mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 20:08:40 +00:00
883 lines
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883 lines
26 KiB
std/[strutils, strformat],
confutils/toml/defs as confTomlDefs,
confutils/toml/std/net as confTomlNet,
../common/confutils/envvar/defs as confEnvvarDefs,
../common/confutils/envvar/std/net as confEnvvarNet,
include ../waku_core/message/default_values
export confTomlDefs, confTomlNet, confEnvvarDefs, confEnvvarNet
# Git version in git describe format (defined at compile time)
const git_version* {.strdefine.} = "n/a"
type ConfResult*[T] = Result[T, string]
type EthRpcUrl* = distinct string
type ProtectedShard* = object
shard*: uint16
key*: secp256k1.SkPublicKey
type StartUpCommand* = enum
noCommand # default, runs waku
generateRlnKeystore # generates a new RLN keystore
inspectRlnDb # Inspects a given RLN tree db, providing essential db stats
type WakuNodeConf* = object
configFile* {.
desc: "Loads configuration from a TOML file (cmd-line parameters take precedence)",
name: "config-file"
.}: Option[InputFile]
## Log configuration
logLevel* {.
"Sets the log level for process. Supported levels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR or FATAL",
defaultValue: logging.LogLevel.INFO,
name: "log-level"
.}: logging.LogLevel
logFormat* {.
"Specifies what kind of logs should be written to stdout. Supported formats: TEXT, JSON",
defaultValue: logging.LogFormat.TEXT,
name: "log-format"
.}: logging.LogFormat
rlnRelayCredPath* {.
desc: "The path for peristing rln-relay credential",
defaultValue: "",
name: "rln-relay-cred-path"
.}: string
rlnRelayEthClientAddress* {.
desc: "HTTP address of an Ethereum testnet client e.g., http://localhost:8540/",
defaultValue: "http://localhost:8540/",
name: "rln-relay-eth-client-address"
.}: EthRpcUrl
rlnRelayEthContractAddress* {.
desc: "Address of membership contract on an Ethereum testnet",
defaultValue: "",
name: "rln-relay-eth-contract-address"
.}: string
rlnRelayChainId* {.
"Chain ID of the provided contract (optional, will fetch from RPC provider if not used)",
defaultValue: 0,
name: "rln-relay-chain-id"
.}: uint
rlnRelayCredPassword* {.
desc: "Password for encrypting RLN credentials",
defaultValue: "",
name: "rln-relay-cred-password"
.}: string
rlnRelayEthPrivateKey* {.
desc: "Private key for broadcasting transactions",
defaultValue: "",
name: "rln-relay-eth-private-key"
.}: string
rlnRelayUserMessageLimit* {.
"Set a user message limit for the rln membership registration. Must be a positive integer. Default is 1.",
defaultValue: 1,
name: "rln-relay-user-message-limit"
.}: uint64
rlnEpochSizeSec* {.
"Epoch size in seconds used to rate limit RLN memberships. Default is 1 second.",
defaultValue: 1,
name: "rln-relay-epoch-sec"
.}: uint64
maxMessageSize* {.
"Maximum message size. Accepted units: KiB, KB, and B. e.g. 1024KiB; 1500 B; etc.",
defaultValue: DefaultMaxWakuMessageSizeStr,
name: "max-msg-size"
.}: string
case cmd* {.command, defaultValue: noCommand.}: StartUpCommand
of inspectRlnDb:
# have to change the name here since it counts as a duplicate, within noCommand
treePath* {.
desc: "Path to the RLN merkle tree sled db (https://github.com/spacejam/sled)",
defaultValue: "",
name: "rln-relay-tree-path"
.}: string
of generateRlnKeystore:
execute* {.
desc: "Runs the registration function on-chain. By default, a dry-run will occur",
defaultValue: false,
name: "execute"
.}: bool
of noCommand:
## Application-level configuration
protectedShards* {.
"Shards and its public keys to be used for message validation, shard:pubkey. Argument may be repeated.",
defaultValue: newSeq[ProtectedShard](0),
name: "protected-shard"
.}: seq[ProtectedShard]
## General node config
clusterId* {.
