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synced 2025-03-01 15:30:55 +00:00
* postgres: first step to implement partition management * postgres_driver: use of times.now().toTime().toUnix() instead of Moment.now() * postgres migrations: set new version to 2 * test_driver_postgres: use of assert instead of require and avoid using times.now() * postgres_driver: better implementation of the reset method with partitions * Remove createMessageTable, init, and deleteMessageTable procs * postgres: ensure we use the version 15.4 in tests * postgres_driver.nim: enhance debug logs partition addition * ci.yml: ensure logs are printed without colors * postgres_driver: starting the loop factory in an asynchronous task * postgres_driver: log partition name and size when removing a partition
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106 lines
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## This module is aimed to handle the creation and truncation of partition tables
## in order to limit the space occupied in disk by the database.
## The created partitions are referenced by the 'storedAt' field.
topics = "waku archive partitions_manager"
## The time range has seconds resolution
type TimeRange* = tuple[beginning: int64, `end`: int64]
Partition = object
name: string
timeRange: TimeRange
PartitionManager* = ref object
partitions: Deque[Partition] # FIFO of partition table names. The first is the oldest partition
proc new*(T: type PartitionManager): T =
return PartitionManager()
proc getPartitionFromDateTime*(self: PartitionManager,
targetMoment: int64):
Result[Partition, string] =
## Returns the partition name that might store a message containing the passed timestamp.
## In order words, it simply returns the partition name which contains the given timestamp.
## targetMoment - represents the time of interest, measured in seconds since epoch.
if self.partitions.len == 0:
return err("There are no partitions")
for partition in self.partitions:
let timeRange = partition.timeRange
let beginning = timeRange.beginning
let `end` = timeRange.`end`
if beginning <= targetMoment and targetMoment < `end`:
return ok(partition)
return err("Couldn't find a partition table for given time: " & $targetMoment)
proc getNewestPartition*(self: PartitionManager): Result[Partition, string] =
if self.partitions.len == 0:
return err("there are no partitions allocated")
let newestPartition = self.partitions.peekLast
return ok(newestPartition)
proc getOldestPartition*(self: PartitionManager): Result[Partition, string] =
if self.partitions.len == 0:
return err("there are no partitions allocated")
let oldestPartition = self.partitions.peekFirst
return ok(oldestPartition)
proc addPartitionInfo*(self: PartitionManager,
partitionName: string,
beginning: int64,
`end`: int64) =
## The given partition range has seconds resolution.
## We just store information of the new added partition merely to keep track of it.
let partitionInfo = Partition(name: partitionName, timeRange: (beginning, `end`))
trace "Adding partition info"
proc removeOldestPartitionName*(self: PartitionManager) =
## Simply removed the partition from the tracked/known partitions queue.
## Just remove it and ignore it.
discard self.partitions.popFirst()
proc isEmpty*(self: PartitionManager): bool =
return self.partitions.len == 0
proc getLastMoment*(partition: Partition): int64 =
## Considering the time range covered by the partition, this
## returns the `end` time (number of seconds since epoch) of such range.
let lastTimeInSec = partition.timeRange.`end`
return lastTimeInSec
proc containsMoment*(partition: Partition, time: int64): bool =
## Returns true if the given moment is contained within the partition window,
## 'false' otherwise.
## time - number of seconds since epoch
if partition.timeRange.beginning <= time and
time < partition.timeRange.`end`:
return true
return false
proc getName*(partition: Partition): string =
return partition.name
func `==`*(a, b: Partition): bool {.inline.} =
return a.name == b.name