mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 14:31:01 +00:00
472 lines
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when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
std/[tables, hashes, sequtils],
chronos, confutils, chronicles, chronicles/topics_registry, chronos/streams/tlsstream,
metrics, metrics/chronos_httpserver,
stew/shims/net as stewNet, json_rpc/rpcserver,
# Waku v1 imports
eth/[keys, p2p], eth/common/utils,
eth/p2p/[enode, peer_pool],
# Waku v2 imports
# Common cli config
declarePublicCounter waku_bridge_transfers, "Number of messages transferred between Waku v1 and v2 networks", ["type"]
declarePublicCounter waku_bridge_dropped, "Number of messages dropped", ["type"]
topics = "wakubridge"
# Default values #
ClientIdV1 = "nim-waku v1 node"
DefaultTTL = 5'u32
DeduplQSize = 20 # Maximum number of seen messages to keep in deduplication queue
ContentTopicApplication = "waku"
ContentTopicAppVersion = "1"
MaintenancePeriod = 1.minutes
TargetV1Peers = 4 # Target number of v1 connections to maintain. Could be made configurable in future.
# Types #
WakuBridge* = ref object of RootObj
nodev1*: EthereumNode
nodev2*: WakuNode
nodev2PubsubTopic: waku_message.PubsubTopic # Pubsub topic to bridge to/from
seen: seq[hashes.Hash] # FIFO queue of seen WakuMessages. Used for deduplication.
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext
v1Pool: seq[Node] # Pool of v1 nodes for possible connections
targetV1Peers: int # Target number of v1 peers to maintain
started: bool # Indicates that bridge is running
# Helper funtions #
# Validity
proc isBridgeable*(msg: WakuMessage): bool =
## Determines if a Waku v2 msg is on a bridgeable content topic
let ns = NamespacedTopic.fromString(msg.contentTopic)
if ns.isOk():
if ns.get().application == ContentTopicApplication and ns.get().version == ContentTopicAppVersion:
return true
return false
# Deduplication
proc containsOrAdd(sequence: var seq[hashes.Hash], hash: hashes.Hash): bool =
if sequence.contains(hash):
return true
if sequence.len >= DeduplQSize:
trace "Deduplication queue full. Removing oldest item."
sequence.delete 0, 0 # Remove first item in queue
return false
# Topic conversion
proc toV2ContentTopic*(v1Topic: waku_protocol.Topic): ContentTopic =
## Convert a 4-byte array v1 topic to a namespaced content topic
## with format `/waku/1/<v1-topic-bytes-as-hex>/rfc26`
## <v1-topic-bytes-as-hex> should be prefixed with `0x`
var namespacedTopic = NamespacedTopic()
namespacedTopic.application = ContentTopicApplication
namespacedTopic.version = ContentTopicAppVersion
namespacedTopic.topicName = "0x" & v1Topic.toHex()
namespacedTopic.encoding = "rfc26"
return ContentTopic($namespacedTopic)
proc toV1Topic*(contentTopic: ContentTopic): waku_protocol.Topic {.raises: [Defect, LPError, ValueError]} =
## Extracts the 4-byte array v1 topic from a content topic
## with format `/waku/1/<v1-topic-bytes-as-hex>/rfc26`
hexToByteArray(hexStr = NamespacedTopic.fromString(contentTopic).tryGet().topicName,
N = 4) # Byte array length
# Message conversion
func toWakuMessage(env: waku_protocol.Envelope): WakuMessage =
# Translate a Waku v1 envelope to a Waku v2 message
WakuMessage(payload: env.data,
contentTopic: toV2ContentTopic(env.topic),
timestamp: (getNanosecondTime(env.expiry) - getNanosecondTime(env.ttl)),
version: 1)
proc toWakuV2(bridge: WakuBridge, env: waku_protocol.Envelope) {.async.} =
let msg = env.toWakuMessage()
if bridge.seen.containsOrAdd(msg.encode().buffer.hash()):
