Simon-Pierre Vivier f54ba10bc7
chore(archive): archive and drivers refactor (#2761)
* queue driver refactor (#2753)
* chore(archive): archive refactor (#2752)
* chore(archive): sqlite driver refactor (#2754)
* chore(archive): postgres driver refactor (#2755)
* chore(archive): renaming & copies (#2751)
* posgres legacy: stop using the storedAt field
* migration script 6: we still need the id column
  The id column is needed because it contains the message digest
  which is used in store v2, and we need to keep support to
  store v2 for a while
* legacy archive: set target migration version to 6
* waku_node: try to use wakuLegacyArchive if wakuArchive is nil
* node_factory, waku_node: mount legacy and future store simultaneously
  We want the nwaku node to simultaneously support store-v2
  requests and store-v3 requests.
  Only the legacy archive is in charge of archiving messages, and the
  archived information is suitable to fulfill both store-v2 and
  store-v3 needs.
* postgres_driver: adding temporary code until store-v2 is removed


Co-authored-by: Ivan FB <>
Co-authored-by: gabrielmer <>
Co-authored-by: Ivan Folgueira Bande <>
2024-07-12 18:19:12 +02:00

595 lines
17 KiB

{.push raises: [].}
import std/[options, sequtils], stew/byteutils, sqlite3_abi, results
import chronicles
const DbTable = "Message"
type SqlQueryStr = string
### SQLite column helper methods
proc queryRowWakuMessageCallback(
s: ptr sqlite3_stmt,
contentTopicCol, payloadCol, versionCol, timestampCol, metaCol: cint,
): WakuMessage =
topic = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(s, contentTopicCol))
topicLength = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, contentTopicCol)
contentTopic = string.fromBytes(@(toOpenArray(topic, 0, topicLength - 1)))
p = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(s, payloadCol))
m = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(s, metaCol))
payloadLength = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, payloadCol)
metaLength = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, metaCol)
payload = @(toOpenArray(p, 0, payloadLength - 1))
version = sqlite3_column_int64(s, versionCol)
timestamp = sqlite3_column_int64(s, timestampCol)
meta = @(toOpenArray(m, 0, metaLength - 1))
return WakuMessage(
contentTopic: ContentTopic(contentTopic),
payload: payload,
version: uint32(version),
timestamp: Timestamp(timestamp),
meta: meta,
proc queryRowTimestampCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt, timestampCol: cint): Timestamp =
let timestamp = sqlite3_column_int64(s, timestampCol)
return Timestamp(timestamp)
proc queryRowPubsubTopicCallback(
s: ptr sqlite3_stmt, pubsubTopicCol: cint
): PubsubTopic =
pubsubTopicPointer =
cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(s, pubsubTopicCol))
pubsubTopicLength = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, pubsubTopicCol)
pubsubTopic =
string.fromBytes(@(toOpenArray(pubsubTopicPointer, 0, pubsubTopicLength - 1)))
return pubsubTopic
proc queryRowWakuMessageHashCallback(
s: ptr sqlite3_stmt, hashCol: cint
): WakuMessageHash =
hashPointer = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(s, hashCol))
hashLength = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, hashCol)
hash = fromBytes(toOpenArray(hashPointer, 0, hashLength - 1))
return hash
### SQLite queries
## Create table
proc createTableQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " & table & " (" &
" messageHash BLOB NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," & " pubsubTopic BLOB NOT NULL," &
" contentTopic BLOB NOT NULL," & " payload BLOB," & " version INTEGER NOT NULL," &
" timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL," & " meta BLOB" & ") WITHOUT ROWID;"
proc createTable*(db: SqliteDatabase): DatabaseResult[void] =
let query = createTableQuery(DbTable)
proc(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
return ok()
## Create indices
proc createOldestMessageTimestampIndexQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_ts ON " & table & " (timestamp);"
proc createOldestMessageTimestampIndex*(db: SqliteDatabase): DatabaseResult[void] =
let query = createOldestMessageTimestampIndexQuery(DbTable)
proc(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
return ok()
## Insert message
type InsertMessageParams* =
(seq[byte], seq[byte], seq[byte], seq[byte], int64, Timestamp, seq[byte])
proc insertMessageQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
"INSERT INTO " & table &
