
1065 lines
38 KiB

{.push raises: [Defect].}
std/[options, tables, strutils, sequtils, os],
chronos, chronicles, metrics,
stew/shims/net as stewNet,
../protocol/[waku_relay, waku_message],
waku_relay, waku_message,
when defined(rln):
../protocol/waku_rln_relay/[rln, waku_rln_relay_utils, waku_rln_relay_utils]
declarePublicCounter waku_node_messages, "number of messages received", ["type"]
declarePublicGauge waku_node_filters, "number of content filter subscriptions"
declarePublicGauge waku_node_errors, "number of wakunode errors", ["type"]
topics = "wakunode"
# Default clientId
const clientId* = "Nimbus Waku v2 node"
# Default topic
const defaultTopic = "/waku/2/default-waku/proto"
# key and crypto modules different
KeyPair* = crypto.KeyPair
PublicKey* = crypto.PublicKey
PrivateKey* = crypto.PrivateKey
# XXX: Weird type, should probably be using pubsub Topic object name?
Topic* = string
Message* = seq[byte]
WakuInfo* = object
# NOTE One for simplicity, can extend later as needed
listenStr*: string
#multiaddrStrings*: seq[string]
# NOTE based on Eth2Node in NBC eth2_network.nim
WakuNode* = ref object of RootObj
peerManager*: PeerManager
switch*: Switch
wakuRelay*: WakuRelay
wakuStore*: WakuStore
wakuFilter*: WakuFilter
wakuSwap*: WakuSwap
wakuRlnRelay*: WakuRLNRelay
wakuLightPush*: WakuLightPush
peerInfo*: PeerInfo
enr*: enr.Record
libp2pPing*: Ping
libp2pTransportLoops*: seq[Future[void]]
filters*: Filters
rng*: ref BrHmacDrbgContext
started*: bool # Indicates that node has started listening
proc protocolMatcher(codec: string): Matcher =
## Returns a protocol matcher function for the provided codec
proc match(proto: string): bool {.gcsafe.} =
## Matches a proto with any postfix to the provided codec.
## E.g. if the codec is `/vac/waku/filter/2.0.0` it matches the protos:
## `/vac/waku/filter/2.0.0`, `/vac/waku/filter/2.0.0-beta3`, `/vac/waku/filter/2.0.0-actualnonsense`
return proto.startsWith(codec)
return match
proc removeContentFilters(filters: var Filters, contentFilters: seq[ContentFilter]) {.gcsafe.} =
# Flatten all unsubscribe topics into single seq
let unsubscribeTopics = contentFilters.mapIt(it.contentTopic)
debug "unsubscribing", unsubscribeTopics=unsubscribeTopics
var rIdToRemove: seq[string] = @[]
for rId, f in filters.mpairs:
# Iterate filter entries to remove matching content topics
# make sure we delete the content filter
# if no more topics are left
f.contentFilters.keepIf(proc (cf: auto): bool = cf.contentTopic notin unsubscribeTopics)
if f.contentFilters.len == 0:
# make sure we delete the filter entry
# if no more content filters left
for rId in rIdToRemove:
debug "filters modified", filters=filters
template tcpEndPoint(address, port): auto =
MultiAddress.init(address, tcpProtocol, port)
## Public API
proc new*(T: type WakuNode, nodeKey: crypto.PrivateKey,
bindIp: ValidIpAddress, bindPort: Port,
extIp = none[ValidIpAddress](), extPort = none[Port](),
peerStorage: PeerStorage = nil): T
{.raises: [Defect, LPError].} =
## Creates a Waku Node.
## Status: Implemented.
rng = crypto.newRng()
hostAddress = tcpEndPoint(bindIp, bindPort)
announcedAddresses = if extIp.isNone() or extPort.isNone(): @[]
else: @[tcpEndPoint(extIp.get(), extPort.get())]
peerInfo = PeerInfo.init(nodekey)
enrIp = if extIp.isSome(): extIp
else: some(bindIp)
enrTcpPort = if extPort.isSome(): extPort
else: some(bindPort)
enr = createEnr(nodeKey, enrIp, enrTcpPort, none(Port))
