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synced 2025-03-01 07:20:54 +00:00
* Enhanced peer-ex protocol - added rate limiting, added response status and desc to the rpc * Better error result handling for PeerEx request, adjusted tests * Refactored RateLimit configuration option for better CLI UX - now possible to set separate limits per protocol. Adjusted mountings. Added and adjusted tests * Fix libwaku due to changes of error return type of fetchPeerExchangePeers * Fix rate limit setting tests due to changed defaults * Introduce new gauge to help dasboard effectively show current rate limit applied for protocol * Adjust timeing in filter rate limit test to let macos CI test run ok. * Address review findings, namings, error logs, removed left-overs * Changes to reflect latest spec agreement and changes. PeerExchange RPC is changed the now respond structure will contain status_code and status_desc.
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136 lines
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{.push raises: [].}
import chronos/timer, std/[tables, strutils, options], regex, results
# Setting for TokenBucket defined as volume over period of time
type RateLimitSetting* = tuple[volume: int, period: Duration]
type RateLimitedProtocol* = enum
type ProtocolRateLimitSettings* = Table[RateLimitedProtocol, RateLimitSetting]
# Set the default to switch off rate limiting for now
let DefaultGlobalNonRelayRateLimit*: RateLimitSetting = (0, 0.minutes)
let UnlimitedRateLimit*: RateLimitSetting = (0, 0.seconds)
# Acceptable call frequence from one peer using filter service
# Assumption is having to set up a subscription with max 30 calls than using ping in every min
# While subscribe/unsubscribe events are distributed in time among clients, pings will happen regularly from
# all subscribed peers
let FilterDefaultPerPeerRateLimit*: RateLimitSetting = (30, 1.minutes)
# For being used under GC-safe condition must use threadvar
var DefaultProtocolRateLimit* {.threadvar.}: ProtocolRateLimitSettings
DefaultProtocolRateLimit =
{GLOBAL: UnlimitedRateLimit, FILTER: FilterDefaultPerPeerRateLimit}.toTable()
proc isUnlimited*(t: RateLimitSetting): bool {.inline.} =
return t.volume <= 0 or t.period <= 0.seconds
func `$`*(t: RateLimitSetting): string {.inline.} =
if t.isUnlimited():
$t.volume & "/" & $t.period
proc translate(sProtocol: string): RateLimitedProtocol {.raises: [ValueError].} =
if sProtocol.len == 0:
return GLOBAL
case sProtocol
of "global":
return GLOBAL
of "storev2":
return STOREV2
of "storev3":
return STOREV3
of "lightpush":
of "px":
of "filter":
return FILTER
raise newException(ValueError, "Unknown protocol definition: " & sProtocol)
proc fillSettingTable(
t: var ProtocolRateLimitSettings, sProtocol: var string, setting: RateLimitSetting
) {.raises: [ValueError].} =
if sProtocol == "store":
# generic store will only applies to version which is not listed directly
discard t.hasKeyOrPut(STOREV2, setting)
discard t.hasKeyOrPut(STOREV3, setting)
let protocol = translate(sProtocol)
# always overrides, last one wins if same protocol duplicated
t[protocol] = setting
proc parse*(
T: type ProtocolRateLimitSettings, settings: seq[string]
): Result[ProtocolRateLimitSettings, string] =
var settingsTable: ProtocolRateLimitSettings =
initTable[RateLimitedProtocol, RateLimitSetting]()
## Following regex can match the exact syntax of how rate limit can be set for different protocol or global.
## It uses capture groups
## group0: Will be check if protocol name is followed by a colon but only if protocol name is set.
## group1: Protocol name, if empty we take it as "global" setting
## group2: Volume of tokens - only integer
## group3: Duration of period - only integer
## group4: Unit of period - only h:hour, m:minute, s:second, ms:millisecond allowed
## whitespaces are allowed lazily
const parseRegex =
const regexParseSize = re2(parseRegex)
for settingStr in settings:
let aSetting = settingStr.toLower()
var m: RegexMatch2
if aSetting.match(regexParseSize, m) == false:
return err("Invalid rate-limit setting: " & settingStr)
var sProtocol = aSetting[m.captures[1]]
let volume = aSetting[m.captures[2]].parseInt()
let duration = aSetting[m.captures[3]].parseInt()
let periodUnit = aSetting[m.captures[4]]
var period = 0.seconds
case periodUnit
of "ms":
period = duration.milliseconds
of "s":
period = duration.seconds
of "m":
period = duration.minutes
of "h":
period = duration.hours
fillSettingTable(settingsTable, sProtocol, (volume, period))
except ValueError:
return err("Invalid rate-limit setting: " & settingStr)
# If there were no global setting predefined, we set unlimited
# due it is taken for protocols not defined in the list - thus those will not apply accidentally wrong settings.
discard settingsTable.hasKeyOrPut(GLOBAL, UnlimitedRateLimit)
discard settingsTable.hasKeyOrPut(FILTER, FilterDefaultPerPeerRateLimit)
return ok(settingsTable)
proc getSetting*(
t: ProtocolRateLimitSettings, protocol: RateLimitedProtocol
): RateLimitSetting =
let default = t.getOrDefault(GLOBAL, UnlimitedRateLimit)
return t.getOrDefault(protocol, default)
proc calculateLimitPerSecond*(setting: RateLimitSetting): float64 =
if setting.isUnlimited():
return 0.float64
return (setting.volume.float64 / setting.period.milliseconds.float64) * 1000.float64