Waku Specifications
Waku builds a family of privacy-preserving, censorship-resistant communication protocols for web3 applications. This repository contain specification from contributors wanting to imporve Waku protocols.
Relvant Waku resouces related to the specifications located in this repository:
Contributions are welcome from any party. Contributors can create specifcations relating to the Waku domain and create a pull request to begin discussion. There is no format/template for accepted specifications to the Waku RFC.
New specifications are considered a proof of concept, once a rough consensus is reached towards stabilzition, the specification may be considered to receive the draft status and further discussion will continue on the Vac RFC-Index repository.
NOTE: Specifications located in this repository should be considered not production ready. Discussion should be conducted with the intention of maturing each specifications.
Head over to the Vac RFC-Index repository where other Waku specifcations live.