mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 07:20:54 +00:00
* bump_dependencies.md: add nim-results dependency * change imports stew/results to results * switching to Nim 2.0.8 * waku.nimble: reflect the requirement nim 1.6.0 to 2.0.8 Adding --mm:refc as nim 2.0 enables a new garbage collector that we're not yet ready to support * adapt waku code to Nim 2.0 * gcsafe adaptations because Nim 2.0 is more strict
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174 lines
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import std/[times, strutils], results, chronos
include db_connector/db_postgres
type DataProc* = proc(result: ptr PGresult) {.closure, gcsafe, raises: [].}
## Connection management
proc check*(db: DbConn): Result[void, string] =
var message: string
message = $db.pqErrorMessage()
except ValueError, DbError:
return err("exception in check: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
if message.len > 0:
return err($message)
return ok()
proc open*(connString: string): Result[DbConn, string] =
## Opens a new connection.
var conn: DbConn = nil
conn = open("", "", "", connString)
except DbError:
return err("exception opening new connection: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
if conn.status != CONNECTION_OK:
let checkRes = conn.check()
if checkRes.isErr():
return err("failed to connect to database: " & checkRes.error)
return err("unknown reason")
proc sendQuery(
db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery, args: seq[string]
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
## This proc can be used directly for queries that don't retrieve values back.
if db.status != CONNECTION_OK:
return err("failed to connect to database: " & $error)
return err("unknown reason")
var wellFormedQuery = ""
wellFormedQuery = dbFormat(query, args)
except DbError:
return err("exception formatting the query: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
let success = db.pqsendQuery(cstring(wellFormedQuery))
if success != 1:
return err("failed pqsendQuery: " & $error)
return err("failed pqsendQuery: unknown reason")
return ok()
proc sendQueryPrepared(
db: DbConn,
stmtName: string,
paramValues: openArray[string],
paramLengths: openArray[int32],
paramFormats: openArray[int32],
): Result[void, string] {.raises: [].} =
## This proc can be used directly for queries that don't retrieve values back.
if paramValues.len != paramLengths.len or paramValues.len != paramFormats.len or
paramLengths.len != paramFormats.len:
let lengthsErrMsg =
$paramValues.len & " " & $paramLengths.len & " " & $paramFormats.len
return err("lengths discrepancies in sendQueryPrepared: " & $lengthsErrMsg)
if db.status != CONNECTION_OK:
return err("failed to connect to database: " & $error)
return err("unknown reason")
var cstrArrayParams = allocCStringArray(paramValues)
let nParams = cast[int32](paramValues.len)
const ResultFormat = 0 ## 0 for text format, 1 for binary format.
let success = db.pqsendQueryPrepared(
unsafeAddr paramLengths[0],
unsafeAddr paramFormats[0],
if success != 1:
return err("failed pqsendQueryPrepared: " & $error)
return err("failed pqsendQueryPrepared: unknown reason")
return ok()
proc waitQueryToFinish(
db: DbConn, rowCallback: DataProc = nil
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
## The 'rowCallback' param is != nil when the underlying query wants to retrieve results (SELECT.)
## For other queries, like "INSERT", 'rowCallback' should be nil.
while db.pqisBusy() == 1:
## TODO: Enhance performance in concurrent queries.
## The connection keeps busy for quite a long time when performing intense concurrect queries.
## For example, a given query can last 11 milliseconds within from the database point of view
## but, on the other hand, the connection remains in "db.pqisBusy() == 1" for 100ms more.
## I think this is because `nwaku` is single-threaded and it has to handle many connections (20)
## simultaneously. Therefore, there is an underlying resource sharing (cpu) that makes this
## to happen. Notice that the _Postgres_ database spawns one process per each connection.
let success = db.pqconsumeInput()
if success != 1:
return err("failed pqconsumeInput: " & $error)
return err("failed pqconsumeInput: unknown reason")
await sleepAsync(timer.milliseconds(0)) # Do not block the async runtime
## Now retrieve the result
while true:
let pqResult = db.pqgetResult()
if pqResult == nil:
return err("error in query: " & $error)
return ok() # reached the end of the results
if not rowCallback.isNil():
proc dbConnQuery*(
db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery, args: seq[string], rowCallback: DataProc
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async, gcsafe.} =
(await db.sendQuery(query, args)).isOkOr:
return err("error in dbConnQuery calling sendQuery: " & $error)
(await db.waitQueryToFinish(rowCallback)).isOkOr:
return err("error in dbConnQuery calling waitQueryToFinish: " & $error)
return ok()
proc dbConnQueryPrepared*(
db: DbConn,
stmtName: string,
paramValues: seq[string],
paramLengths: seq[int32],
paramFormats: seq[int32],
rowCallback: DataProc,
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async, gcsafe.} =
db.sendQueryPrepared(stmtName, paramValues, paramLengths, paramFormats).isOkOr:
return err("error in dbConnQueryPrepared calling sendQuery: " & $error)
(await db.waitQueryToFinish(rowCallback)).isOkOr:
return err("error in dbConnQueryPrepared calling waitQueryToFinish: " & $error)
return ok()