mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:30:55 +00:00
* postgres: first step to implement partition management * postgres_driver: use of times.now().toTime().toUnix() instead of Moment.now() * postgres migrations: set new version to 2 * test_driver_postgres: use of assert instead of require and avoid using times.now() * postgres_driver: better implementation of the reset method with partitions * Remove createMessageTable, init, and deleteMessageTable procs * postgres: ensure we use the version 15.4 in tests * postgres_driver.nim: enhance debug logs partition addition * ci.yml: ensure logs are printed without colors * postgres_driver: starting the loop factory in an asynchronous task * postgres_driver: log partition name and size when removing a partition
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{.push raises: [].}
std/[tables, strutils, os],
topics = "waku archive migration"
const SchemaVersion* = 2 # increase this when there is an update in the database schema
proc breakIntoStatements*(script: string): seq[string] =
## Given a full migration script, that can potentially contain a list
## of SQL statements, this proc splits it into the contained isolated statements
## that should be executed one after the other.
var statements = newSeq[string]()
let lines = script.split('\n')
var simpleStmt: string
var plSqlStatement: string
var insidePlSqlScript = false
for line in lines:
if line.strip().len == 0:
if insidePlSqlScript:
if line.contains("END $$"):
## End of the Pl/SQL script
plSqlStatement &= line
plSqlStatement = ""
insidePlSqlScript = false
plSqlStatement &= line & "\n"
if line.contains("DO $$"):
## Beginning of the Pl/SQL script
insidePlSqlScript = true
plSqlStatement &= line & "\n"
if not insidePlSqlScript:
if line.contains(';'):
## End of simple statement
simpleStmt &= line
simpleStmt = ""
simpleStmt &= line & "\n"
return statements
proc migrate*(driver: PostgresDriver,
targetVersion = SchemaVersion):
Future[DatabaseResult[void]] {.async.} =
debug "starting message store's postgres database migration"
let currentVersion = (await driver.getCurrentVersion()).valueOr:
return err("migrate error could not retrieve current version: " & $error)
if currentVersion == targetVersion:
debug "database schema is up to date",
currentVersion=currentVersion, targetVersion=targetVersion
return ok()
info "database schema is outdated", currentVersion=currentVersion, targetVersion=targetVersion
# Load migration scripts
let scripts = pg_migration_manager.getMigrationScripts(currentVersion, targetVersion)
# Run the migration scripts
for script in scripts:
for statement in script.breakIntoStatements():
debug "executing migration statement", statement=statement
(await driver.performWriteQuery(statement)).isOkOr:
error "failed to execute migration statement", statement=statement, error=error
return err("failed to execute migration statement")
debug "migration statement executed succesfully", statement=statement
debug "finished message store's postgres database migration"
return ok()