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synced 2025-03-01 07:20:54 +00:00
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204 lines
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import std/hashes
import std/os
import std/parsecfg
import std/strutils
import std/streams
import std/strtabs
import testutils/config
TestOutputs* = StringTableRef
TestSpec* = ref object
section*: string
args*: string
config*: TestConfig
path*: string
pathComponents*: tuple[dir, name, ext: string]
skip*: bool
program*: string
flags*: string
outputs*: TestOutputs
timestampPeg*: string
errorMsg*: string
maxSize*: int64
compileError*: string
errorFile*: string
errorLine*: int
errorColumn*: int
os*: seq[string]
child*: TestSpec
DefaultOses = @["linux", "macosx", "windows"]
proc hash*(spec: TestSpec): Hash =
var h: Hash = 0
h = h !& spec.config.hash
h = h !& spec.flags.hash
h = h !& spec.os.hash
result = !$h
proc binaryHash*(spec: TestSpec; backend: string): Hash =
## hash the backend, any compilation flags, and defines, etc.
var h: Hash = 0
h = h !& backend.hash
h = h !& spec.os.hash
h = h !& hash(spec.config.flags * compilerFlags)
h = h !& hash(spec.flags)
h = h !& spec.program.hash
h = h !& spec.pathComponents.name.hash
result = !$h
template name*(spec: TestSpec): string =
proc newTestOutputs*(): StringTableRef =
result = newStringTable(mode = modeStyleInsensitive)
proc clone*(spec: TestSpec): TestSpec =
## create the parent of this test and set the child reference appropriately
result = new(TestSpec)
result[] = spec[]
result.outputs = newTestOutputs()
result.args = ""
result.child = spec
func stage*(spec: TestSpec): string =
## the name of the output section for the test
## Output_test_section_name
# @["", "test_section_name"]
names = spec.section.split("Output")
result = names[^1].replace("_", " ").strip
proc source*(spec: TestSpec): string =
result = absolutePath(spec.pathComponents.dir / spec.program.addFileExt(".nim"))
proc binary*(spec: TestSpec; backend: string): string =
## some day this will make more sense
result = (spec.pathComponents.dir / spec.pathComponents.name).addFileExt(ExeExt)
if dirExists(result):
result = result.addFileExt("out")
proc binary*(spec: TestSpec): string {.deprecated.} =
## the output binary (execution input) of the test
result = spec.binary("c")
iterator binaries*(spec: TestSpec): string =
## enumerate binary targets for each backend specified by the test
for backend in spec.config.backends.items:
yield spec.binary(backend)
proc defaults(spec: var TestSpec) =
## assert some default values for a given spec
spec.os = DefaultOses
spec.outputs = newTestOutputs()
proc consumeConfigEvent(spec: var TestSpec; event: CfgEvent) =
## parse a specification supplied prior to any sections
case event.key
of "program":
spec.program = event.value
of "timestamp_peg":
spec.timestampPeg = event.value
of "max_size":
spec.maxSize = parseInt(event.value)
except ValueError:
echo "Parsing warning: value of " & event.key &
" is not a number (value = " & event.value & ")."
of "compile_error":
spec.compileError = event.value
of "error_file":
spec.errorFile = event.value
of "os":
spec.os = event.value.normalize.split({','} + Whitespace)
of "affinity":
spec.config.flags.incl CpuAffinity
of "threads":
spec.config.flags.incl UseThreads
of "nothreads":
spec.config.flags.excl UseThreads
of "release", "danger", "debug":
spec.config.flags.incl parseEnum[FlagKind]("--define:" & event.key)
flag = "--define:$#:$#" % [event.key, event.value]
spec.flags.add flag.quoteShell & " "
proc rewriteTestFile*(spec: TestSpec; outputs: TestOutputs) =
## rewrite a test file with updated outputs after having run the tests
test = loadConfig(spec.path)
# take the opportunity to update an args statement if necessary
if spec.args != "":
test.setSectionKey(spec.section, "args", spec.args)
test.delSectionKey(spec.section, "args")
# delete the old test outputs for completeness
for name, expected in spec.outputs.pairs:
test.delSectionKey(spec.section, name)
# add the new test outputs
for name, expected in outputs.pairs:
test.setSectionKey(spec.section, name, expected)
proc parseTestFile*(config: TestConfig; filePath: string): TestSpec =
## parse a test input file into a spec
result = new(TestSpec)
result.path = absolutePath(filePath)
result.pathComponents = splitFile result.path
result.config = config
f = newFileStream(result.path, fmRead)
if f == nil:
# XXX crash?
echo "Parsing error: cannot open " & result.path
outputSection = false
p: CfgParser
p.open(f, result.path)
while true:
var e = next(p)
case e.kind
of cfgEof:
of cfgError:
# XXX crash?
echo "Parsing warning:" & e.msg
of cfgSectionStart:
# starts with Output
if e.section[0..len"Output"-1].cmpIgnoreCase("Output") == 0:
if outputSection:
# create our parent; the eternal chain
result = result.clone
outputSection = true
result.section = e.section
of cfgKeyValuePair:
if outputSection:
if e.key.cmpIgnoreStyle("args") == 0:
result.args = e.value
result.outputs[e.key] = e.value
of cfgOption:
case e.key
of "skip":
result.skip = true
# this for for, eg. --opt:size
result.flags &= ("--$#:$#" % [e.key, e.value]).quoteShell & " "
close p
# we catch this in ntu and crash there if needed
if result.program == "":
echo "Parsing error: no program value"