info "Initializing networking", hostAddress,
# XXX: Add this when we create node or start it?
peerInfo.addrs.add(hostAddress) # Index 0
for multiaddr in announcedAddresses:
peerInfo.addrs.add(multiaddr) # Announced addresses in index > 0
var switch = newStandardSwitch(some(nodekey), hostAddress,
transportFlags = {ServerFlags.ReuseAddr}, rng = rng)
# TODO Untested - verify behavior after switch interface change
# More like this:
# let pubsub = GossipSub.init(
# switch = switch,
# msgIdProvider = msgIdProvider,
# triggerSelf = true, sign = false,
# verifySignature = false).PubSub
let wakuNode = WakuNode(
peerManager: PeerManager.new(switch, peerStorage),
switch: switch,
rng: rng,
peerInfo: peerInfo,
enr: enr,
filters: initTable[string, Filter]()
return wakuNode
proc subscribe(node: WakuNode, topic: Topic, handler: Option[TopicHandler]) =
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
error "Invalid API call to `subscribe`. WakuRelay not mounted."
# @TODO improved error handling
info "subscribe", topic=topic
proc defaultHandler(topic: string, data: seq[byte]) {.async, gcsafe.} =
# A default handler should be registered for all topics
trace "Hit default handler", topic=topic, data=data
let msg = WakuMessage.init(data)
if msg.isOk():
# Notify mounted protocols of new message
if (not node.wakuFilter.isNil):
await node.wakuFilter.handleMessage(topic, msg.value())
if (not node.wakuStore.isNil):
await node.wakuStore.handleMessage(topic, msg.value())
waku_node_messages.inc(labelValues = ["relay"])
let wakuRelay = node.wakuRelay
if topic notin PubSub(wakuRelay).topics:
# Add default handler only for new topics
debug "Registering default handler", topic=topic
wakuRelay.subscribe(topic, defaultHandler)
if handler.isSome:
debug "Registering handler", topic=topic
wakuRelay.subscribe(topic, handler.get())
proc subscribe*(node: WakuNode, topic: Topic, handler: TopicHandler) =
## Subscribes to a PubSub topic. Triggers handler when receiving messages on
## this topic. TopicHandler is a method that takes a topic and some data.
## NOTE The data field SHOULD be decoded as a WakuMessage.
## Status: Implemented.
node.subscribe(topic, some(handler))
proc subscribe*(node: WakuNode, request: FilterRequest, handler: ContentFilterHandler) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## Registers for messages that match a specific filter. Triggers the handler whenever a message is received.
## FilterHandler is a method that takes a MessagePush.
## Status: Implemented.
# Sanity check for well-formed subscribe FilterRequest
doAssert(request.subscribe, "invalid subscribe request")
info "subscribe content", filter=request
var id = generateRequestId(node.rng)
if node.wakuFilter.isNil == false:
let idOpt = await node.wakuFilter.subscribe(request)
if idOpt.isSome():
# Subscribed successfully.
id = idOpt.get()
# Failed to subscribe
error "remote subscription to filter failed", filter = request
waku_node_errors.inc(labelValues = ["subscribe_filter_failure"])
# Register handler for filter, whether remote subscription succeeded or not
node.filters[id] = Filter(contentFilters: request.contentFilters, handler: handler)
proc unsubscribe*(node: WakuNode, topic: Topic, handler: TopicHandler) =
## Unsubscribes a handler from a PubSub topic.
## Status: Implemented.
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
error "Invalid API call to `unsubscribe`. WakuRelay not mounted."
# @TODO improved error handling
info "unsubscribe", topic=topic
let wakuRelay = node.wakuRelay
wakuRelay.unsubscribe(@[(topic, handler)])
proc unsubscribeAll*(node: WakuNode, topic: Topic) =
## Unsubscribes all handlers registered on a specific PubSub topic.
## Status: Implemented.
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
error "Invalid API call to `unsubscribeAll`. WakuRelay not mounted."
# @TODO improved error handling
info "unsubscribeAll", topic=topic
let wakuRelay = node.wakuRelay
proc unsubscribe*(node: WakuNode, request: FilterRequest) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## Unsubscribe from a content filter.
## Status: Implemented.
# Sanity check for well-formed unsubscribe FilterRequest
doAssert(request.subscribe == false, "invalid unsubscribe request")
info "unsubscribe content", filter=request
await node.wakuFilter.unsubscribe(request)
proc publish*(node: WakuNode, topic: Topic, message: WakuMessage, rlnRelayEnabled: bool = false) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## Publish a `WakuMessage` to a PubSub topic. `WakuMessage` should contain a
## `contentTopic` field for light node functionality. This field may be also
## be omitted.
## Status: Implemented.
## When rlnRelayEnabled is true, a zkp will be generated and attached to the message (it is an experimental feature)
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
error "Invalid API call to `publish`. WakuRelay not mounted. Try `lightpush` instead."
