
1302 lines
52 KiB

std/[options, sequtils, strutils],
stew/shims/net as stewNet,
suite "Waku Relay":
var messageSeq {.threadvar.}: seq[(PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)]
var handlerFuture {.threadvar.}: Future[(PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)]
var simpleFutureHandler {.threadvar.}: WakuRelayHandler
var switch {.threadvar.}: Switch
var peerManager {.threadvar.}: PeerManager
var node {.threadvar.}: WakuRelay
var remotePeerInfo {.threadvar.}: RemotePeerInfo
var peerId {.threadvar.}: PeerId
var contentTopic {.threadvar.}: ContentTopic
var pubsubTopic {.threadvar.}: PubsubTopic
var pubsubTopicSeq {.threadvar.}: seq[PubsubTopic]
var testMessage {.threadvar.}: string
var wakuMessage {.threadvar.}: WakuMessage
messageSeq = @[]
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
simpleFutureHandler = proc(
topic: PubsubTopic, msg: WakuMessage
): Future[void] {.async, closure, gcsafe.} =
messageSeq.add((topic, msg))
handlerFuture.complete((topic, msg))
switch = newTestSwitch()
peerManager = PeerManager.new(switch)
node = await newTestWakuRelay(switch)
testMessage = "test-message"
contentTopic = DefaultContentTopic
pubsubTopic = DefaultPubsubTopic
pubsubTopicSeq = @[pubsubTopic]
wakuMessage = fakeWakuMessage(testMessage, pubsubTopic)
await allFutures(switch.start(), node.start())
remotePeerInfo = switch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
peerId = remotePeerInfo.peerId
await allFutures(switch.stop(), node.stop())
suite "Subscribe":
asyncTest "Publish without Subscription":
# When publishing a message without being subscribed
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, wakuMessage)
# Then the message is not published
not await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
asyncTest "Publish with Subscription (Network Size: 1)":
# When subscribing to a Pubsub Topic
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
# Then the node is subscribed
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
# When publishing a message
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, wakuMessage)
# Then the message is published
assert (await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT))
let (topic, msg) = handlerFuture.read()
topic == pubsubTopic
msg == wakuMessage
asyncTest "Pubsub Topic Subscription (Network Size: 2, only one subscribed)":
# Given a second node connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
let otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
# When subscribing the second node to the Pubsub Topic
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
# Then the second node is subscribed, but not the first one
not node.isSubscribed(pubsubTopic)
node.subscribedTopics != pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# When publishing a message in the subscribed node
let fromOtherWakuMessage = fakeWakuMessage("fromOther")
discard await otherNode.publish(pubsubTopic, fromOtherWakuMessage)
# Then the message is published only in the subscribed node
not await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
let (otherTopic1, otherMessage1) = otherHandlerFuture.read()
otherTopic1 == pubsubTopic
otherMessage1 == fromOtherWakuMessage
# When publishing a message in the other node
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
let fromNodeWakuMessage = fakeWakuMessage("fromNode")
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, fromNodeWakuMessage)
# Then the message is published only in the subscribed node
not await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
let (otherTopic2, otherMessage2) = otherHandlerFuture.read()
otherTopic2 == pubsubTopic
otherMessage2 == fromNodeWakuMessage
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
asyncTest "Pubsub Topic Subscription (Network Size: 2, both subscribed to same pubsub topic)":
# Given a second node connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
let otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
# When subscribing both nodes to the same Pubsub Topic
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
# Then both nodes are subscribed
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# When publishing a message in node
let fromOtherWakuMessage = fakeWakuMessage("fromOther")
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, fromOtherWakuMessage)
# Then the message is published in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(topic1, message1) = handlerFuture.read()
(otherTopic1, otherMessage1) = otherHandlerFuture.read()
topic1 == pubsubTopic
message1 == fromOtherWakuMessage
otherTopic1 == pubsubTopic
otherMessage1 == fromOtherWakuMessage
# When publishing a message in the other node
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
let fromNodeWakuMessage = fakeWakuMessage("fromNode")
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, fromNodeWakuMessage)
discard await otherNode.publish(pubsubTopic, fromNodeWakuMessage)
# Then the message is published in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(topic2, message2) = handlerFuture.read()
(otherTopic2, otherMessage2) = otherHandlerFuture.read()
topic2 == pubsubTopic
message2 == fromNodeWakuMessage
otherTopic2 == pubsubTopic
otherMessage2 == fromNodeWakuMessage
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
asyncTest "Refreshing subscription":
# Given a subscribed node
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
let otherWakuMessage = fakeWakuMessage("fromOther")
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, otherWakuMessage)
messageSeq == @[(pubsubTopic, otherWakuMessage)]
# Given the subscription is refreshed
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
messageSeq == @[(pubsubTopic, otherWakuMessage)]
# When publishing a message with the refreshed subscription
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, wakuMessage)
# Then the message is published
check (await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT))
let (topic, msg) = handlerFuture.read()
topic == pubsubTopic
msg == wakuMessage
