829 lines
26 KiB

strutils, times, macros, options, os,
when defined(js):
jscore, jsconsole, jsffi
type OutStr = cstring
faststreams/outputs, json_serialization/writer
outputs, writer
type OutStr = string
propColor = fgBlue
topicsColor = fgYellow
FileOutput* = object
outFile*: File
outPath: string
mode: FileMode
StdOutOutput* = object
StdErrOutput* = object
SysLogOutput* = object
currentRecordLevel: LogLevel
LogOutputStr* = OutStr
DynamicOutput* = object
currentRecordLevel: LogLevel
writer*: proc (logLevel: LogLevel, logRecord: OutStr) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
PassThroughOutput*[FinalOutputs: tuple] = object
finalOutputs: FinalOutputs
BufferedOutput*[FinalOutputs: tuple] = object
finalOutputs: FinalOutputs
buffer: string
AnyFileOutput = FileOutput|StdOutOutput|StdErrOutput
AnyOutput = AnyFileOutput|SysLogOutput|BufferedOutput|PassThroughOutput
timestamps: static[TimestampsScheme],
colors: static[ColorScheme]] = object
output*: Output
level: LogLevel
timestamps: static[TimestampsScheme],
colors: static[ColorScheme]] = object
output*: Output
StreamOutputRef*[Stream; outputId: static[int]] = object
StreamCodeNodes = object
streamName: NimNode
recordType: NimNode
outputsTuple: NimNode
when defined(js):
JsonRecord*[Output; timestamps: static[TimestampsScheme]] = object
output*: Output
record: js
JsonString* = distinct string
JsonRecord*[Output; timestamps: static[TimestampsScheme]] = object
output*: Output
outStream: OutputStream
jsonWriter: Json.Writer
when defined(posix):
{.pragma: syslog_h, importc, header: "<syslog.h>"}
# proc openlog(ident: cstring, option, facility: int) {.syslog_h.}
proc syslog(priority: int, format: cstring, msg: cstring) {.syslog_h.}
# proc closelog() {.syslog_h.}
var LOG_EMERG {.syslog_h.}: int
var LOG_ALERT {.syslog_h.}: int
var LOG_CRIT {.syslog_h.}: int
var LOG_ERR {.syslog_h.}: int
var LOG_WARNING {.syslog_h.}: int
var LOG_NOTICE {.syslog_h.}: int
var LOG_INFO {.syslog_h.}: int
var LOG_DEBUG {.syslog_h.}: int
var LOG_PID {.syslog_h.}: int
# XXX: `bindSym` is currently broken and doesn't return proper type symbols
# (the resulting nodes should have a `tyTypeDesc` type, but they don't)
# Until this is fixed, use regular ident nodes to work-around the problem.
template bnd(s): NimNode =
# bindSym(s)
template deref(so: StreamOutputRef): auto =
when not defined(js):
proc open*(o: ptr FileOutput, path: string, mode = fmAppend): bool =
if o.outFile != nil:
o.outFile = nil
o.outPath = ""
createDir path.splitFile.dir
result = open(o.outFile, path, mode)
if result:
o.outPath = path
o.mode = mode
proc open*(o: ptr FileOutput, file: File): bool =
if o.outFile != nil:
o.outPath = ""
o.outFile = file
proc open*(o: var FileOutput, path: string, mode = fmAppend): bool {.inline.} =
open(o.addr, path, mode)
proc open*(o: var FileOutput, file: File): bool {.inline.} =
open(o.addr, file)
proc openOutput(o: var FileOutput) =
doAssert o.outPath.len > 0 and o.mode != fmRead
createDir o.outPath.splitFile.dir
o.outFile = open(o.outPath, o.mode)
proc createFileOutput(path: string, mode: FileMode): FileOutput =
result.mode = mode
result.outPath = path
template ignoreIOErrors(body: untyped) =
try: body
except IOError: discard
proc logLoggingFailure*(msg: cstring, ex: ref Exception) =
stderr.writeLine("[Chronicles] Log message not delivered: ", msg)
if ex != nil: stderr.writeLine(ex.msg)
template undeliveredMsg(reason: string, logMsg: OutStr, ex: ref Exception) =
const error = "[Chronicles] " & reason & ". Log message not delivered: "
logLoggingFailure(cstring(error & logMsg), ex)