"Cluster id that the node is running in. Node in a different cluster id is disconnected.",
defaultValue: 0,
name: "cluster-id"
.}: uint16
agentString* {.
defaultValue: "nwaku-" & external_config.git_version,
desc: "Node agent string which is used as identifier in network",
name: "agent-string"
.}: string
nodekey* {.desc: "P2P node private key as 64 char hex string.", name: "nodekey".}:
listenAddress* {.
defaultValue: defaultListenAddress(),
desc: "Listening address for LibP2P (and Discovery v5, if enabled) traffic.",
name: "listen-address"
.}: IpAddress
tcpPort* {.desc: "TCP listening port.", defaultValue: 60000, name: "tcp-port".}:
portsShift* {.
desc: "Add a shift to all port numbers.", defaultValue: 0, name: "ports-shift"
.}: uint16
nat* {.
"Specify method to use for determining public address. " &
"Must be one of: any, none, upnp, pmp, extip:<IP>.",
defaultValue: "any"
.}: string
extMultiAddrs* {.
"External multiaddresses to advertise to the network. Argument may be repeated.",
name: "ext-multiaddr"
.}: seq[string]
extMultiAddrsOnly* {.
desc: "Only announce external multiaddresses",
defaultValue: false,
name: "ext-multiaddr-only"
.}: bool
maxConnections* {.
desc: "Maximum allowed number of libp2p connections.",
defaultValue: 50,
name: "max-connections"
.}: int
maxRelayPeers* {.
"Deprecated. Use relay-service-ratio instead. It represents the maximum allowed number of relay peers.",
name: "max-relay-peers"
.}: Option[int]
relayServiceRatio* {.
"This percentage ratio represents the relay peers to service peers. For example, 60:40, tells that 60% of the max-connections will be used for relay protocol and the other 40% of max-connections will be reserved for other service protocols (e.g., filter, lightpush, store, metadata, etc.)",
name: "relay-service-ratio",
defaultValue: "60:40" # 60:40 ratio of relay to service peers
.}: string
colocationLimit* {.
"Max num allowed peers from the same IP. Set it to 0 to remove the limitation.",
defaultValue: defaultColocationLimit(),
name: "ip-colocation-limit"
.}: int
peerStoreCapacity* {.
desc: "Maximum stored peers in the peerstore.", name: "peer-store-capacity"
.}: Option[int]
peerPersistence* {.
desc: "Enable peer persistence.", defaultValue: false, name: "peer-persistence"
.}: bool
## DNS addrs config
dnsAddrs* {.
desc: "Enable resolution of `dnsaddr`, `dns4` or `dns6` multiaddrs",
defaultValue: true,
name: "dns-addrs"
.}: bool
dnsAddrsNameServers* {.
"DNS name server IPs to query for DNS multiaddrs resolution. Argument may be repeated.",
defaultValue: @[parseIpAddress(""), parseIpAddress("")],
name: "dns-addrs-name-server"
.}: seq[IpAddress]
dns4DomainName* {.
desc: "The domain name resolving to the node's public IPv4 address",
defaultValue: "",
name: "dns4-domain-name"
.}: string
## Circuit-relay config
isRelayClient* {.
"""Set the node as a relay-client.
Set it to true for nodes that run behind a NAT or firewall and
hence would have reachability issues.""",
defaultValue: false,
name: "relay-client"
.}: bool
## Relay config
relay* {.
desc: "Enable relay protocol: true|false", defaultValue: true, name: "relay"
.}: bool
relayPeerExchange* {.
desc: "Enable gossipsub peer exchange in relay protocol: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "relay-peer-exchange"
.}: bool
relayShardedPeerManagement* {.
