
247 lines
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{.push raises: [Defect, Exception].}
std/[options, sets, sequtils, times],
chronos, chronicles, metrics,
export waku_peer_store
declareCounter waku_peers_dials, "Number of peer dials", ["outcome"]
declarePublicGauge waku_peers_errors, "Number of peer manager errors", ["type"]
topics = "wakupeers"
PeerManager* = ref object of RootObj
switch*: Switch
peerStore*: WakuPeerStore
storage: PeerStorage
defaultDialTimeout = chronos.minutes(1) # @TODO should this be made configurable?
# Helper functions #
proc toPeerInfo(storedInfo: StoredInfo): PeerInfo =
PeerInfo.init(peerId = storedInfo.peerId,
addrs = toSeq(storedInfo.addrs),
protocols = toSeq(storedInfo.protos))
proc insertOrReplace(ps: PeerStorage,
peerId: PeerID,
storedInfo: StoredInfo, connectedness: Connectedness, disconnectTime: int64 = 0) =
# Insert peer entry into persistent storage, or replace existing entry with updated info
let res = ps.put(peerId, storedInfo, connectedness, disconnectTime)
if res.isErr:
warn "failed to store peers", err = res.error
waku_peers_errors.inc(labelValues = ["storage_failure"])
proc dialPeer(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerID,
addrs: seq[MultiAddress], proto: string,
dialTimeout = defaultDialTimeout): Future[Option[Connection]] {.async.} =
info "Dialing peer from manager", wireAddr = addrs[0], peerId = peerId
# Dial Peer
let dialFut = pm.switch.dial(peerId, addrs, proto)
# Attempt to dial remote peer
if (await dialFut.withTimeout(dialTimeout)):
waku_peers_dials.inc(labelValues = ["successful"])
return some(dialFut.read())
# @TODO any redial attempts?
debug "Dialing remote peer timed out"
waku_peers_dials.inc(labelValues = ["timeout"])
pm.peerStore.connectionBook.set(peerId, CannotConnect)
if not pm.storage.isNil:
pm.storage.insertOrReplace(peerId, pm.peerStore.get(peerId), CannotConnect)
return none(Connection)
except CatchableError as e:
# @TODO any redial attempts?
debug "Dialing remote peer failed", msg = e.msg
waku_peers_dials.inc(labelValues = ["failed"])
pm.peerStore.connectionBook.set(peerId, CannotConnect)
if not pm.storage.isNil:
pm.storage.insertOrReplace(peerId, pm.peerStore.get(peerId), CannotConnect)
return none(Connection)
proc loadFromStorage(pm: PeerManager) =
# Load peers from storage, if available
proc onData(peerId: PeerID, storedInfo: StoredInfo, connectedness: Connectedness, disconnectTime: int64) =
if peerId == pm.switch.peerInfo.peerId:
# Do not manage self
pm.peerStore.addressBook.set(peerId, storedInfo.addrs)
pm.peerStore.protoBook.set(peerId, storedInfo.protos)
pm.peerStore.keyBook.set(peerId, storedInfo.publicKey)
pm.peerStore.connectionBook.set(peerId, NotConnected) # Reset connectedness state
pm.peerStore.disconnectBook.set(peerId, disconnectTime)
let res = pm.storage.getAll(onData)
if res.isErr:
warn "failed to load peers from storage", err = res.error
waku_peers_errors.inc(labelValues = ["storage_load_failure"])
# Initialisation #
proc onConnEvent(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerID, event: ConnEvent) {.async.} =
case event.kind
of ConnEventKind.Connected:
pm.peerStore.connectionBook.set(peerId, Connected)
if not pm.storage.isNil:
pm.storage.insertOrReplace(peerId, pm.peerStore.get(peerId), Connected)
of ConnEventKind.Disconnected:
pm.peerStore.connectionBook.set(peerId, CanConnect)
if not pm.storage.isNil:
pm.storage.insertOrReplace(peerId, pm.peerStore.get(peerId), CanConnect, getTime().toUnix)
proc new*(T: type PeerManager, switch: Switch, storage: PeerStorage = nil): PeerManager =
let pm = PeerManager(switch: switch,
peerStore: WakuPeerStore.new(),
storage: storage)
proc peerHook(peerId: PeerID, event: ConnEvent): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
onConnEvent(pm, peerId, event)
pm.switch.addConnEventHandler(peerHook, ConnEventKind.Connected)
pm.switch.addConnEventHandler(peerHook, ConnEventKind.Disconnected)
if not storage.isNil:
pm.loadFromStorage() # Load previously managed peers.
