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synced 2025-03-01 07:20:54 +00:00
* DOS protection of non relay protocols - rate limit phase3: - Enhanced TokenBucket to be able to add compensation tokens based on previous usage percentage, - per peer rate limiter 'PeerRateLimier' applied on waku_filter_v2 with opinionated default of acceptable request rate - Add traffic metrics to filter message push - RequestRateLimiter added to combine simple token bucket limiting of request numbers but consider per peer usage over time and prevent some peers to over use the service (although currently rule violating peers will not be disconnected by this time only their requests will get not served) - TimedMap utility created (inspired and taken from libp2p TimedCache) which serves as forgiving feature for peers had been overusing the service. - Added more tests - Fix rebase issues - Applied new RequestRateLimiter for store and legacy_store and lightpush * Incorporate review comments, typos, file/class naming and placement changes. * Add issue link reference of the original issue with nim-chronos TokenBucket * Make TimedEntry of TimedMap private and not mixable with similar named in libp2p * Fix review comments, renamings, const instead of values and more comments.
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{.push raises: [].}
import std/times, libp2p/peerid, stew/byteutils
proc checkAndGenerateRLNProof*(
rlnPeer: Option[WakuRLNRelay], message: WakuMessage
): Result[WakuMessage, string] =
# check if the message already has RLN proof
if message.proof.len > 0:
return ok(message)
if rlnPeer.isNone():
notice "Publishing message without RLN proof"
return ok(message)
# generate and append RLN proof
time = getTime().toUnix()
senderEpochTime = float64(time)
var msgWithProof = message
rlnPeer.get().appendRLNProof(msgWithProof, senderEpochTime).isOkOr:
return err(error)
return ok(msgWithProof)
proc getNilPushHandler*(): PushMessageHandler =
return proc(
peer: PeerId, pubsubTopic: string, message: WakuMessage
): Future[WakuLightPushResult[void]] {.async.} =
return err("no waku relay found")
proc getRelayPushHandler*(
wakuRelay: WakuRelay, rlnPeer: Option[WakuRLNRelay] = none[WakuRLNRelay]()
): PushMessageHandler =
return proc(
peer: PeerId, pubsubTopic: string, message: WakuMessage
): Future[WakuLightPushResult[void]] {.async.} =
# append RLN proof
let msgWithProof = checkAndGenerateRLNProof(rlnPeer, message)
if msgWithProof.isErr():
return err(msgWithProof.error)
(await wakuRelay.validateMessage(pubSubTopic, msgWithProof.value)).isOkOr:
return err(error)
let publishedCount = await wakuRelay.publish(pubsubTopic, msgWithProof.value)
if publishedCount == 0:
## Agreed change expected to the lightpush protocol to better handle such case. https://github.com/waku-org/pm/issues/93
let msgHash = computeMessageHash(pubsubTopic, message).to0xHex()
notice "Lightpush request has not been published to any peers", msg_hash = msgHash
return ok()