"Enable experimental shard aware peer manager for relay protocol: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "relay-shard-manager"
.}: bool
rlnRelay* {.
desc: "Enable spam protection through rln-relay: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "rln-relay"
.}: bool
rlnRelayCredIndex* {.
desc: "the index of the onchain commitment to use",
name: "rln-relay-membership-index"
.}: Option[uint]
rlnRelayDynamic* {.
desc: "Enable waku-rln-relay with on-chain dynamic group management: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "rln-relay-dynamic"
.}: bool
rlnRelayIdKey* {.
desc: "Rln relay identity secret key as a Hex string",
defaultValue: "",
name: "rln-relay-id-key"
.}: string
rlnRelayIdCommitmentKey* {.
desc: "Rln relay identity commitment key as a Hex string",
defaultValue: "",
name: "rln-relay-id-commitment-key"
.}: string
rlnRelayTreePath* {.
desc: "Path to the RLN merkle tree sled db (https://github.com/spacejam/sled)",
defaultValue: "",
name: "rln-relay-tree-path"
.}: string
rlnRelayBandwidthThreshold* {.
desc: "Message rate in bytes/sec after which verification of proofs should happen",
defaultValue: 0, # to maintain backwards compatibility
name: "rln-relay-bandwidth-threshold"
.}: int
staticnodes* {.
desc: "Peer multiaddr to directly connect with. Argument may be repeated.",
name: "staticnode"
.}: seq[string]
keepAlive* {.
desc: "Enable keep-alive for idle connections: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "keep-alive"
.}: bool
# If numShardsInNetwork is not set, we use the number of shards configured as numShardsInNetwork
numShardsInNetwork* {.
desc: "Number of shards in the network",
defaultValue: 0,
name: "num-shards-in-network"
.}: uint32
pubsubTopics* {.
"Deprecated. Default pubsub topic to subscribe to. Argument may be repeated.",
defaultValue: @[],
name: "pubsub-topic"
.}: seq[string]
shards* {.
"Shards index to subscribe to [0..NUM_SHARDS_IN_NETWORK-1]. Argument may be repeated.",
name: "shard"
.}: seq[uint16]
contentTopics* {.
desc: "Default content topic to subscribe to. Argument may be repeated.",
name: "content-topic"
.}: seq[string]
## Store and message store config
store* {.
desc: "Enable/disable waku store protocol", defaultValue: false, name: "store"
.}: bool
legacyStore* {.
desc: "Enable/disable waku store legacy mode",
defaultValue: true,
name: "legacy-store"
.}: bool
storenode* {.
desc: "Peer multiaddress to query for storage",
defaultValue: "",
name: "storenode"
.}: string
storeMessageRetentionPolicy* {.
"Message store retention policy. Time retention policy: 'time:<seconds>'. Capacity retention policy: 'capacity:<count>'. Size retention policy: 'size:<xMB/xGB>'. Set to 'none' to disable.",
defaultValue: "time:" & $2.days.seconds,
name: "store-message-retention-policy"
.}: string
storeMessageDbUrl* {.
desc: "The database connection URL for peristent storage.",
defaultValue: "sqlite://store.sqlite3",
name: "store-message-db-url"
.}: string
storeMessageDbVacuum* {.
"Enable database vacuuming at start. Only supported by SQLite database engine.",
defaultValue: false,
name: "store-message-db-vacuum"
.}: bool
storeMessageDbMigration* {.
desc: "Enable database migration at start.",
defaultValue: true,
name: "store-message-db-migration"
.}: bool
storeMaxNumDbConnections* {.
desc: "Maximum number of simultaneous Postgres connections.",
defaultValue: 50,
name: "store-max-num-db-connections"
.}: int
storeResume* {.
desc: "Enable store resume functionality",
defaultValue: false,
name: "store-resume"
.}: bool
## Sync config
storeSync* {.
desc: "Enable store sync protocol: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "store-sync"
.}: bool
storeSyncInterval* {.
desc: "Interval between store sync attempts. In seconds.",
defaultValue: 300, # 5 minutes
name: "store-sync-interval"
.}: int64
storeSyncRange* {.
desc: "Amount of time to sync. In seconds.",
defaultValue: 3600, # 1 hours
name: "store-sync-range"
.}: int64
storeSyncRelayJitter* {.
desc: "Time offset to account for message propagation jitter. In seconds.",
defaultValue: 20,
name: "store-sync-relay-jitter"
.}: int64
storeSyncMaxPayloadSize* {.
