mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 23:10:54 +00:00
* Added bootstrap peer exchange discovery option for easy setup ltp * Extended with PX discovery, auto-dial of PX cap peers, added switching service peers if failed with original * Added peer-exchange, found capable peers test, metrics on peer stability and availability, dashboard adjustments * Updated and actualized README.md for liteprotocoltester * Created jenkinsfile for liteprotocoltester deployment * Fixed dial exception during lightpublish * Add configuration for requesting and testing peer exchange peers * Extended examples added to Readme * Added metrics port configurability --------- Co-authored-by: gabrielmer <101006718+gabrielmer@users.noreply.github.com>
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{.push raises: [].}
std/[sets, tables, sequtils, options, strformat],
chronos/timer as chtimer,
import ./tester_message, ./lpt_metrics
ArrivalInfo = object
arrivedAt: Moment
prevArrivedAt: Moment
prevIndex: uint32
MessageInfo = tuple[msg: ProtocolTesterMessage, info: ArrivalInfo]
DupStat = tuple[hash: string, dupCount: int, size: uint64]
StatHelper = object
prevIndex: uint32
prevArrivedAt: Moment
lostIndices: HashSet[uint32]
seenIndices: HashSet[uint32]
maxIndex: uint32
duplicates: OrderedTable[uint32, DupStat]
Statistics* = object
received: Table[uint32, MessageInfo]
firstReceivedIdx*: uint32
allMessageCount*: uint32
receivedMessages*: uint32
misorderCount*: uint32
lateCount*: uint32
duplicateCount*: uint32
helper: StatHelper
PerPeerStatistics* = Table[string, Statistics]
func `$`*(a: Duration): string {.inline.} =
## Original stringify implementation from chronos/timer.nim is not capable of printing 0ns
## Returns string representation of Duration ``a`` as nanoseconds value.
if a.isZero:
return "0ns"
return chtimer.`$`(a)
proc init*(T: type Statistics, expectedMessageCount: int = 1000): T =
result.helper.prevIndex = 0
result.helper.maxIndex = 0
result.received = initTable[uint32, MessageInfo](expectedMessageCount)
return result
proc addMessage*(
self: var Statistics, sender: string, msg: ProtocolTesterMessage, msgHash: string
) =
if self.allMessageCount == 0:
self.allMessageCount = msg.count
self.firstReceivedIdx = msg.index
elif self.allMessageCount != msg.count:
error "Message count mismatch at message",
index = msg.index, expected = self.allMessageCount, got = msg.count
let currentArrived: MessageInfo = (
msg: msg,
info: ArrivalInfo(
arrivedAt: Moment.now(),
prevArrivedAt: self.helper.prevArrivedAt,
prevIndex: self.helper.prevIndex,
lpt_receiver_received_bytes.inc(labelValues = [sender], amount = msg.size.int64)
if self.received.hasKeyOrPut(msg.index, currentArrived):
self.helper.duplicates.mgetOrPut(msg.index, (msgHash, 0, msg.size)).dupCount.inc()
warn "Duplicate message",
index = msg.index,
hash = msgHash,
times_duplicated = self.helper.duplicates[msg.index].dupCount
lpt_receiver_duplicate_messages_count.inc(labelValues = [sender])
labelValues = [sender], value = self.helper.duplicates.len()
## detect misorder arrival and possible lost messages
if self.helper.prevIndex + 1 < msg.index:
warn "Misordered message arrival",
index = msg.index, expected = self.helper.prevIndex + 1
elif self.helper.prevIndex > msg.index:
warn "Late message arrival", index = msg.index, expected = self.helper.prevIndex + 1
self.helper.maxIndex = max(self.helper.maxIndex, msg.index)
self.helper.prevIndex = msg.index
self.helper.prevArrivedAt = currentArrived.info.arrivedAt
lpt_receiver_received_messages_count.inc(labelValues = [sender])
labelValues = [sender], value = (self.helper.maxIndex - self.receivedMessages).int64
proc addMessage*(
self: var PerPeerStatistics,
peerId: string,
msg: ProtocolTesterMessage,
msgHash: string,
) =
if not self.contains(peerId):
self[peerId] = Statistics.init()
let shortSenderId = block:
let senderPeer = PeerId.init(msg.sender)
if senderPeer.isErr():
discard catch:
self[peerId].addMessage(shortSenderId, msg, msgHash)
lpt_receiver_sender_peer_count.set(value = self.len)
proc lossCount*(self: Statistics): uint32 =
self.helper.maxIndex - self.receivedMessages
proc calcLatency*(self: Statistics): tuple[min, max, avg: Duration] =
minLatency = nanos(0)
maxLatency = nanos(0)
avgLatency = nanos(0)
if self.receivedMessages > 2:
var prevArrivedAt = self.received[self.firstReceivedIdx].info.arrivedAt
for idx, (msg, arrival) in self.received.pairs:
if idx <= 1:
let expectedDelay = nanos(msg.sincePrev)