# @TODO improved error handling
let wakuRelay = node.wakuRelay
debug "publish", topic=topic, contentTopic=message.contentTopic
var publishingMessage = message
when defined(rln):
if rlnRelayEnabled:
# if rln relay is enabled then a proof must be generated and added to the waku message
proof = proofGen(message.payload)
## TODO here since the message is immutable we have to make a copy of it and then attach the proof to its duplicate
## TODO however, it might be better to change message type to mutable (i.e., var) so that we can add the proof field to the original message
publishingMessage = WakuMessage(payload: message.payload, contentTopic: message.contentTopic, version: message.version, proof: proof)
let data = message.encode().buffer
discard await wakuRelay.publish(topic, data)
proc lightpush*(node: WakuNode, topic: Topic, message: WakuMessage, handler: PushResponseHandler) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## Pushes a `WakuMessage` to a node which relays it further on PubSub topic.
## Returns whether relaying was successful or not in `handler`.
## `WakuMessage` should contain a `contentTopic` field for light node
## functionality. This field may be also be omitted.
## Status: Implemented.
debug "Publishing with lightpush", topic=topic, contentTopic=message.contentTopic
let rpc = PushRequest(pubSubTopic: topic, message: message)
await node.wakuLightPush.request(rpc, handler)
proc query*(node: WakuNode, query: HistoryQuery, handler: QueryHandlerFunc) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## Queries known nodes for historical messages. Triggers the handler whenever a response is received.
## QueryHandlerFunc is a method that takes a HistoryResponse.
## Status: Implemented.
# TODO Once waku swap is less experimental, this can simplified
if node.wakuSwap.isNil:
debug "Using default query"
await node.wakuStore.query(query, handler)
debug "Using SWAPAccounting query"
# TODO wakuSwap now part of wakuStore object
await node.wakuStore.queryWithAccounting(query, handler)
proc resume*(node: WakuNode, peerList: Option[seq[PeerInfo]] = none(seq[PeerInfo])) {.async, gcsafe.} =
## resume proc retrieves the history of waku messages published on the default waku pubsub topic since the last time the waku node has been online
## for resume to work properly the waku node must have the store protocol mounted in the full mode (i.e., persisting messages)
## messages are stored in the the wakuStore's messages field and in the message db
## the offline time window is measured as the difference between the current time and the timestamp of the most recent persisted waku message
## an offset of 20 second is added to the time window to count for nodes asynchrony
## peerList indicates the list of peers to query from. The history is fetched from the first available peer in this list. Such candidates should be found through a discovery method (to be developed).
## if no peerList is passed, one of the peers in the underlying peer manager unit of the store protocol is picked randomly to fetch the history from.
## The history gets fetched successfully if the dialed peer has been online during the queried time window.
if not node.wakuStore.isNil:
let retrievedMessages = await node.wakuStore.resume(peerList)
if retrievedMessages.isOk:
info "the number of retrieved messages since the last online time: ", number=retrievedMessages.value
# TODO Extend with more relevant info: topics, peers, memory usage, online time, etc
proc info*(node: WakuNode): WakuInfo =
## Returns information about the Node, such as what multiaddress it can be reached at.
## Status: Implemented.
# TODO Generalize this for other type of multiaddresses
let peerInfo = node.peerInfo
let listenStr = $peerInfo.addrs[^1] & "/p2p/" & $peerInfo.peerId
let wakuInfo = WakuInfo(listenStr: listenStr)
return wakuInfo
proc mountFilter*(node: WakuNode) {.raises: [Defect, KeyError, LPError]} =
info "mounting filter"
proc filterHandler(requestId: string, msg: MessagePush)
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect, KeyError].} =
info "push received"
for message in msg.messages:
node.filters.notify(message, requestId) # Trigger filter handlers on a light node
waku_node_messages.inc(labelValues = ["filter"])
node.wakuFilter = WakuFilter.init(node.peerManager, node.rng, filterHandler)
node.switch.mount(node.wakuFilter, protocolMatcher(WakuFilterCodec))
# NOTE: If using the swap protocol, it must be mounted before store. This is
# because store is using a reference to the swap protocol.
proc mountSwap*(node: WakuNode, swapConfig: SwapConfig = SwapConfig.init()) {.raises: [Defect, LPError].} =
info "mounting swap", mode = $swapConfig.mode
node.wakuSwap = WakuSwap.init(node.peerManager, node.rng, swapConfig)
node.switch.mount(node.wakuSwap, protocolMatcher(WakuSwapCodec))
