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id title
extensions_tutorial_chat_command Extension chat command tutorial

Write a chat command

One of the main use case for extensions is to add new chat commands. This tutorial will go step by step through the creation and deployment of a chat command allowing to send NFTs.

Add meta data

First step is to create the skeleton extension with some relevant metadata:

{meta {:name          "My command name"
       :description   "My command description"
       :documentation "Some more details can go there"}}

Metadata will be displayed to the end user before installing an extension.

Define hook entry point (chat command)

Hooks identify what part of status will be extended. Each hook has a unique identifier and a set of key/value elements specific to this hook. An extension can implement several hooks.

In this tutorial a chat command is created: it's specific id is collectible and the generic hook type for a chat command is commands.

A command hook requires the following properties to be set:

  • scope
  • preview and short-preview
  • parameters


Scope can be any combination of:

  • personal-chats
  • group-chats
  • public-chats

Here we will demonstrate personal-chats.

  :scope #{:personal-chats}} ;; Could be #{:personal-chats :group-chats}


Previews are used to display the result of a command execution in a chat.

Short previews will be displayed as last message in the chat item of the Home tab of Status.

Both previews must point to definition of UI in Hiccup syntax using a combination of views, queries and events supported by status host.

More details can be found here.

Previews receive data from status encapsulating the parameters provided by the end user and some relevant contextual information. Those can be accessed in a view using the properties reference.

Our short preview definition:

 (let [{{{symbol :symbol} :params} :content outgoing :outgoing} properties]
   [view {:flex-direction :row
          :align-items    :flex-start}
     [text (if outgoing "Sent " "Received ")]
     [text symbol]])}

properties data is accessed using destructuring. text and view are view elements available for all hosts. if is a block providing conditional logic.

Our preview definition:

 (let [{{{symbol :symbol token :token tx-hash :tx-hash} :params} :content outgoing :outgoing timestamp-str :timestamp-str} properties
        collectible-token [get-collectible-token {:symbol symbol :token token}]
    [view {:flex-direction :column
           :align-items    :flex-start}
    [status/nft-token collectible-token]
    [view {:color          (if outgoing "#707caf" "#939ba1")
           :margin-top     6
           :font-size      12
           :flex-direction :row}
    [text "Sent at "]
    [text timestamp-str]]
    [status/send-status {:tx-hash tx-hash :outgoing outgoing}]])}

status/nft-token and status/send-status are view element specific to status. [status/get-collectible-token {:symbol symbol :token token}] is a query giving access to details for a specific collectible.


The NFT chat command has 2 required parameters: the NFT type and the specific NFT you want to exchange. Both will use Status UI components to provide a nice visual selection experience.

A parameter is identified by its id and must define a type and a placeholder (any string). In this tutorial :text and :number will be used. suggestions can be optionally provided and must point to a view.

  :parameters    [{:id          :symbol
                   :type        :text
                   :placeholder "Collectible symbol"
                   :suggestions status/asset-selector}
                  {:id          :token
                   :type        :number
                   :placeholder "Collectible token"
                   :suggestions status/token-selector}]}}


Extensions are identified by a URI and can be loaded in status via a universal link.

Currently only GitHub gist is supported as provider.

A universal link pointing to an extension would then look like:


The simplest option is to scan a QR code pointing to your extension. You can also navigate to status user profile and open the Extensions item in the Advanced section. This option is only available in developer mode.

Once loaded, details about an extension are available. An extension can then be installed. Once installed all hooks are active. Any extension can then be deactivated or re-activated. Associated hooks will then be removed/added from Status.

You can now use your new extension from within a 1-1 chat!

collectibles in chat

Full extension code

{meta {:name          "Collectibles"
       :description   "Demonstration of collectible command"
       :documentation "Some nice documentation"}

 (let [{{{symbol :symbol token :token tx-hash :tx-hash} :params} :content outgoing :outgoing timestamp-str :timestamp-str} properties
        collectible-token [get-collectible-token {:symbol symbol :token token}]
    [view {:flex-direction :column
           :align-items    :flex-start}
    [status/nft-token collectible-token]
    [view {:color          (if outgoing "#707caf" "#939ba1")
           :margin-top     6
           :font-size      12
           :flex-direction :row}
    [text "Sent at "]
    [text timestamp-str]]
    [status/send-status {:tx-hash tx-hash :outgoing outgoing}]])

 (let [{{{symbol :symbol} :params} :content outgoing :outgoing} properties]
   [view {:flex-direction :row
          :align-items    :flex-start}
     [text (if outgoing "Sent " "Received ")]
     [text symbol]])

{:scope         #{:personal-chats}
 :preview       preview
 :short-preview short-preview
 :parameters    [{:id          :symbol
                  :type        :text
                  :placeholder "Collectible symbol"
                  :suggestions status/asset-selector}
                 {:id          :token
                  :type        :number
                  :placeholder "Collectible token"
                  :suggestions status/token-selector}]}}