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synced 2025-03-01 07:20:54 +00:00
Notice that I had to adapt to use 'rlpx_connected_peers' instead of 'connected_peers' in 'wakunode1.nim' because due to the update of the 'vendor/nim-eth', which adds the dependency-break with 'confutils' but also includes another changes. Aside note: we cannot have 'confutils' dependency in 'nim-eth' because that will prevent the generation of any waku dynamic library.
120 lines
4.6 KiB
120 lines
4.6 KiB
confutils, chronicles, chronos, stew/byteutils, stew/shims/net as stewNet,
eth/[keys, p2p],
## This is a simple Waku v1 example to show the Waku v1 API usage.
const clientId = "Waku example v1"
proc run(config: WakuNodeConf, rng: ref HmacDrbgContext) =
let natRes = setupNat(config.nat, clientId,
Port(config.tcpPort + config.portsShift),
Port(config.udpPort + config.portsShift))
if natRes.isErr():
fatal "setupNat failed", error = natRes.error
# Set up the address according to NAT information.
let (ipExt, tcpPortExt, udpPortExt) = natRes.get()
# TODO: EthereumNode should have a better split of binding address and
# external address. Also, can't have different ports as it stands now.
let address = if ipExt.isNone():
Address(ip: parseIpAddress(""),
tcpPort: Port(config.tcpPort + config.portsShift),
udpPort: Port(config.udpPort + config.portsShift))
Address(ip: ipExt.get(),
tcpPort: Port(config.tcpPort + config.portsShift),
udpPort: Port(config.udpPort + config.portsShift))
# Create Ethereum Node
var node = newEthereumNode(config.nodekey, # Node identifier
address, # Address reachable for incoming requests
NetworkId(1), # Network Id, only applicable for ETH protocol
clientId, # Client id string
addAllCapabilities = false, # Disable default all RLPx capabilities
bindUdpPort = address.udpPort, # Assume same as external
bindTcpPort = address.tcpPort, # Assume same as external
rng = rng)
node.addCapability Waku # Enable only the Waku protocol.
# Set up the Waku configuration.
let wakuConfig = WakuConfig(powRequirement: 0.002,
bloom: some(fullBloom()), # Full bloom filter
isLightNode: false, # Full node
maxMsgSize: waku_protocol.defaultMaxMsgSize,
topics: none(seq[waku_protocol.Topic]) # empty topic interest
# Optionally direct connect to a set of nodes.
if config.staticnodes.len > 0:
connectToNodes(node, config.staticnodes)
# Connect to the network, which will make the node start listening and/or
# connect to bootnodes, and/or start discovery.
# This will block until first connection is made, which in this case can only
# happen if we directly connect to nodes (step above) or if an incoming
# connection occurs, which is why we use a callback to exit on errors instead of
# using `await`.
# TODO: This looks a bit awkward and the API should perhaps be altered here.
let connectedFut = node.connectToNetwork(
true, # Enable listening
false # Disable discovery (only discovery v4 is currently supported)
connectedFut.callback = proc(data: pointer) {.gcsafe.} =
if connectedFut.failed:
fatal "connectToNetwork failed", msg = connectedFut.readError.msg
# Using a hardcoded symmetric key for encryption of the payload for the sake of
# simplicity.
var symKey: SymKey
symKey[31] = 1
# Asymmetric keypair to sign the payload.
let signKeyPair = KeyPair.random(rng[])
# Code to be executed on receival of a message on filter.
proc handler(msg: ReceivedMessage) =
if msg.decoded.src.isSome():
echo "Received message from ", $msg.decoded.src.get(), ": ",
# Create and subscribe filter with above handler.
topic = [byte 0, 0, 0, 0]
filter = initFilter(symKey = some(symKey), topics = @[topic])
discard node.subscribeFilter(filter, handler)
# Repeat the posting of a message every 5 seconds.
# https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/17369
var repeatMessage: proc(udata: pointer) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
repeatMessage = proc(udata: pointer) =
# Post a waku message on the network, encrypted with provided symmetric key,
# signed with asymmetric key, on topic and with ttl of 30 seconds.
let posted = node.postMessage(
symKey = some(symKey), src = some(signKeyPair.seckey),
ttl = 30, topic = topic, payload = @[byte 0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F])
if posted: echo "Posted message as ", $signKeyPair.pubkey
else: echo "Posting message failed."
discard setTimer(Moment.fromNow(5.seconds), repeatMessage)
discard setTimer(Moment.fromNow(5.seconds), repeatMessage)
when isMainModule:
rng = keys.newRng()
conf = WakuNodeConf.load()
run(conf, rng)