# NYI - Do we need this?
#node.subscriptions.subscribe(WakuSwapCodec, node.wakuSwap.subscription())
proc mountStore*(node: WakuNode, store: MessageStore = nil, persistMessages: bool = false) {.raises: [Defect, LPError].} =
info "mounting store"
if node.wakuSwap.isNil:
debug "mounting store without swap"
node.wakuStore = WakuStore.init(node.peerManager, node.rng, store, persistMessages=persistMessages)
debug "mounting store with swap"
node.wakuStore = WakuStore.init(node.peerManager, node.rng, store, node.wakuSwap, persistMessages=persistMessages)
node.switch.mount(node.wakuStore, protocolMatcher(WakuStoreCodec))
when defined(rln):
proc addRLNRelayValidator*(node: WakuNode, pubsubTopic: string) =
## this procedure is a thin wrapper for the pubsub addValidator method
## it sets message validator on the given pubsubTopic, the validator will check that
## all the messages published in the pubsubTopic have a valid zero-knowledge proof
proc validator(topic: string, message: messages.Message): Future[ValidationResult] {.async.} =
let msg = WakuMessage.init(message.data)
if msg.isOk():
# check the proof
if proofVrfy(msg.value().payload, msg.value().proof):
return ValidationResult.Accept
# set a validator for the pubsubTopic
let pb = PubSub(node.wakuRelay)
pb.addValidator(pubsubTopic, validator)
proc mountRlnRelay*(node: WakuNode,
ethClientAddrOpt: Option[string] = none(string),
ethAccAddrOpt: Option[Address] = none(Address),
memContractAddOpt: Option[Address] = none(Address),
groupOpt: Option[seq[IDCommitment]] = none(seq[IDCommitment]),
memKeyPairOpt: Option[MembershipKeyPair] = none(MembershipKeyPair),
memIndexOpt: Option[MembershipIndex] = none(MembershipIndex),
onchainMode: bool = true,
pubsubTopic: string) {.async.} =
# TODO return a bool value to indicate the success of the call
# check whether inputs are provided
# relay protocol is the prerequisite of rln-relay
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
error "Failed to mount WakuRLNRelay. Relay protocol is not mounted."
# check whether the pubsub topic is supported at the relay level
if pubsubTopic notin node.wakuRelay.defaultTopics:
error "Failed to mount WakuRLNRelay. The relay protocol does not support the configured pubsub topic.", pubsubTopic=pubsubTopic
if onchainMode:
if memContractAddOpt.isNone():
error "failed to mount rln relay: membership contract address is not provided"
if ethClientAddrOpt.isNone():
error "failed to mount rln relay: Ethereum client address is not provided"
if ethAccAddrOpt.isNone():
error "failed to mount rln relay: Ethereum account address is not provided"
if groupOpt.isNone():
error "failed to mount rln relay: group information is not provided"
if memKeyPairOpt.isNone():
error "failed to mount rln relay: membership key of the node is not provided"
if memIndexOpt.isNone():
error "failed to mount rln relay: membership index is not provided"
ethClientAddr: string
ethAccAddr: Address
memContractAdd: Address
if onchainMode:
ethClientAddr = ethClientAddrOpt.get()
ethAccAddr = ethAccAddrOpt.get()
memContractAdd = memContractAddOpt.get()
group = groupOpt.get()
memKeyPair = memKeyPairOpt.get()
memIndex = memIndexOpt.get()
# check the peer's index and the inclusion of user's identity commitment in the group
doAssert((memKeyPair.idCommitment) == group[int(memIndex)])
# create an RLN instance
var rlnInstance = createRLNInstance()
var rln = rlnInstance.value
# generate the membership keys if none is provided
# in a happy path, this condition never gets through for a static group of users
# the node should pass its keys i.e., memKeyPairOpt to the function
if not memKeyPairOpt.isSome:
let membershipKeyPair = rln.membershipKeyGen()
# check whether keys are generated
debug "the membership key for the rln relay is generated", idKey=membershipKeyPair.get().idKey.toHex, idCommitment=membershipKeyPair.get().idCommitment.toHex
# add members to the Merkle tree
for index in 0..group.len-1:
let member = group[index]
let member_is_added = rln.insertMember(member)
# create the WakuRLNRelay
var rlnPeer = WakuRLNRelay(membershipKeyPair: memKeyPair,
membershipIndex: memIndex,
membershipContractAddress: memContractAdd,
ethClientAddress: ethClientAddr,
ethAccountAddress: ethAccAddr,
rlnInstance: rln)
if onchainMode:
# register the rln-relay peer to the membership contract
let is_successful = await rlnPeer.register()
# check whether registration is done
debug "peer is successfully registered into the membership contract"
# adds a topic validator for the supplied pubsub topic at the relay protocol
# messages published on this pubsub topic will be relayed upon a successful validation, otherwise they will be dropped
# the topic validator checks for the correct non-spamming proof of the message
addRLNRelayValidator(node, pubsubTopic)
debug "rln relay topic validator is mounted successfully", pubsubTopic=pubsubTopic
node.wakuRlnRelay = rlnPeer
proc startRelay*(node: WakuNode) {.async.} =
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
trace "Failed to start relay. Not mounted."
