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# toml-serialization
# Copyright (c) 2020 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license: [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
# * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
std/[os, options, tables],
../toml_serialization/[lexer, value_ops]
Owner = object
name: string
dob: TomlDateTime
cap: float64
dobString: string
dobToml: TomlValueRef
Database = object
server: string
ports: array[3, int]
connection_max: int
enabled: bool
negative: int
ConfigCap = enum
Fruits = enum
Apple = "apple"
Banana = "banana"
Example = object
title: string
owner: Owner
database: Database
hosts: seq[string]
configcap: ConfigCap
cc: ConfigCap
fruit: Fruits
GrandChild = object
name: string
age: int
ChildObject = object
name: string
child: GrandChild
NestedObject = object
child: ChildObject
son: GrandChild
proc readValue(r: var TomlReader, table: var Table[string, int]) =
parseTable(r, key):
table[key] = r.parseInt(int)
suite "test decoder":
let rawToml = readFile("tests" / "tomls" / "example.toml")
var ex = Toml.decode(rawToml, Example)
var x: TomlDateTime
x.date = some(TomlDate(
year: 1979, month: 5, day:27
x.time = some(TomlTime(hour: 7, minute: 32, second: 0, subsecond: 0))
x.zone = some(TomlTimeZone(
positiveShift: false,
hourShift: 8,
minuteShift: 0
test "basic example":
ex.title == "TOML Example"
ex.owner.name == "Tom Preston-Werner"
ex.owner.dob == x
ex.owner.dobString == "1979-05-27T07:32:00-08:00"
ex.owner.dobToml.kind == TomlKind.DateTime
ex.database.server == ""
ex.database.ports[0] == 8001
ex.database.ports[1] == 8002
ex.database.ports[2] == 8003
ex.database.connection_max == 5000
ex.database.enabled == true
ex.database.negative == -3
ex.hosts[0] == "alpha"
ex.hosts[1] == "omega"
ex.configcap == JsonCap
ex.cc == TomlCap
ex.fruit == Banana
test "spec example":
discard Toml.loadFile("tests" / "tomls" / "example.toml", TomlValueRef)
discard Toml.loadFile("tests" / "tomls" / "spec.toml", TomlValueRef)
test "nested object":
var x = Toml.loadFile("tests" / "tomls" / "nested_object.toml", NestedObject)
x.child.name == "TOML"
x.child.child.name == "CHILD"
x.child.child.age == 10
x.son.name == "SON"
NoField = object
name: string
weight: int
age: int
OptionalField = object
name: string
age: Option[int]
test "nofield":
var x = Toml.decode("name=\"X\" \n age=10", NoField)
check x.age == 10
check x.name == "X"
check x.weight == 0
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("name=\"X\" \n age=10 \n banana = 10", NoField)
var z = Toml.decode("name=\"X\" \n age=10", OptionalField)
check z.name == "X"
check z.age.isSome
check z.age.get() == 10
var w = Toml.decode("name=\"X\"", OptionalField)
check w.name == "X"
check w.age.isNone
test "bad toml":
SubObject = object
name: string
TopObject = object
child: SubObject
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("child = name = \"Toml\"", TopObject)
test "trailing comma in array":
XX = array[3, int]
YY = seq[int]
TrailingComma = object
x: seq[int]
y: array[3, int]
w: TomlValueRef
s: string
z: string
let x = Toml.decode("x = [1, 2, 3]", XX, "x")
check x == [1, 2, 3]
let y = Toml.decode("x = [1, 2, 3]", YY, "x")
check y == @[1, 2, 3]
let xx = Toml.decode("x = [1, 2, 3, ]", XX, "x")
check xx == [1, 2, 3]
let yy = Toml.decode("x = [1, 2, 3, ]", YY, "x")
check yy == @[1, 2, 3]
let ww = Toml.decode("x = [7, 8, 9, ]", TomlValueRef, "x")
const doc = """
x = [1, 2, 3, ]
y = [4,5,6,]
w = [7,8,9,]
s = [10 , 11 , 12 , ]
z = "ok" # this last entry is to make sure we parse past last entry ']'
let zz = Toml.decode(doc, TrailingComma)
check zz.x == @[1, 2, 3]
check zz.y == [4, 5, 6]
check zz.w == ww
check zz.s == "[10,11,12]"
check zz.z == "ok"
test "Trailing comma in inline table":
AbcTC = object
a: int
b: int
c: int
TrailingCommaIT = object
x: TomlValueRef
y: string
z: AbcTC
w: Table[string, int]
s: string
const doc = """
x = {a=1, b=2, c=3, }
y = {a=1, b=2, c=3, }
z = {a=1, b=2, c=3, }
w = {a=1, b=2, c=3, }
s = "ok"
let xx = Toml.decode("x = {a=1, b=2, c=3, }", TomlValueRef, "x", {TomlInlineTableTrailingComma})
let r = Toml.decode(doc, TrailingCommaIT, {TomlInlineTableTrailingComma})
check r.x == xx
check r.y == "{a=1,b=2,c=3}"
check r.z == AbcTC(a:1,b:2,c:3)
check r.w["a"] == 1
check r.w["b"] == 2
check r.w["c"] == 3
check r.s == "ok"
test "case object":
CaseObject = object
case kind: Fruits
of Apple: appleVal: int
of Banana: bananaVal: string
let toml = """
kind = "apple"
appleVal = 123