# XXX:
# Uncomenting this leads to an error message that the Outputs tuple
# for the created steam doesn't have a defined destuctor. How come
# destructors are not lifted automatically for tuples?
#proc `=destroy`*(o: var FileOutput) =
# if o.outFile != nil:
# close(o.outFile)
# All file outputs are stored inside an `outputs` tuple created for each
# stream (see createStreamSymbol). The files are opened lazily when the
# first log entries are about to be written and they are closed automatically
# at program exit through their destructors (XXX: not working yet, see above).
# If some of the file outputs don't have assigned paths in the compile-time
# configuration, chronicles will automatically choose the log file names using
# the following rules:
# 1. The log file is created in the current working directory and its name
# matches the name of the stream (plus a '.log' extension). The exception
# for this rule is the default stream, for which the log file will be
# assigned the name of the application binary.
# 2. If more than one unnamed file outputs exist for a given stream,
# chronicles will add an index such as '.2.log', '.3.log' .. '.N.log'
# to the final file name.
when not defined(js):
proc selectLogName(stream: string, outputId: int): string =
result = if stream != defaultChroniclesStreamName: stream
else: getAppFilename().splitFile.name
if outputId > 1: result.add("." & $outputId)
result.add ".log"
proc selectOutputType(s: var StreamCodeNodes, dst: LogDestination): NimNode =
var outputId = 0
if dst.kind == oFile:
when defined(js):
error "File outputs are not supported in the js target"
outputId = s.outputsTuple.len
let mode = if dst.truncate: bindSym"fmWrite"
else: bindSym"fmAppend"
let fileName = if dst.filename.len > 0: newLit(dst.filename)
else: newCall(bindSym"selectLogName",
newLit($s.streamName), newLit(outputId))
s.outputsTuple.add newCall(bindSym"createFileOutput", fileName, mode)
elif dst.kind == oDynamic:
outputId = s.outputsTuple.len
s.outputsTuple.add newTree(nnkObjConstr, bnd"DynamicOutput")
case dst.kind
of oStdOut: bnd"StdOutOutput"
of oStdErr: bnd"StdErrOutput"
of oSysLog: bnd"SysLogOutput"
of oFile, oDynamic:
bnd"StreamOutputRef", s.streamName, newLit(outputId))
proc selectRecordType(s: var StreamCodeNodes, sink: SinkSpec): NimNode =
# This proc translates the SinkSpecs loaded in the `options` module
# to their corresponding LogRecord types.
# We must use buffered output if any of the following is true:
# * Threading is enabled
# (we don't wont races between the `setProperty` calls)
# * The syslog output is used or we are comping to JavaScript
# (we must send a single sting to the output)
# * Multiple destinations are present
# (we don't want to compute the output multiple times)
# The faststreams-based outputs (such as json) are already buffered,
# so we don't need to handle them in a special way.
# Determine the head symbol of the instantiation
let RecordType = case sink.format
of json: bnd"JsonRecord"
of textLines: bnd"TextLineRecord"
of textBlocks: bnd"TextBlockRecord"
result = newTree(nnkBracketExpr, RecordType)
# Check if a buffered output is needed
if defined(js) or
sink.destinations.len > 1 or
sink.destinations[0].kind in {oSyslog,oDynamic} or
# Here, we build the list of outputs as a tuple
var outputsTuple = newTree(nnkTupleConstr)
for dst in sink.destinations:
outputsTuple.add selectOutputType(s, dst)
var outputType = if sink.format in {textLines, textBlocks}:
result.add newTree(nnkBracketExpr, outputType, outputsTuple)
result.add selectOutputType(s, sink.destinations[0])
result.add newIdentNode($sink.timestamps)
# Set the color scheme for the record types that require it
if sink.format != json:
var colorScheme = sink.colorScheme
when not defined(windows):
# `NativeColors' means `AnsiColors` on non-Windows platforms:
if colorScheme == NativeColors: colorScheme = AnsiColors
result.add newIdentNode($colorScheme)
