
104 lines
3.4 KiB

# Tests of Swap contracts via external module
std/[unittest, options, tables, sets, osproc, strutils, strformat, json],
../test_helpers, ./utils
procSuite "Basic balance test":
var aliceSwapAddress = ""
var signature = ""
var erc20address = ""
test "Get pwd of swap module":
let (output, errC) = osproc.execCmdEx("(cd ../swap-contracts-module && pwd)")
echo output
contains(output, "swap-contracts-module")
test "Get balance from running node":
# NOTE: This corresponds to the first default account in Hardhat
let taskString = "npx hardhat --network localhost balance --account 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
let cmdString = "cd ../swap-contracts-module; " & &"{taskString}"
echo cmdString
let (output, errC) = osproc.execCmdEx(cmdString)
echo output
contains(output, "ETH")
test "Setup Swap":
let taskString = "npx hardhat --network localhost setupSwap"
let cmdString = "cd ../swap-contracts-module; " & &"{taskString}"
echo cmdString
let (output, errC) = osproc.execCmdEx(cmdString)
# XXX Assume succeeds
let json = parseJson(output)
var aliceAddress = json["aliceAddress"].getStr()
aliceSwapAddress = json["aliceSwapAddress"].getStr()
erc20address = json["erc20address"].getStr()
echo erc20address
echo json
# Contains default Alice account
contains(aliceAddress, "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266")
test "Sign Cheque":
#npx hardhat signCheque --swapaddress "0x94099942864EA81cCF197E9D71ac53310b1468D8"
let taskString = "npx hardhat --network localhost signCheque --swapaddress '" & &"{aliceSwapAddress}" & "'"
let cmdString = "cd ../swap-contracts-module; " & &"{taskString}"
echo cmdString
let (output, errC) = osproc.execCmdEx(cmdString)
# XXX Assume succeeds
let json = parseJson(output)
signature = json["signature"].getStr()
echo json
echo signature
# Contains some signature
contains(signature, "0x")
test "Get balances 1":
let taskString = "npx hardhat --network localhost getBalances --erc20address '" & &"{erc20address}" & "'"
let cmdString = "cd ../swap-contracts-module; " & &"{taskString}"
echo cmdString
let (output, errC) = osproc.execCmdEx(cmdString)
# XXX Assume succeeds
let json = parseJson(output)
echo json
# Contains some signature
contains(signature, "0x")
test "Redeem cheque and check balance":
# XXX Simplify string creation
let taskString = "npx hardhat --network localhost redeemCheque --swapaddress '" & &"{aliceSwapAddress}" & "' --signature '" & &"{signature}" & "'"
let cmdString = "cd ../swap-contracts-module; " & &"{taskString}"
echo cmdString
let (output, errC) = osproc.execCmdEx(cmdString)
# XXX Assume succeeds
echo output
let json = parseJson(output)
var resp = json["resp"].getStr()
echo json
echo "Get balances"
let taskString2 = "npx hardhat --network localhost getBalances --erc20address '" & &"{erc20address}" & "'"
let cmdString2 = "cd ../swap-contracts-module; " & &"{taskString2}"
echo cmdString2
let (output2, errC2) = osproc.execCmdEx(cmdString2)
# XXX Assume succeeds
let json2 = parseJson(output2)
echo json2
# Balance for Bob has now increased
json2["bobBalance"].getInt() == 10500