
237 lines
8.6 KiB

when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
when defined(waku_exp_store_resume):
import std/[sequtils, times]
import ../waku_archive
import ../waku_core/message/digest
topics = "waku store client"
const DefaultPageSize*: uint = 20 # A recommended default number of waku messages per page
type WakuStoreClient* = ref object
peerManager: PeerManager
rng: ref rand.HmacDrbgContext
# TODO: Move outside of the client
when defined(waku_exp_store_resume):
store: ArchiveDriver
proc new*(T: type WakuStoreClient,
peerManager: PeerManager,
rng: ref rand.HmacDrbgContext): T =
WakuStoreClient(peerManager: peerManager, rng: rng)
proc sendHistoryQueryRPC(w: WakuStoreClient, req: HistoryQuery, peer: RemotePeerInfo): Future[HistoryResult] {.async, gcsafe.} =
let connOpt = await w.peerManager.dialPeer(peer, WakuStoreCodec)
if connOpt.isNone():
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [dialFailure])
return err(HistoryError(kind: HistoryErrorKind.PEER_DIAL_FAILURE, address: $peer))
let connection = connOpt.get()
let reqRpc = HistoryRPC(requestId: generateRequestId(w.rng), query: some(req.toRPC()))
await connection.writeLP(reqRpc.encode().buffer)
let buf = await connection.readLp(MaxRpcSize.int)
let respDecodeRes = HistoryRPC.decode(buf)
if respDecodeRes.isErr():
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [decodeRpcFailure])
return err(HistoryError(kind: HistoryErrorKind.BAD_RESPONSE, cause: decodeRpcFailure))
let respRpc = respDecodeRes.get()
# Disabled ,for now, since the default response is a possible case (no messages, pagesize = 0, error = NONE(0))
# TODO: Rework the RPC protocol to differentiate the default value from an empty value (e.g., status = 200 (OK))
# and rework the protobuf parsing to return Option[T] when empty values are received
if respRpc.response.isNone():
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [emptyRpcResponseFailure])
return err(HistoryError(kind: HistoryErrorKind.BAD_RESPONSE, cause: emptyRpcResponseFailure))
let resp = respRpc.response.get()
return resp.toAPI()
proc query*(w: WakuStoreClient, req: HistoryQuery, peer: RemotePeerInfo): Future[HistoryResult] {.async, gcsafe.} =
return await w.sendHistoryQueryRPC(req, peer)
# TODO: Move outside of the client
when defined(waku_exp_store_resume):
## Resume store
const StoreResumeTimeWindowOffset: Timestamp = getNanosecondTime(20) ## Adjust the time window with an offset of 20 seconds
proc new*(T: type WakuStoreClient,
peerManager: PeerManager,
rng: ref rand.HmacDrbgContext,
store: ArchiveDriver): T =
WakuStoreClient(peerManager: peerManager, rng: rng, store: store)
proc queryAll(w: WakuStoreClient, query: HistoryQuery, peer: RemotePeerInfo): Future[WakuStoreResult[seq[WakuMessage]]] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## A thin wrapper for query. Sends the query to the given peer. when the query has a valid pagingInfo,
## it retrieves the historical messages in pages.
## Returns all the fetched messages, if error occurs, returns an error string
# Make a copy of the query
var req = query
var messageList: seq[WakuMessage] = @[]
while true:
let queryRes = await w.query(req, peer)
if queryRes.isErr():
return err($queryRes.error)
let response = queryRes.get()
# Check whether it is the last page
if response.cursor.isNone():
# Update paging cursor
req.cursor = response.cursor
return ok(messageList)
proc queryLoop(w: WakuStoreClient, req: HistoryQuery, peers: seq[RemotePeerInfo]): Future[WakuStoreResult[seq[WakuMessage]]] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## Loops through the peers candidate list in order and sends the query to each
## Once all responses have been received, the retrieved messages are consolidated into one deduplicated list.
## if no messages have been retrieved, the returned future will resolve into a result holding an empty seq.
let queryFuturesList = peers.mapIt(w.queryAll(req, it))
await allFutures(queryFuturesList)
let messagesList = queryFuturesList
.map(proc (fut: Future[WakuStoreResult[seq[WakuMessage]]]): seq[WakuMessage] =
# fut.read() can raise a CatchableError
# These futures have been awaited before using allFutures(). Call completed() just as a sanity check.
if not fut.completed() or fut.read().isErr():
return @[]
except CatchableError:
return @[]
return ok(messagesList)
proc put(store: ArchiveDriver, pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage): Result[void, string] =
digest = waku_archive.computeDigest(message)
messageHash = computeMessageHash(pubsubTopic, message)
receivedTime = if message.timestamp > 0: message.timestamp
else: getNanosecondTime(getTime().toUnixFloat())
store.put(pubsubTopic, message, digest, messageHash, receivedTime)
proc resume*(w: WakuStoreClient,
peerList = none(seq[RemotePeerInfo]),
pageSize = DefaultPageSize,
pubsubTopic = DefaultPubsubTopic): Future[WakuStoreResult[uint64]] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## resume proc retrieves the history of waku messages published on the default waku pubsub topic since the last time the waku store node has been online
## messages are stored in the store node's messages field and in the message db
## the offline time window is measured as the difference between the current time and the timestamp of the most recent persisted waku message
## an offset of 20 second is added to the time window to count for nodes asynchrony
## peerList indicates the list of peers to query from.
## The history is fetched from all available peers in this list and then consolidated into one deduplicated list.
## Such candidates should be found through a discovery method (to be developed).
## if no peerList is passed, one of the peers in the underlying peer manager unit of the store protocol is picked randomly to fetch the history from.
## The history gets fetched successfully if the dialed peer has been online during the queried time window.
## the resume proc returns the number of retrieved messages if no error occurs, otherwise returns the error string
# If store has not been provided, don't even try
if w.store.isNil():
return err("store not provided (nil)")
# NOTE: Original implementation is based on the message's sender timestamp. At the moment
# of writing, the sqlite store implementation returns the last message's receiver
# timestamp.
# lastSeenTime = lastSeenItem.get().msg.timestamp
lastSeenTime = w.store.getNewestMessageTimestamp().get(Timestamp(0))
now = getNanosecondTime(getTime().toUnixFloat())
debug "resuming with offline time window", lastSeenTime=lastSeenTime, currentTime=now
queryEndTime = now + StoreResumeTimeWindowOffset
queryStartTime = max(lastSeenTime - StoreResumeTimeWindowOffset, 0)
let req = HistoryQuery(
pubsubTopic: some(pubsubTopic),
startTime: some(queryStartTime),
endTime: some(queryEndTime),
pageSize: uint64(pageSize),
direction: default()
var res: WakuStoreResult[seq[WakuMessage]]
if peerList.isSome():
debug "trying the candidate list to fetch the history"
res = await w.queryLoop(req, peerList.get())
debug "no candidate list is provided, selecting a random peer"
# if no peerList is set then query from one of the peers stored in the peer manager
let peerOpt = w.peerManager.selectPeer(WakuStoreCodec)
if peerOpt.isNone():
warn "no suitable remote peers"
waku_store_errors.inc(labelValues = [peerNotFoundFailure])
return err("no suitable remote peers")
debug "a peer is selected from peer manager"
res = await w.queryAll(req, peerOpt.get())
if res.isErr():
debug "failed to resume the history"
return err("failed to resume the history")
# Save the retrieved messages in the store
var added: uint = 0
for msg in res.get():
let putStoreRes = w.store.put(pubsubTopic, msg)
if putStoreRes.isErr():
return ok(added)