
399 lines
14 KiB

## chat2 is an example of usage of Waku v2. For suggested usage options, please
## see dingpu tutorial in docs folder.
when not(compileOption("threads")):
{.fatal: "Please, compile this program with the --threads:on option!".}
import std/[tables, strformat, strutils, times, httpclient, json, sequtils, random]
import confutils, chronicles, chronos, stew/shims/net as stewNet,
eth/keys, bearssl, stew/[byteutils, endians2],
import libp2p/[switch, # manage transports, a single entry point for dialing and listening
crypto/crypto, # cryptographic functions
stream/connection, # create and close stream read / write connections
multiaddress, # encode different addressing schemes. For example, /ip4/ means it is using IPv4 protocol and TCP
peerinfo, # manage the information of a peer, such as peer ID and public / private key
peerid, # Implement how peers interact
protobuf/minprotobuf, # message serialisation/deserialisation from and to protobufs
protocols/protocol, # define the protocol base type
protocols/secure/secio, # define the protocol of secure input / output, allows encrypted communication that uses public keys to validate signed messages instead of a certificate authority like in TLS
muxers/muxer] # define an interface for stream multiplexing, allowing peers to offer many protocols over a single connection
import ../../waku/v2/node/[config, wakunode2, waku_payload],
const Help = """
Commands: /[?|help|connect|nick]
help: Prints this help
connect: dials a remote peer
nick: change nickname for current chat session
exit: exits chat session
PayloadV1* {.booldefine.} = false
DefaultTopic = "/waku/2/default-waku/proto"
DefaultContentTopic = ContentTopic("dingpu")
# XXX Connected is a bit annoying, because incoming connections don't trigger state change
# Could poll connection pool or something here, I suppose
# TODO Ensure connected turns true on incoming connections, or get rid of it
type Chat = ref object
node: WakuNode # waku node for publishing, subscribing, etc
transp: StreamTransport # transport streams between read & write file descriptor
subscribed: bool # indicates if a node is subscribed or not to a topic
connected: bool # if the node is connected to another peer
started: bool # if the node has started
nick: string # nickname for this chat session
prompt: bool # chat prompt is showing
PrivateKey* = crypto.PrivateKey
Topic* = wakunode2.Topic
## chat2 protobufs ##
type Chat2Message* = object
timestamp*: int64
nick*: string
payload*: seq[byte]
proc init*(T: type Chat2Message, buffer: seq[byte]): ProtoResult[T] =
var msg = Chat2Message()
let pb = initProtoBuffer(buffer)
var timestamp: uint64
discard ? pb.getField(1, timestamp)
msg.timestamp = int64(timestamp)
discard ? pb.getField(2, msg.nick)
discard ? pb.getField(3, msg.payload)
proc encode*(message: Chat2Message): ProtoBuffer =
var serialised = initProtoBuffer()
serialised.write(1, uint64(message.timestamp))
serialised.write(2, message.nick)
serialised.write(3, message.payload)
return serialised
proc toString*(message: Chat2Message): string =
# Get message date and timestamp in local time
let time = message.timestamp.fromUnix().local().format("'<'MMM' 'dd,' 'HH:mm'>'")
return time & " " & message.nick & ": " & string.fromBytes(message.payload)