messageSeq == @[(pubsubTopic, otherWakuMessage), (pubsubTopic, wakuMessage)]
asyncTest "With additional validator":
# Given a simple validator
var validatorFuture = newBoolFuture()
let len4Validator = proc(
pubsubTopic: string, message: WakuMessage
): Future[ValidationResult] {.async.} =
if message.payload.len() == 8:
return ValidationResult.Accept
return ValidationResult.Reject
# And a second node connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
let otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
otherNode.addValidator(pubsubTopic, len4Validator)
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# Given a subscribed node with a validator
node.addValidator(pubsubTopic, len4Validator)
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
# When publishing a message that doesn't match the validator
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, wakuMessage)
# Then the validator is ran in the other node, and fails
# Not run in the self node
await validatorFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
validatorFuture.read() == false
# And the message is published in the self node, but not in the other node,
# because it doesn't pass the validator check.
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
let (topic1, msg1) = handlerFuture.read()
# let (otherTopic1, otherMsg1) = otherHandlerFuture.read()
topic1 == pubsubTopic
msg1 == wakuMessage
# otherTopic1 == pubsubTopic
# otherMsg1 == wakuMessage
# When publishing a message that matches the validator
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
validatorFuture = newBoolFuture()
let wakuMessage2 = fakeWakuMessage("12345678", pubsubTopic)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, wakuMessage2)
# Then the validator is ran in the other node, and succeeds
# Not run in the self node
await validatorFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
validatorFuture.read() == true
# And the message is published in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
let (topic2, msg2) = handlerFuture.read()
let (otherTopic2, otherMsg2) = otherHandlerFuture.read()
topic2 == pubsubTopic
msg2 == wakuMessage2
otherTopic2 == pubsubTopic
otherMsg2 == wakuMessage2
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
asyncTest "Max Topic Size":
asyncTest "Max subscriptions":
asyncTest "Message encryption/decryption":
# Given a second node connected to the first one, both subscribed to the same Pubsub Topic
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
let otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# Given some crypto info
var key = "My fancy key"
var data = "Hello, Crypto!"
var iv = "0123456789ABCDEF"
# When publishing an encrypted message
let encodedText = cfbEncode(key, iv, data)
let encodedWakuMessage = fakeWakuMessage(encodedText, pubsubTopic)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, encodedWakuMessage)
# Then the message is published in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
let (topic1, msg1) = handlerFuture.read()
let (otherTopic1, otherMsg1) = otherHandlerFuture.read()
topic1 == pubsubTopic
msg1 == encodedWakuMessage
otherTopic1 == pubsubTopic
otherMsg1 == encodedWakuMessage
# When decoding the message
decodedText = cfbDecode(key, iv, msg1.payload)
otherDecodedText = cfbDecode(key, iv, otherMsg1.payload)
# Then the message is decrypted in both nodes
decodedText.toString() == data
otherDecodedText.toString() == data
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
asyncTest "How multiple interconnected nodes work":
# Given two other pubsub topics
pubsubTopicB = "pubsub-topic-b"
pubsubTopicC = "pubsub-topic-c"
# Given two other nodes connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherPeerManager = PeerManager.new(otherSwitch)
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
anotherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
anotherPeerManager = PeerManager.new(anotherSwitch)
anotherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(anotherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start(), anotherSwitch.start(), anotherNode.start())
otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
otherPeerId = otherRemotePeerInfo.peerId
anotherRemotePeerInfo = anotherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
anotherPeerId = anotherRemotePeerInfo.peerId
await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
await peerManager.connectRelay(anotherRemotePeerInfo)
# Given the first node is subscribed to two pubsub topics
var handlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc simpleFutureHandler2(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
handlerFuture2.complete((topic, message))
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopicB, simpleFutureHandler2)
# Given the other nodes are subscribed to two pubsub topics
var otherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler1(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture1.complete((topic, message))
var otherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler2(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture2.complete((topic, message))
var anotherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc anotherSimpleFutureHandler1(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
anotherHandlerFuture1.complete((topic, message))
var anotherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc anotherSimpleFutureHandler2(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
anotherHandlerFuture2.complete((topic, message))
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler1)
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopicC, otherSimpleFutureHandler2)
discard anotherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopicB, anotherSimpleFutureHandler1)
discard anotherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopicC, anotherSimpleFutureHandler2)
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# When publishing a message in node for each of the pubsub topics
fromNodeWakuMessage1 = fakeWakuMessage("fromNode1")
fromNodeWakuMessage2 = fakeWakuMessage("fromNode2")