## Setup and start relay protocol
info "starting relay"
# Topic subscriptions
for topic in node.wakuRelay.defaultTopics:
node.subscribe(topic, none(TopicHandler))
# Resume previous relay connections
if node.peerManager.hasPeers(protocolMatcher(WakuRelayCodec)):
info "Found previous WakuRelay peers. Reconnecting."
# Reconnect to previous relay peers. This will respect a backoff period, if necessary
let backoffPeriod = node.wakuRelay.parameters.pruneBackoff + chronos.seconds(BackoffSlackTime)
await node.peerManager.reconnectPeers(WakuRelayCodec,
# Start the WakuRelay protocol
await node.wakuRelay.start()
info "relay started successfully"
proc mountRelay*(node: WakuNode,
topics: seq[string] = newSeq[string](),
relayMessages = true,
triggerSelf = true)
# @TODO: Better error handling: CatchableError is raised by `waitFor`
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect, InitializationError, LPError, CatchableError].} =
let wakuRelay = WakuRelay.init(
switch = node.switch,
# Use default
#msgIdProvider = msgIdProvider,
triggerSelf = triggerSelf,
sign = false,
verifySignature = false
info "mounting relay", relayMessages=relayMessages
## The default relay topics is the union of
## all configured topics plus the hard-coded defaultTopic(s)
wakuRelay.defaultTopics = concat(@[defaultTopic], topics)
node.switch.mount(wakuRelay, protocolMatcher(WakuRelayCodec))
if relayMessages:
## Some nodes may choose not to have the capability to relay messages (e.g. "light" nodes).
## All nodes, however, currently require WakuRelay, regardless of desired capabilities.
## This is to allow protocol stream negotation with relay-capable nodes to succeed.
## Here we mount relay on the switch only, but do not proceed to subscribe to any pubsub
## topics. We also never start the relay protocol. node.wakuRelay remains nil.
## @TODO: in future, this WakuRelay dependency will be removed completely
node.wakuRelay = wakuRelay
info "relay mounted successfully"
if node.started:
# Node has started already. Let's start relay too.
waitFor node.startRelay()
proc mountLightPush*(node: WakuNode) {.raises: [Defect, LPError].} =
info "mounting light push"
if node.wakuRelay.isNil:
debug "mounting lightpush without relay"
node.wakuLightPush = WakuLightPush.init(node.peerManager, node.rng, nil)
debug "mounting lightpush with relay"
node.wakuLightPush = WakuLightPush.init(node.peerManager, node.rng, nil, node.wakuRelay)
node.switch.mount(node.wakuLightPush, protocolMatcher(WakuLightPushCodec))
proc mountLibp2pPing*(node: WakuNode) {.raises: [Defect, LPError].} =
info "mounting libp2p ping protocol"
node.libp2pPing = Ping.new(rng = node.rng)
except Exception as e:
# This is necessary as `Ping.new*` does not have explicit `raises` requirement
# @TODO: remove exception handling once explicit `raises` in ping module
raise newException(LPError, "Failed to initialize ping protocol")
proc keepaliveLoop(node: WakuNode, keepalive: chronos.Duration) {.async.} =
while node.started:
# Keep all connected peers alive while running
trace "Running keepalive"
# First get a list of connected peer infos
let peers = node.peerManager.peers()
.filterIt(node.peerManager.connectedness(it.peerId) == Connected)
# Attempt to retrieve and ping the active outgoing connection for each peer
for peer in peers:
let connOpt = await node.peerManager.dialPeer(peer, PingCodec)
if connOpt.isNone:
# @TODO more sophisticated error handling here
debug "failed to connect to remote peer", peer=peer
waku_node_errors.inc(labelValues = ["keep_alive_failure"])
discard await node.libp2pPing.ping(connOpt.get()) # Ping connection
await sleepAsync(keepalive)
proc startKeepalive*(node: WakuNode) =
let defaultKeepalive = 5.minutes # 50% of the default chronosstream timeout duration
info "starting keepalive", keepalive=defaultKeepalive
asyncSpawn node.keepaliveLoop(defaultKeepalive)
## Helpers
proc dialPeer*(n: WakuNode, address: string) {.async.} =
info "dialPeer", address = address
# XXX: This turns ipfs into p2p, not quite sure why
let remotePeer = parsePeerInfo(address)
info "Dialing peer", wireAddr = remotePeer.addrs[0], peerId = remotePeer.peerId
# NOTE This is dialing on WakuRelay protocol specifically
discard await n.peerManager.dialPeer(remotePeer, WakuRelayCodec)
info "Post peerManager dial"
proc setStorePeer*(n: WakuNode, address: string) {.raises: [Defect, ValueError, LPError].} =
info "Set store peer", address = address
let remotePeer = parsePeerInfo(address)
proc setFilterPeer*(n: WakuNode, address: string) {.raises: [Defect, ValueError, LPError].} =
info "Set filter peer", address = address
let remotePeer = parsePeerInfo(address)
proc setLightPushPeer*(n: WakuNode, address: string) {.raises: [Defect, ValueError, LPError].} =
info "Set lightpush peer", address = address
let remotePeer = parsePeerInfo(address)
proc connectToNodes*(n: WakuNode, nodes: seq[string]) {.async.} =
for nodeId in nodes:
info "connectToNodes", node = nodeId
# XXX: This seems...brittle
await dialPeer(n, nodeId)
# The issue seems to be around peers not being fully connected when
# trying to subscribe. So what we do is sleep to guarantee nodes are
# fully connected.
# This issue was known to Dmitiry on nim-libp2p and may be resolvable
# later.
await sleepAsync(5.seconds)
proc connectToNodes*(n: WakuNode, nodes: seq[PeerInfo]) {.async.} =
for peerInfo in nodes:
info "connectToNodes", peer = peerInfo
discard await n.peerManager.dialPeer(peerInfo, WakuRelayCodec)
# The issue seems to be around peers not being fully connected when
# trying to subscribe. So what we do is sleep to guarantee nodes are
# fully connected.
# This issue was known to Dmitiry on nim-libp2p and may be resolvable
# later.
await sleepAsync(5.seconds)
proc start*(node: WakuNode) {.async.} =
## Starts a created Waku Node and
## all its mounted protocols.
## Status: Implemented.
node.libp2pTransportLoops = await node.switch.start()
# TODO Get this from WakuNode obj
let peerInfo = node.peerInfo
info "PeerInfo", peerId = peerInfo.peerId, addrs = peerInfo.addrs
let listenStr = $peerInfo.addrs[^1] & "/p2p/" & $peerInfo.peerId
## XXX: this should be /ip4..., / stripped?
info "Listening on", full = listenStr
info "Discoverable ENR ", enr = node.enr.toURI()
if not node.wakuRelay.isNil:
await node.startRelay()
info "Node started successfully"
node.started = true
proc stop*(node: WakuNode) {.async.} =
if not node.wakuRelay.isNil:
await node.wakuRelay.stop()
await node.switch.stop()
node.started = false
{.pop.} # @TODO confutils.nim(775, 17) Error: can raise an unlisted exception: ref IOError
when isMainModule:
## Node setup happens in 6 phases:
## 1. Set up storage
## 2. Initialize node
## 3. Mount and initialize configured protocols
## 4. Start node and mounted protocols
## 5. Start monitoring tools and external interfaces
## 6. Setup graceful shutdown hooks
topics = "wakunode.setup"
# Setup functions #
# 1/6 Setup storage
proc setupStorage(conf: WakuNodeConf):
