groups: - name: waku rules: - alert: HighNimWakuMemUsage expr: > nim_gc_mem_bytes{} > 1073741824 for: 5m annotations: summary: "Too high memory usage for {{ $labels.instance }}" description: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} running nim-waku has GC memory usage higher 1GB" current_value: "{{ $value }}" - record: job:waku_libp2p_peers expr: libp2p_peers{} - alert: NimWakuPeersDecrease expr: > (job:waku_libp2p_peers / avg_over_time(job:waku_libp2p_peers[12h])) < 0.50 for: 15m annotations: summary: "Drop of libp2p_peers on {{ $labels.instance }}" description: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} running nim-waku has more than 50% drop of peers compared to 12h average" current_value: "{{ $value }}"