
1230 lines
54 KiB

{.push raises: [Defect].}
std/[sequtils, tables, times, streams, os, deques],
chronicles, options, chronos, stint,
web3, json,
stew/[byteutils, arrayops, endians2],
topics = "wakurlnrelayutils"
type MerkleNodeResult* = RlnRelayResult[MerkleNode]
type RateLimitProofResult* = RlnRelayResult[RateLimitProof]
type SpamHandler* = proc(wakuMessage: WakuMessage): void {.gcsafe, closure, raises: [Defect].}
type RegistrationHandler* = proc(txHash: string): void {.gcsafe, closure, raises: [Defect].}
# membership contract interface
proc register(pubkey: Uint256) # external payable
proc MemberRegistered(pubkey: Uint256, index: Uint256) {.event.}
# TODO the followings are to be supported
# proc registerBatch(pubkeys: seq[Uint256]) # external payable
# proc withdraw(secret: Uint256, pubkeyIndex: Uint256, receiver: Address)
# proc withdrawBatch( secrets: seq[Uint256], pubkeyIndex: seq[Uint256], receiver: seq[Address])
proc toBuffer*(x: openArray[byte]): Buffer =
## converts the input to a Buffer object
## the Buffer object is used to communicate data with the rln lib
var temp = @x
let output = Buffer(`ptr`: addr(temp[0]), len: uint(temp.len))
return output
when defined(rln) or (not defined(rln) and not defined(rlnzerokit)):
proc createRLNInstanceLocal(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult
{.raises: [Defect, IOError].} =
## generates an instance of RLN
## An RLN instance supports both zkSNARKs logics and Merkle tree data structure and operations
## d indicates the depth of Merkle tree
rlnInstance: RLN[Bn256]
merkleDepth: csize_t = uint(d)
## parameters.key contains the prover and verifier keys
## to generate this file, clone this repo https://github.com/kilic/rln
## and run the following command in the root directory of the cloned project
## cargo run --example export_test_keys
## the file is generated separately and copied here
## parameters are function of tree depth and poseidon hasher
## to generate parameters for a different tree depth, change the tree size in the following line of rln library
## https://github.com/kilic/rln/blob/3bbec368a4adc68cd5f9bfae80b17e1bbb4ef373/examples/export_test_keys/main.rs#L4
## and then proceed as explained above
parameters = readFile("waku/v2/protocol/waku_rln_relay/parameters.key")
pbytes = parameters.toBytes()
len: csize_t = uint(pbytes.len)
parametersBuffer = Buffer(`ptr`: addr(pbytes[0]), len: len)
# check the parameters.key is not empty
if (pbytes.len == 0):
debug "error in parameters.key"
return err("error in parameters.key")
# create an instance of RLN
let res = new_circuit_from_params(merkleDepth, addr parametersBuffer,
addr rlnInstance)
# check whether the circuit parameters are generated successfully
if (res == false):
debug "error in parameters generation"
return err("error in parameters generation")
return ok(rlnInstance)
proc membershipKeyGen*(ctxPtr: RLN[Bn256]): Option[MembershipKeyPair] =
## generates a MembershipKeyPair that can be used for the registration into the rln membership contract
# keysBufferPtr will hold the generated key pairs i.e., secret and public keys
keysBuffer: Buffer
keysBufferPtr = addr(keysBuffer)
done = key_gen(ctxPtr, keysBufferPtr)
# check whether the keys are generated successfully
if(done == false):
debug "error in key generation"
return none(MembershipKeyPair)
var generatedKeys = cast[ptr array[64, byte]](keysBufferPtr.`ptr`)[]
# the public and secret keys together are 64 bytes
if (generatedKeys.len != 64):
debug "the generated keys are invalid"
return none(MembershipKeyPair)
# TODO define a separate proc to decode the generated keys to the secret and public components
secret: array[32, byte]
public: array[32, byte]
for (i, x) in secret.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i]
for (i, x) in public.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+32]
keypair = MembershipKeyPair(idKey: secret, idCommitment: public)
return some(keypair)
when defined(rlnzerokit):
proc createRLNInstanceLocal(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult
{.raises: [Defect, IOError].} =
## generates an instance of RLN
## An RLN instance supports both zkSNARKs logics and Merkle tree data structure and operations
## d indicates the depth of Merkle tree
rlnInstance: ptr RLN
merkleDepth: csize_t = uint(d)
resourcesPathBuffer = RlnResourceFolder.toOpenArrayByte(0, RlnResourceFolder.high).toBuffer()
# create an instance of RLN
let res = new_circuit(merkleDepth, addr resourcesPathBuffer, addr rlnInstance)
# check whether the circuit parameters are generated successfully
if (res == false):
debug "error in parameters generation"
return err("error in parameters generation")
return ok(rlnInstance)
proc membershipKeyGen*(ctxPtr: ptr RLN): Option[MembershipKeyPair] =
## generates a MembershipKeyPair that can be used for the registration into the rln membership contract
# keysBufferPtr will hold the generated key pairs i.e., secret and public keys
keysBuffer: Buffer
keysBufferPtr = addr(keysBuffer)
done = key_gen(ctxPtr, keysBufferPtr)
# check whether the keys are generated successfully
if(done == false):
debug "error in key generation"
return none(MembershipKeyPair)
var generatedKeys = cast[ptr array[64, byte]](keysBufferPtr.`ptr`)[]
# the public and secret keys together are 64 bytes
if (generatedKeys.len != 64):
debug "the generated keys are invalid"
return none(MembershipKeyPair)
# TODO define a separate proc to decode the generated keys to the secret and public components
secret: array[32, byte]
public: array[32, byte]
for (i, x) in secret.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i]
for (i, x) in public.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+32]
keypair = MembershipKeyPair(idKey: secret, idCommitment: public)
return some(keypair)
proc createRLNInstance*(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult {.raises: [Defect, IOError].} =
## Wraps the rln instance creation for metrics
let res = createRLNInstanceLocal(d)
return res
proc toUInt256*(idCommitment: IDCommitment): UInt256 =
let pk = UInt256.fromBytesBE(idCommitment)
return pk
