import macros, tables, strutils, strformat, chronicles/[scope_helpers, dynamic_scope, log_output, options] export dynamic_scope, log_output, options # So, how does Chronicles work? # # The tricky part is understanding how the lexical scopes are implemened. # For them to work, we need to be able to associate a mutable compile-time # data with a lexical scope (with a different value for each scope). # The regular compile-time variable are not suited for this, because they # offer us only a single global value that can be mutated. # # Luckily, we can use the body of a template as the storage mechanism for # our data. This works, because template names bound to particular scopes # and templates can be freely redefined as many times as necessary. # # `activeChroniclesScope` stores the current lexical scope. # # `logScopeIMPL` is used to merge a previously defined scope with some # new definition in order to produce a new scope: # template activeChroniclesScope* = 0 # track the scope revision macro logScopeIMPL(prevScopes: typed, newBindings: untyped, isPublic: static[bool]): untyped = result = newStmtList() var bestScope = prevScopes.lastScopeBody bestScopeRev = bestScope.scopeRevision newRevision = newLit(bestScopeRev + 1) finalBindings = initTable[string, NimNode]() newAssingments = newStmtList() chroniclesExportNode: NimNode = if not isPublic: nil else: newTree(nnkExportExceptStmt, id"chronicles", id"activeChroniclesScope") for k, v in assignments(bestScope.scopeAssignments, acScopeBlock): finalBindings[k] = v for k, v in assignments(newBindings, acScopeBlock): finalBindings[k] = v for k, v in finalBindings: if k == "stream": let streamId = id($v) let errorMsg = &"{v.lineInfo}: {$streamId} is not a recognized stream name" let templateName = id("activeChroniclesStream", isPublic) result.add quote do: when not declared(`streamId`): # XXX: how to report the proper line info here? {.error: `errorMsg`.} #elif not isStreamSymbolIMPL(`streamId`): # {.error: `errorMsg`.} template `templateName`: type = `streamId` if isPublic: chroniclesExportNode.add id"activeChroniclesStream" else: newAssingments.add newAssignment(id(k), v) if isPublic: result.add chroniclesExportNode let activeScope = id("activeChroniclesScope", isPublic) result.add quote do: template `activeScope` = `newRevision` `newAssingments` template logScope*(newBindings: untyped) {.dirty.} = bind bindSym, logScopeIMPL, brForceOpen logScopeIMPL(bindSym("activeChroniclesScope", brForceOpen), newBindings, false) template publicLogScope*(newBindings: untyped) {.dirty.} = bind bindSym, logScopeIMPL, brForceOpen logScopeIMPL(bindSym("activeChroniclesScope", brForceOpen), newBindings, true) template dynamicLogScope*(stream: type, bindings: varargs[untyped]) {.dirty.} = bind bindSym, brForceOpen dynamicLogScopeIMPL(stream, bindSym("activeChroniclesScope", brForceOpen), bindings) template dynamicLogScope*(bindings: varargs[untyped]) {.dirty.} = bind bindSym, brForceOpen dynamicLogScopeIMPL(activeChroniclesStream(), bindSym("activeChroniclesScope", brForceOpen), bindings) let chroniclesBlockName {.compileTime.} = ident "chroniclesLogStmt" when runtimeFilteringEnabled: import chronicles/topics_registry export setTopicState, setLogLevel, TopicState proc topicStateIMPL(topicName: static[string]): ptr TopicSettings = # Nim's GC safety analysis gets confused by the global variables here {.gcsafe.}: var topic {.global.} = TopicSettings(state: Normal, logLevel: NONE) var dummy {.global, used.