# The `append` and `flushOutput` functions implement the actual writing
# to the log destinations (which we call Outputs).
# The LogRecord types are parametric on their Output and this is how we
# can support arbitrary combinations of log formats and destinations.
template activateOutput*(o: var (StdOutOutput|StdErrOutput), level: LogLevel) =
template activateOutput*(o: var FileOutput, level: LogLevel) =
if o.outFile == nil: openOutput(o)
template activateOutput*(o: var StreamOutputRef, level: LogLevel) =
activateOutput(deref(o), level)
template activateOutput*(o: var (SysLogOutput|DynamicOutput), level: LogLevel) =
o.currentRecordLevel = level
template activateOutput*(o: var BufferedOutput|PassThroughOutput, level: LogLevel) =
for f in o.finalOutputs.fields:
activateOutput(f, level)
template prepareOutput*(r: var auto, level: LogLevel) =
mixin activateOutput
r = default(type(r)) # Remove once nim is updated past #9790
when r is tuple:
for f in r.fields:
activateOutput(f.output, level)
activateOutput(r.output, level)
template append*(o: var FileOutput, s: OutStr) =
o.outFile.write s
template flushOutput*(o: var FileOutput) =
# XXX: Uncommenting this triggers a strange compile-time error
# when multiple sinks are used.
# doAssert o.outFile != nil
template getOutputStream(o: FileOutput): File =
when defined(js):
template append*(o: var StdOutOutput, s: OutStr) = console.log s
template flushOutput*(o: var StdOutOutput) = discard
template append*(o: var StdErrOutput, s: OutStr) = console.error s
template flushOutput*(o: var StdErrOutput) = discard
template append*(o: var StdOutOutput, s: OutStr) =
try: stdout.write s
except IOError as err:
undeliveredMsg("Failed to write to stdout", s, err)
template flushOutput*(o: var StdOutOutput) =
template append*(o: var StdErrOutput, s: OutStr) =
ignoreIOErrors(stderr.write s)
template flushOutput*(o: var StdErrOutput) =
template getOutputStream(o: StdOutOutput): File = stdout
template getOutputStream(o: StdErrOutput): File = stderr
template append*(o: var StreamOutputRef, s: OutStr) = append(deref(o), s)
template flushOutput*(o: var StreamOutputRef) = flushOutput(deref(o))
template getOutputStream(o: StreamOutputRef): File =
template append*(o: var SysLogOutput, s: OutStr) =
let syslogLevel = case o.currentRecordLevel
syslog(syslogLevel or LOG_PID, "%s", s)
template append*(o: var DynamicOutput, s: OutStr) =
if o.writer.isNil:
undeliveredMsg "A writer was not configured for a dynamic log output device", s, nil
(o.writer)(o.currentRecordLevel, s)
template flushOutput*(o: var (SysLogOutput|DynamicOutput)) = discard
# The buffered Output works in a very simple way. The log message is first
# buffered into a sting and when it needs to be flushed, we just instantiate
# each of the Output types and call `append` and `flush` on the instance:
template append*(o: var BufferedOutput, s: OutStr) =
template flushOutput*(o: var BufferedOutput) =
for f in o.finalOutputs.fields:
append(f, o.buffer)
template getOutputStream(o: BufferedOutput|PassThroughOutput): File =
# The pass-through output just acts as a proxy, redirecting a single `append`
# call to multiple destinations:
template append*(o: var PassThroughOutput, strExpr: OutStr) =