proc toIDCommitment*(idCommitmentUint: UInt256): IDCommitment =
let pk = IDCommitment(idCommitmentUint.toBytesBE())
return pk
proc toMembershipIndex(v: UInt256): MembershipIndex =
let result: MembershipIndex = cast[MembershipIndex](v)
return result
proc register*(idComm: IDCommitment, ethAccountAddress: Address, ethAccountPrivKey: keys.PrivateKey, ethClientAddress: string, membershipContractAddress: Address, registrationHandler: Option[RegistrationHandler] = none(RegistrationHandler)): Future[Result[MembershipIndex, string]] {.async.} =
# TODO may need to also get eth Account Private Key as PrivateKey
## registers the idComm into the membership contract whose address is in rlnPeer.membershipContractAddress
var web3: Web3
try: # check if the Ethereum client is reachable
web3 = await newWeb3(ethClientAddress)
return err("could not connect to the Ethereum client")
web3.defaultAccount = ethAccountAddress
# set the account private key
web3.privateKey = some(ethAccountPrivKey)
# set the gas price twice the suggested price in order for the fast mining
let gasPrice = int(await web3.provider.eth_gasPrice()) * 2
# when the private key is set in a web3 instance, the send proc (sender.register(pk).send(MembershipFee))
# does the signing using the provided key
# web3.privateKey = some(ethAccountPrivateKey)
var sender = web3.contractSender(MembershipContract, membershipContractAddress) # creates a Sender object with a web3 field and contract address of type Address
debug "registering an id commitment", idComm=idComm
let pk = idComm.toUInt256()
var txHash: TxHash
try: # send the registration transaction and check if any error occurs
txHash = await sender.register(pk).send(value = MembershipFee, gasPrice = gasPrice)
except ValueError as e:
return err("registration transaction failed: " & e.msg)
let tsReceipt = await web3.getMinedTransactionReceipt(txHash)
# the receipt topic holds the hash of signature of the raised events
let firstTopic = tsReceipt.logs[0].topics[0]
# the hash of the signature of MemberRegistered(uint256,uint256) event is equal to the following hex value
if firstTopic[0..65] != "0x5a92c2530f207992057b9c3e544108ffce3beda4a63719f316967c49bf6159d2":
return err("invalid event signature hash")
# the arguments of the raised event i.e., MemberRegistered are encoded inside the data field
# data = pk encoded as 256 bits || index encoded as 256 bits
let arguments = tsReceipt.logs[0].data
debug "tx log data", arguments=arguments
argumentsBytes = arguments.hexToSeqByte()
eventIdCommUint = UInt256.fromBytesBE(argumentsBytes[0..31])
eventIndex = UInt256.fromBytesBE(argumentsBytes[32..^1])
eventIdComm = eventIdCommUint.toIDCommitment()
debug "the identity commitment key extracted from tx log", eventIdComm=eventIdComm
debug "the index of registered identity commitment key", eventIndex=eventIndex
if eventIdComm != idComm:
return err("invalid id commitment key")
await web3.close()
if registrationHandler.isSome():
let handler = registrationHandler.get
return ok(toMembershipIndex(eventIndex))
proc register*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, registrationHandler: Option[RegistrationHandler] = none(RegistrationHandler)): Future[RlnRelayResult[bool]] {.async.} =
## registers the public key of the rlnPeer which is rlnPeer.membershipKeyPair.publicKey
## into the membership contract whose address is in rlnPeer.membershipContractAddress
let pk = rlnPeer.membershipKeyPair.idCommitment
let regResult = await register(idComm = pk, ethAccountAddress = rlnPeer.ethAccountAddress, ethAccountPrivKey = rlnPeer.ethAccountPrivateKey.get(), ethClientAddress = rlnPeer.ethClientAddress, membershipContractAddress = rlnPeer.membershipContractAddress, registrationHandler = registrationHandler)
if regResult.isErr:
return err(regResult.error())
return ok(true)
proc appendLength*(input: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## returns length prefixed version of the input
## with the following format [len<8>|input<var>]
## len: 8-byte value that represents the number of bytes in the `input`
## len is serialized in little-endian
## input: the supplied `input`
# the length should be serialized in little-endian
len = toBytes(uint64(input.len), Endianness.littleEndian)
output = concat(@len, @input)
return output
when defined(rln) or (not defined(rln) and not defined(rlnzerokit)):
proc hash*(rlnInstance: RLN[Bn256], data: openArray[byte]): MerkleNode =
## a thin layer on top of the Nim wrapper of the Poseidon hasher
debug "hash input", hashhex = data.toHex()
var lenPrefData = appendLength(data)
hashInputBuffer = lenPrefData.toBuffer()
outputBuffer: Buffer # will holds the hash output
debug "hash input buffer length", bufflen = hashInputBuffer.len
hashSuccess = hash(rlnInstance, addr hashInputBuffer, addr outputBuffer)
output = cast[ptr MerkleNode](outputBuffer.`ptr`)[]
return output
when defined(rlnzerokit):
proc hash*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte]): MerkleNode =
## a thin layer on top of the Nim wrapper of the Poseidon hasher
debug "hash input", hashhex = data.toHex()
var lenPrefData = appendLength(data)
hashInputBuffer = lenPrefData.toBuffer()
outputBuffer: Buffer # will holds the hash output
debug "hash input buffer length", bufflen = hashInputBuffer.len
hashSuccess = hash(rlnInstance, addr hashInputBuffer, addr outputBuffer)
output = cast[ptr MerkleNode](outputBuffer.`ptr`)[]
return output
proc serialize(idKey: IDKey, memIndex: MembershipIndex, epoch: Epoch,
msg: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## a private proc to convert RateLimitProof and the data to a byte seq
## this conversion is used in the proofGen proc
## the serialization is done as instructed in https://github.com/kilic/rln/blob/7ac74183f8b69b399e3bc96c1ae8ab61c026dc43/src/public.rs#L146
## [ id_key<32> | id_index<8> | epoch<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
let memIndexBytes = toBytes(uint64(memIndex), Endianness.littleEndian)
let lenPrefMsg = appendLength(msg)
let output = concat(@idKey, @memIndexBytes, @epoch, lenPrefMsg)
return output
when defined(rln) or (not defined(rln) and not defined(rlnzerokit)):