} = registerTopic(topicName, addr(topic)) return addr(topic) proc runtimeTopicFilteringCode*(logLevel: LogLevel, topics: seq[string]): NimNode = # This proc generates the run-time code used for topic filtering. # Each logging statement has a statically known list of associated topics. # For each of the topics in the list, we consult a global TopicState value # created in topicStateIMPL. `break chroniclesLogStmt` exits a named # block surrounding the entire log statement. result = newStmtList() var topicStateIMPL = bindSym("topicStateIMPL") topicsMatch = bindSym("topicsMatch") var topicsArray = newTree(nnkBracket) for topic in topics: topicsArray.add newCall(topicStateIMPL, newLit(topic)) result.add quote do: if not `topicsMatch`(LogLevel(`logLevel`), `topicsArray`): break `chroniclesBlockName` else: template runtimeFilteringDisabledError = {.error: "Run-time topic filtering is currently disabled. " & "You can enable it by specifying '-d:chronicles_runtime_filtering:on'".} template setTopicState*(name, state) = runtimeFilteringDisabledError template setLogLevel*(name, state) = runtimeFilteringDisabledError type InstInfo = tuple[filename: string, line: int, column: int] when compileOption("threads"): # With threads turned on, we give the thread id # TODO: Does this make sense on all platforms? On linux, conveniently, the # process id is the thread id of the `main` thread.. proc getLogThreadId*(): int = getThreadId() else: # When there are no threads, we show the process id instead, allowing easy # correlation on multiprocess systems when defined(posix): import posix proc getLogThreadId*(): int = int(posix.getpid()) elif defined(windows): proc getCurrentProcessId(): uint32 {. stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "GetCurrentProcessId".} proc getLogThreadId*(): int = int(getCurrentProcessId()) else: proc getLogThreadId*(): int = 0 template formatItIMPL*(value: any): auto = value template formatIt*(T: type, body: untyped) {.dirty.} = template formatItIMPL*(it: T): auto = body template expandItIMPL*[R](record: R, field: static string, value: any) = mixin setProperty, formatItIMPL setProperty(record, field, formatItIMPL(value)) macro expandIt*(T: type, expandedProps: untyped): untyped = let setProperty = bindSym("setProperty", brForceOpen) formatItIMPL = bindSym("formatItIMPL", brForceOpen) expandItIMPL = id("expandItIMPL", true) record = ident "record" it = ident "it" it_name = ident "it_name" value = ident "value" setPropertyCalls = newStmtList() for prop in expandedProps: if prop.kind != nnkAsgn: error "An `expandIt` definition should consist only of key-value assignments", prop var key = prop[0] let value = prop[1] case key.kind of nnkAccQuoted: proc toStrLit(n: NimNode): NimNode = let nAsStr = $n if nAsStr == "it": it_name else: newLit(nAsStr) if key.len < 2: key = key.toStrLit else: var concatCall = infix(key[0].toStrLit, "&", key[1].toStrLit) for i in 2 ..< key.len: concatCall = infix(concatCall, "&", key[i].toStrLit) key = newTree(nnkStaticExpr, concatCall) of nnkIdent, nnkSym: key = newLit($key) else: error &"Unexpected AST kind for an `epxpandIt` key: {key.kind} ", key setPropertyCalls.add quote do: `setProperty` `record`, `key`, `formatItIMPL`(`value`) result = quote do: template `expandItIMPL`(`record`: auto, `it_name`: static string, `it`: `T`) = `setPropertyCalls` when defined(debugLogImpl): echo result.repr macro logIMPL(lineInfo: static InstInfo, Stream: typed, RecordType: type, eventName: static[string], severity: static[LogLevel], scopes: typed, logStmtBindings: varargs[untyped]): untyped = if not loggingEnabled: return clearEmptyVarargs logStmtBindings # First, we merge the lexical bindings with the additional # bindings passed to the logging statement itself: let lexicalBindings = scopes.finalLexicalBindings var finalBindings = initOrderedTable[string, NimNode]() for k, v in assignments(logStmtBindings, acLogStatement): finalBindings[k] = v for k, v in assignments(lexicalBindings, acLogStatement): finalBindings[k] = v # This is the compile-time topic filtering code, which has a similar # logic to the generated run-time filtering code: var enabledTopicsMatch = enabledTopics.len == 0 and severity >= enabledLogLevel var requiredTopicsCount = requiredTopics.len var topicsNode = newLit("") var