SetupResult[tuple[pStorage: WakuPeerStorage, mStorage: WakuMessageStore]] =
## Setup a SQLite Database for a wakunode based on a supplied
## configuration file and perform all necessary migration.
## If config allows, return peer storage and message store
## for use elsewhere.
sqliteDatabase: SqliteDatabase
storeTuple: tuple[pStorage: WakuPeerStorage, mStorage: WakuMessageStore]
# Setup DB
if conf.dbPath != "":
let dbRes = SqliteDatabase.init(conf.dbPath)
if dbRes.isErr:
warn "failed to init database", err = dbRes.error
waku_node_errors.inc(labelValues = ["init_db_failure"])
return err("failed to init database")
sqliteDatabase = dbRes.value
if not sqliteDatabase.isNil:
# Database initialized. Let's set it up
sqliteDatabase.runMigrations(conf) # First migrate what we have
if conf.persistPeers:
# Peer persistence enable. Set up Peer table in storage
let res = WakuPeerStorage.new(sqliteDatabase)
if res.isErr:
warn "failed to init new WakuPeerStorage", err = res.error
waku_node_errors.inc(labelValues = ["init_store_failure"])
storeTuple.pStorage = res.value
if conf.persistMessages:
# Historical message persistence enable. Set up Message table in storage
let res = WakuMessageStore.init(sqliteDatabase)
if res.isErr:
warn "failed to init WakuMessageStore", err = res.error
waku_node_errors.inc(labelValues = ["init_store_failure"])
storeTuple.mStorage = res.value
# 2/6 Initialize node
proc initNode(conf: WakuNodeConf,
pStorage: WakuPeerStorage = nil): SetupResult[WakuNode] =
## Setup a basic Waku v2 node based on a supplied configuration
## file. Optionally include persistent peer storage.
## No protocols are mounted yet.
(extIp, extTcpPort, extUdpPort) = setupNat(conf.nat,
Port(uint16(conf.tcpPort) + conf.portsShift),
Port(uint16(conf.udpPort) + conf.portsShift))
## @TODO: the NAT setup assumes a manual port mapping configuration if extIp config is set. This probably
## implies adding manual config item for extPort as well. The following heuristic assumes that, in absence of manual
## config, the external port is the same as the bind port.
extPort = if extIp.isSome() and extTcpPort.isNone():
some(Port(uint16(conf.tcpPort) + conf.portsShift))
node = WakuNode.new(conf.nodekey,
conf.listenAddress, Port(uint16(conf.tcpPort) + conf.portsShift),
extIp, extPort,
# 3/6 Mount and initialize configured protocols
proc setupProtocols(node: var WakuNode,
conf: WakuNodeConf,
mStorage: WakuMessageStore = nil): SetupResult[bool] =
## Setup configured protocols on an existing Waku v2 node.
## Optionally include persistent message storage.
## No protocols are started yet.
# Mount relay on all nodes
conf.topics.split(" "),
relayMessages = conf.relay, # Indicates if node is capable to relay messages
# Keepalive mounted on all nodes
when defined(rln):
if conf.rlnRelay:
info "WakuRLNRelay is enabled"
# set up rln relay inputs
let (groupOpt, memKeyPairOpt, memIndexOpt) = rlnRelaySetUp(conf.rlnRelayMemIndex)
if memIndexOpt.isNone:
error "failed to mount WakuRLNRelay"
# mount rlnrelay in offline mode (for now)
waitFor node.mountRlnRelay(groupOpt = groupOpt, memKeyPairOpt = memKeyPairOpt, memIndexOpt= memIndexOpt, onchainMode = false, pubsubTopic = conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic)
info "membership id key", idkey=memKeyPairOpt.get().idKey.toHex
info "membership id commitment key", idCommitmentkey=memKeyPairOpt.get().idCommitment.toHex
# check the correct construction of the tree by comparing the calculated root against the expected root
# no error should happen as it is already captured in the unit tests
# TODO have added this check to account for unseen corner cases, will remove it later
root = node.wakuRlnRelay.rlnInstance.getMerkleRoot.value.toHex()
if root != expectedRoot:
error "root mismatch: something went wrong not in Merkle tree construction"
debug "the calculated root", root
info "WakuRLNRelay is mounted successfully", pubsubtopic=conf.rlnRelayPubsubTopic
if conf.swap:
# TODO Set swap peer, for now should be same as store peer
# Store setup
if (conf.storenode != "") or (conf.store):
mountStore(node, mStorage, conf.persistMessages)
if conf.storenode != "":
setStorePeer(node, conf.storenode)
# NOTE Must be mounted after relay
if (conf.lightpushnode != "") or (conf.lightpush):
if conf.lightpushnode != "":
setLightPushPeer(node, conf.lightpushnode)
# Filter setup. NOTE Must be mounted after relay
if (conf.filternode != "") or (conf.filter):
if conf.filternode != "":
setFilterPeer(node, conf.filternode)