kind = "banana"
bananaVal = "Hello Banana"
let apple = Toml.decode(toml, CaseObject, "apple")
check apple.appleVal == 123
# TODO: this still fails
#let banana = Toml.decode(toml, CaseObject, "banana")
#check banana.bananaVal == "Hello Banana"
suite "table array test suite":
Disc = object
sector: int
cylinder: int
TableArray = object
disc: seq[Disc]
cd: array[3, Disc]
const taFile = "tests" / "tomls" / "table-array.toml"
test "table array basic decoder":
let ta = Toml.loadFile(taFile, TableArray)
ta.disc.len == 3
ta.disc[2].sector == 7
ta.disc[2].cylinder == 8
ta.cd[0].sector == 9
ta.cd[0].cylinder == 10
WantCD = object
cd: seq[Disc]
let cds = """
sector = 11
cylinder = 12
sector = 13
cylinder = 14
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode(cds, WantCD)
let z = Toml.decode(cds, WantCD, flags = {TomlUnknownFields})
z.cd.len == 1
z.cd[0].sector == 13
z.cd[0].cylinder == 14
test "table array keyed mode":
let rawTa = readFile(taFile)
let x = Toml.decode(rawTa, seq[Disc], "cd")
x.len == 2
x[0].sector == 9
x[0].cylinder == 10
x[1].sector == 11
x[1].cylinder == 12
let y = Toml.decode(rawTa, array[3, Disc], "disc")
y[0].sector == 3
y[0].cylinder == 4
y[1].sector == 5
y[1].cylinder == 6
y[2].sector == 7
y[2].cylinder == 8
let z = Toml.loadFile(taFile, seq[Disc], "cd")
z.len == 2
z[0].sector == 9
z[0].cylinder == 10
z[1].sector == 11
z[1].cylinder == 12
test "table array optional fields":
Transition = enum
Rgba8 = object
r, g, b: uint8
PointD = object
x, y: float64
Label = object
face: Option[string]
text: Option[string]
color: Option[Rgba8]
size: Option[float64]
shadow: Option[bool]
pos: Option[PointD]
Scene = object
background: Option[string]
duration: Option[float32]
labels: seq[Label]
transition: Option[Transition]
Song = object
scenes: seq[Scene]
const taof = "tests" / "tomls" / "table-array-optional-fields.toml"
let p = Toml.loadFile(taof, Song, flags = {TomlInlineTableNewline})
check p.scenes.len == 5
ValidIpAddress {.requiresInit.} = object
value: string
TestObject = object
address: Option[ValidIpAddress]
proc readValue(r: var TomlReader, value: var ValidIpAddress) =
value.value = r.parseAsString()
suite "optional fields test suite":
test "optional field with requiresInit pragma":
var x = Toml.decode("address = ''", TestObject)
check x.address.isSome
check x.address.get().value == ""
KV = object
key: string
suite "toml v1.0.0 spec":
test "raw tab in single/multi line basic string":
var x = Toml.decode("key = \"\t\"", KV)
check x.key == "\t"
x = Toml.decode("key = \"\"\"\t\"\"\"", KV)
check x.key == "\t"
test "invalid chars in comment":
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("# com\x00ment \nkey = \"hello\"", KV)
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("# com\x08ment \nkey = \"hello\"", KV)
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("# com\x0Ament \nkey = \"hello\"", KV)
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("# com\x1Fment \nkey = \"hello\"", KV)
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("# com\x7Fment \nkey = \"hello\"", KV)
test "trailing commas not allowed in inline table":
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("key = {subkey: \"val\", } ", TomlValueRef)
test "leading zeroes in exponent parts of float":
check Toml.decode("key = 10.0e001", float64, "key") == 10.0e1'f64
test "no surrogate pairs in string":
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("key = \"\\uD8000\"", KV)
expect TomlError:
discard Toml.decode("key = \"\\uDFFF\"", KV)
test "EOF is allowed after key value pair":
var x = Toml.decode("key = \"hello\"", KV)
check x.key == "hello"
test "various styles of writing keys":
var x = Toml.decode("fruit. color = \"yellow\" # same as fruit.color", TomlValueRef)
check x["fruit"]["color", string] == "yellow"
x = Toml.decode("fruit . color = \"yellow\" # same as fruit.color", TomlValueRef)
check x["fruit"]["color", string] == "yellow"
test "line-ending backslashes must be unescaped in multi-line strings.":
const text = "equivalent text"
check Toml.decode("key = \"\"\"equivalent \\\n text\"\"\"", string, "key") == text
test "comments and newlines are allowed before commas in arrays":
let x = Toml.decode("key = [123 # comments\n, 345]", array[2, int], "key")
check x[1] == 345
test "ignored indentation":
check Toml.decode(" key = 123", int, "key") == 123
check Toml.decode(" [table]\n key = 123", int, "table.key") == 123
check Toml.decode(" key = [ 123, 123 ]", array[2, int], "key") == [123, 123]