proc proofGen*(rlnInstance: RLN[Bn256], data: openArray[byte],
memKeys: MembershipKeyPair, memIndex: MembershipIndex,
epoch: Epoch): RateLimitProofResult =
# serialize inputs
let serializedInputs = serialize(idKey = memKeys.idKey,
memIndex = memIndex,
epoch = epoch,
msg = data)
var inputBuffer = toBuffer(serializedInputs)
debug "input buffer ", inputBuffer
# generate the proof
var proof: Buffer
let proofIsSuccessful = generateProof(rlnInstance, addr inputBuffer, addr proof)
# check whether the generateProof call is done successfully
if not proofIsSuccessful:
return err("could not generate the proof")
var proofValue = cast[ptr array[416, byte]] (proof.`ptr`)
let proofBytes: array[416, byte] = proofValue[]
debug "proof content", proofHex = proofValue[].toHex
## parse the proof as |zkSNARKs<256>|root<32>|epoch<32>|share_x<32>|share_y<32>|nullifier<32>|
proofOffset = 256
rootOffset = proofOffset + 32
epochOffset = rootOffset + 32
shareXOffset = epochOffset + 32
shareYOffset = shareXOffset + 32
nullifierOffset = shareYOffset + 32
zkproof: ZKSNARK
proofRoot, shareX, shareY: MerkleNode
epoch: Epoch
nullifier: Nullifier
discard zkproof.copyFrom(proofBytes[0..proofOffset-1])
discard proofRoot.copyFrom(proofBytes[proofOffset..rootOffset-1])
discard epoch.copyFrom(proofBytes[rootOffset..epochOffset-1])
discard shareX.copyFrom(proofBytes[epochOffset..shareXOffset-1])
discard shareY.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareXOffset..shareYOffset-1])
discard nullifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareYOffset..nullifierOffset-1])
let output = RateLimitProof(proof: zkproof,
merkleRoot: proofRoot,
epoch: epoch,
shareX: shareX,
shareY: shareY,
nullifier: nullifier)
return ok(output)
proc serialize(proof: RateLimitProof, data: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## a private proc to convert RateLimitProof and data to a byte seq
## this conversion is used in the proof verification proc
## the order of serialization is based on https://github.com/kilic/rln/blob/7ac74183f8b69b399e3bc96c1ae8ab61c026dc43/src/public.rs#L205
## [ proof<256>| root<32>| epoch<32>| share_x<32>| share_y<32>| nullifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
let lenPrefMsg = appendLength(@data)
var proofBytes = concat(@(proof.proof),
return proofBytes
proc getMerkleRoot*(rlnInstance: RLN[Bn256]): MerkleNodeResult =
# read the Merkle Tree root after insertion
root {.noinit.}: Buffer = Buffer()
rootPtr = addr(root)
getRootSuccessful = getRoot(rlnInstance, rootPtr)
if not getRootSuccessful:
return err("could not get the root")
if not root.len == 32:
return err("wrong output size")
var rootValue = cast[ptr MerkleNode] (root.`ptr`)[]
return ok(rootValue)
proc proofVerify*(rlnInstance: RLN[Bn256], data: openArray[byte], proof: RateLimitProof): RlnRelayResult[bool] =
proofBytes = serialize(proof, data)
proofBuffer = proofBytes.toBuffer()
f = 0.uint32
trace "serialized proof", proof = proofBytes.toHex()
let verifyIsSuccessful = verify(rlnInstance, addr proofBuffer, addr f)
if not verifyIsSuccessful:
# something went wrong in verification
return err("could not verify proof")
# f = 0 means the proof is verified
if f != 0:
return ok(false)
return ok(true)
proc insertMember*(rlnInstance: RLN[Bn256], idComm: IDCommitment): bool =
var pkBuffer = toBuffer(idComm)
let pkBufferPtr = addr pkBuffer
# add the member to the tree
var member_is_added = update_next_member(rlnInstance, pkBufferPtr)
return member_is_added
proc removeMember*(rlnInstance: RLN[Bn256], index: MembershipIndex): bool =
let deletion_success = delete_member(rlnInstance, index)
return deletion_success
when defined(rlnzerokit):
proc proofGen*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte],
memKeys: MembershipKeyPair, memIndex: MembershipIndex,
epoch: Epoch): RateLimitProofResult =
# serialize inputs
let serializedInputs = serialize(idKey = memKeys.idKey,
memIndex = memIndex,
epoch = epoch,
msg = data)
var inputBuffer = toBuffer(serializedInputs)
debug "input buffer ", inputBuffer
# generate the proof
var proof: Buffer
let proofIsSuccessful = generate_proof(rlnInstance, addr inputBuffer, addr proof)
# check whether the generate_proof call is done successfully
if not proofIsSuccessful:
return err("could not generate the proof")
var proofValue = cast[ptr array[320, byte]] (proof.`ptr`)
let proofBytes: array[320, byte] = proofValue[]
debug "proof content", proofHex = proofValue[].toHex
## parse the proof as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> ]
proofOffset = 128
rootOffset = proofOffset + 32
epochOffset = rootOffset + 32
shareXOffset = epochOffset + 32
shareYOffset = shareXOffset + 32
nullifierOffset = shareYOffset + 32
rlnIdentifierOffset = nullifierOffset + 32
zkproof: ZKSNARK
proofRoot, shareX, shareY: MerkleNode
epoch: Epoch
nullifier: Nullifier
rlnIdentifier: RlnIdentifier
discard zkproof.copyFrom(proofBytes[0..proofOffset-1])
discard proofRoot.copyFrom(proofBytes[proofOffset..rootOffset-1])
discard epoch.copyFrom(proofBytes[rootOffset..epochOffset-1])
discard shareX.copyFrom(proofBytes[epochOffset..shareXOffset-1])
discard shareY.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareXOffset..shareYOffset-1])
discard nullifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareYOffset..nullifierOffset-1])
discard rlnIdentifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[nullifierOffset..rlnIdentifierOffset-1])
let output = RateLimitProof(proof: zkproof,
merkleRoot: proofRoot,
epoch: epoch,
shareX: shareX,
shareY: shareY,
nullifier: nullifier,
rlnIdentifier: rlnIdentifier)
return ok(output)
proc serialize(proof: RateLimitProof, data: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
## a private proc to convert RateLimitProof and data to a byte seq
## this conversion is used in the proof verification proc
## [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> | signal_len<8> | signal<var> ]
let lenPrefMsg = appendLength(@data)
var proofBytes = concat(@(proof.proof),
return proofBytes
proc proofVerify*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte], proof: RateLimitProof): RlnRelayResult[bool] =