# Similarly as Status public chats now.
proc generateSymKey(contentTopic: ContentTopic): SymKey =
var ctx: HMAC[sha256]
var symKey: SymKey
if pbkdf2(ctx, contentTopic.toBytes(), "", 65356, symKey) != sizeof(SymKey):
raise (ref Defect)(msg: "Should not occur as array is properly sized")
let DefaultSymKey = generateSymKey(DefaultContentTopic)
proc connectToNodes(c: Chat, nodes: seq[string]) {.async.} =
echo "Connecting to nodes"
await c.node.connectToNodes(nodes)
c.connected = true
proc showChatPrompt(c: Chat) =
if not c.prompt:
stdout.write(">> ")
c.prompt = true
proc selectRandomNode(): string =
# Get latest fleet
fleet = newHttpClient().getContent("https://fleets.status.im")
# Select the JSONObject corresponding to the wakuv2 test fleet and convert to seq of key-val pairs
nodes = toSeq(fleet.parseJson(){"fleets", "wakuv2.test", "waku"}.pairs())
# Select a random node from the test fleet, convert to string and return
return nodes[rand(nodes.len - 1)].val.getStr()
proc readNick(transp: StreamTransport): Future[string] {.async.} =
# Chat prompt
stdout.write("Choose a nickname >> ")
return await transp.readLine()
proc publish(c: Chat, line: string) =
# First create a Chat2Message protobuf with this line of text
let chat2pb = Chat2Message(timestamp: getTime().toUnix(),
nick: c.nick,
payload: line.toBytes()).encode()
when PayloadV1:
# Use Waku v1 payload encoding/encryption
payload = Payload(payload: chat2pb.buffer, symKey: some(DefaultSymKey))
version = 1'u32
encodedPayload = payload.encode(version, c.node.rng[])
if encodedPayload.isOk():
let message = WakuMessage(payload: encodedPayload.get(),
contentTopic: DefaultContentTopic, version: version)
asyncSpawn c.node.publish(DefaultTopic, message)
warn "Payload encoding failed", error = encodedPayload.error
# No payload encoding/encryption from Waku
let message = WakuMessage(payload: chat2pb.buffer,
contentTopic: DefaultContentTopic, version: 0)
asyncSpawn c.node.publish(DefaultTopic, message)
# TODO This should read or be subscribe handler subscribe
proc readAndPrint(c: Chat) {.async.} =
while true:
# while p.connected:
# # TODO: echo &"{p.id} -> "
# echo cast[string](await p.conn.readLp(1024))
#echo "readAndPrint subscribe NYI"
await sleepAsync(100.millis)
# TODO Implement
proc writeAndPrint(c: Chat) {.async.} =
while true:
# Connect state not updated on incoming WakuRelay connections
# if not c.connected:
# echo "type an address or wait for a connection:"
# echo "type /[help|?] for help"
# Chat prompt
let line = await c.transp.readLine()
if line.startsWith("/help") or line.startsWith("/?") or not c.started:
echo Help
# if line.startsWith("/disconnect"):
# echo "Ending current session"
# if p.connected and p.conn.closed.not:
# await p.conn.close()
# p.connected = false
elif line.startsWith("/connect"):
# TODO Should be able to connect to multiple peers for Waku chat
if c.connected:
echo "already connected to at least one peer"
echo "enter address of remote peer"
let address = await c.transp.readLine()
if address.len > 0:
await c.connectToNodes(@[address])
elif line.startsWith("/nick"):
# Set a new nickname
c.nick = await readNick(c.transp)
echo "You are now known as " & c.nick
elif line.startsWith("/exit"):
await c.node.stop()
echo "quitting..."
# XXX connected state problematic
if c.started:
# TODO Connect to peer logic?
if line.startsWith("/") and "p2p" in line:
await c.connectToNodes(@[line])
echo &"unable to dial remote peer {line}"
echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
proc readWriteLoop(c: Chat) {.async.} =
asyncCheck c.writeAndPrint() # execute the async function but does not block
asyncCheck c.readAndPrint()
proc readInput(wfd: AsyncFD) {.thread.} =
## This procedure performs reading from `stdin` and sends data over
## pipe to main thread.
let transp = fromPipe(wfd)
while true:
let line = stdin.readLine()
discard waitFor transp.write(line & "\r\n")
proc processInput(rfd: AsyncFD, rng: ref BrHmacDrbgContext) {.async.} =
let transp = fromPipe(rfd)
conf = WakuNodeConf.load()
(extIp, extTcpPort, extUdpPort) = setupNat(conf.nat, clientId,
Port(uint16(conf.tcpPort) + conf.portsShift),
Port(uint16(conf.udpPort) + conf.portsShift))
node = WakuNode.init(conf.nodeKey, conf.listenAddress,
Port(uint16(conf.tcpPort) + conf.portsShift), extIp, extTcpPort)
await node.start()
if conf.filternode != "":
node.mountRelay(conf.topics.split(" "), rlnRelayEnabled = conf.rlnrelay, keepAlive = conf.keepAlive)
node.mountRelay(@[], rlnRelayEnabled = conf.rlnrelay, keepAlive = conf.keepAlive)
let nick = await readNick(transp)
echo "Welcome, " & nick & "!"