"Max size in bytes of the inner negentropy payload. Cannot be less than 5K, 0 is unlimited.",
defaultValue: 0,
name: "store-sync-max-payload-size"
.}: int64
## Filter config
filter* {.
desc: "Enable filter protocol: true|false", defaultValue: false, name: "filter"
.}: bool
filternode* {.
desc: "Peer multiaddr to request content filtering of messages.",
defaultValue: "",
name: "filternode"
.}: string
filterSubscriptionTimeout* {.
"Timeout for filter subscription without ping or refresh it, in seconds. Only for v2 filter protocol.",
defaultValue: 300, # 5 minutes
name: "filter-subscription-timeout"
.}: int64
filterMaxPeersToServe* {.
desc: "Maximum number of peers to serve at a time. Only for v2 filter protocol.",
defaultValue: 1000,
name: "filter-max-peers-to-serve"
.}: uint32
filterMaxCriteria* {.
"Maximum number of pubsub- and content topic combination per peers at a time. Only for v2 filter protocol.",
defaultValue: 1000,
name: "filter-max-criteria"
.}: uint32
## Lightpush config
lightpush* {.
desc: "Enable lightpush protocol: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "lightpush"
.}: bool
lightpushnode* {.
desc: "Peer multiaddr to request lightpush of published messages.",
defaultValue: "",
name: "lightpushnode"
.}: string
## Reliability config
reliabilityEnabled* {.
"""Adds an extra effort in the delivery/reception of messages by leveraging store-v3 requests.
with the drawback of consuming some more bandwidth.""",
defaultValue: false,
name: "reliability"
.}: bool
## REST HTTP config
rest* {.
desc: "Enable Waku REST HTTP server: true|false", defaultValue: true, name: "rest"
.}: bool
restAddress* {.
desc: "Listening address of the REST HTTP server.",
defaultValue: parseIpAddress(""),
name: "rest-address"
.}: IpAddress
restPort* {.
desc: "Listening port of the REST HTTP server.",
defaultValue: 8645,
name: "rest-port"
.}: uint16
restRelayCacheCapacity* {.
desc: "Capacity of the Relay REST API message cache.",
defaultValue: 30,
name: "rest-relay-cache-capacity"
.}: uint32
restAdmin* {.
desc: "Enable access to REST HTTP Admin API: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "rest-admin"
.}: bool
restAllowOrigin* {.
"Allow cross-origin requests from the specified origin." &
"Argument may be repeated." & "Wildcards: * or ? allowed." &
"Ex.: \"localhost:*\" or \"\"",
defaultValue: newSeq[string](),
name: "rest-allow-origin"
.}: seq[string]
## Metrics config
metricsServer* {.
desc: "Enable the metrics server: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "metrics-server"
.}: bool
metricsServerAddress* {.
desc: "Listening address of the metrics server.",
defaultValue: parseIpAddress(""),
name: "metrics-server-address"
.}: IpAddress
metricsServerPort* {.
desc: "Listening HTTP port of the metrics server.",
defaultValue: 8008,
name: "metrics-server-port"
.}: uint16
metricsLogging* {.
desc: "Enable metrics logging: true|false",
defaultValue: true,
name: "metrics-logging"
.}: bool
## DNS discovery config
dnsDiscovery* {.
desc: "Enable discovering nodes via DNS",
defaultValue: false,
name: "dns-discovery"
.}: bool
dnsDiscoveryUrl* {.
desc: "URL for DNS node list in format 'enrtree://<key>@<fqdn>'",
defaultValue: "",
name: "dns-discovery-url"
.}: string
dnsDiscoveryNameServers* {.
desc: "DNS name server IPs to query. Argument may be repeated.",
defaultValue: @[parseIpAddress(""), parseIpAddress("")],
name: "dns-discovery-name-server"
.}: seq[IpAddress]
## Discovery v5 config
discv5Discovery* {.
desc: "Enable discovering nodes via Node Discovery v5",
defaultValue: false,
name: "discv5-discovery"
.}: bool
discv5UdpPort* {.
desc: "Listening UDP port for Node Discovery v5.",
defaultValue: 9000,
name: "discv5-udp-port"
.}: Port
discv5BootstrapNodes* {.