proofBytes = serialize(proof, data)
proofBuffer = proofBytes.toBuffer()
validProof: bool
trace "serialized proof", proof = proofBytes.toHex()
let verifyIsSuccessful = verify(rlnInstance, addr proofBuffer, addr validProof)
if not verifyIsSuccessful:
# something went wrong in verification call
warn "could not verify validity of the proof", proof=proof
return err("could not verify the proof")
if not validProof:
return ok(false)
return ok(true)
proc insertMember*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, idComm: IDCommitment): bool =
var pkBuffer = toBuffer(idComm)
let pkBufferPtr = addr pkBuffer
# add the member to the tree
var member_is_added = update_next_member(rlnInstance, pkBufferPtr)
return member_is_added
proc removeMember*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, index: MembershipIndex): bool =
let deletion_success = delete_member(rlnInstance, index)
return deletion_success
proc getMerkleRoot*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN): MerkleNodeResult =
# read the Merkle Tree root after insertion
root {.noinit.}: Buffer = Buffer()
rootPtr = addr(root)
getRootSuccessful = getRoot(rlnInstance, rootPtr)
if not getRootSuccessful:
return err("could not get the root")
if not root.len == 32:
return err("wrong output size")
var rootValue = cast[ptr MerkleNode] (root.`ptr`)[]
return ok(rootValue)
proc updateValidRootQueue*(wakuRlnRelay: WakuRLNRelay, root: MerkleNode): void =
## updates the valid Merkle root queue with the latest root and pops the oldest one when the capacity of `AcceptableRootWindowSize` is reached
let overflowCount = wakuRlnRelay.validMerkleRoots.len() - AcceptableRootWindowSize
if overflowCount >= 0:
# Delete the oldest `overflowCount` elements in the deque (index 0..`overflowCount`)
for i in 0..overflowCount:
# Push the next root into the queue
proc insertMember*(wakuRlnRelay: WakuRLNRelay, idComm: IDCommitment): RlnRelayResult[void] =
## inserts a new id commitment into the local merkle tree, and adds the changed root to the
## queue of valid roots
let actionSucceeded = wakuRlnRelay.rlnInstance.insertMember(idComm)
if not actionSucceeded:
return err("could not insert id commitment into the merkle tree")
let rootAfterUpdate = ?wakuRlnRelay.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
return ok()
proc removeMember*(wakuRlnRelay: WakuRLNRelay, index: MembershipIndex): RlnRelayResult[void] =
## removes a commitment from the local merkle tree at `index`, and adds the changed root to the
## queue of valid roots
let actionSucceeded = wakuRlnRelay.rlnInstance.removeMember(index)
if not actionSucceeded:
return err("could not remove id commitment from the merkle tree")
let rootAfterUpdate = ?wakuRlnRelay.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
return ok()
proc validateRoot*(wakuRlnRelay: WakuRLNRelay, root: MerkleNode): bool =
## Validate against the window of roots stored in wakuRlnRelay.validMerkleRoots
return root in wakuRlnRelay.validMerkleRoots
proc toMembershipKeyPairs*(groupKeys: seq[(string, string)]): seq[
MembershipKeyPair] {.raises: [Defect, ValueError].} =
## groupKeys is sequence of membership key tuples in the form of (identity key, identity commitment) all in the hexadecimal format
## the toMembershipKeyPairs proc populates a sequence of MembershipKeyPairs using the supplied groupKeys
var groupKeyPairs = newSeq[MembershipKeyPair]()
for i in 0..groupKeys.len-1:
idKey = groupKeys[i][0].hexToByteArray(32)
idCommitment = groupKeys[i][1].hexToByteArray(32)
groupKeyPairs.add(MembershipKeyPair(idKey: idKey,
idCommitment: idCommitment))
return groupKeyPairs
proc calcMerkleRoot*(list: seq[IDCommitment]): string {.raises: [Defect, IOError].} =
## returns the root of the Merkle tree that is computed from the supplied list
## the root is in hexadecimal format
var rlnInstance = createRLNInstance()
var rln = rlnInstance.value
# create a Merkle tree
for i in 0..list.len-1:
var member_is_added = false
member_is_added = rln.insertMember(list[i])
let root = rln.getMerkleRoot().value().toHex
return root
proc createMembershipList*(n: int): (seq[(string, string)], string) {.raises: [
Defect, IOError].} =
## createMembershipList produces a sequence of membership key pairs in the form of (identity key, id commitment keys) in the hexadecimal format
## this proc also returns the root of a Merkle tree constructed out of the identity commitment keys of the generated list
## the output of this proc is used to initialize a static group keys (to test waku-rln-relay in the off-chain mode)
# initialize a Merkle tree
var rlnInstance = createRLNInstance()
if not rlnInstance.isOk:
return (@[], "")
var rln = rlnInstance.value
var output = newSeq[(string, string)]()
for i in 0..n-1:
# generate a key pair
let keypair = rln.membershipKeyGen()
let keyTuple = (keypair.get().idKey.toHex, keypair.get().idCommitment.toHex)
# insert the key to the Merkle tree
let inserted = rln.insertMember(keypair.get().idCommitment)
if not inserted:
return (@[], "")
let root = rln.getMerkleRoot().value.toHex
return (output, root)
proc rlnRelayStaticSetUp*(rlnRelayMemIndex: MembershipIndex): (Option[seq[
IDCommitment]], Option[MembershipKeyPair], Option[
MembershipIndex]) {.raises: [Defect, ValueError].} =
# static group
groupKeys = StaticGroupKeys
groupSize = StaticGroupSize
debug "rln-relay membership index", rlnRelayMemIndex
# validate the user-supplied membership index
if rlnRelayMemIndex < MembershipIndex(0) or rlnRelayMemIndex >=
error "wrong membership index"
return(none(seq[IDCommitment]), none(MembershipKeyPair), none(MembershipIndex))
# prepare the outputs from the static group keys
# create a sequence of MembershipKeyPairs from the group keys (group keys are in string format)
groupKeyPairs = groupKeys.toMembershipKeyPairs()
# extract id commitment keys
groupIDCommitments = groupKeyPairs.mapIt(it.idCommitment)
groupOpt = some(groupIDCommitments)
# user selected membership key pair
memKeyPairOpt = some(groupKeyPairs[rlnRelayMemIndex])
memIndexOpt = some(rlnRelayMemIndex)
return (groupOpt, memKeyPairOpt, memIndexOpt)