# This is a duplicate message. Return
trace "Already seen. Dropping.", msg=msg
waku_bridge_dropped.inc(labelValues = ["duplicate"])
trace "Sending message to V2", msg=msg
waku_bridge_transfers.inc(labelValues = ["v1_to_v2"])
await bridge.nodev2.publish(bridge.nodev2PubsubTopic, msg)
proc toWakuV1(bridge: WakuBridge, msg: WakuMessage) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect, LPError, ValueError].} =
if bridge.seen.containsOrAdd(msg.encode().buffer.hash()):
# This is a duplicate message. Return
trace "Already seen. Dropping.", msg=msg
waku_bridge_dropped.inc(labelValues = ["duplicate"])
trace "Sending message to V1", msg=msg
waku_bridge_transfers.inc(labelValues = ["v2_to_v1"])
# @TODO: use namespacing to map v2 contentTopics to v1 topics
let v1TopicSeq = msg.contentTopic.toBytes()[0..3]
case msg.version:
of 1:
discard bridge.nodev1.postEncoded(ttl = DefaultTTL,
topic = toV1Topic(msg.contentTopic),
encodedPayload = msg.payload) # The payload is already encoded according to https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/26/
discard bridge.nodev1.postMessage(ttl = DefaultTTL,
topic = toV1Topic(msg.contentTopic),
payload = msg.payload)
proc connectToV1(bridge: WakuBridge, target: int) =
## Uses the initialised peer pool to attempt to connect
## to the set target number of v1 peers at random.
# First filter the peers in the pool that we're not yet connected to
var candidates = bridge.v1Pool.filterIt(it notin bridge.nodev1.peerPool.connectedNodes)
debug "connecting to v1", candidates=candidates.len(), target=target
# Now attempt connection to random peers from candidate list until we reach target
let maxAttempts = min(target, candidates.len())
trace "Attempting to connect to random peers from pool", target=maxAttempts
for i in 1..maxAttempts:
randIndex = rand(bridge.rng[], candidates.len() - 1)
randPeer = candidates[randIndex]
debug "Attempting to connect to random peer", randPeer
asyncSpawn bridge.nodev1.peerPool.connectToNode(randPeer)
candidates.delete(randIndex, randIndex)
if candidates.len() == 0:
# Stop when we've exhausted all candidates
proc maintenanceLoop*(bridge: WakuBridge) {.async.} =
while bridge.started:
trace "running maintenance"
v1Connections = bridge.nodev1.peerPool.connectedNodes.len()
v2Connections = bridge.nodev2.switch.peerStore[AddressBook].len()
info "Bridge connectivity",
# Replenish v1 connections if necessary
if v1Connections < bridge.targetV1Peers:
debug "Attempting to replenish v1 connections",
bridge.connectToV1(bridge.targetV1Peers - v1Connections)
# TODO: we could do similar maintenance for v2 connections here
await sleepAsync(MaintenancePeriod)
# Public API #
proc new*(T: type WakuBridge,
# NodeV1 initialisation
nodev1Key: keys.KeyPair,
nodev1Address: Address,
powRequirement = 0.002,
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext,
topicInterest = none(seq[waku_protocol.Topic]),
bloom = some(fullBloom()),
# NodeV2 initialisation
nodev2Key: crypto.PrivateKey,
nodev2BindIp: ValidIpAddress, nodev2BindPort: Port,
nodev2ExtIp = none[ValidIpAddress](), nodev2ExtPort = none[Port](),
nameResolver: NameResolver = nil,
# Bridge configuration
nodev2PubsubTopic: waku_message.PubsubTopic,
v1Pool: seq[Node] = @[],
targetV1Peers = 0): T
{.raises: [Defect,IOError, TLSStreamProtocolError, LPError].} =
# Setup Waku v1 node
nodev1 = newEthereumNode(keys = nodev1Key, address = nodev1Address,
networkId = NetworkId(1), clientId = ClientIdV1,
addAllCapabilities = false, bindUdpPort = nodev1Address.udpPort, bindTcpPort = nodev1Address.tcpPort, rng = rng)
