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synced 2025-02-20 17:58:09 +00:00
The current implementation of the site builder requires content repo to be submited as a zip file for production using env vars `CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE=git` and `CONTENT_SOURCE_URL=repo-link.zip` which is not considered a best practice. Due to this, a race condition may occur during the build process if another commit is made while the build is in progress which may lead a security flow. To work around this,first, we checkout into `src` using `checkoutToSubdirectory('src')`. Then, we use `local_folder` mode using `CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE=local_folder` and `CONTENT_SOURCE_URL=..src` env vars, just like a local develop. `local_folder` mode copies the website files from `src` into `docs` because the site builder is incapable of copying it. We checkout the builder into the `builder` directory and run the `install` and `build` commands inside of that directory. Finally, for publish stages, we copy the `out` directory into the site repo, since the out directory is in the wrong repo.
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pipeline {
agent { label 'linux' }
options {
/* Necessary for logos-side-builder local_folder source type. */
/* manage how many builds we keep */
numToKeepStr: '20',
daysToKeepStr: '30',
environment {
/* Mode of logos-site-builder for copying site source from already checked out repo.
* TODO: Avoid copying anything at all, make checkout site of into `docs` folder work. */
CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE = 'local_folder'
GIT_COMMITTER_NAME = 'status-im-auto'
GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL = 'auto@status.im'
/* dev page settings */
DEV_SITE = 'dev.waku.org'
DEV_HOST = 'jenkins@node-01.do-ams3.sites.misc.statusim.net'
SCP_OPTS = 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
stages {
stage('Clone Builder') {
steps {
dir('builder') {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: 'v0']],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/acid-info/logos-site-builder']]])
stage('Install') {
steps {
dir('builder') {
sh 'yarn install'
stage('Build') {
steps {
dir('builder') {
sh 'yarn build'
stage('Publish Prod') {
when { expression { env.GIT_BRANCH ==~ /.*master/ } }
steps {
dir('src') {
sh 'cp -r ../builder/out ./'
sshagent(credentials: ['status-im-auto-ssh']) {
sh "ghp-import -p out"
stage('Publish Devel') {
when { expression { env.GIT_BRANCH ==~ /.*develop/ } }
steps {
dir('builder') {
sshagent(credentials: ['jenkins-ssh']) {
sh """
rsync -e 'ssh -o ${SCP_OPTS}' -r --delete out/. \
post {
cleanup { cleanWs() }