"(messageHash, pubsubTopic, contentTopic, payload, version, timestamp, meta)" &
" VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
proc prepareInsertMessageStmt*(
db: SqliteDatabase
): SqliteStmt[InsertMessageParams, void] =
let query = insertMessageQuery(DbTable)
db.prepareStmt(query, InsertMessageParams, void).expect("this is a valid statement")
## Count table messages
proc countMessagesQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
return "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & table
proc getMessageCount*(db: SqliteDatabase): DatabaseResult[int64] =
var count: int64
proc queryRowCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
count = sqlite3_column_int64(s, 0)
let query = countMessagesQuery(DbTable)
let res = db.query(query, queryRowCallback)
if res.isErr():
return err("failed to count number of messages in the database")
return ok(count)
## Get oldest message receiver timestamp
proc selectOldestMessageTimestampQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
return "SELECT MIN(timestamp) FROM " & table
proc selectOldestTimestamp*(db: SqliteDatabase): DatabaseResult[Timestamp] {.inline.} =
var timestamp: Timestamp
proc queryRowCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
timestamp = queryRowTimestampCallback(s, 0)
let query = selectOldestMessageTimestampQuery(DbTable)
let res = db.query(query, queryRowCallback)
if res.isErr():
return err("failed to get the oldest receiver timestamp from the database")
return ok(timestamp)
## Get newest message receiver timestamp
proc selectNewestMessageTimestampQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
return "SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM " & table
proc selectNewestTimestamp*(db: SqliteDatabase): DatabaseResult[Timestamp] {.inline.} =
var timestamp: Timestamp
proc queryRowCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
timestamp = queryRowTimestampCallback(s, 0)
let query = selectNewestMessageTimestampQuery(DbTable)
let res = db.query(query, queryRowCallback)
if res.isErr():
return err("failed to get the newest receiver timestamp from the database")
return ok(timestamp)
## Delete messages older than timestamp
proc deleteMessagesOlderThanTimestampQuery(table: string, ts: Timestamp): SqlQueryStr =
return "DELETE FROM " & table & " WHERE timestamp < " & $ts
proc deleteMessagesOlderThanTimestamp*(
db: SqliteDatabase, ts: int64
): DatabaseResult[void] =
let query = deleteMessagesOlderThanTimestampQuery(DbTable, ts)
proc(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
return ok()
## Delete oldest messages not within limit
proc deleteOldestMessagesNotWithinLimitQuery(table: string, limit: int): SqlQueryStr =
"DELETE FROM " & table & " WHERE (timestamp, messageHash) NOT IN (" &
" SELECT timestamp, messageHash FROM " & table &
" ORDER BY timestamp DESC, messageHash DESC" & " LIMIT " & $limit & ");"
proc deleteOldestMessagesNotWithinLimit*(
db: SqliteDatabase, limit: int
): DatabaseResult[void] =
# NOTE: The word `limit` here refers the store capacity/maximum number-of-messages allowed limit
let query = deleteOldestMessagesNotWithinLimitQuery(DbTable, limit = limit)
proc(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
return ok()
## Select all messages
proc selectAllMessagesQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
"SELECT messageHash, pubsubTopic, contentTopic, payload, version, timestamp, meta" &
" FROM " & table & " ORDER BY timestamp ASC"
proc selectAllMessages*(
db: SqliteDatabase
): DatabaseResult[seq[(WakuMessageHash, PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)]] =
## Retrieve all messages from the store.
var rows: seq[(WakuMessageHash, PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)]
proc queryRowCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
hash = queryRowWakuMessageHashCallback(s, hashCol = 0)
pubsubTopic = queryRowPubsubTopicCallback(s, pubsubTopicCol = 1)
wakuMessage = queryRowWakuMessageCallback(
contentTopicCol = 2,
payloadCol = 3,
versionCol = 4,
timestampCol = 5,
metaCol = 6,
rows.add((hash, pubsubTopic, wakuMessage))
let query = selectAllMessagesQuery(DbTable)
db.query(query, queryRowCallback).isOkOr:
return err("select all messages failed: " & $error)
return ok(rows)
## Select all messages without data
proc selectAllMessageHashesQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
return "SELECT messageHash" & " FROM " & table & " ORDER BY timestamp ASC"
proc selectAllMessageHashes*(db: SqliteDatabase): DatabaseResult[seq[WakuMessageHash]] =