nodev1.addCapability Waku # Always enable Waku protocol
# Setup the Waku configuration.
# This node is being set up as a bridge. By default it gets configured as a node with
# a full bloom filter so that it will receive and forward all messages.
# It is, however, possible to configure a topic interest to bridge only
# selected messages.
# TODO: What is the PoW setting now?
let wakuConfig = WakuConfig(powRequirement: powRequirement,
bloom: bloom, isLightNode: false,
maxMsgSize: waku_protocol.defaultMaxMsgSize,
topics: topicInterest)
# Setup Waku v2 node
nodev2 = WakuNode.new(nodev2Key,
nodev2BindIp, nodev2BindPort,
nodev2ExtIp, nodev2ExtPort,
nameResolver = nameResolver)
return WakuBridge(nodev1: nodev1,
nodev2: nodev2,
nodev2PubsubTopic: nodev2PubsubTopic,
rng: rng,
v1Pool: v1Pool,
targetV1Peers: targetV1Peers)
proc start*(bridge: WakuBridge) {.async.} =
info "Starting WakuBridge"
debug "Start listening on Waku v1"
# Start listening on Waku v1 node
let connectedFut = bridge.nodev1.connectToNetwork(
true, # Always enable listening
false # Disable discovery (only discovery v4 is currently supported)
connectedFut.callback = proc(data: pointer) {.gcsafe.} =
if connectedFut.failed:
fatal "connectToNetwork failed", msg = connectedFut.readError.msg
# Start Waku v2 node
debug "Start listening on Waku v2"
await bridge.nodev2.start()
# Always mount relay for bridge.
# `triggerSelf` is false on a `bridge` to avoid duplicates
await bridge.nodev2.mountRelay(triggerSelf = false)
# Bridging
# Handle messages on Waku v1 and bridge to Waku v2
proc handleEnvReceived(envelope: waku_protocol.Envelope) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} =
trace "Bridging envelope from V1 to V2", envelope=envelope
asyncSpawn bridge.toWakuV2(envelope)
# Handle messages on Waku v2 and bridge to Waku v1
proc relayHandler(pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic, data: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} =
let msg = WakuMessage.decode(data)
if msg.isOk() and msg.get().isBridgeable():
trace "Bridging message from V2 to V1", msg=msg.tryGet()
except ValueError:
trace "Failed to convert message to Waku v1. Check content-topic format.", msg=msg
waku_bridge_dropped.inc(labelValues = ["value_error"])
bridge.nodev2.subscribe(bridge.nodev2PubsubTopic, relayHandler)
bridge.started = true
asyncSpawn bridge.maintenanceLoop()
proc stop*(bridge: WakuBridge) {.async.} =
bridge.started = false
await bridge.nodev2.stop()
{.pop.} # @TODO confutils.nim(775, 17) Error: can raise an unlisted exception: ref IOError
when isMainModule:
proc startV2Rpc(node: WakuNode, rpcServer: RpcHttpServer, conf: WakuNodeConf) =
installDebugApiHandlers(node, rpcServer)
# Install enabled API handlers:
if conf.relay:
let topicCache = newTable[string, seq[WakuMessage]]()
installRelayApiHandlers(node, rpcServer, topicCache)
if conf.filter:
let messageCache = newTable[ContentTopic, seq[WakuMessage]]()
installFilterApiHandlers(node, rpcServer, messageCache)
if conf.store:
installStoreApiHandlers(node, rpcServer)
rng = keys.newRng()
conf = WakuNodeConf.load()
if conf.logLevel != LogLevel.NONE:
## `udpPort` is only supplied to satisfy underlying APIs but is not
## actually a supported transport.
let udpPort = conf.devp2pTcpPort
# Load address configuration
(nodev1ExtIp, _, _) = setupNat(conf.nat, ClientIdV1,
Port(conf.devp2pTcpPort + conf.portsShift),
Port(udpPort + conf.portsShift))
