2024-05-28 16:50:14 +03:00
import pytest
from src.env_vars import NODE_2
from src.libs.common import to_base64
from src.libs.custom_logger import get_custom_logger
from src.steps.store import StepsStore
from src.test_data import SAMPLE_INPUTS
logger = get_custom_logger(__name__)
@pytest.mark.xfail("go-waku" in NODE_2, reason="Bug reported: https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/issues/1109")
class TestHashes(StepsStore):
def test_store_with_hashes(self):
message_hash_list = []
for payload in SAMPLE_INPUTS:
message = self.create_message(payload=to_base64(payload["value"]))
message_hash_list.append(self.compute_message_hash(self.test_pubsub_topic, message))
for node in self.store_nodes:
for message_hash in message_hash_list:
store_response = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes=message_hash, page_size=50)
assert len(store_response.messages) == 1
assert store_response.message_hash(0) == message_hash
def test_store_with_multiple_hashes(self):
message_hash_list = []
for payload in SAMPLE_INPUTS:
message = self.create_message(payload=to_base64(payload["value"]))
message_hash_list.append(self.compute_message_hash(self.test_pubsub_topic, message))
for node in self.store_nodes:
store_response = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes=f"{message_hash_list[0]},{message_hash_list[4]}", page_size=50)
assert len(store_response.messages) == 2
assert store_response.message_hash(0) == message_hash_list[0], "Incorrect messaged filtered based on multiple hashes"
assert store_response.message_hash(1) == message_hash_list[4], "Incorrect messaged filtered based on multiple hashes"
def test_store_with_wrong_hash(self):
for i in range(4):
wrong_hash = self.compute_message_hash(self.test_pubsub_topic, self.create_message(payload=to_base64("test")))
for node in self.store_nodes:
store_response = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes=wrong_hash, page_size=50)
assert not store_response.messages, "Messages found"
def test_store_with_invalid_hash(self):
for i in range(4):
invalid_hash = to_base64("test")
for node in self.store_nodes:
store_response = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes=invalid_hash, page_size=50)
assert not store_response.messages
except Exception as ex:
assert "waku message hash parsing error: invalid hash length" in str(ex)
def test_store_with_non_base64_hash(self):
for i in range(4):
non_base64_hash = "test"
for node in self.store_nodes:
store_response = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes=non_base64_hash, page_size=50)
assert not store_response.messages
except Exception as ex:
assert "waku message hash parsing error: invalid hash length" in str(ex)
2024-09-20 14:15:34 +05:30
# Addon on Test
# Test when the hashes parameter is an empty string.
def test_store_with_empty_hashes(self):
for i in range(4):
# Test with an empty string for the hashes parameter
for node in self.store_nodes:
store_response = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes="", page_size=50)
assert len(store_response.messages) == 4, "Messages found"
# Test when the hash is longer than the valid length (e.g., 45 characters or more).
def test_store_with_excessive_length_hash(self):
excessive_length_hash = "A" * 50 # Exceeds valid length of 44 characters for a Base64-encoded hash
for i in range(4):
for node in self.store_nodes:
store_response = self.get_store_messages_with_errors(node, hashes=excessive_length_hash, page_size=50)
# Check if the response has a "messages" key and if it's empty
assert "messages" not in store_response, "Messages found for an excessive length hash"
# Test the behavior when you supply an empty hash alongside valid hashes.
def test_store_with_empty_and_valid_hash(self):
message_hash_list = []
for i in range(4):
message = self.create_message(payload=to_base64(f"Message_{i}"))
message_hash_list.append(self.compute_message_hash(self.test_pubsub_topic, message))
empty_hash = ""
for node in self.store_nodes:
# Combining valid hash with an empty hash
store_response = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes=f"{message_hash_list[0]},{empty_hash}", page_size=50)
assert len(store_response.messages) == 1, "Message count mismatch with empty and valid hashes"
except Exception as ex:
assert "waku message hash parsing error" in str(ex), "Unexpected error for combined empty and valid hash"
# Test for hashes that include non-Base64 characters.
def test_store_with_non_base64_characters_in_hash(self):
non_base64_hash = "###INVALID###" # Invalid hash with non-Base64 characters
for i in range(4):
for node in self.store_nodes:
store_response = self.get_store_messages_with_errors(node, hashes=non_base64_hash, page_size=50)
assert (
"waku message hash parsing error: Incorrect base64 string" in store_response["error_message"]
), f"Expected 'Incorrect base64 string' error, got {store_response['error_message']}"
# Test when duplicate valid hashes are provided.
def test_store_with_duplicate_hashes(self):
message_hash_list = []
for i in range(4):
message = self.create_message(payload=to_base64(f"Message_{i}"))
message_hash_list.append(self.compute_message_hash(self.test_pubsub_topic, message))
# Use the same hash twice
duplicate_hash = f"{message_hash_list[0]},{message_hash_list[0]}"
for node in self.store_nodes:
store_response = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes=duplicate_hash, page_size=50)
assert len(store_response.messages) == 1, "Expected only one message for duplicate hashes"
assert store_response.message_hash(0) == message_hash_list[0], "Incorrect message returned for duplicate hashes"
# Invalid Query Parameter (hash) for Hashes
def test_invalid_hash_param(self):
# Publish 4 messages
published_messages = []
for i in range(4):
message = self.create_message(payload=to_base64(f"Message_{i}"))
for node in self.store_nodes:
# Step 1: Request messages with the correct 'hashes' parameter
correct_hash = self.compute_message_hash(self.test_pubsub_topic, published_messages[2])
store_response_valid = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hashes=correct_hash)
assert store_response_valid.status_code == 200, "Expected 200 response with correct 'hashes' parameter"
assert len(store_response_valid.messages) == 1, "Expected exactly one message in the response"
assert store_response_valid is not None and store_response_valid.messages, "Store response is None or has no messages"
assert store_response_valid.messages[0]["messageHash"] == correct_hash, "Returned message hash does not match the expected hash"
# Step 2: Attempt to use the invalid 'hash' parameter (expect all messages to be returned)
store_response_invalid = self.get_messages_from_store(node, hash=correct_hash)
assert store_response_invalid.status_code == 200, "Expected 200 response with invalid 'hash' parameter"
assert len(store_response_invalid.messages) == 4, "Expected all messages to be returned since 'hash' filter is ignored"
# Collect the hashes of all published messages
if store_response_invalid is not None and store_response_invalid.messages:
expected_hashes = [msg["messageHash"] for msg in store_response_invalid.messages]
returned_hashes = [msg["messageHash"] for msg in store_response_invalid.messages]
expected_hashes = []
returned_hashes = []
print("expected_hashes: ", expected_hashes)
print("returned_hashes: ", returned_hashes)
assert set(returned_hashes) == set(expected_hashes), "Returned message hashes do not match the expected hashes"