proc hasDuplicate*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, msg: WakuMessage): RlnRelayResult[bool] =
## returns true if there is another message in the `nullifierLog` of the `rlnPeer` with the same
## epoch and nullifier as `msg`'s epoch and nullifier but different Shamir secret shares
## otherwise, returns false
## emits an error string if `KeyError` occurs (never happens, it is just to avoid raising unnecessary `KeyError` exception )
# extract the proof metadata of the supplied `msg`
let proofMD = ProofMetadata(nullifier: msg.proof.nullifier,
shareX: msg.proof.shareX, shareY: msg.proof.shareY)
# check if the epoch exists
if not rlnPeer.nullifierLog.hasKey(msg.proof.epoch):
return ok(false)
if rlnPeer.nullifierLog[msg.proof.epoch].contains(proofMD):
# there is an identical record, ignore rhe mag
return ok(false)
# check for a message with the same nullifier but different secret shares
let matched = rlnPeer.nullifierLog[msg.proof.epoch].filterIt((
it.nullifier == proofMD.nullifier) and ((it.shareX != proofMD.shareX) or
(it.shareY != proofMD.shareY)))
if matched.len != 0:
# there is a duplicate
return ok(true)
# there is no duplicate
return ok(false)
except KeyError as e:
return err("the epoch was not found")
proc updateLog*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, msg: WakuMessage): RlnRelayResult[bool] =
## extracts the `ProofMetadata` of the supplied messages `msg` and
## saves it in the `nullifierLog` of the `rlnPeer`
let proofMD = ProofMetadata(nullifier: msg.proof.nullifier,
shareX: msg.proof.shareX, shareY: msg.proof.shareY)
debug "proof metadata", proofMD = proofMD
# check if the epoch exists
if not rlnPeer.nullifierLog.hasKey(msg.proof.epoch):
rlnPeer.nullifierLog[msg.proof.epoch] = @[proofMD]
return ok(true)
# check if an identical record exists
if rlnPeer.nullifierLog[msg.proof.epoch].contains(proofMD):
return ok(true)
# add proofMD to the log
return ok(true)
except KeyError as e:
return err("the epoch was not found")
proc toEpoch*(t: uint64): Epoch =
## converts `t` to `Epoch` in little-endian order
let bytes = toBytes(t, Endianness.littleEndian)
debug "bytes", bytes = bytes
var epoch: Epoch
discard epoch.copyFrom(bytes)
return epoch
proc fromEpoch*(epoch: Epoch): uint64 =
## decodes bytes of `epoch` (in little-endian) to uint64
let t = fromBytesLE(uint64, array[32, byte](epoch))
return t
proc calcEpoch*(t: float64): Epoch =
## gets time `t` as `flaot64` with subseconds resolution in the fractional part
## and returns its corresponding rln `Epoch` value
let e = uint64(t/EpochUnitSeconds)
return toEpoch(e)
proc getCurrentEpoch*(): Epoch =
## gets the current rln Epoch time
return calcEpoch(epochTime())
proc diff*(e1, e2: Epoch): int64 =
## returns the difference between the two rln `Epoch`s `e1` and `e2`
## i.e., e1 - e2
# convert epochs to their corresponding unsigned numerical values
epoch1 = fromEpoch(e1)
epoch2 = fromEpoch(e2)
return int64(epoch1) - int64(epoch2)
proc validateMessage*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, msg: WakuMessage,
timeOption: Option[float64] = none(float64)): MessageValidationResult =
## validate the supplied `msg` based on the waku-rln-relay routing protocol i.e.,
## the `msg`'s epoch is within MaxEpochGap of the current epoch
## the `msg` has valid rate limit proof
## the `msg` does not violate the rate limit
## `timeOption` indicates Unix epoch time (fractional part holds sub-seconds)
## if `timeOption` is supplied, then the current epoch is calculated based on that
# track message count for metrics
# checks if the `msg`'s epoch is far from the current epoch
# it corresponds to the validation of rln external nullifier
var epoch: Epoch
if timeOption.isSome():
epoch = calcEpoch(timeOption.get())
# get current rln epoch
epoch = getCurrentEpoch()
debug "current epoch", currentEpoch = fromEpoch(epoch)
msgEpoch = msg.proof.epoch
# calculate the gaps
gap = diff(epoch, msgEpoch)
debug "message epoch", msgEpoch = fromEpoch(msgEpoch)
# validate the epoch
if abs(gap) >= MaxEpochGap:
# message's epoch is too old or too ahead
# accept messages whose epoch is within +-MaxEpochGap from the current epoch
debug "invalid message: epoch gap exceeds a threshold", gap = gap,
payload = string.fromBytes(msg.payload)
return MessageValidationResult.Invalid
if not rlnPeer.validateRoot(msg.proof.merkleRoot):
debug "invalid message: provided root does not belong to acceptable window of roots", provided=msg.proof.merkleRoot, validRoots=rlnPeer.validMerkleRoots
return MessageValidationResult.Invalid
# verify the proof
contentTopicBytes = msg.contentTopic.toBytes
input = concat(msg.payload, contentTopicBytes)
let proofVerificationRes = rlnPeer.rlnInstance.proofVerify(input, msg.proof)
if proofVerificationRes.isErr():
return MessageValidationResult.Invalid
if not proofVerificationRes.value():
# invalid proof
debug "invalid message: invalid proof", payload = string.fromBytes(msg.payload)
return MessageValidationResult.Invalid
# check if double messaging has happened
let hasDup = rlnPeer.hasDuplicate(msg)
if hasDup.isErr():
elif hasDup.value == true:
debug "invalid message: message is spam", payload = string.fromBytes(msg.payload)
return MessageValidationResult.Spam
# insert the message to the log
# the result of `updateLog` is discarded because message insertion is guaranteed by the implementation i.e.,
# it will never error out
discard rlnPeer.updateLog(msg)
debug "message is valid", payload = string.fromBytes(msg.payload)
let rootIndex = rlnPeer.validMerkleRoots.find(msg.proof.merkleRoot)
return MessageValidationResult.Valid
proc toRLNSignal*(wakumessage: WakuMessage): seq[byte] =
## it is a utility proc that prepares the `data` parameter of the proof generation procedure i.e., `proofGen` that resides in the current module
## it extracts the `contentTopic` and the `payload` of the supplied `wakumessage` and serializes them into a byte sequence
contentTopicBytes = wakumessage.contentTopic.toBytes
output = concat(wakumessage.payload, contentTopicBytes)
return output
proc appendRLNProof*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, msg: var WakuMessage,