## latency will be 0 if arrived in shorter time than expected
var latency = arrival.arrivedAt - arrival.prevArrivedAt - expectedDelay
## will not measure zero latency, it is unlikely to happen but in case happens could
## ditort the min latency calulculation as we want to calculate the feasible minimum.
if latency > nanos(0):
if minLatency == nanos(0):
minLatency = latency
minLatency = min(minLatency, latency)
maxLatency = max(maxLatency, latency)
avgLatency += latency
avgLatency = avgLatency div (self.receivedMessages - 1)
except KeyError:
error "Error while calculating latency: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
return (minLatency, maxLatency, avgLatency)
proc missingIndices*(self: Statistics): seq[uint32] =
var missing: seq[uint32] = @[]
for idx in 1 .. self.helper.maxIndex:
if not self.received.hasKey(idx):
return missing
proc distinctDupCount(self: Statistics): int {.inline.} =
return self.helper.duplicates.len()
proc allDuplicates(self: Statistics): int {.inline.} =
var total = 0
for _, (_, dupCount, _) in self.helper.duplicates.pairs:
total += dupCount
return total
proc dupMsgs(self: Statistics): string =
var dupMsgs: string = ""
for idx, (hash, dupCount, size) in self.helper.duplicates.pairs:
" index: " & $idx & " | hash: " & hash & " | count: " & $dupCount & " | size: " &
$size & "\n"
return dupMsgs
proc echoStat*(self: Statistics) =
let (minL, maxL, avgL) = self.calcLatency()
let printable = catch:
| Expected | Received | Target | Loss | Misorder | Late | |
|{self.helper.maxIndex:>11} |{self.receivedMessages:>11} |{self.allMessageCount:>11} |{self.lossCount():>11} |{self.misorderCount:>11} |{self.lateCount:>11} | |
| Latency stat: |
| min latency: {$minL:<73}|
| avg latency: {$avgL:<73}|
| max latency: {$maxL:<73}|
| Duplicate stat: |
| distinct duplicate messages: {$self.distinctDupCount():<57}|
| sum duplicates : {$self.allDuplicates():<57}|
Duplicated messages:
| Lost indices: |
| {self.missingIndices()} |
if printable.isErr():
echo "Error while printing statistics: " & printable.error().msg
echo printable.get()
proc jsonStat*(self: Statistics): string =
let minL, maxL, avgL = self.calcLatency()
let json = catch:
"received": {self.receivedMessages},
"target": {self.allMessageCount},
"loss": {self.lossCount()},
"misorder": {self.misorderCount},
"late": {self.lateCount},
"duplicate": {self.duplicateCount},
{{"avg": "{avgL}",
"min": "{minL}",
"max": "{maxL}"
"lostIndices": {self.missingIndices()}
if json.isErr:
return "{\"result:\": \"" & json.error.msg & "\"}"
return json.get()
proc echoStats*(self: var PerPeerStatistics) =
for peerId, stats in self.pairs:
let peerLine = catch:
"Receiver statistics from peer {peerId}".fmt()
if peerLine.isErr:
echo "Error while printing statistics"
echo peerLine.get()
proc jsonStats*(self: PerPeerStatistics): string =
#!fmt: off
var json = "{\"statistics\": ["
var first = true
for peerId, stats in self.pairs:
if first:
first = false
json.add(", ")
json.add("{{\"sender\": \"{peerId}\", \"stat\":".fmt())
return json
#!fmt: on
except CatchableError:
"{\"result:\": \"Error while generating json stats: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg() &
proc checkIfAllMessagesReceived*(self: PerPeerStatistics): Future[bool] {.async.} =
# if there are no peers have sent messages, assume we just have started.
if self.len == 0:
return false
for stat in self.values:
if (stat.allMessageCount == 0 and stat.receivedMessages == 0) or
stat.helper.maxIndex < stat.allMessageCount:
return false
## Ok, we see last message arrived from all peers,
## lets check if all messages are received
## and if not let's wait another 20 secs to give chance the system will send them.
var shallWait = false
for stat in self.values:
if stat.receivedMessages < stat.allMessageCount:
shallWait = true
if shallWait:
await sleepAsync(20.seconds)
return true