var chat = Chat(node: node, transp: transp, subscribed: true, connected: false, started: true, nick: nick, prompt: false)
if conf.staticnodes.len > 0:
await connectToNodes(chat, conf.staticnodes)
# Connect to at least one random fleet node
echo "No static peers configured. Choosing one at random from test fleet..."
let randNode = selectRandomNode()
echo "Connecting to " & randNode
await connectToNodes(chat, @[randNode])
let peerInfo = node.peerInfo
let listenStr = $peerInfo.addrs[0] & "/p2p/" & $peerInfo.peerId
echo &"Listening on\n {listenStr}"
if conf.swap:
if (conf.storenode != "") or (conf.store == true):
var storenode: string
if conf.storenode != "":
storenode = conf.storenode
echo "Store enabled, but no store nodes configured. Choosing one at random from test fleet..."
storenode = selectRandomNode()
echo "Connecting to storenode: " & storenode
proc storeHandler(response: HistoryResponse) {.gcsafe.} =
for msg in response.messages:
pb = Chat2Message.init(msg.payload)
chatLine = if pb.isOk: pb[].toString()
else: string.fromBytes(msg.payload)
echo &"{chatLine}"
info "Hit store handler"
await node.query(HistoryQuery(contentFilters: @[HistoryContentFilter(contentTopic: DefaultContentTopic)]), storeHandler)
if conf.filternode != "":
proc filterHandler(msg: WakuMessage) {.gcsafe.} =
pb = Chat2Message.init(msg.payload)
chatLine = if pb.isOk: pb[].toString()
else: string.fromBytes(msg.payload)
echo &"{chatLine}"
info "Hit filter handler"
await node.subscribe(
FilterRequest(contentFilters: @[ContentFilter(contentTopics: @[DefaultContentTopic])], pubSubTopic: DefaultTopic, subscribe: true),
# Subscribe to a topic
# TODO To get end to end sender would require more information in payload
# We could possibly indicate the relayer point with connection somehow probably (?)
proc handler(topic: Topic, data: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} =
let decoded = WakuMessage.init(data)
if decoded.isOk():
let msg = decoded.get()
when PayloadV1:
# Use Waku v1 payload encoding/encryption
keyInfo = KeyInfo(kind: Symmetric, symKey: DefaultSymKey)
decodedPayload = decodePayload(decoded.get(), keyInfo)
if decodedPayload.isOK():
pb = Chat2Message.init(decodedPayload.get().payload)
chatLine = if pb.isOk: pb[].toString()
else: string.fromBytes(decodedPayload.get().payload)
echo &"{chatLine}"
chat.prompt = false
info "Hit subscribe handler", topic, chatLine,
contentTopic = msg.contentTopic
debug "Invalid encoded WakuMessage payload",
error = decodedPayload.error
# No payload encoding/encryption from Waku
pb = Chat2Message.init(msg.payload)
chatLine = if pb.isOk: pb[].toString()
else: string.fromBytes(msg.payload)
echo &"{chatLine}"
chat.prompt = false
info "Hit subscribe handler", topic, chatLine,
contentTopic = msg.contentTopic
trace "Invalid encoded WakuMessage", error = decoded.error
let topic = cast[Topic](DefaultTopic)
node.subscribe(topic, handler)
await chat.readWriteLoop()
#await allFuturesThrowing(libp2pFuts)
proc main() {.async.} =
let rng = crypto.newRng() # Singe random number source for the whole application
let (rfd, wfd) = createAsyncPipe()
if rfd == asyncInvalidPipe or wfd == asyncInvalidPipe:
raise newException(ValueError, "Could not initialize pipe!")
var thread: Thread[AsyncFD]
thread.createThread(readInput, wfd)
await processInput(rfd, rng)
when isMainModule: # isMainModule = true when the module is compiled as the main file
## Dump of things that can be improved:
## - Incoming dialed peer does not change connected state (not relying on it for now)
## - Unclear if staticnode argument works (can enter manually)
## - Don't trigger self / double publish own messages
## - Integrate store protocol (fetch messages in beginning)
## - Integrate filter protocol (default/option to be light node, connect to filter node)
## - Test/default to cluster node connection (diff protocol version)
## - Redirect logs to separate file
## - Expose basic publish/subscribe etc commands with /syntax
## - Show part of peerid to know who sent message
## - Deal with protobuf messages (e.g. other chat protocol, or encrypted)