senderEpochTime: float64): bool =
## returns true if it can create and append a `RateLimitProof` to the supplied `msg`
## returns false otherwise
## `senderEpochTime` indicates the number of seconds passed since Unix epoch. The fractional part holds sub-seconds.
## The `epoch` field of `RateLimitProof` is derived from the provided `senderEpochTime` (using `calcEpoch()`)
let input = msg.toRLNSignal()
var proof: RateLimitProofResult = proofGen(rlnInstance = rlnPeer.rlnInstance, data = input,
memKeys = rlnPeer.membershipKeyPair,
memIndex = rlnPeer.membershipIndex,
epoch = calcEpoch(senderEpochTime))
if proof.isErr:
return false
msg.proof = proof.value
return true
proc addAll*(wakuRlnRelay: WakuRLNRelay, list: seq[IDCommitment]): RlnRelayResult[void] =
# add members to the Merkle tree of the `rlnInstance`
for i in 0..list.len-1:
let member = list[i]
let memberAdded = wakuRlnRelay.insertMember(member)
if not memberAdded.isOk():
return err(memberAdded.error())
return ok()
# the types of inputs to this handler matches the MemberRegistered event/proc defined in the MembershipContract interface
type RegistrationEventHandler = proc(pubkey: Uint256, index: Uint256): void {.gcsafe, closure, raises: [Defect].}
proc subscribeToGroupEvents(ethClientUri: string, ethAccountAddress: Address, contractAddress: Address, blockNumber: string = "0x0", handler: RegistrationEventHandler) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## connects to the eth client whose URI is supplied as `ethClientUri`
## subscribes to the `MemberRegistered` event emitted from the `MembershipContract` which is available on the supplied `contractAddress`
## it collects all the events starting from the given `blockNumber`
## for every received event, it calls the `handler`
# connect to the eth client
let web3 = await newWeb3(ethClientUri)
# prepare a contract sender to interact with it
var contractObj = web3.contractSender(MembershipContract, contractAddress)
web3.defaultAccount = ethAccountAddress
# set the gas price twice the suggested price in order for the fast mining
# let gasPrice = int(await web3.provider.eth_gasPrice()) * 2
# subscribe to the MemberRegistered events
# TODO can do similarly for deletion events, though it is not yet supported
discard await contractObj.subscribe(MemberRegistered, %*{"fromBlock": blockNumber, "address": contractAddress}) do(pubkey: Uint256, index: Uint256){.raises: [Defect], gcsafe.}:
debug "onRegister", pubkey = pubkey, index = index
handler(pubkey, index)
except Exception as err:
# chronos still raises exceptions which inherit directly from Exception
doAssert false, err.msg
do (err: CatchableError):
echo "Error from subscription: ", err.msg
proc handleGroupUpdates*(rlnPeer: WakuRLNRelay, handler: RegistrationEventHandler) {.async, gcsafe.} =
# mounts the supplied handler for the registration events emitting from the membership contract
await subscribeToGroupEvents(ethClientUri = rlnPeer.ethClientAddress, ethAccountAddress = rlnPeer.ethAccountAddress, contractAddress = rlnPeer.membershipContractAddress, handler = handler)
proc addRLNRelayValidator*(node: WakuNode, pubsubTopic: string, contentTopic: ContentTopic, spamHandler: Option[SpamHandler] = none(SpamHandler)) =
## this procedure is a thin wrapper for the pubsub addValidator method
## it sets a validator for the waku messages published on the supplied pubsubTopic and contentTopic
## if contentTopic is empty, then validation takes place for All the messages published on the given pubsubTopic
## the message validation logic is according to https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/17/
proc validator(topic: string, message: messages.Message): Future[pubsub.ValidationResult] {.async.} =
trace "rln-relay topic validator is called"
let msg = WakuMessage.init(message.data)
if msg.isOk():
wakumessage = msg.value()
payload = string.fromBytes(wakumessage.payload)
# check the contentTopic
if (wakumessage.contentTopic != "") and (contentTopic != "") and (wakumessage.contentTopic != contentTopic):
trace "content topic did not match:", contentTopic=wakumessage.contentTopic, payload=payload
return pubsub.ValidationResult.Accept
# validate the message
validationRes = node.wakuRlnRelay.validateMessage(wakumessage)
proof = toHex(wakumessage.proof.proof)
epoch = fromEpoch(wakumessage.proof.epoch)
root = toHex(wakumessage.proof.merkleRoot)
shareX = toHex(wakumessage.proof.shareX)
shareY = toHex(wakumessage.proof.shareY)
nullifier = toHex(wakumessage.proof.nullifier)
case validationRes:
of Valid:
debug "message validity is verified, relaying:", contentTopic=wakumessage.contentTopic, epoch=epoch, timestamp=wakumessage.timestamp, payload=payload
trace "message validity is verified, relaying:", proof=proof, root=root, shareX=shareX, shareY=shareY, nullifier=nullifier
return pubsub.ValidationResult.Accept
of Invalid:
debug "message validity could not be verified, discarding:", contentTopic=wakumessage.contentTopic, epoch=epoch, timestamp=wakumessage.timestamp, payload=payload
trace "message validity could not be verified, discarding:", proof=proof, root=root, shareX=shareX, shareY=shareY, nullifier=nullifier
return pubsub.ValidationResult.Reject
of Spam:
debug "A spam message is found! yay! discarding:", contentTopic=wakumessage.contentTopic, epoch=epoch, timestamp=wakumessage.timestamp, payload=payload
trace "A spam message is found! yay! discarding:", proof=proof, root=root, shareX=shareX, shareY=shareY, nullifier=nullifier
if spamHandler.isSome:
let handler = spamHandler.get
return pubsub.ValidationResult.Reject
# set a validator for the supplied pubsubTopic
let pb = PubSub(node.wakuRelay)
pb.addValidator(pubsubTopic, validator)
proc mountRlnRelayStatic*(node: WakuNode,
group: seq[IDCommitment],
memKeyPair: MembershipKeyPair,
memIndex: MembershipIndex,
pubsubTopic: string,
contentTopic: ContentTopic,
spamHandler: Option[SpamHandler] = none(SpamHandler)) {.raises: [Defect, IOError].}=
# TODO return a bool value to indicate the success of the call
debug "mounting rln-relay in off-chain/static mode"
# check whether inputs are provided
# relay protocol is the prerequisite of rln-relay
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
error "WakuRelay protocol is not mounted."