## Retrieve all messages from the store.
var rows: seq[WakuMessageHash]
proc queryRowCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
let hash = queryRowWakuMessageHashCallback(s, hashCol = 0)
let query = selectAllMessageHashesQuery(DbTable)
db.query(query, queryRowCallback).isOkOr:
return err("select all message hashes failed: " & $error)
return ok(rows)
## Select messages by history query with limit
proc combineClauses(clauses: varargs[Option[string]]): Option[string] =
let whereSeq = @clauses.filterIt(it.isSome()).mapIt(it.get())
if whereSeq.len <= 0:
return none(string)
var where: string = whereSeq[0]
for clause in whereSeq[1 ..^ 1]:
where &= " AND " & clause
return some(where)
proc prepareStmt(
db: SqliteDatabase, stmt: string
): DatabaseResult[SqliteStmt[void, void]] =
var s: RawStmtPtr
checkErr sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.env, stmt, stmt.len.cint, addr s, nil)
return ok(SqliteStmt[void, void](s))
proc execSelectMessageByHash(
s: SqliteStmt, hash: WakuMessageHash, onRowCallback: DataProc
): DatabaseResult[void] =
let s = RawStmtPtr(s)
checkErr bindParam(s, 1, toSeq(hash))
while true:
let v = sqlite3_step(s)
case v
return ok()
return err($sqlite3_errstr(v))
except Exception, CatchableError:
error "exception in execSelectMessageByHash", error = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(s) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(s) # no errors possible
proc selectTimestampByHashQuery(table: string): SqlQueryStr =
return "SELECT timestamp FROM " & table & " WHERE messageHash = (?)"
proc getCursorTimestamp(
db: SqliteDatabase, hash: WakuMessageHash
): DatabaseResult[Option[Timestamp]] =
var timestamp = none(Timestamp)
proc queryRowCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
timestamp = some(queryRowTimestampCallback(s, 0))
let query = selectTimestampByHashQuery(DbTable)
let dbStmt = ?db.prepareStmt(query)
?dbStmt.execSelectMessageByHash(hash, queryRowCallback)
return ok(timestamp)
proc whereClause(
cursor: bool,
pubsubTopic: Option[PubsubTopic],
contentTopic: seq[ContentTopic],
startTime: Option[Timestamp],
endTime: Option[Timestamp],
hashes: seq[WakuMessageHash],
ascending: bool,
): Option[string] =
let cursorClause =
if cursor:
let comp = if ascending: ">" else: "<"
some("(timestamp, messageHash) " & comp & " (?, ?)")
let pubsubTopicClause =
if pubsubTopic.isNone():
some("pubsubTopic = (?)")
let contentTopicClause =
if contentTopic.len <= 0:
var where = "contentTopic IN ("
where &= "?"
for _ in 1 ..< contentTopic.len:
where &= ", ?"
where &= ")"
let startTimeClause =
if startTime.isNone():
some("timestamp >= (?)")
let endTimeClause =
if endTime.isNone():
some("timestamp <= (?)")
let hashesClause =
if hashes.len <= 0:
var where = "messageHash IN ("
where &= "?"
for _ in 1 ..< hashes.len:
where &= ", ?"
