more about how to use the API, go Here

How to stop

  • docker-compose down

How to stop and delete everything

  • docker-compose down --rmi all -v



# List peers
docker exec -it geth geth attach --exec net.peerCount /data/geth.ipc

# Connected peers
docker exec -it geth geth attach --exec admin.peers /data/geth.ipc

# Add a peer
docker exec -it geth geth attach --exec 'admin.addPeer("enode://cff0c44c62ecd6e00d72131f336bb4e4968f2c1c1abeca7d4be2d35f818608b6d8688b6b65a18f1d57796eaca32fd9d08f15908a88afe18c1748997235ea6fe7@")' /data/geth.ipc

# Sync status
docker exec -it geth geth attach --exec eth.syncing /data/geth.ipc

# Geth own enode
docker exec -it geth geth attach --exec admin.nodeInfo.enode /data/geth.ipc