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synced 2025-03-01 15:30:55 +00:00
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json, options, stint, strutils, strformat, typetraits,
stew/byteutils, json_serialization, faststreams/textio,
ethtypes, ethhexstrings
from json_rpc/rpcserver import expect
proc `%`*(n: Int256|UInt256): JsonNode = %("0x" & n.toHex)
# allows UInt256 to be passed as a json string
proc fromJson*(n: JsonNode, argName: string, result: var UInt256) =
# expects base 16 string, starting with "0x"
n.kind.expect(JString, argName)
let hexStr = n.getStr()
if hexStr.len > 64 + 2: # including "0x"
raise newException(ValueError, "Parameter \"" & argName & "\" value too long for UInt256: " & $hexStr.len)
result = hexStr.parse(StUint[256], 16) # TODO: Handle errors
# allows ref UInt256 to be passed as a json string
proc fromJson*(n: JsonNode, argName: string, result: var ref UInt256) =
# expects base 16 string, starting with "0x"
n.kind.expect(JString, argName)
let hexStr = n.getStr()
if hexStr.len > 64 + 2: # including "0x"
raise newException(ValueError, "Parameter \"" & argName & "\" value too long for UInt256: " & $hexStr.len)
new result
result[] = hexStr.parse(StUint[256], 16) # TODO: Handle errors
proc bytesFromJson(n: JsonNode, argName: string, result: var openarray[byte]) =
n.kind.expect(JString, argName)
let hexStr = n.getStr()
if hexStr.len != result.len * 2 + 2: # including "0x"
raise newException(ValueError, "Parameter \"" & argName & "\" value wrong length: " & $hexStr.len)
hexToByteArray(hexStr, result)
proc fromJson*[N](n: JsonNode, argName: string, result: var FixedBytes[N]) {.inline.} =
# expects base 16 string, starting with "0x"
bytesFromJson(n, argName, array[N, byte](result))
proc fromJson*(n: JsonNode, argName: string, result: var Address) {.inline.} =
# expects base 16 string, starting with "0x"
bytesFromJson(n, argName, array[20, byte](result))
proc fromJson*(n: JsonNode, argName: string, result: var Quantity) {.inline.} =
if n.kind == JInt:
result = Quantity(n.getBiggestInt)
n.kind.expect(JString, argName)
result = Quantity(parseHexInt(n.getStr))
proc `%`*(v: Quantity): JsonNode =
result = %encodeQuantity(v.uint64)
proc `%`*[N](v: FixedBytes[N]): JsonNode =
result = %("0x" & array[N, byte](v).toHex)
proc `%`*(v: Address): JsonNode =
result = %("0x" & array[20, byte](v).toHex)
proc writeHexValue(w: JsonWriter, v: openarray[byte]) =
w.stream.write "\"0x"
w.stream.writeHex v
w.stream.write "\""
proc writeValue*[N](w: var JsonWriter, v: DynamicBytes[N]) =
writeHexValue w, distinctBase(v)
proc writeValue*[N](w: var JsonWriter, v: FixedBytes[N]) =
writeHexValue w, distinctBase(v)
proc writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter, v: Address) =
writeHexValue w, distinctBase(v)
proc readValue*[N](r: var JsonReader, T: type DynamicBytes[N]): T =
fromHex(T, r.readValue(string))
proc readValue*[N](r: var JsonReader, T: type FixedBytes[N]): T =
fromHex(T, r.readValue(string))
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, T: type Address): T =
fromHex(T, r.readValue(string))
proc `%`*[N](v: DynamicBytes[N]): JsonNode =
result = %("0x" & array[N, byte](v).toHex)
assert(result.getStr.len == N * 2 + 2)
proc `$`*[N](v: FixedBytes[N]): string {.inline.} =
"0x" & array[N, byte](v).toHex
proc `$`*(v: Address): string {.inline.} =
"0x" & array[20, byte](v).toHex
proc `$`*[N](v: DynamicBytes[N]): string {.inline.} =
"0x" & array[N, byte](v).toHex
proc `%`*(x: EthSend): JsonNode =
result = newJobject()
result["from"] = %x.source
if x.to.isSome:
result["to"] = %x.to.unsafeGet
if x.gas.isSome:
result["gas"] = %x.gas.unsafeGet
if x.gasPrice.isSome:
result["gasPrice"] = %x.gasPrice.unsafeGet
if x.value.isSome:
result["value"] = %x.value.unsafeGet
result["data"] = %x.data
if x.nonce.isSome:
result["nonce"] = %x.nonce.unsafeGet
proc `%`*(x: EthCall): JsonNode =
result = newJobject()
result["to"] = %x.to
if x.source.isSome:
result["source"] = %x.source.unsafeGet
if x.gas.isSome:
result["gas"] = %x.gas.unsafeGet
if x.gasPrice.isSome:
result["gasPrice"] = %x.gasPrice.unsafeGet
if x.value.isSome:
result["value"] = %x.value.unsafeGet
if x.data.isSome:
result["data"] = %x.data.unsafeGet
proc `%`*(x: byte): JsonNode =
proc `%`*(x: FilterOptions): JsonNode =
result = newJobject()
if x.fromBlock.isSome:
result["fromBlock"] = %x.fromBlock.unsafeGet
if x.toBlock.isSome:
result["toBlock"] = %x.toBlock.unsafeGet
if x.address.isSome:
result["address"] = %x.address.unsafeGet
if x.topics.isSome:
result["topics"] = %x.topics.unsafeGet
proc `%`*(x: RtBlockIdentifier): JsonNode =
case x.kind
of bidNumber: %(&"0x{x.number:X}")
of bidAlias: %x.alias