where &= ")"
return combineClauses(
cursorClause, pubsubTopicClause, contentTopicClause, startTimeClause, endTimeClause,
proc execSelectMessagesWithLimitStmt(
s: SqliteStmt,
cursor: Option[(Timestamp, WakuMessageHash)],
pubsubTopic: Option[PubsubTopic],
contentTopic: seq[ContentTopic],
startTime: Option[Timestamp],
endTime: Option[Timestamp],
hashes: seq[WakuMessageHash],
onRowCallback: DataProc,
): DatabaseResult[void] =
let s = RawStmtPtr(s)
# Bind params
var paramIndex = 1
if cursor.isSome():
let (time, hash) = cursor.get()
checkErr bindParam(s, paramIndex, time)
paramIndex += 1
checkErr bindParam(s, paramIndex, toSeq(hash))
paramIndex += 1
if pubsubTopic.isSome():
let pubsubTopic = toBytes(pubsubTopic.get())
checkErr bindParam(s, paramIndex, pubsubTopic)
paramIndex += 1
for topic in contentTopic:
checkErr bindParam(s, paramIndex, topic.toBytes())
paramIndex += 1
for hash in hashes:
checkErr bindParam(s, paramIndex, toSeq(hash))
paramIndex += 1
if startTime.isSome():
let time = startTime.get()
checkErr bindParam(s, paramIndex, time)
paramIndex += 1
if endTime.isSome():
let time = endTime.get()
checkErr bindParam(s, paramIndex, time)
paramIndex += 1
while true:
let v = sqlite3_step(s)
case v
return ok()
return err($sqlite3_errstr(v))
except Exception, CatchableError:
error "exception in execSelectMessagesWithLimitStmt",
error = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(s) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(s) # no errors possible
proc selectMessagesWithLimitQuery(
table: string, where: Option[string], limit: uint, ascending = true
): SqlQueryStr =
let order = if ascending: "ASC" else: "DESC"
var query: string
query =
"SELECT messageHash, pubsubTopic, contentTopic, payload, version, timestamp, meta"
query &= " FROM " & table
if where.isSome():
query &= " WHERE " & where.get()
query &= " ORDER BY timestamp " & order & ", messageHash " & order
query &= " LIMIT " & $limit & ";"
return query
proc selectMessageHashesWithLimitQuery(
table: string, where: Option[string], limit: uint, ascending = true
): SqlQueryStr =
let order = if ascending: "ASC" else: "DESC"
var query = "SELECT messageHash FROM " & table
if where.isSome():
query &= " WHERE " & where.get()
query &= " ORDER BY timestamp " & order & ", messageHash " & order
query &= " LIMIT " & $limit & ";"
return query
proc selectMessagesByStoreQueryWithLimit*(
db: SqliteDatabase,
contentTopic: seq[ContentTopic],
pubsubTopic: Option[PubsubTopic],
cursor: Option[WakuMessageHash],
startTime: Option[Timestamp],
endTime: Option[Timestamp],
hashes: seq[WakuMessageHash],
limit: uint,
ascending: bool,
): DatabaseResult[seq[(WakuMessageHash, PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)]] =
var timeCursor = none((Timestamp, WakuMessageHash))
if cursor.isSome():
let hash: WakuMessageHash = cursor.get()
let timeOpt = ?getCursorTimestamp(db, hash)
if timeOpt.isNone():
return err("cursor not found")
timeCursor = some((timeOpt.get(), hash))
var rows: seq[(WakuMessageHash, PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)] = @[]
proc queryRowCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
hash = queryRowWakuMessageHashCallback(s, hashCol = 0)
pubsubTopic = queryRowPubsubTopicCallback(s, pubsubTopicCol = 1)
message = queryRowWakuMessageCallback(
contentTopicCol = 2,
payloadCol = 3,
versionCol = 4,
timestampCol = 5,
metaCol = 6,
rows.add((hash, pubsubTopic, message))
let where = whereClause(
let query = selectMessagesWithLimitQuery(DbTable, where, limit, ascending)
let dbStmt = ?db.prepareStmt(query)
timeCursor, pubsubTopic, contentTopic, startTime, endTime, hashes, queryRowCallback
return ok(rows)
proc selectMessageHashesByStoreQueryWithLimit*(
db: SqliteDatabase,
contentTopic: seq[ContentTopic],
pubsubTopic: Option[PubsubTopic],
cursor: Option[WakuMessageHash],
startTime: Option[Timestamp],
endTime: Option[Timestamp],
hashes: seq[WakuMessageHash],
limit: uint,
ascending: bool,
): DatabaseResult[seq[(WakuMessageHash, PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)]] =
var timeCursor = none((Timestamp, WakuMessageHash))
if cursor.isSome():
let hash: WakuMessageHash = cursor.get()
let timeOpt = ?getCursorTimestamp(db, hash)
if timeOpt.isNone():
return err("cursor not found")
timeCursor = some((timeOpt.get(), hash))
var rows: seq[(WakuMessageHash, PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)] = @[]
proc queryRowCallback(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
let hash = queryRowWakuMessageHashCallback(s, hashCol = 0)
rows.add((hash, "", WakuMessage()))
let where = whereClause(
let query = selectMessageHashesWithLimitQuery(DbTable, where, limit, ascending)
let dbStmt = ?db.prepareStmt(query)
timeCursor, pubsubTopic, contentTopic, startTime, endTime, hashes, queryRowCallback
return ok(rows)