fromNodeWakuMessage3 = fakeWakuMessage("fromNode3")
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, fromNodeWakuMessage1)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopicB, fromNodeWakuMessage2)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopicC, fromNodeWakuMessage3)
# Then the messages are published in all nodes (because it's published in the center node)
# Center meaning that all other nodes are connected to this one
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await handlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await anotherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await anotherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(topic1, msg1) = handlerFuture.read()
(topic2, msg2) = handlerFuture2.read()
(otherTopic1, otherMsg1) = otherHandlerFuture1.read()
(otherTopic2, otherMsg2) = otherHandlerFuture2.read()
(anotherTopic1, anotherMsg1) = anotherHandlerFuture1.read()
(anotherTopic2, anotherMsg2) = anotherHandlerFuture2.read()
topic1 == pubsubTopic
msg1 == fromNodeWakuMessage1
topic2 == pubsubTopicB
msg2 == fromNodeWakuMessage2
otherTopic1 == pubsubTopic
otherMsg1 == fromNodeWakuMessage1
otherTopic2 == pubsubTopicC
otherMsg2 == fromNodeWakuMessage3
anotherTopic1 == pubsubTopicB
anotherMsg1 == fromNodeWakuMessage2
anotherTopic2 == pubsubTopicC
anotherMsg2 == fromNodeWakuMessage3
# Given anotherNode is completely disconnected from the first one
await anotherPeerManager.switch.disconnect(peerId)
await peerManager.switch.disconnect(anotherPeerId)
not anotherPeerManager.switch.isConnected(peerId)
not peerManager.switch.isConnected(anotherPeerId)
# When publishing a message in node for each of the pubsub topics
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
handlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
anotherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
anotherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
fromNodeWakuMessage4 = fakeWakuMessage("fromNode4")
fromNodeWakuMessage5 = fakeWakuMessage("fromNode5")
fromNodeWakuMessage6 = fakeWakuMessage("fromNode6")
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, fromNodeWakuMessage4)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopicB, fromNodeWakuMessage5)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopicC, fromNodeWakuMessage6)
# Then the message is published in node and otherNode,
# but not in anotherNode because it is not connected anymore
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await handlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await anotherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await anotherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(topic3, msg3) = handlerFuture.read()
(topic4, msg4) = handlerFuture2.read()
(otherTopic3, otherMsg3) = otherHandlerFuture1.read()
(otherTopic4, otherMsg4) = otherHandlerFuture2.read()
topic3 == pubsubTopic
msg3 == fromNodeWakuMessage4
topic4 == pubsubTopicB
msg4 == fromNodeWakuMessage5
otherTopic3 == pubsubTopic
otherMsg3 == fromNodeWakuMessage4
otherTopic4 == pubsubTopicC
otherMsg4 == fromNodeWakuMessage6
# When publishing a message in anotherNode for each of the pubsub topics
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
handlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
anotherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
anotherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage1 = fakeWakuMessage("fromAnotherNode1")
fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage2 = fakeWakuMessage("fromAnotherNode2")
fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage3 = fakeWakuMessage("fromAnotherNode3")
discard await anotherNode.publish(pubsubTopic, fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage1)
discard await anotherNode.publish(pubsubTopicB, fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage2)
discard await anotherNode.publish(pubsubTopicC, fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage3)
# Then the messages are only published in anotherNode because it's disconnected from
# the rest of the network
not await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await handlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await otherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await otherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await anotherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await anotherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(anotherTopic3, anotherMsg3) = anotherHandlerFuture1.read()
(anotherTopic4, anotherMsg4) = anotherHandlerFuture2.read()
anotherTopic3 == pubsubTopicB
anotherMsg3 == fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage2
anotherTopic4 == pubsubTopicC
anotherMsg4 == fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage3
# When publishing a message in otherNode for each of the pubsub topics
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
handlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
anotherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
anotherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
fromOtherNodeWakuMessage1 = fakeWakuMessage("fromOtherNode1")
fromOtherNodeWakuMessage2 = fakeWakuMessage("fromOtherNode2")
fromOtherNodeWakuMessage3 = fakeWakuMessage("fromOtherNode3")
discard await otherNode.publish(pubsubTopic, fromOtherNodeWakuMessage1)
discard await otherNode.publish(pubsubTopicB, fromOtherNodeWakuMessage2)
discard await otherNode.publish(pubsubTopicC, fromOtherNodeWakuMessage3)
# Then the messages are only published in otherNode and node, but not in anotherNode
# because it's disconnected from the rest of the network
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await handlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await anotherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await anotherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(topic5, msg5) = handlerFuture.read()
(topic6, msg6) = handlerFuture2.read()
(otherTopic5, otherMsg5) = otherHandlerFuture1.read()