"Text-encoded ENR for bootstrap node. Used when connecting to the network. Argument may be repeated.",
name: "discv5-bootstrap-node"
.}: seq[string]
discv5EnrAutoUpdate* {.
"Discovery can automatically update its ENR with the IP address " &
"and UDP port as seen by other nodes it communicates with. " &
"This option allows to enable/disable this functionality",
defaultValue: false,
name: "discv5-enr-auto-update"
.}: bool
discv5TableIpLimit* {.
desc: "Maximum amount of nodes with the same IP in discv5 routing tables",
defaultValue: 10,
name: "discv5-table-ip-limit"
.}: uint
discv5BucketIpLimit* {.
desc: "Maximum amount of nodes with the same IP in discv5 routing table buckets",
defaultValue: 2,
name: "discv5-bucket-ip-limit"
.}: uint
discv5BitsPerHop* {.
desc: "Kademlia's b variable, increase for less hops per lookup",
defaultValue: 1,
name: "discv5-bits-per-hop"
.}: int
discv5Only* {.
desc: "Disable all protocols other than discv5",
defaultValue: false,
name: "discv5-only"
.}: bool
## waku peer exchange config
peerExchange* {.
desc: "Enable waku peer exchange protocol (responder side): true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "peer-exchange"
.}: bool
peerExchangeNode* {.
"Peer multiaddr to send peer exchange requests to. (enables peer exchange protocol requester side)",
defaultValue: "",
name: "peer-exchange-node"
.}: string
## Rendez vous
rendezvous* {.
desc: "Enable waku rendezvous discovery server",
defaultValue: true,
name: "rendezvous"
.}: bool
## websocket config
websocketSupport* {.
desc: "Enable websocket: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "websocket-support"
.}: bool
websocketPort* {.
desc: "WebSocket listening port.", defaultValue: 8000, name: "websocket-port"
.}: Port
websocketSecureSupport* {.
desc: "Enable secure websocket: true|false",
defaultValue: false,
name: "websocket-secure-support"
.}: bool
websocketSecureKeyPath* {.
desc: "Secure websocket key path: '/path/to/key.txt' ",
defaultValue: "",
name: "websocket-secure-key-path"
.}: string
websocketSecureCertPath* {.
desc: "Secure websocket Certificate path: '/path/to/cert.txt' ",
defaultValue: "",
name: "websocket-secure-cert-path"
.}: string
## Rate limitation config, if not set, rate limit checks will not be performed
rateLimits* {.
"Rate limit settings for different protocols." &
"Format: protocol:volume/period<unit>" &
" Where 'protocol' can be one of: <store|storev2|storev3|lightpush|px|filter> if not defined it means a global setting" &
" 'volume' and period must be an integer value. " &
" 'unit' must be one of <h|m|s|ms> - hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds respectively. " &
"Argument may be repeated.",
defaultValue: newSeq[string](0),
name: "rate-limit"
.}: seq[string]
## Parsing
# NOTE: Keys are different in nim-libp2p
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type crypto.PrivateKey, p: string): T =
let key = SkPrivateKey.init(utils.fromHex(p)).tryGet()
crypto.PrivateKey(scheme: Secp256k1, skkey: key)
except CatchableError:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid private key")
proc parseCmdArg*[T](_: type seq[T], s: string): seq[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
inputSeq: JsonNode
res: seq[T] = @[]
inputSeq = s.parseJson()
except Exception:
raise newException(ValueError, fmt"Could not parse sequence: {s}")
for entry in inputSeq:
let formattedString = ($entry).strip(chars = {'\"'})
res.add(parseCmdArg(T, formattedString))
return res
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type crypto.PrivateKey, val: string): seq[string] =
return @[]
# TODO: Remove when removing protected-topic configuration
proc isNumber(x: string): bool =
discard parseInt(x)
result = true
except ValueError:
result = false
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type ProtectedShard, p: string): T =
let elements = p.split(":")
if elements.len != 2:
raise newException(
ValueError, "Invalid format for protected shard expected shard:publickey"
let publicKey = secp256k1.SkPublicKey.fromHex(elements[1])
if publicKey.isErr:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid public key")
if isNumber(elements[0]):
return ProtectedShard(shard: uint16.parseCmdArg(elements[0]), key: publicKey.get())
# TODO: Remove when removing protected-topic configuration
let shard = RelayShard.parse(elements[0]).valueOr:
raise newException(
"Invalid pubsub topic. Pubsub topics must be in the format /waku/2/rs/<cluster-id>/<shard-id>",
return ProtectedShard(shard: shard.shardId, key: publicKey.get())
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type ProtectedShard, val: string): seq[string] =
return @[]
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type IpAddress, val: string): seq[string] =
return @[]
