mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 07:20:54 +00:00
382 lines
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when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
std/[sequtils, strutils, options, sets],
eth/keys as eth_keys,
export protocol, waku_enr
declarePublicGauge waku_discv5_discovered, "number of nodes discovered"
declarePublicGauge waku_discv5_errors, "number of waku discv5 errors", ["type"]
topics = "waku discv5"
## Config
type WakuDiscoveryV5Config* = object
discv5Config*: Option[DiscoveryConfig]
address*: ValidIpAddress
port*: Port
privateKey*: eth_keys.PrivateKey
bootstrapRecords*: seq[waku_enr.Record]
autoupdateRecord*: bool
## Protocol
type WakuDiscv5Predicate* = proc(record: waku_enr.Record): bool {.closure, gcsafe, raises: [].}
type WakuDiscoveryV5* = ref object
conf: WakuDiscoveryV5Config
protocol*: protocol.Protocol
listening*: bool
predicate: Option[WakuDiscv5Predicate]
proc shardingPredicate*(record: Record): Option[WakuDiscv5Predicate] =
## Filter peers based on relay sharding information
let typeRecordRes = record.toTyped()
let typedRecord =
if typeRecordRes.isErr():
debug "peer filtering failed", reason= $typeRecordRes.error
return none(WakuDiscv5Predicate)
else: typeRecordRes.get()
let nodeShardOp = typedRecord.relaySharding()
let nodeShard =
if nodeShardOp.isNone():
debug "no relay sharding information, peer filtering disabled"
return none(WakuDiscv5Predicate)
else: nodeShardOp.get()
debug "peer filtering updated"
let predicate = proc(record: waku_enr.Record): bool =
nodeShard.indices.anyIt(record.containsShard(nodeShard.cluster, it))
return some(predicate)
proc new*(
T: type WakuDiscoveryV5,
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext,
conf: WakuDiscoveryV5Config,
record: Option[waku_enr.Record]
): T =
let shardPredOp =
if record.isSome(): shardingPredicate(record.get())
else: none(WakuDiscv5Predicate)
var bootstrapRecords = conf.bootstrapRecords
# Remove bootstrap nodes with which we don't share shards.
if shardPredOp.isSome():
if conf.bootstrapRecords.len > 0 and bootstrapRecords.len == 0:
warn "No discv5 bootstrap nodes share this node configured shards"
let protocol = newProtocol(
rng = rng,
config = conf.discv5Config.get(protocol.defaultDiscoveryConfig),
bindPort = conf.port,
bindIp = conf.address,
privKey = conf.privateKey,
bootstrapRecords = bootstrapRecords,
enrAutoUpdate = conf.autoupdateRecord,
previousRecord = record,
enrIp = none(ValidIpAddress),
enrTcpPort = none(Port),
enrUdpPort = none(Port),
WakuDiscoveryV5(conf: conf, protocol: protocol, listening: false, predicate: shardPredOp)
proc new*(T: type WakuDiscoveryV5,
extIp: Option[ValidIpAddress],
extTcpPort: Option[Port],
extUdpPort: Option[Port],
bindIP: ValidIpAddress,
discv5UdpPort: Port,
bootstrapEnrs = newSeq[enr.Record](),
enrAutoUpdate = false,
privateKey: eth_keys.PrivateKey,
flags: CapabilitiesBitfield,
multiaddrs = newSeq[MultiAddress](),
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext,
topics: seq[string],
discv5Config: protocol.DiscoveryConfig = protocol.defaultDiscoveryConfig
): T {.
deprecated: "use the config and record proc variant instead".}=
let relayShardsRes = topicsToRelayShards(topics)
let relayShard =
if relayShardsRes.isErr():
debug "pubsub topic parsing error", reason = relayShardsRes.error
else: relayShardsRes.get()
let record = block:
var builder = EnrBuilder.init(privateKey)
ipAddr = extIp,
tcpPort = extTcpPort,
udpPort = extUdpPort,
if relayShard.isSome():
let res = builder.withWakuRelaySharding(relayShard.get())
if res.isErr():
debug "building ENR with relay sharding failed", reason = res.error
debug "building ENR with relay sharding information", cluster = $relayShard.get().cluster(), shards = $relayShard.get().indices()
builder.build().expect("Record within size limits")
let conf = WakuDiscoveryV5Config(
discv5Config: some(discv5Config),
address: bindIP,
port: discv5UdpPort,
privateKey: privateKey,
bootstrapRecords: bootstrapEnrs,
autoupdateRecord: enrAutoUpdate,
WakuDiscoveryV5.new(rng, conf, some(record))
proc updateENRShards(wd: WakuDiscoveryV5,
newTopics: seq[PubsubTopic], add: bool): Result[void, string] =
## Add or remove shards from the Discv5 ENR
let newShardOp = ?topicsToRelayShards(newTopics)
let newShard =
if newShardOp.isSome():
return ok()
let typedRecordRes = wd.protocol.localNode.record.toTyped()
let typedRecord =
if typedRecordRes.isErr():
return err($typedRecordRes.error)
let currentShardsOp = typedRecord.relaySharding()
let resultShard =
if add and currentShardsOp.isSome():
let currentShard = currentShardsOp.get()
if currentShard.cluster != newShard.cluster:
return err("ENR are limited to one shard cluster")
?RelayShards.init(currentShard.cluster, currentShard.indices & newShard.indices)
elif not add and currentShardsOp.isSome():
let currentShard = currentShardsOp.get()
