The Waku Team is currently split in the following subteams:
- Waku Research
- Waku Development (nwaku, js-waku, go-waku)
- Waku Eco Dev (DevRel, Docs)
## Work Tracking and Reporting Guidelines
### Requirements
The current reporting requirements are 2 folds:
#### 1. Weekly Reporting
Weekly reporting by subteam of progress on milestones. See as the initiating document
#### 2. Monthly Reporting
Monthly reporting is currently done in a private Google Sheet and has the following sections:
- Progress on yearly milestones (10 milestones as defined in, now marked as _Epics_).
- Key achievements/highlights of previous month
- Planned achievement for next month
- RAID: Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies
- Identified Market Opportunities
The Google Sheet will soon be replaced by a dashboard that extract data using GitHub with the ability to organise the data by epic using GitHub labels.
### Terminology
| Name | Number of | Timeframe | Team Scope | Description |
| Priority Track | 3-5 | Set yearly | Whole Team | Focus set for the year, must be aligned with Logos Collective's priorities. |
| Epic | 2-3 per _Priority Track_, total<=10 | Set yearly, delivered quarterly-ish | Several subteams | Identified deliverables for each _Priority Track_. |
| Milestone | Some per Epic | Set quarterly-ish, delivered monthly | One subteam | Steps to deliver an _Epic_. |
| Task | Many per Milestone | Set monthly-ish, delivered weekly | One individual | Smallest chunk of work to be delivered. |
### GitHub Usage
For each:
- _Epic_, there is a GH issue under the repo.
- _Epic_, there is a label with format `E:<year>-<epic title>` created across all relevant repos.
- _Milestone_, there is a GH issue under the relevant repo with related _Epic_ label and `milestone` label assigned.
- _Task_, there is a GH issue and/or pull request under the relevant repo with related _Epic_ label.
Hence, correct _Epic_ label must be assigned to all GH issues/pull requests representing a _Milestone_ or _Task_.
This will enable the usage of the new reporting dashboard and reduce manual maintenance.
Ideally, every:
- _Epic_ GH issue contains a list of planned _Milestones_.
- _Milestone_ GH issue contains list of planned and completed _Tasks_.