proc defaultListenAddress*(): IpAddress =
# TODO: How should we select between IPv4 and IPv6
# Maybe there should be a config option for this.
(static parseIpAddress(""))
proc defaultColocationLimit*(): int =
return DefaultColocationLimit
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type Port, val: string): seq[string] =
return @[]
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type EthRpcUrl, val: string): seq[string] =
return @[]
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type EthRpcUrl, s: string): T =
## allowed patterns:
## http://url:port
## https://url:port
## http://url:port/path
## https://url:port/path
## http://url/with/path
## http://url:port/path?query
## https://url:port/path?query
## disallowed patterns:
## any valid/invalid ws or wss url
var httpPattern =
var wsPattern =
if regex.match(s, wsPattern):
raise newException(
ValueError, "Websocket RPC URL is not supported, Please use an HTTP URL"
if not regex.match(s, httpPattern):
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid HTTP RPC URL")
return EthRpcUrl(s)
## Load
proc readValue*(
r: var TomlReader, value: var crypto.PrivateKey
) {.raises: [SerializationError].} =
value = parseCmdArg(crypto.PrivateKey, r.readValue(string))
except CatchableError:
raise newException(SerializationError, getCurrentExceptionMsg())
proc readValue*(
r: var EnvvarReader, value: var crypto.PrivateKey
) {.raises: [SerializationError].} =
value = parseCmdArg(crypto.PrivateKey, r.readValue(string))
except CatchableError:
raise newException(SerializationError, getCurrentExceptionMsg())
proc readValue*(
r: var TomlReader, value: var ProtectedShard
) {.raises: [SerializationError].} =
value = parseCmdArg(ProtectedShard, r.readValue(string))
except CatchableError:
raise newException(SerializationError, getCurrentExceptionMsg())
proc readValue*(
r: var EnvvarReader, value: var ProtectedShard
) {.raises: [SerializationError].} =
value = parseCmdArg(ProtectedShard, r.readValue(string))
except CatchableError:
raise newException(SerializationError, getCurrentExceptionMsg())
proc readValue*(
r: var TomlReader, value: var EthRpcUrl
) {.raises: [SerializationError].} =
value = parseCmdArg(EthRpcUrl, r.readValue(string))
except CatchableError:
raise newException(SerializationError, getCurrentExceptionMsg())
proc readValue*(
r: var EnvvarReader, value: var EthRpcUrl
) {.raises: [SerializationError].} =
value = parseCmdArg(EthRpcUrl, r.readValue(string))
except CatchableError:
raise newException(SerializationError, getCurrentExceptionMsg())
proc load*(T: type WakuNodeConf, version = ""): ConfResult[T] =
let conf = WakuNodeConf.load(
version = version,
secondarySources = proc(
conf: WakuNodeConf, sources: auto
) {.gcsafe, raises: [ConfigurationError].} =
sources.addConfigFile(Envvar, InputFile("wakunode2"))
if conf.configFile.isSome():
sources.addConfigFile(Toml, conf.configFile.get())
except CatchableError:
proc defaultWakuNodeConf*(): ConfResult[WakuNodeConf] =
let conf = WakuNodeConf.load(version = "", cmdLine = @[])
return ok(conf)
except CatchableError:
return err("exception in defaultWakuNodeConf: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())