mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:31:01 +00:00
264 lines
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264 lines
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when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
std/[options, bitops, sequtils],
stew/[endians2, results],
libp2p/[multiaddress, multicodec],
topics = "waku enr sharding"
const MaxShardIndex: uint16 = 1023
ShardingIndicesListEnrField* = "rs"
ShardingIndicesListMaxLength* = 64
ShardingBitVectorEnrField* = "rsv"
RelayShards* = object
clusterId: uint16
shardIds: seq[uint16]
func clusterId*(rs: RelayShards): uint16 =
func shardIds*(rs: RelayShards): seq[uint16] =
func topics*(rs: RelayShards): seq[NsPubsubTopic] =
rs.shardIds.mapIt(NsPubsubTopic.staticSharding(rs.clusterId, it))
func init*(T: type RelayShards, clusterId, shardId: uint16): Result[T, string] =
if shardId > MaxShardIndex:
return err("invalid shard Id")
ok(RelayShards(clusterId: clusterId, shardIds: @[shardId]))
func init*(T: type RelayShards, clusterId: uint16, shardIds: varargs[uint16]): Result[T, string] =
if toSeq(shardIds).anyIt(it > MaxShardIndex):
return err("invalid shard")
let indicesSeq = deduplicate(@shardIds)
if shardIds.len < 1:
return err("invalid shard count")
ok(RelayShards(clusterId: clusterId, shardIds: indicesSeq))
func init*(T: type RelayShards, clusterId: uint16, shardIds: seq[uint16]): Result[T, string] =
if shardIds.anyIt(it > MaxShardIndex):
return err("invalid shard")
let indicesSeq = deduplicate(shardIds)
if shardIds.len < 1:
return err("invalid shard count")
ok(RelayShards(clusterId: clusterId, shardIds: indicesSeq))
func topicsToRelayShards*(topics: seq[string]): Result[Option[RelayShards], string] =
if topics.len < 1:
return ok(none(RelayShards))
let parsedTopicsRes = topics.mapIt(NsPubsubTopic.parse(it))
for res in parsedTopicsRes:
if res.isErr():
return err("failed to parse topic: " & $res.error)
if parsedTopicsRes.allIt(it.get().kind == NsPubsubTopicKind.NamedSharding):
return ok(none(RelayShards))
if parsedTopicsRes.anyIt(it.get().kind == NsPubsubTopicKind.NamedSharding):
return err("use named (/waku/2/*) OR static (/waku/2/rs/*/*) shards not both.")
if parsedTopicsRes.anyIt(it.get().clusterId != parsedTopicsRes[0].get().clusterId):
return err("use shards with the same cluster Id.")
let relayShard = ?RelayShards.init(parsedTopicsRes[0].get().clusterId, parsedTopicsRes.mapIt(it.get().shardId))
return ok(some(relayShard))
func contains*(rs: RelayShards, clusterId, shardId: uint16): bool =
rs.clusterId == clusterId and rs.shardIds.contains(shardId)
func contains*(rs: RelayShards, topic: NsPubsubTopic): bool =
if topic.kind != NsPubsubTopicKind.StaticSharding:
return false
rs.contains(topic.clusterId, topic.shardId)
func contains*(rs: RelayShards, topic: PubsubTopic|string): bool =
let parseRes = NsPubsubTopic.parse(topic)
if parseRes.isErr():
return false
# ENR builder extension
func toIndicesList*(rs: RelayShards): EnrResult[seq[byte]] =
if rs.shardIds.len > high(uint8).int:
return err("shards list too long")
var res: seq[byte]
for shardId in rs.shardIds:
func fromIndicesList(buf: seq[byte]): Result[RelayShards, string] =
if buf.len < 3:
return err("insufficient data: expected at least 3 bytes, got " & $buf.len & " bytes")
let clusterId = uint16.fromBytesBE(buf[0..1])
let length = int(buf[2])
if buf.len != 3 + 2 * length:
return err("invalid data: `length` field is " & $length & " but " & $buf.len & " bytes were provided")
var shardIds: seq[uint16]
for i in 0..<length:
shardIds.add(uint16.fromBytesBE(buf[3 + 2*i ..< 5 + 2*i]))
ok(RelayShards(clusterId: clusterId, shardIds: shardIds))
