
208 lines
7.7 KiB

import std/options, testutils/unittests, chronos, chronicles, libp2p/crypto/crypto
../testlib/[common, wakucore, testasync, futures],
suite "Store Client":
var message1 {.threadvar.}: WakuMessage
var message2 {.threadvar.}: WakuMessage
var message3 {.threadvar.}: WakuMessage
var messageSeq {.threadvar.}: seq[WakuMessage]
var handlerFuture {.threadvar.}: Future[HistoryQuery]
var handler {.threadvar.}: HistoryQueryHandler
var historyQuery {.threadvar.}: HistoryQuery
var serverSwitch {.threadvar.}: Switch
var clientSwitch {.threadvar.}: Switch
var server {.threadvar.}: WakuStore
var client {.threadvar.}: WakuStoreClient
var serverPeerInfo {.threadvar.}: RemotePeerInfo
var clientPeerInfo {.threadvar.}: RemotePeerInfo
message1 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic = DefaultContentTopic)
message2 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic = DefaultContentTopic)
message3 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic = DefaultContentTopic)
messageSeq = @[message1, message2, message3]
handlerFuture = newLegacyHistoryFuture()
handler = proc(req: HistoryQuery): Future[HistoryResult] {.async, gcsafe.} =
return ok(HistoryResponse(messages: messageSeq))
historyQuery = HistoryQuery(
pubsubTopic: some(DefaultPubsubTopic),
contentTopics: @[DefaultContentTopic],
direction: PagingDirection.FORWARD,
serverSwitch = newTestSwitch()
clientSwitch = newTestSwitch()
server = await newTestWakuStore(serverSwitch, handler = handler)
client = newTestWakuStoreClient(clientSwitch)
await allFutures(serverSwitch.start(), clientSwitch.start())
## The following sleep is aimed to prevent macos failures in CI
2024-05-16T13:24:45.5106200Z INF 2024-05-16 13:24:45.509+00:00 Stopping AutonatService topics="libp2p autonatservice" tid=53712 file=service.nim:203
2024-05-16T13:24:45.5107960Z WRN 2024-05-16 13:24:45.509+00:00 service is already stopped topics="libp2p switch" tid=53712 file=switch.nim:86
2024-05-16T13:24:45.5109010Z . (1.68s)
2024-05-16T13:24:45.5109320Z Store Client (0.00s)
2024-05-16T13:24:45.5109870Z SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
2024-05-16T13:24:45.5111470Z stack trace: (most recent call last)
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
serverPeerInfo = serverSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
clientPeerInfo = clientSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
await allFutures(serverSwitch.stop(), clientSwitch.stop())
suite "HistoryQuery Creation and Execution":
asyncTest "Valid Queries":
# When a valid query is sent to the server
let queryResponse = await client.query(historyQuery, peer = serverPeerInfo)
# Then the query is processed successfully
assert await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
handlerFuture.read() == historyQuery
queryResponse.get().messages == messageSeq
asyncTest "Invalid Queries":
# TODO: IMPROVE: We can't test "actual" invalid queries because
# it directly depends on the handler implementation, to achieve
# proper coverage we'd need an example implementation.
# Given some invalid queries
invalidQuery1 = HistoryQuery(
pubsubTopic: some(DefaultPubsubTopic),
contentTopics: @[],
direction: PagingDirection.FORWARD,
invalidQuery2 = HistoryQuery(
pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic.none(),
contentTopics: @[DefaultContentTopic],
direction: PagingDirection.FORWARD,
invalidQuery3 = HistoryQuery(
pubsubTopic: some(DefaultPubsubTopic),
contentTopics: @[DefaultContentTopic],
pageSize: 0,
invalidQuery4 = HistoryQuery(
pubsubTopic: some(DefaultPubsubTopic),
contentTopics: @[DefaultContentTopic],
pageSize: 0,
invalidQuery5 = HistoryQuery(
pubsubTopic: some(DefaultPubsubTopic),
contentTopics: @[DefaultContentTopic],
startTime: some(0.Timestamp),
endTime: some(0.Timestamp),
invalidQuery6 = HistoryQuery(
pubsubTopic: some(DefaultPubsubTopic),
contentTopics: @[DefaultContentTopic],
startTime: some(0.Timestamp),
endTime: some(-1.Timestamp),
# When the query is sent to the server
let queryResponse1 = await client.query(invalidQuery1, peer = serverPeerInfo)
# Then the query is not processed
assert await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
handlerFuture.read() == invalidQuery1
queryResponse1.get().messages == messageSeq
# When the query is sent to the server
handlerFuture = newLegacyHistoryFuture()
let queryResponse2 = await client.query(invalidQuery2, peer = serverPeerInfo)
# Then the query is not processed
assert await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
handlerFuture.read() == invalidQuery2
queryResponse2.get().messages == messageSeq
# When the query is sent to the server
handlerFuture = newLegacyHistoryFuture()
let queryResponse3 = await client.query(invalidQuery3, peer = serverPeerInfo)
# Then the query is not processed
assert await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
handlerFuture.read() == invalidQuery3
queryResponse3.get().messages == messageSeq
# When the query is sent to the server
handlerFuture = newLegacyHistoryFuture()
let queryResponse4 = await client.query(invalidQuery4, peer = serverPeerInfo)
# Then the query is not processed
assert await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
handlerFuture.read() == invalidQuery4
queryResponse4.get().messages == messageSeq
# When the query is sent to the server
handlerFuture = newLegacyHistoryFuture()
let queryResponse5 = await client.query(invalidQuery5, peer = serverPeerInfo)
# Then the query is not processed
assert await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
handlerFuture.read() == invalidQuery5
queryResponse5.get().messages == messageSeq
# When the query is sent to the server
handlerFuture = newLegacyHistoryFuture()
let queryResponse6 = await client.query(invalidQuery6, peer = serverPeerInfo)
# Then the query is not processed
assert await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
handlerFuture.read() == invalidQuery6
queryResponse6.get().messages == messageSeq
suite "Verification of HistoryResponse Payload":
asyncTest "Positive Responses":
# When a valid query is sent to the server
let queryResponse = await client.query(historyQuery, peer = serverPeerInfo)
# Then the query is processed successfully, and is of the expected type
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
type(queryResponse.get()) is HistoryResponse
asyncTest "Negative Responses - PeerDialFailure":
# Given a stopped peer
otherServerSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherServerPeerInfo = otherServerSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
# When a query is sent to the stopped peer
let queryResponse = await client.query(historyQuery, peer = otherServerPeerInfo)
# Then the query is not processed
not await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
queryResponse.error.kind == HistoryErrorKind.PEER_DIAL_FAILURE