# check whether the pubsub topic is supported at the relay level
if pubsubTopic notin node.wakuRelay.defaultTopics:
error "The relay protocol does not support the configured pubsub topic.", pubsubTopic=pubsubTopic
debug "rln-relay input validation passed"
# check the peer's index and the inclusion of user's identity commitment in the group
doAssert((memKeyPair.idCommitment) == group[int(memIndex)])
# create an RLN instance
var rlnInstance = createRLNInstance()
var rln = rlnInstance.value
# create the WakuRLNRelay
var rlnPeer = WakuRLNRelay(membershipKeyPair: memKeyPair,
membershipIndex: memIndex,
rlnInstance: rln,
pubsubTopic: pubsubTopic,
contentTopic: contentTopic)
# add members to the Merkle tree
for index in 0..group.len-1:
let member = group[index]
let memberAdded = rlnPeer.insertMember(member)
# adds a topic validator for the supplied pubsub topic at the relay protocol
# messages published on this pubsub topic will be relayed upon a successful validation, otherwise they will be dropped
# the topic validator checks for the correct non-spamming proof of the message
node.addRLNRelayValidator(pubsubTopic, contentTopic, spamHandler)
debug "rln relay topic validator is mounted successfully", pubsubTopic=pubsubTopic, contentTopic=contentTopic
node.wakuRlnRelay = rlnPeer
proc mountRlnRelayDynamic*(node: WakuNode,
ethClientAddr: string = "",
ethAccAddr: web3.Address,
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt: Option[keys.PrivateKey],
memContractAddr: web3.Address,
memKeyPair: Option[MembershipKeyPair] = none(MembershipKeyPair),
memIndex: Option[MembershipIndex] = none(MembershipIndex),
pubsubTopic: string,
contentTopic: ContentTopic,
spamHandler: Option[SpamHandler] = none(SpamHandler),
registrationHandler: Option[RegistrationHandler] = none(RegistrationHandler)) : Future[RlnRelayResult[bool]] {.async.} =
debug "mounting rln-relay in on-chain/dynamic mode"
# TODO return a bool value to indicate the success of the call
# relay protocol is the prerequisite of rln-relay
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
error "WakuRelay protocol is not mounted."
return err("WakuRelay protocol is not mounted.")
# check whether the pubsub topic is supported at the relay level
if pubsubTopic notin node.wakuRelay.defaultTopics:
error "Wakurelay protocol does not support the configured pubsub topic.", pubsubTopic=pubsubTopic
return err("WakuRelay protocol does not support the configured pubsub topic.")
debug "rln-relay input validation passed"
# create an RLN instance
var rlnInstance = createRLNInstance()
var rln = rlnInstance.value
# prepare rln membership key pair
keyPair: MembershipKeyPair
rlnIndex: MembershipIndex
if memKeyPair.isNone: # no rln credentials provided
if ethAccountPrivKeyOpt.isSome: # if an ethereum private key is supplied, then create rln credentials and register to the membership contract
trace "no rln-relay key is provided, generating one"
let keyPairOpt = rln.membershipKeyGen()
keyPair = keyPairOpt.get()
# register the rln-relay peer to the membership contract
let regIndexRes = await register(idComm = keyPair.idCommitment, ethAccountAddress = ethAccAddr, ethAccountPrivKey = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt.get(), ethClientAddress = ethClientAddr, membershipContractAddress = memContractAddr, registrationHandler = registrationHandler)
# check whether registration is done
if regIndexRes.isErr():
debug "membership registration failed", err=regIndexRes.error()
return err("membership registration failed: " & regIndexRes.error())
rlnIndex = regIndexRes.value
debug "peer is successfully registered into the membership contract"
else: # if no eth private key is available, skip registration
debug "running waku-rln-relay in relay-only mode"
debug "Peer is already registered to the membership contract"
keyPair = memKeyPair.get()
rlnIndex = memIndex.get()
# create the WakuRLNRelay
var rlnPeer = WakuRLNRelay(membershipKeyPair: keyPair,
membershipIndex: rlnIndex,
membershipContractAddress: memContractAddr,
ethClientAddress: ethClientAddr,
ethAccountAddress: ethAccAddr,
ethAccountPrivateKey: ethAccountPrivKeyOpt,
rlnInstance: rln,
pubsubTopic: pubsubTopic,
contentTopic: contentTopic)
proc handler(pubkey: Uint256, index: Uint256) =
debug "a new key is added", pubkey=pubkey
# assuming all the members arrive in order
let pk = pubkey.toIDCommitment()
let isSuccessful = rlnPeer.insertMember(pk)
debug "received pk", pk=pk.toHex, index =index
asyncSpawn rlnPeer.handleGroupUpdates(handler)
debug "dynamic group management is started"
# adds a topic validator for the supplied pubsub topic at the relay protocol
# messages published on this pubsub topic will be relayed upon a successful validation, otherwise they will be dropped
# the topic validator checks for the correct non-spamming proof of the message
addRLNRelayValidator(node, pubsubTopic, contentTopic, spamHandler)
debug "rln relay topic validator is mounted successfully", pubsubTopic=pubsubTopic, contentTopic=contentTopic
node.wakuRlnRelay = rlnPeer
return ok(true)
proc readPersistentRlnCredentials*(path: string) : RlnMembershipCredentials {.raises: [Defect, OSError, IOError, Exception].} =
info "Rln credentials exist in file"
# With regards to printing the keys, it is purely for debugging purposes so that the user becomes explicitly aware of the current keys in use when nwaku is started.
