#!/bin/sh # Check Linux Distro Version - it can differ depending on the nwaku image used OS=$(cat /etc/os-release) if echo $OS | grep -q "Debian"; then echo "The operating system is Debian." apt update apt install -y dnsutils apt install -y jq elif echo $OS | grep -q "Alpine"; then echo "The operating system is Alpine." apk add bind-tools apk add jq fi if test -f .env; then echo "Using .env file" . $(pwd)/.env fi IP=$(ip a | grep "inet " | grep -Fv | sed 's/.*inet \([^/]*\).*/\1/') # Function to extract IP address from URL, resolve the IP and replace it in the original URL get_ip_address_and_replace() { local url=$1 local domain_name=$(echo $RPC_URL | awk -F[/:] '{print $4}') local ip_address=$(dig +short $domain_name) valid_rpc_url="$(echo "$url" | sed "s/$domain_name/$ip_address/g")" echo $valid_rpc_url } # the format of the RPC URL is checked in the generateRlnKeystore command and hostnames are not valid pattern="^(https?):\/\/((localhost)|([\w_-]+(?:(?:\.[\w_-]+)+)))(:[0-9]{1,5})?([\w.,@?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&\/~+#-])*" # Perform regex matching if echo "$RPC_URL" | grep -q "$pattern"; then echo "RPC URL is valid" else echo "RPC URL is invalid: $RPC_URL. Attempting to resolve hostname." resolved_rpc_url="$(get_ip_address_and_replace $RPC_URL)" if [ -z "$resolved_rpc_url" ]; then echo -e "Failed to retrieve IP address for $RPC_URL\n" else echo -e "Resolved RPC URL for $RPC_URL: $resolved_rpc_url" RPC_URL="$resolved_rpc_url" fi fi #Function to get the index of the container and use it to retrieve a private key to be used to generate the keystore, allowing for either dash or underscore container name format (for docker-compose backward compatibility) get_private_key(){ # Read the JSON file json_content=$(cat /shared/anvil-config.txt) # Check if json_content has a value if [ -z "$json_content" ]; then echo "Error: Failed to read the JSON file or the file is empty." >&2 return 1 fi # Extract private_keys json array using jq private_keys=$(echo "$json_content" | jq -r '.private_keys[]') CNTR=`dig -x $IP +short | cut -d'.' -f1` INDEX=`echo $CNTR | sed 's/.*[-_]\([0-9]*\)/\1/'` if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$INDEX" ]; then echo "Error: Failed to determine the replica index from IP." >&2 return 1 fi # iterate through list of private keys and get the one corresponding to the container index # we need to iterate because array objects cannot be used in /bin/ash (Alpine) and a separate script would need to be called to use bash current_index=1 for key in $private_keys do if [ $current_index -eq $INDEX ]; then pk=$key echo $key break fi current_index=$((current_index+1)) done if [ -z "$pk" ]; then echo "Error: Failed to get private key for the container with index=$INDEX." >&2 return 1 fi } if test -f .$RLN_CREDENTIAL_PATH; then echo "$RLN_CREDENTIAL_PATH already exists. Use it instead of creating a new one." else private_key="$(get_private_key)" echo "Private key: $private_key" echo "Generating RLN keystore" /usr/bin/wakunode generateRlnKeystore \ --rln-relay-eth-client-address="$RPC_URL" \ --rln-relay-eth-private-key=$private_key \ --rln-relay-eth-contract-address=$RLN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS \ --rln-relay-cred-path=$RLN_CREDENTIAL_PATH \ --rln-relay-cred-password=$RLN_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD \ --rln-relay-user-message-limit=$RLN_RELAY_MSG_LIMIT \ --rln-relay-epoch-sec=$RLN_RELAY_EPOCH_SEC \ --log-level=DEBUG \ --execute fi echo "I am a nwaku node" RETRIES=${RETRIES:=10} while [ -z "${BOOTSTRAP_ENR}" ] && [ ${RETRIES} -ge 0 ]; do BOOTSTRAP_ENR=$(wget -qO- http://bootstrap:8645/debug/v1/info --header='Content-Type:application/json' 2> /dev/null | sed 's/.*"enrUri":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/'); echo "Bootstrap node not ready, retrying (retries left: ${RETRIES})" sleep 1 RETRIES=$(( $RETRIES - 1 )) done if [ -z "${BOOTSTRAP_ENR}" ]; then echo "Could not get BOOTSTRAP_ENR and none provided. Failing" exit 1 fi echo "Using bootstrap node: ${BOOTSTRAP_ENR}" exec /usr/bin/wakunode\ --relay=true\ --lightpush=true\ --max-connections=250\ --rest=true\ --rest-address=\ --rest-port=8645\ --rln-relay=true\ --rln-relay-dynamic=true\ --rln-relay-eth-client-address="$RPC_URL"\ --rln-relay-eth-contract-address=$RLN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS\ --rln-relay-cred-path=$RLN_CREDENTIAL_PATH\ --rln-relay-cred-password=$RLN_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD\ --rln-relay-tree-path="rlnv2_tree1"\ --rln-relay-epoch-sec=$RLN_RELAY_EPOCH_SEC\ --rln-relay-user-message-limit=$RLN_RELAY_MSG_LIMIT\ --dns-discovery=true\ --discv5-discovery=true\ --discv5-enr-auto-update=True\ --log-level=DEBUG\ --metrics-server=True\ --metrics-server-address=\ --discv5-bootstrap-node=${BOOTSTRAP_ENR}\ --nat=extip:${IP}\ --pubsub-topic=/waku/2/rs/66/0\ --cluster-id=66