import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View, Text } from 'react-native'; import { defaultPubsubTopic, newNode, start, isStarted, stop, peerID, relayEnoughPeers, listenAddresses, connect, peerCnt, peers, relayPublish, relayUnsubscribe, relaySubscribe, WakuMessage, onMessage, StoreQuery, storeQuery, Config, FilterSubscription, ContentFilter, filterSubscribe, } from '@waku/react-native'; export default function App() { const [result, setResult] = React.useState(); React.useEffect(() => { (async () => { const nodeStarted = await isStarted(); if (!nodeStarted) { await newNode(null); await start(); } console.log('The node ID:', await peerID()); await relaySubscribe(); onMessage((event) => { setResult( 'Message received: ' + event.wakuMessage.timestamp + ' - payload:[' + event.wakuMessage.payload + ']' ); console.log('Message received: ', event); }); console.log('enoughPeers?', await relayEnoughPeers()); console.log('addresses', await listenAddresses()); console.log('connecting...'); try { await connect( '/dns4/', 5000 ); } catch (err) { console.log('Could not connect to peers'); } try { await connect( '/dns4/', 5000 ); } catch (err) { console.log('Could not connect to peers'); } console.log('connected!'); console.log('PeerCNT', await peerCnt()); console.log('Peers', await peers()); let msg = new WakuMessage(); msg.contentTopic = 'ABC'; msg.payload = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); msg.timestamp = new Date(); msg.version = 0; let messageID = await relayPublish(msg); console.log('The messageID', messageID); // TO RETRIEVE HISTORIC MESSAGES: console.log('Retrieving messages from store node'); const query = new StoreQuery(); query.contentFilters.push(new ContentFilter('ABC')); const queryResult = await storeQuery( query, '16Uiu2HAkvWiyFsgRhuJEb9JfjYxEkoHLgnUQmr1N5mKWnYjxYRVm' ); console.log(queryResult); // USING FILTER INSTEAD OF RELAY: // Instantiate the node passing these parameters: // let config = new Config(); // config.relay = false; // config.filter = true; // newNode(config}) /* const filterSubs = new FilterSubscription(); filterSubs.contentFilters.push(new ContentFilter("/toy-chat/2/luzhou/proto")) await filterSubscribe(filterSubs, "16Uiu2HAkvWiyFsgRhuJEb9JfjYxEkoHLgnUQmr1N5mKWnYjxYRVm") */ // console.log("Unsubscribing and stopping node...") // await relayUnsubscribe(); // await stop(); // TODO: This must be called only once })(); defaultPubsubTopic().then(setResult); }, []); return ( {result} ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, box: { width: 60, height: 60, marginVertical: 20, }, });