let str = strExpr
for f in o.finalOutputs.fields:
append(f, str)
template flushOutput*(o: var PassThroughOutput) =
for f in o.finalOutputs.fields:
# We also define a macro form of `append` that takes multiple parameters and
# just expands to one `append` call per parameter:
macro append*(o: var AnyOutput,
arg1, arg2: untyped,
restArgs: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
# Allow calling append with many arguments
result = newStmtList()
result.add newCall("append", o, arg1)
result.add newCall("append", o, arg2)
for arg in restArgs: result.add newCall("append", o, arg)
proc rfcTimestamp: string =
now().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fffzzz")
proc epochTimestamp: string =
formatFloat(epochTime(), ffDecimal, 6)
template timestamp(record): string =
when record.timestamps == RfcTime:
template writeTs(record) =
append(record.output, timestamp(record))
template fgColor(record, color, brightness) =
when record.colors == AnsiColors:
append(record.output, ansiForegroundColorCode(color, brightness))
elif record.colors == NativeColors:
setForegroundColor(getOutputStream(record.output), color, brightness)
template resetColors(record) =
when record.colors == AnsiColors:
append(record.output, ansiResetCode)
elif record.colors == NativeColors:
template applyStyle(record, style) =
when record.colors == AnsiColors:
append(record.output, ansiStyleCode(style))
elif record.colors == NativeColors:
setStyle(getOutputStream(record.output), {style})
template levelToStyle(lvl: LogLevel): untyped =
# Bright Black is gray
# Light green doesn't display well on white consoles
# Light yellow doesn't display well on white consoles
# Light cyan is darker than green
case lvl
of TRACE: (fgWhite, false)
of DEBUG: (fgBlack, true) # Bright Black is gray
of INFO: (fgCyan, true)
of NOTICE:(fgMagenta, false)
of WARN: (fgYellow, false)
of ERROR: (fgRed, true)
of FATAL: (fgRed, false)
of NONE: (fgWhite, false)
template shortName(lvl: LogLevel): string =
# Same-length strings make for nice alignment
case lvl
of INFO: "INF"
of WARN: "WRN"
of NONE: " "
template appendLogLevelMarker(r: var auto, lvl: LogLevel, align: bool) =
when r.colors != NoColors:
let (color, bright) = levelToStyle(lvl)
fgColor(r, color, bright)
append(r.output, when align: shortName(lvl)
else: $lvl)
template appendHeader(r: var TextLineRecord | var TextBlockRecord,
lvl: LogLevel,
topics: string,
name: string,
pad: bool) =
# Log level comes first - allows for easy regex match with ^
appendLogLevelMarker(r, lvl, true)
when r.timestamps != NoTimestamps:
append(r.output, " ")
if name.len > 0:
# no good way to tell how much padding is going to be needed so we
# choose an arbitrary number and use that - should be fine even for
# 80-char terminals
# XXX: This should be const, but the compiler fails with an ICE
let padding = repeat(' ', if pad: 42 - min(42, name.len) else: 0)
append(r.output, " ")
applyStyle(r, styleBright)
append(r.output, name)
append(r.output, padding)
if topics.len > 0:
append(r.output, " topics=\"")
fgColor(r, topicsColor, true)
append(r.output, topics)
append(r.output, "\"")