# Note that this is only until the RLN contract being used is the one deployed on Goerli testnet.
# These prints need to omitted once RLN contract is deployed on Ethereum mainnet and using valuable funds for staking.
let entireRlnCredentialsFile = readFile(path)
let jsonObject = parseJson(entireRlnCredentialsFile)
let deserializedRlnCredentials = to(jsonObject, RlnMembershipCredentials)
debug "Deserialized Rln credentials", rlnCredentials=deserializedRlnCredentials
return deserializedRlnCredentials
proc mount(node: WakuNode,
conf: WakuNodeConf|Chat2Conf,
spamHandler: Option[SpamHandler] = none(SpamHandler),
registrationHandler: Option[RegistrationHandler] = none(RegistrationHandler)
): RlnRelayResult[bool] {.raises: [Defect, ValueError, IOError, CatchableError, Exception].} =
if not conf.rlnRelayDynamic:
info " setting up waku-rln-relay in off-chain mode... "
# set up rln relay inputs
let (groupOpt, memKeyPairOpt, memIndexOpt) = rlnRelayStaticSetUp(MembershipIndex(conf.rlnRelayMemIndex))
if memIndexOpt.isNone:
error "failed to mount WakuRLNRelay"
# mount rlnrelay in off-chain mode with a static group of users
node.mountRlnRelayStatic(group = groupOpt.get(), memKeyPair = memKeyPairOpt.get(), memIndex= memIndexOpt.get(), pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic, contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic, spamHandler = spamHandler)
info "membership id key", idkey=memKeyPairOpt.get().idKey.toHex
info "membership id commitment key", idCommitmentkey=memKeyPairOpt.get().idCommitment.toHex
# check the correct construction of the tree by comparing the calculated root against the expected root
# no error should happen as it is already captured in the unit tests
# TODO have added this check to account for unseen corner cases, will remove it later
rootRes = node.wakuRlnRelay.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot()
expectedRoot = StaticGroupMerkleRoot
if rootRes.isErr():
return err(rootRes.error())
let root = rootRes.value()
if root.toHex != expectedRoot:
error "root mismatch: something went wrong not in Merkle tree construction"
debug "the calculated root", root
info "WakuRLNRelay is mounted successfully", pubsubtopic=conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic, contentTopic=conf.rlnRelayContentTopic
return ok(true)
else: # mount the rln relay protocol in the on-chain/dynamic mode
info " setting up waku-rln-relay in on-chain mode... "
# read related inputs to run rln-relay in on-chain mode and do type conversion when needed
ethAccountAddr = web3.fromHex(web3.Address, conf.rlnRelayEthAccount)
ethClientAddr = conf.rlnRelayEthClientAddress
ethMemContractAddress = web3.fromHex(web3.Address, conf.rlnRelayEthMemContractAddress)
var ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = none(keys.PrivateKey)
if conf.rlnRelayEthAccountPrivKey != "":
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = some(keys.PrivateKey(SkSecretKey.fromHex(conf.rlnRelayEthAccountPrivKey).value))
# if the rlnRelayCredPath config option is non-empty, then rln-relay credentials should be persisted
# if the path does not contain any credential file, then a new set is generated and pesisted in the same path
# if there is a credential file, then no new credentials are generated, instead the content of the file is read and used to mount rln-relay
if conf.rlnRelayCredPath != "":
let rlnRelayCredPath = joinPath(conf.rlnRelayCredPath, RlnCredentialsFilename)
debug "rln-relay credential path", rlnRelayCredPath=rlnRelayCredPath
# check if there is an rln-relay credential file in the supplied path
if fileExists(rlnRelayCredPath):
# retrieve rln-relay credential
var credentials = readPersistentRlnCredentials(rlnRelayCredPath)
# mount rln-relay with the provided rln-relay credential
let res = waitFor node.mountRlnRelayDynamic(memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress, ethClientAddr = ethClientAddr,
memKeyPair = some(credentials.membershipKeyPair), memIndex = some(credentials.rlnIndex), ethAccAddr = ethAccountAddr,
ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt, pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic, contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic, spamHandler = spamHandler, registrationHandler = registrationHandler)
if res.isErr:
return err("dynamic rln-relay could not be mounted: " & res.error())
else: # there is no credential file available in the supplied path
# mount the rln-relay protocol leaving rln-relay credentials arguments unassigned
# this infroms mountRlnRelayDynamic proc that new credentials should be generated and registered to the membership contract
info "no rln credential is provided"
let res = waitFor node.mountRlnRelayDynamic(memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress, ethClientAddr = ethClientAddr,
ethAccAddr = ethAccountAddr, ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt, pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic, spamHandler = spamHandler, registrationHandler = registrationHandler)
if res.isErr:
return err("dynamic rln-relay could not be mounted: " & res.error())
# Persist generated credentials
var rlnMembershipCredentials =
RlnMembershipCredentials(membershipKeyPair: node.wakuRlnRelay.membershipKeyPair, rlnIndex: node.wakuRlnRelay.membershipIndex)
# TODO should be replaced with key-store with proper encryption
# persist rln credential
writeFile(rlnRelayCredPath, pretty(%rlnMembershipCredentials))
# do not persist or use a persisted rln-relay credential
# a new credential will be generated during the mount process but will not be persisted
info "no need to persist or use a persisted rln-relay credential"
let res = waitFor node.mountRlnRelayDynamic(memContractAddr = ethMemContractAddress, ethClientAddr = ethClientAddr,
ethAccAddr = ethAccountAddr, ethAccountPrivKeyOpt = ethAccountPrivKeyOpt, pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic,
contentTopic = conf.rlnRelayContentTopic, spamHandler = spamHandler, registrationHandler = registrationHandler)
if res.isErr:
return err("dynamic rln-relay could not be mounted: " & res.error())
return ok(true)
proc mountRlnRelay*(node: WakuNode,
conf: WakuNodeConf|Chat2Conf,
spamHandler: Option[SpamHandler] = none(SpamHandler),
registrationHandler: Option[RegistrationHandler] = none(RegistrationHandler)
): RlnRelayResult[bool] {.raises: [Defect, ValueError, IOError, CatchableError, Exception].} =
let res = mount(
return res