(otherTopic6, otherMsg6) = otherHandlerFuture2.read()
topic5 == pubsubTopic
msg5 == fromOtherNodeWakuMessage1
topic6 == pubsubTopicB
msg6 == fromOtherNodeWakuMessage2
otherTopic5 == pubsubTopic
otherMsg5 == fromOtherNodeWakuMessage1
otherTopic6 == pubsubTopicC
otherMsg6 == fromOtherNodeWakuMessage3
# Given anotherNode is reconnected, but to otherNode
check await anotherPeerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
# When publishing a message in anotherNode for each of the pubsub topics
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
handlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
anotherHandlerFuture1 = newPushHandlerFuture()
anotherHandlerFuture2 = newPushHandlerFuture()
fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage4 = fakeWakuMessage("fromAnotherNode4")
fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage5 = fakeWakuMessage("fromAnotherNode5")
fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage6 = fakeWakuMessage("fromAnotherNode6")
discard await anotherNode.publish(pubsubTopic, fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage4)
discard await anotherNode.publish(pubsubTopicB, fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage5)
discard await anotherNode.publish(pubsubTopicC, fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage6)
# Then the messages are published in all nodes except in node's B topic, because
# even if they're connected like so AnotherNode <-> OtherNode <-> Node,
# otherNode doesn't broadcast B topic messages because it's not subscribed to it
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await handlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await anotherHandlerFuture1.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await anotherHandlerFuture2.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(topic7, msg7) = handlerFuture.read()
(otherTopic7, otherMsg7) = otherHandlerFuture1.read()
(otherTopic8, otherMsg8) = otherHandlerFuture2.read()
(anotherTopic7, anotherMsg7) = anotherHandlerFuture1.read()
(anotherTopic8, anotherMsg8) = anotherHandlerFuture2.read()
topic7 == pubsubTopic
msg7 == fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage4
otherTopic7 == pubsubTopic
otherMsg7 == fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage4
otherTopic8 == pubsubTopicC
otherMsg8 == fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage6
anotherTopic7 == pubsubTopicB
anotherMsg7 == fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage5
anotherTopic8 == pubsubTopicC
anotherMsg8 == fromAnotherNodeWakuMessage6
# Finally stop the other nodes
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop(), anotherSwitch.stop(), anotherNode.stop())
suite "Unsubscribe":
asyncTest "Without Subscription":
# Given an external topic handler
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
let otherTopicHandler: TopicHandler = otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
# Given a node without a subscription
node.subscribedTopics == []
# When unsubscribing from a pubsub topic from an unsubscribed topic handler
node.unsubscribe(pubsubTopic, otherTopicHandler)
# Then the node is still not subscribed
node.subscribedTopics == []
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
asyncTest "Single Node with Single Pubsub Topic":
# Given a node subscribed to a pubsub topic
let topicHandler = node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
check node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
# When unsubscribing from the pubsub topic
node.unsubscribe(pubsubTopic, topicHandler)
# Then the node is not subscribed anymore
check node.subscribedTopics == []
asyncTest "Single Node with Multiple Pubsub Topics":
# Given other pubsub topic
let pubsubTopicB = "pubsub-topic-b"
# Given a node subscribed to multiple pubsub topics
topicHandler = node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
topicHandlerB = node.subscribe(pubsubTopicB, simpleFutureHandler)
check node.subscribedTopics == @[pubsubTopic, pubsubTopicB]
# When unsubscribing from one of the pubsub topics
node.unsubscribe(pubsubTopic, topicHandler)
# Then the node is still subscribed to the other pubsub topic
check node.subscribedTopics == @[pubsubTopicB]
# When unsubscribing from the other pubsub topic
node.unsubscribe(pubsubTopicB, topicHandlerB)
# Then the node is not subscribed anymore
check node.subscribedTopics == []
suite "Unsubscribe All":
asyncTest "Without subscriptions":
# Given a node without subscriptions
check node.subscribedTopics == []
# When unsubscribing from all pubsub topics
# Then the node is still not subscribed
check node.subscribedTopics == []
asyncTest "Single Node with Single Pubsub Topic":
# Given a node subscribed to a pubsub topic
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
check node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
# When unsubscribing from all pubsub topics
# Then the node is not subscribed anymore
check node.subscribedTopics == []
asyncTest "Single Node with Multiple Pubsub Topics":
# Given other pubsub topic
let pubsubTopicB = "pubsub-topic-b"
# Given a node subscribed to multiple pubsub topics
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopicB, simpleFutureHandler)
check node.subscribedTopics == @[pubsubTopic, pubsubTopicB]
# When unsubscribing all handlers from pubsubTopic
# Then the node doesn't have pubsubTopic handlers
check node.subscribedTopics == @[pubsubTopicB]
# When unsubscribing all handlers from pubsubTopicB
# Then the node is not subscribed to anything
check node.subscribedTopics == []
suite "Send & Retrieve Messages":
asyncTest "Valid Payload Types":
# Given a second node connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
let otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
# Given both are subscribed to the same pubsub topic
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# Given some payloads
JSON_DICTIONARY = getSampleJsonDictionary()
JSON_LIST = getSampleJsonList()
# Given some valid messages
msg1 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=ALPHABETIC)
msg2 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=ALPHANUMERIC)
msg3 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=ALPHANUMERIC_SPECIAL)
msg4 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=EMOJI)
msg5 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=CODE)
msg6 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=QUERY)
msg7 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=($JSON_DICTIONARY))
msg8 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=($JSON_LIST))
msg9 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=TEXT_SMALL)
msg10 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=TEXT_LARGE)
# When sending the alphabetic message
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg1)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg1) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg1) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the alphanumeric message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg2)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg2) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg2) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the alphanumeric special message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg3)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg3) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg3) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the emoji message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg4)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg4) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg4) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the code message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg5)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg5) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg5) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the query message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg6)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg6) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg6) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the JSON dictionary message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg7)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg7) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg7) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the JSON list message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg8)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg8) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg8) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the small text message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg9)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg9) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg9) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the large text message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg10)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg10) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg10) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
asyncTest "Valid Payload Sizes":
# Given a second node connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
let otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
# Given both are subscribed to the same pubsub topic
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# Given some valid payloads
msg1 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=getByteSequence(1024)) # 1KiB
msg2 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=getByteSequence(10*1024)) # 10KiB
msg3 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=getByteSequence(100*1024)) # 100KiB
msg4 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=getByteSequence(1023*1024 + 933)) # 1MiB - 91B -> Max Size (Inclusive Limit)
msg5 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=getByteSequence(1023*1024 + 934)) # 1MiB - 90B -> Max Size (Exclusive Limit)
msg6 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic=contentTopic, payload=getByteSequence(1024*1024)) # 1MiB -> Out of Max Size
# When sending the 1KiB message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg1)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg1) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg1) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the 10KiB message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg2)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg2) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg2) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the 100KiB message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg3)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg3) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg3) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the 1023KiB + 933B message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg4)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg4) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg4) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending the 1023KiB + 934B message
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg5)
# Then the message is received in self, because there's no checking, but not in other node
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg5) == handlerFuture.read()
# When sending the 1MiB
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg6)
# Then the message is received in self, because there's no checking, but not in other node
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg6) == handlerFuture.read()
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
asyncTest "Multiple messages at once":
# Given a second node connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
let otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
# Given both are subscribed to the same pubsub topic
# Create a different handler than the default to include messages in a seq
var thisHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
var thisMessageSeq: seq[(PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)] = @[]
proc thisSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
thisMessageSeq.add((topic, message))
thisHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
var otherMessageSeq: seq[(PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)] = @[]
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherMessageSeq.add((topic, message))
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, thisSimpleFutureHandler)
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# When sending multiple messages from node
msg1 = fakeWakuMessage("msg1", pubsubTopic)
msg2 = fakeWakuMessage("msg2", pubsubTopic)
msg3 = fakeWakuMessage("msg3", pubsubTopic)
msg4 = fakeWakuMessage("msg4", pubsubTopic)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg1)
check await thisHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
check await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
thisHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg2)
check await thisHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
check await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
thisHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg3)
check await thisHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
check await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
thisHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg4)
await thisHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
thisMessageSeq == @[
(pubsubTopic, msg1),
(pubsubTopic, msg2),
(pubsubTopic, msg3),
(pubsubTopic, msg4)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
otherMessageSeq == @[
(pubsubTopic, msg1),
(pubsubTopic, msg2),
(pubsubTopic, msg3),
(pubsubTopic, msg4)
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
suite "Security and Privacy":
xasyncTest "Relay can receive messages after reboot and reconnect":
# Given a second node connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherPeerManager = PeerManager.new(otherSwitch)
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
otherPeerId = otherRemotePeerInfo.peerId
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
# Given both are subscribed to the same pubsub topic
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# Given other node is stopped and restarted
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
# FIXME: Once stopped and started, nodes are not considered connected, nor do they reconnect after running connectRelay, as below
# check await otherPeerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
# When sending a message from node
let msg1 = fakeWakuMessage(testMessage, pubsubTopic)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg1)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg1) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg1) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending a message from other node
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
let msg2 = fakeWakuMessage(testMessage, pubsubTopic)
discard await otherNode.publish(pubsubTopic, msg2)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg2) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg2) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# Given node is stopped and restarted
await allFutures(switch.stop(), node.stop())
await allFutures(switch.start(), node.start())
# When sending a message from node
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
let msg3 = fakeWakuMessage(testMessage, pubsubTopic)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg3)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg3) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg3) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# When sending a message from other node
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
let msg4 = fakeWakuMessage(testMessage, pubsubTopic)
discard await otherNode.publish(pubsubTopic, msg4)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg4) == handlerFuture.read()
(pubsubTopic, msg4) == otherHandlerFuture.read()
# Finally stop the other node
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
asyncTest "Relay can't receive messages after subscribing and stopping without unsubscribing":
# Given a second node connected to the first one
otherSwitch = newTestSwitch()
otherPeerManager = PeerManager.new(otherSwitch)
otherNode = await newTestWakuRelay(otherSwitch)
await allFutures(otherSwitch.start(), otherNode.start())
otherRemotePeerInfo = otherSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo()
otherPeerId = otherRemotePeerInfo.peerId
check await peerManager.connectRelay(otherRemotePeerInfo)
# Given both are subscribed to the same pubsub topic
var otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
proc otherSimpleFutureHandler(topic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage) {.async, gcsafe.} =
otherHandlerFuture.complete((topic, message))
discard otherNode.subscribe(pubsubTopic, otherSimpleFutureHandler)
discard node.subscribe(pubsubTopic, simpleFutureHandler)
node.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
otherNode.subscribedTopics == pubsubTopicSeq
await sleepAsync(500.millis)
# Given other node is stopped without unsubscribing
await allFutures(otherSwitch.stop(), otherNode.stop())
# When sending a message from node
let msg1 = fakeWakuMessage(testMessage, pubsubTopic)
discard await node.publish(pubsubTopic, msg1)
# Then the message is not received in any node
await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
not await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg1) == handlerFuture.read()
# When sending a message from other node
handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
otherHandlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture()
let msg2 = fakeWakuMessage(testMessage, pubsubTopic)
discard await otherNode.publish(pubsubTopic, msg2)
# Then the message is received in both nodes
not await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
await otherHandlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT)
(pubsubTopic, msg2) == otherHandlerFuture.read()