# A LogRecord is a single "logical line" in the output.
# 1. It's instantiated by the log statement.
# 2. It's initialized with a call to `initLogRecord`.
# 3. Zero or more calls to `setFirstProperty` and `setPropery` are
# executed with the current lixical and dynamic bindings.
# 4. Finally, `flushRecord` should wrap-up the record and flush the output.
# Text line records:
proc initLogRecord*(r: var TextLineRecord,
lvl: LogLevel,
topics: string,
name: string) =
r.level = lvl
appendHeader(r, lvl, topics, name, true)
proc setProperty*(r: var TextLineRecord, key: string, val: auto) =
append(r.output, " ")
let valText = $val
escaped: string
valueToWrite: ptr string
# Escaping is done to avoid issues with quoting and newlines
# Quoting is done to distinguish strings with spaces in them from a new
# key-value pair
# This is similar to how it's done in logfmt:
# https://github.com/csquared/node-logfmt/blob/master/lib/stringify.js#L13
needsEscape = valText.find(NewLines + {'"', '\\'}) > -1
needsQuote = valText.find({' ', '='}) > -1
if needsEscape or needsQuote:
escaped = newStringOfCap(valText.len + valText.len div 8)
if needsEscape:
# addQuoted adds quotes and escapes a bunch of characters
# XXX addQuoted escapes more characters than what we look for in above
# needsEscape check - it's a bit weird that way
addQuoted(escaped, valText)
elif needsQuote:
add(escaped, '"')
add(escaped, valText)
add(escaped, '"')
valueToWrite = addr escaped
valueToWrite = unsafeAddr valText
when r.colors != NoColors:
let (color, bright) = levelToStyle(r.level)
fgColor(r, color, bright)
append(r.output, key)
append(r.output, "=")
fgColor(r, propColor, true)
append(r.output, valueToWrite[])
template setFirstProperty*(r: var TextLineRecord, key: string, val: auto) =
setProperty(r, key, val)
proc flushRecord*(r: var TextLineRecord) =
append(r.output, "\n")
# Textblock records:
proc initLogRecord*(r: var TextBlockRecord,
level: LogLevel,
topics: string,
name: string) =
appendHeader(r, level, topics, name, false)
append(r.output, "\n")
proc setProperty*(r: var TextBlockRecord, key: string, val: auto) =
let valText = $val
append(r.output, textBlockIndent)
fgColor(r, propColor, false)
append(r.output, key)
append(r.output, ": ")
applyStyle(r, styleBright)
if valText.find(NewLines) == -1:
append(r.output, valText)
append(r.output, "\n")
let indent = textBlockIndent & repeat(' ', key.len + 2)
var first = true
for line in splitLines(valText):
if not first: append(r.output, indent)
append(r.output, line)
append(r.output, "\n")
first = false
template setFirstProperty*(r: var TextBlockRecord, key: string, val: auto) =
setProperty(r, key, val)
proc flushRecord*(r: var TextBlockRecord) =
append(r.output, "\n")
# JSON records:
template `[]=`(r: var JsonRecord, key: string, val: auto) =
when defined(js):
when val is string:
r.record[key] = when val is string: cstring(val) else: val
r.record[key] = val
writeField(r.jsonWriter, key, val)
proc initLogRecord*(r: var JsonRecord,
level: LogLevel,
topics: string,
name: string) =
when defined(js):
r.record = newJsObject()
r.outStream = memoryOutput()
r.jsonWriter = Json.Writer.init(r.outStream, pretty = false)
if level != NONE:
r["lvl"] = level.shortName
when r.timestamps != NoTimestamps:
r["ts"] = r.timestamp()
r["msg"] = name
if topics.len > 0:
r["topics"] = topics
proc setProperty*(r: var JsonRecord, key: string, val: auto) =
r[key] = val
template setFirstProperty*(r: var JsonRecord, key: string, val: auto) =
r[key] = val
proc flushRecord*(r: var JsonRecord) =
when defined(js):
r.output.append JSON.stringify(r.record)
r.outStream.write '\n'
r.output.append r.outStream.getOutput(string)