func toBitVector*(rs: RelayShards): seq[byte] =
## The value is comprised of a two-byte cluster id in network byte
## order concatenated with a 128-byte wide bit vector. The bit vector
## indicates which shard ids of the respective cluster id the node is part
## of. The right-most bit in the bit vector represents shard id 0, the left-most
## bit represents shard id 1023.
var res: seq[byte]
var vec = newSeq[byte](128)
for shardId in rs.shardIds:
vec[shardId div 8].setBit(shardId mod 8)
func fromBitVector(buf: seq[byte]): EnrResult[RelayShards] =
if buf.len != 130:
return err("invalid data: expected 130 bytes")
let clusterId = uint16.fromBytesBE(buf[0..1])
var shardIds: seq[uint16]
for i in 0u16..<128u16:
for j in 0u16..<8u16:
if not buf[2 + i].testBit(j):
shardIds.add(j + 8 * i)
ok(RelayShards(clusterId: clusterId, shardIds: shardIds))
func withWakuRelayShardingIndicesList*(builder: var EnrBuilder, rs: RelayShards): EnrResult[void] =
let value = ? rs.toIndicesList()
builder.addFieldPair(ShardingIndicesListEnrField, value)
func withWakuRelayShardingBitVector*(builder: var EnrBuilder, rs: RelayShards): EnrResult[void] =
let value = rs.toBitVector()
builder.addFieldPair(ShardingBitVectorEnrField, value)
func withWakuRelaySharding*(builder: var EnrBuilder, rs: RelayShards): EnrResult[void] =
if rs.shardIds.len >= ShardingIndicesListMaxLength:
func withShardedTopics*(builder: var EnrBuilder,
topics: seq[string]):
Result[void, string] =
let relayShardOp = topicsToRelayShards(topics).valueOr:
return err("building ENR with relay sharding failed: " & $error)
let relayShard = relayShardOp.valueOr:
return ok()
return err($error)
return ok()
# ENR record accessors (e.g., Record, TypedRecord, etc.)
proc relayShardingIndicesList*(record: TypedRecord): Option[RelayShards] =
let field = record.tryGet(ShardingIndicesListEnrField, seq[byte]).valueOr:
return none(RelayShards)
let indexList = fromIndicesList(field).valueOr:
debug "invalid shards list", error = error
return none(RelayShards)
proc relayShardingBitVector*(record: TypedRecord): Option[RelayShards] =
let field = record.tryGet(ShardingBitVectorEnrField, seq[byte]).valueOr:
return none(RelayShards)
let bitVector = fromBitVector(field).valueOr:
debug "invalid shards bit vector", error = error
return none(RelayShards)
proc relaySharding*(record: TypedRecord): Option[RelayShards] =
let indexList = record.relayShardingIndicesList().valueOr:
return record.relayShardingBitVector()
return some(indexList)
## Utils
proc containsShard*(r: Record, clusterId, shardId: uint16): bool =
if shardId > MaxShardIndex:
return false
let record = r.toTyped().valueOr:
debug "invalid ENR record", error = error
return false
let rs = record.relaySharding().valueOr:
return false
rs.contains(clusterId, shardId)
proc containsShard*(r: Record, topic: NsPubsubTopic): bool =
if topic.kind != NsPubsubTopicKind.StaticSharding:
return false
containsShard(r, topic.clusterId, topic.shardId)
proc containsShard*(r: Record, topic: PubsubTopic|string): bool =
let parseRes = NsPubsubTopic.parse(topic)
if parseRes.isErr():
debug "invalid static sharding topic", topic = topic, error = parseRes.error
return false
containsShard(r, parseRes.value)
proc isClusterMismatched*(record: Record, clusterId: uint32): bool =
## Check the ENR sharding info for matching cluster id
if (let typedRecord = record.toTyped(); typedRecord.isOk()):
if (let relayShard = typedRecord.get().relaySharding(); relayShard.isSome()):
return relayShard.get().clusterId != clusterId
return false |