if currentShard.cluster != newShard.cluster:
return err("ENR are limited to one shard cluster")
let currentSet = toHashSet(currentShard.indices)
let newSet = toHashSet(newShard.indices)
let indices = toSeq(currentSet - newSet)
if indices.len == 0:
# Can't create RelayShard with no indices so update then return
let (field, value) = (ShardingIndicesListEnrField, newSeq[byte](3))
let res = wd.protocol.updateRecord([(field, value)])
if res.isErr():
return err($res.error)
return ok()
?RelayShards.init(currentShard.cluster, indices)
elif add and currentShardsOp.isNone(): newShard
else: return ok()
let (field, value) =
if resultShard.indices.len >= ShardingIndicesListMaxLength:
(ShardingBitVectorEnrField, resultShard.toBitVector())
let listRes = resultShard.toIndicesList()
let list =
if listRes.isErr():
return err($listRes.error)
(ShardingIndicesListEnrField, list)
let res = wd.protocol.updateRecord([(field, value)])
if res.isErr():
return err($res.error)
return ok()
proc findRandomPeers*(wd: WakuDiscoveryV5, overridePred = none(WakuDiscv5Predicate)): Future[seq[waku_enr.Record]] {.async.} =
## Find random peers to connect to using Discovery v5
let discoveredNodes = await wd.protocol.queryRandom()
var discoveredRecords = discoveredNodes.mapIt(it.record)
# Filter out nodes that do not match the predicate
if overridePred.isSome():
discoveredRecords = discoveredRecords.filter(overridePred.get())
elif wd.predicate.isSome():
discoveredRecords = discoveredRecords.filter(wd.predicate.get())
return discoveredRecords
#TODO abstract away PeerManager
proc searchLoop*(wd: WakuDiscoveryV5, peerManager: PeerManager) {.async.} =
## Continuously add newly discovered nodes
info "Starting discovery v5 search"
while wd.listening:
trace "running discv5 discovery loop"
let discoveredRecords = await wd.findRandomPeers()
let discoveredPeers = discoveredRecords.mapIt(it.toRemotePeerInfo()).filterIt(it.isOk()).mapIt(it.value)
for peer in discoveredPeers:
# Peers added are filtered by the peer manager
peerManager.addPeer(peer, PeerOrigin.Discv5)
# Discovery `queryRandom` can have a synchronous fast path for example
# when no peers are in the routing table. Don't run it in continuous loop.
# Also, give some time to dial the discovered nodes and update stats, etc.
await sleepAsync(5.seconds)
proc start*(wd: WakuDiscoveryV5): Result[void, string] =
if wd.listening:
return err("already listening")
info "Starting discovery v5 service"
debug "start listening on udp port", address = $wd.conf.address, port = $wd.conf.port
except CatchableError:
return err("failed to open udp port: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
wd.listening = true
trace "start discv5 service"
debug "Successfully started discovery v5 service"
info "Discv5: discoverable ENR ", enr = wd.protocol.localNode.record.toUri()
proc stop*(wd: WakuDiscoveryV5): Future[void] {.async.} =
if not wd.listening:
info "Stopping discovery v5 service"
wd.listening = false
trace "Stop listening on discv5 port"
await wd.protocol.closeWait()
debug "Successfully stopped discovery v5 service"
proc subscriptionsListener*(
wd: WakuDiscoveryV5,
topicSubscriptionQueue: AsyncEventQueue[SubscriptionEvent]
) {.async.} =
## Listen for pubsub topics subscriptions changes
let key = topicSubscriptionQueue.register()
while wd.listening:
let events = await topicSubscriptionQueue.waitEvents(key)
# Since we don't know the events we will receive we have to anticipate.
let subs = events.filterIt(it.kind == PubsubSub).mapIt(it.topic)
let unsubs = events.filterIt(it.kind == PubsubUnsub).mapIt(it.topic)
if subs.len == 0 and unsubs.len == 0:
let unsubRes = wd.updateENRShards(unsubs, false)
let subRes = wd.updateENRShards(subs, true)
if subRes.isErr():
debug "ENR shard addition failed", reason= $subRes.error
if unsubRes.isErr():
debug "ENR shard removal failed", reason= $unsubRes.error
if subRes.isErr() and unsubRes.isErr():
debug "ENR updated successfully"
wd.predicate = shardingPredicate(wd.protocol.localNode.record)
## Helper functions
proc parseBootstrapAddress(address: string): Result[enr.Record, cstring] =
address = address
if address[0] == '/':
return err("MultiAddress bootstrap addresses are not supported")
let lowerCaseAddress = toLowerAscii(address)
if lowerCaseAddress.startsWith("enr:"):
var enrRec: enr.Record
if not enrRec.fromURI(address):
return err("Invalid ENR bootstrap record")
return ok(enrRec)
elif lowerCaseAddress.startsWith("enode:"):
return err("ENode bootstrap addresses are not supported")
return err("Ignoring unrecognized bootstrap address type")
proc addBootstrapNode*(bootstrapAddr: string,
bootstrapEnrs: var seq[enr.Record]) =
# Ignore empty lines or lines starting with #
if bootstrapAddr.len == 0 or bootstrapAddr[0] == '#':
let enrRes = parseBootstrapAddress(bootstrapAddr)
if enrRes.isErr():
debug "ignoring invalid bootstrap address", reason = enrRes.error