return pm
# Manager interface #
proc peers*(pm: PeerManager): seq[StoredInfo] =
# Return the known info for all peers
proc peers*(pm: PeerManager, proto: string): seq[StoredInfo] =
# Return the known info for all peers registered on the specified protocol
proc connectedness*(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerId): Connectedness =
# Return the connection state of the given, managed peer
# @TODO the PeerManager should keep and update local connectedness state for peers, redial on disconnect, etc.
# @TODO richer return than just bool, e.g. add enum "CanConnect", "CannotConnect", etc. based on recent connection attempts
let storedInfo = pm.peerStore.get(peerId)
if (storedInfo == StoredInfo()):
# Peer is not managed, therefore not connected
return NotConnected
proc hasPeer*(pm: PeerManager, peerInfo: PeerInfo, proto: string): bool =
# Returns `true` if peer is included in manager for the specified protocol
proc hasPeers*(pm: PeerManager, proto: string): bool =
# Returns `true` if manager has any peers for the specified protocol
proc addPeer*(pm: PeerManager, peerInfo: PeerInfo, proto: string) =
# Adds peer to manager for the specified protocol
if peerInfo.peerId == pm.switch.peerInfo.peerId:
# Do not attempt to manage our unmanageable self
debug "Adding peer to manager", peerId = peerInfo.peerId, addr = peerInfo.addrs[0], proto = proto
# ...known addresses
for multiaddr in peerInfo.addrs:
pm.peerStore.addressBook.add(peerInfo.peerId, multiaddr)
# ...public key
var publicKey: PublicKey
discard peerInfo.peerId.extractPublicKey(publicKey)
pm.peerStore.keyBook.set(peerInfo.peerId, publicKey)
# ...associated protocols
pm.peerStore.protoBook.add(peerInfo.peerId, proto)
# Add peer to storage. Entry will subsequently be updated with connectedness information
if not pm.storage.isNil:
pm.storage.insertOrReplace(peerInfo.peerId, pm.peerStore.get(peerInfo.peerId), NotConnected)
proc selectPeer*(pm: PeerManager, proto: string): Option[PeerInfo] =
# Selects the best peer for a given protocol
let peers = pm.peers.filterIt(it.protos.contains(proto))
if peers.len >= 1:
# @TODO proper heuristic here that compares peer scores and selects "best" one. For now the first peer for the given protocol is returned
let peerStored = peers[0]
return some(peerStored.toPeerInfo())
return none(PeerInfo)
proc reconnectPeers*(pm: PeerManager, proto: string, backoff: chronos.Duration = chronos.seconds(0)) {.async.} =
## Reconnect to peers registered for this protocol. This will update connectedness.
## Especially useful to resume connections from persistent storage after a restart.
debug "Reconnecting peers", proto=proto
for storedInfo in pm.peers(proto):
# Check if peer is reachable.
if pm.peerStore.connectionBook.get(storedInfo.peerId) == CannotConnect:
debug "Not reconnecting to unreachable peer", peerId=storedInfo.peerId
# Respect optional backoff period where applicable.
disconnectTime = Moment.init(pm.peerStore.disconnectBook.get(storedInfo.peerId), Second) # Convert
currentTime = Moment.init(getTime().toUnix, Second) # Current time comparable to persisted value
backoffTime = disconnectTime + backoff - currentTime # Consider time elapsed since last disconnect
trace "Respecting backoff", backoff=backoff, disconnectTime=disconnectTime, currentTime=currentTime, backoffTime=backoffTime
if backoffTime > ZeroDuration:
debug "Backing off before reconnect...", peerId=storedInfo.peerId, backoffTime=backoffTime
# We disconnected recently and still need to wait for a backoff period before connecting
await sleepAsync(backoffTime)
trace "Reconnecting to peer", peerId=storedInfo.peerId
discard await pm.dialPeer(storedInfo.peerId, toSeq(storedInfo.addrs), proto)
# Dialer interface #
proc dialPeer*(pm: PeerManager, peerInfo: PeerInfo, proto: string, dialTimeout = defaultDialTimeout): Future[Option[Connection]] {.async.} =
# Dial a given peer and add it to the list of known peers
# @TODO check peer validity and score before continuing. Limit number of peers to be managed.
# First add dialed peer info to peer store, if it does not exist yet...
if not pm.hasPeer(peerInfo, proto):
trace "Adding newly dialed peer to manager", peerId = peerInfo.peerId, addr = peerInfo.addrs[0], proto = proto
pm.addPeer(peerInfo, proto)
if peerInfo.peerId == pm.switch.peerInfo.peerId:
# Do not attempt to dial self
return none(Connection)
return await pm.dialPeer(peerInfo.peerId, peerInfo.addrs, proto, dialTimeout)