ok(true) # Success
# 4/6 Start node and mounted protocols
proc startNode(node: WakuNode, conf: WakuNodeConf): SetupResult[bool] =
## Start a configured node and all mounted protocols.
## Resume history, connect to static nodes and start
## keep-alive, if configured.
# Start Waku v2 node
waitFor node.start()
# Resume historical messages, this has to be called after the node has been started
if conf.store and conf.persistMessages:
waitFor node.resume()
# Connect to configured static nodes
if conf.staticnodes.len > 0:
waitFor connectToNodes(node, conf.staticnodes)
# Connect to discovered nodes
if conf.dnsDiscovery and conf.dnsDiscoveryUrl != "":
debug "Discovering nodes using Waku DNS discovery", url=conf.dnsDiscoveryUrl
var nameServers: seq[TransportAddress]
for ip in conf.dnsDiscoveryNameServers:
nameServers.add(initTAddress(ip, Port(53))) # Assume all servers use port 53
let dnsResolver = DnsResolver.new(nameServers)
proc resolver(domain: string): Future[string] {.async, gcsafe.} =
trace "resolving", domain=domain
let resolved = await dnsResolver.resolveTxt(domain)
return resolved[0] # Use only first answer
var wakuDnsDiscovery = WakuDnsDiscovery.init(conf.dnsDiscoveryUrl,
if wakuDnsDiscovery.isOk:
let discoveredPeers = wakuDnsDiscovery.get().findPeers()
if discoveredPeers.isOk:
info "Connecting to discovered peers"
waitFor connectToNodes(node, discoveredPeers.get())
warn "Failed to init Waku DNS discovery"
# Start keepalive, if enabled
if conf.keepAlive:
ok(true) # Success
# 5/6 Start monitoring tools and external interfaces
proc startExternal(node: WakuNode, conf: WakuNodeConf): SetupResult[bool] =
## Start configured external interfaces and monitoring tools
## on a Waku v2 node, including the RPC API and metrics
## monitoring ports.
if conf.rpc:
startRpc(node, conf.rpcAddress, Port(conf.rpcPort + conf.portsShift), conf)
if conf.metricsLogging:
if conf.metricsServer:
Port(conf.metricsServerPort + conf.portsShift))
ok(true) # Success
conf = WakuNodeConf.load()
node: WakuNode # This is the node we're going to setup using the conf
# Node setup #
debug "1/6 Setting up storage"
pStorage: WakuPeerStorage
mStorage: WakuMessageStore
let setupStorageRes = setupStorage(conf)
if setupStorageRes.isErr:
error "1/6 Setting up storage failed. Continuing without storage."
(pStorage, mStorage) = setupStorageRes.get()
debug "2/6 Initializing node"
let initNodeRes = initNode(conf, pStorage)
if initNodeRes.isErr:
error "2/6 Initializing node failed. Quitting."
node = initNodeRes.get()
debug "3/6 Mounting protocols"
let setupProtocolsRes = setupProtocols(node, conf, mStorage)
if setupProtocolsRes.isErr:
error "3/6 Mounting protocols failed. Continuing in current state."
debug "4/6 Starting node and mounted protocols"
let startNodeRes = startNode(node, conf)
if startNodeRes.isErr:
error "4/6 Starting node and mounted protocols failed. Continuing in current state."
debug "5/6 Starting monitoring and external interfaces"
let startExternalRes = startExternal(node, conf)
if startExternalRes.isErr:
error "5/6 Starting monitoring and external interfaces failed. Continuing in current state."
debug "6/6 Setting up shutdown hooks"
# 6/6 Setup graceful shutdown hooks
## Setup shutdown hooks for this process.
## Stop node gracefully on shutdown.
# Handle Ctrl-C SIGINT
proc handleCtrlC() {.noconv.} =
when defined(windows):
# workaround for https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4057
info "Shutting down after receiving SIGINT"
waitFor node.stop()
# Handle SIGTERM
when defined(posix):
proc handleSigterm(signal: cint) {.noconv.} =
info "Shutting down after receiving SIGTERM"
waitFor node.stop()
c_signal(SIGTERM, handleSigterm)
debug "Node setup complete"