flushOutput r.output
# When any of the output streams have multiple output formats, we need to
# create a single tuple holding all of the record types which will be passed
# by reference to the dynamically registered `appender` procs associated with
# the dynamic scope bindings (see dynamic_scope.nim for more details).
# All operations on such "composite" records are just dispatched to the
# individual concrete record types stored inside the tuple.
# The macro below will create such a composite record type for each of
# configured output stream.
proc sinkSpecsToCode(streamName: NimNode,
sinks: seq[SinkSpec]): StreamCodeNodes =
result.streamName = streamName
result.outputsTuple = newTree(nnkTupleConstr)
if sinks.len > 1:
result.recordType = newTree(nnkTupleConstr)
for i in 0 ..< sinks.len:
result.recordType.add selectRecordType(result, sinks[i])
result.recordType = selectRecordType(result, sinks[0])
template isStreamSymbolIMPL*(T: typed): bool = false
macro createStreamSymbol(name: untyped, RecordType: typedesc,
outputsTuple: typed): untyped =
let tlsSlot = newIdentNode($name & "TlsSlot")
let Record = newIdentNode($name & "LogRecord")
let outputs = newIdentNode($name & "Outputs")
result = quote:
type `name`* {.inject.} = object
template isStreamSymbolIMPL*(S: type `name`): bool = true
type `Record` = `RecordType`
template Record*(S: type `name`): typedesc = `Record`
when `Record` is tuple:
template initLogRecord*(r: var `Record`, lvl: LogLevel,
topics: string, name: string) =
for f in r.fields: initLogRecord(f, lvl, topics, name)
template setFirstProperty*(r: var `Record`, key: string, val: auto) =
for f in r.fields: setFirstProperty(f, key, val)
template setProperty*(r: var `Record`, key: string, val: auto) =
for f in r.fields: setProperty(f, key, val)
template flushRecord*(r: var `Record`) =
for f in r.fields: flushRecord(f)
var `tlsSlot` {.threadvar.}: ptr BindingsFrame[`Record`]
template tlsSlot*(S: type `name`): auto = `tlsSlot`
var `outputs` = `outputsTuple`
# The output objects are currently not GC-safe because they contain
# strings (the `outPath` field). Since these templates are not used
# in situations where these paths are modified, it's safe to provide
# a gcsafe override until we switch to Nim's --newruntime.
template outputs*(S: type `name`): auto = ({.gcsafe.}: addr `outputs`)[]
template output* (S: type `name`): auto = ({.gcsafe.}: addr `outputs`[0])[]
# This is a placeholder that will be overriden in the user code.
# XXX: replace that with a proper check that the user type requires
# an output resource.
proc createOutput(T: typedesc): byte = discard
macro customLogStream*(streamDef: untyped): untyped =
syntaxCheckStreamExpr streamDef
createOutput = bindSym("createOutput", brForceOpen)
outputsTuple = newTree(nnkTupleConstr, newCall(createOutput, streamDef[1]))
result = getAst(createStreamSymbol(streamDef[0],
macro logStream*(streamDef: untyped): untyped =
# syntaxCheckStreamExpr streamDef
streamSinks = sinkSpecsFromNode(streamDef)
streamName = streamDef[0]
streamCode = sinkSpecsToCode(streamName, streamSinks)
result = getAst(createStreamSymbol(streamName,
macro createStreamRecordTypes: untyped =
result = newStmtList()
for i in 0 ..< config.streams.len:
s = config.streams[i]
streamName = newIdentNode(s.name)
streamCode = sinkSpecsToCode(streamName, s.sinks)
result.add getAst(createStreamSymbol(streamName,
if i == 0:
result.add quote do:
template activeChroniclesStream*: typedesc = `streamName`
# echo result.repr
when defined(windows) and false:
# This is some experimental code that enables native ANSI color codes
# support on Windows 10 (it has been confirmed to work, but the feature
# detection should be done in a more robust way).
# Please note that Nim's terminal module already has some provisions for
# enabling the ANSI codes through calling `enableTrueColors`, but this
# relies internally on `getVersionExW` which doesn't always return the
# correct Windows version (the returned value depends on the manifest
# file shipped with the application). For more info, see MSDN:
# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724451(v=vs.85).aspx
import winlean
proc getConsoleMode(hConsoleHandle: Handle, dwMode: ptr DWORD): WINBOOL{.
stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "GetConsoleMode".}
proc setConsoleMode(hConsoleHandle: Handle, dwMode: DWORD): WINBOOL{.
stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "SetConsoleMode".}
var mode: DWORD = 0
if getConsoleMode(getStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), addr(mode)) != 0:
if setConsoleMode(getStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), mode) != 0: