
49 lines
1.6 KiB

chronos, bearssl/rand,
eth/[keys, p2p]
import libp2p/crypto/crypto
var nextPort = 30303
proc localAddress*(port: int): Address =
let port = Port(port)
result = Address(udpPort: port, tcpPort: port,
ip: parseIpAddress(""))
proc setupTestNode*(
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext,
capabilities: varargs[ProtocolInfo, `protocolInfo`]): EthereumNode =
keys1 = keys.KeyPair.random(rng[])
address = localAddress(nextPort)
result = newEthereumNode(keys1, address, NetworkId(1),
addAllCapabilities = false,
bindUdpPort = address.udpPort, # Assume same as external
bindTcpPort = address.tcpPort, # Assume same as external
rng = rng)
for capability in capabilities:
result.addCapability capability
# Copied from here: https://github.com/status-im/nim-libp2p/blob/d522537b19a532bc4af94fcd146f779c1f23bad0/tests/helpers.nim#L28
type RngWrap = object
rng: ref rand.HmacDrbgContext
var rngVar: RngWrap
proc getRng(): ref rand.HmacDrbgContext =
# TODO if `rngVar` is a threadvar like it should be, there are random and
# spurious compile failures on mac - this is not gcsafe but for the
# purpose of the tests, it's ok as long as we only use a single thread
if rngVar.rng.isNil:
rngVar.rng = crypto.newRng()
template rng*(): ref rand.HmacDrbgContext =
proc generateKey*(): crypto.PrivateKey =
return crypto.PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng[])[]