# TODO: EthereumNode should have a better split of binding address and
# external address. Also, can't have different ports as it stands now.
nodev1Address = if nodev1ExtIp.isNone():
Address(ip: parseIpAddress(""),
tcpPort: Port(conf.devp2pTcpPort + conf.portsShift),
udpPort: Port(udpPort + conf.portsShift))
Address(ip: nodev1ExtIp.get(),
tcpPort: Port(conf.devp2pTcpPort + conf.portsShift),
udpPort: Port(udpPort + conf.portsShift))
(nodev2ExtIp, nodev2ExtPort, _) = setupNat(conf.nat, clientId,
Port(uint16(conf.libp2pTcpPort) + conf.portsShift),
Port(uint16(udpPort) + conf.portsShift))
# Topic interest and bloom
var topicInterest: Option[seq[waku_protocol.Topic]]
var bloom: Option[Bloom]
if conf.wakuV1TopicInterest:
var topics: seq[waku_protocol.Topic]
topicInterest = some(topics)
bloom = some(fullBloom())
# DNS resolution
var dnsReslvr: DnsResolver
if conf.dnsAddrs:
# Support for DNS multiaddrs
var nameServers: seq[TransportAddress]
for ip in conf.dnsAddrsNameServers:
nameServers.add(initTAddress(ip, Port(53))) # Assume all servers use port 53
dnsReslvr = DnsResolver.new(nameServers)
# Initialise bridge with a candidate pool of v1 nodes to connect to
var v1PoolStrs: seq[string]
if conf.staticnodesV1.len > 0: v1PoolStrs = conf.staticnodesV1
elif conf.fleetV1 == prod: v1PoolStrs = @WhisperNodes
elif conf.fleetV1 == staging: v1PoolStrs = @WhisperNodesStaging
elif conf.fleetV1 == test: v1PoolStrs = @WhisperNodesTest
v1Pool = v1PoolStrs.mapIt(newNode(ENode.fromString(it).expect("correct node addrs")))
bridge = WakuBridge.new(nodev1Key = conf.nodekeyV1,
nodev1Address = nodev1Address,
powRequirement = conf.wakuV1Pow,
rng = rng,
topicInterest = topicInterest,
bloom = bloom,
nodev2Key = conf.nodekeyV2,
nodev2BindIp = conf.listenAddress, nodev2BindPort = Port(uint16(conf.libp2pTcpPort) + conf.portsShift),
nodev2ExtIp = nodev2ExtIp, nodev2ExtPort = nodev2ExtPort,
nameResolver = dnsReslvr,
nodev2PubsubTopic = conf.bridgePubsubTopic,
v1Pool = v1Pool,
targetV1Peers = min(v1Pool.len(), TargetV1Peers))
waitFor bridge.start()
# Now load rest of config
# Mount configured Waku v2 protocols
waitFor mountLibp2pPing(bridge.nodev2)
if conf.store:
waitFor mountStore(bridge.nodev2) # Bridge does not persist messages
if conf.filter:
waitFor mountFilter(bridge.nodev2)
if conf.staticnodesV2.len > 0:
waitFor connectToNodes(bridge.nodev2, conf.staticnodesV2)
if conf.storenode != "":
setStorePeer(bridge.nodev2, conf.storenode)
if conf.filternode != "":
setFilterPeer(bridge.nodev2, conf.filternode)
if conf.rpc:
let ta = initTAddress(conf.rpcAddress,
Port(conf.rpcPort + conf.portsShift))
var rpcServer = newRpcHttpServer([ta])
# Waku v1 RPC
let keys = newKeyStorage()
setupWakuRPC(bridge.nodev1, keys, rpcServer, rng)
setupWakuSimRPC(bridge.nodev1, rpcServer)
# Waku v2 rpc
startV2Rpc(bridge.nodev2, rpcServer, conf)
if conf.metricsServer:
address = conf.metricsServerAddress
port = conf.metricsServerPort + conf.portsShift
info "Starting metrics HTTP server", address, port
startMetricsHttpServer($address, Port(port))