#!/usr/bin/env groovy library 'status-jenkins-lib@v1.8.17' pipeline { agent { label 'linux' } options { timestamps() timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') buildDiscarder(logRotator( numToKeepStr: '10', daysToKeepStr: '30', )) } parameters { string( name: 'IMAGE_TAG', description: 'Name of Docker tag to push. Optional Parameter.', defaultValue: 'latest' ) string( name: 'IMAGE_NAME', description: 'Name of Docker image to push.', defaultValue: params.IMAGE_NAME ?: 'wakuorg/liteprotocoltester', ) string( name: 'DOCKER_CRED', description: 'Name of Docker Registry credential.', defaultValue: params.DOCKER_CRED ?: 'harbor-telemetry-robot', ) string( name: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY', description: 'URL of the Docker Registry', defaultValue: params.DOCKER_REGISTRY ?: 'harbor.status.im' ) string( name: 'NIMFLAGS', description: 'Flags for Nim compilation.', defaultValue: params.NIMFLAGS ?: [ '--colors:off', '-d:disableMarchNative', '-d:chronicles_colors:none', '-d:insecure', ].join(' ') ) choice( name: "LOWEST_LOG_LEVEL_ALLOWED", choices: ['TRACE', 'DEGUG', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FATAL'], description: "Defines the log level, which will be available at runtime (Chronicles log level)" ) } stages { stage('Build') { steps { script { image = docker.build( "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${params.IMAGE_NAME}:${params.IMAGE_TAG ?: env.GIT_COMMIT.take(8)}", "--label=commit='${git.commit()}' " + "--label=version='${git.describe('--tags')}' " + "--build-arg=MAKE_TARGET='liteprotocoltester' " + "--build-arg=NIMFLAGS='${params.NIMFLAGS}' " + "--build-arg=LOG_LEVEL='${params.LOWEST_LOG_LEVEL_ALLOWED}' " + "--file=apps/liteprotocoltester/Dockerfile.liteprotocoltester.compile " + " ." ) } } } stage('Check') { steps { script { image.inside('--entrypoint=""') { c -> sh '/usr/bin/liteprotocoltester --version' } } } } stage('Push') { when { expression { params.IMAGE_TAG != '' } } steps { script { withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: params.DOCKER_CRED, url: "https://${DOCKER_REGISTRY}" ]) { image.push(params.IMAGE_TAG) } } } } } // stages post { cleanup { cleanWs() } } // post } // pipeline