activeTopics: seq[string] = @[] var useLineNumbers = lineNumbersEnabled if finalBindings.hasKey("topics"): topicsNode = finalBindings["topics"] finalBindings.del("topics") if topicsNode.kind notin {nnkStrLit, nnkTripleStrLit}: error "Please specify the 'topics' list as a space separated string literal", topicsNode activeTopics = topicsNode.strVal.split({','} + Whitespace) for t in activeTopics: if t in disabledTopics: return else: for topic in enabledTopics: if == t: if topic.logLevel != NONE: if severity >= topic.logLevel: enabledTopicsMatch = true elif severity >= enabledLogLevel: enabledTopicsMatch = true if t in requiredTopics: dec requiredTopicsCount if severity != NONE and not enabledTopicsMatch or requiredTopicsCount > 0: return # Handling file name and line numbers on/off (lineNumbersEnabled) for particular log statements if finalBindings.hasKey("chroniclesLineNumbers"): let chroniclesLineNumbers = $finalBindings["chroniclesLineNumbers"] if chroniclesLineNumbers notin ["true", "false"]: error("chroniclesLineNumbers should be set to either true or false", finalBindings["chroniclesLineNumbers"]) useLineNumbers = chroniclesLineNumbers == "true" finalBindings.del("chroniclesLineNumbers") var code = newStmtList() when runtimeFilteringEnabled: if severity != NONE: code.add runtimeTopicFilteringCode(severity, activeTopics) # The rest of the code selects the active LogRecord type (which can # be a tuple when the sink has multiple destinations) and then # translates the log statement to a set of calls to `initLogRecord`, # `setProperty` and `flushRecord`. let recordTypeSym = skipTypedesc(RecordType.getTypeImpl()) recordTypeNodes = recordTypeSym.getTypeImpl() recordArity = if recordTypeNodes.kind != nnkTupleConstr: 1 else: recordTypeNodes.len record = genSym(nskVar, "record") expandItIMPL = bindSym("expandItIMPL", brForceOpen) code.add quote do: var `record`: `RecordType` prepareOutput(`record`, LogLevel(`severity`)) initLogRecord(`record`, LogLevel(`severity`), `topicsNode`, `eventName`) # called tid even when it's a process id - this to avoid differences in # logging between threads and no threads setFirstProperty(`record`, "tid", getLogThreadId()) if useLineNumbers: var filename = lineInfo.filename & ":" & $lineInfo.line code.add newCall("setProperty", record, newLit("file"), newLit(filename)) for k, v in finalBindings: code.add newCall(expandItIMPL, record, newLit(k), v) code.add newCall("logAllDynamicProperties", Stream, record) code.add newCall("flushRecord", record) result = quote do: try: block `chroniclesBlockName`: `code` except CatchableError as err: logLoggingFailure(cstring(`eventName`), err) when defined(debugLogImpl): echo result.repr # Translate all the possible overloads to `logIMPL`: template log*(lineInfo: static InstInfo, severity: static[LogLevel], eventName: static[string], props: varargs[untyped]) {.dirty.} = bind logIMPL, bindSym, brForceOpen logIMPL(lineInfo, activeChroniclesStream(), Record(activeChroniclesStream()), eventName, severity, bindSym("activeChroniclesScope", brForceOpen), props) template log*(lineInfo: static InstInfo, stream: type, severity: static[LogLevel], eventName: static[string], props: varargs[untyped]) {.dirty.} = bind logIMPL, bindSym, brForceOpen logIMPL(lineInfo, stream, stream.Record, eventName, severity, bindSym("activeChroniclesScope", brForceOpen), props) template wrapSideEffects(debug: bool, body: untyped) {.inject.} = when debug: {.noSideEffect.}: try: body except: discard else: body template logFn(name: untyped, severity: typed, debug=false) {.dirty.} = bind log, wrapSideEffects template `name`*(eventName: static[string], props: varargs[untyped]) {.dirty.} = wrapSideEffects(debug): log(instantiationInfo(), severity, eventName, props) template `name`*(stream: type, eventName: static[string], props: varargs[untyped]) {.dirty.} = wrapSideEffects(debug): log(instantiationInfo(), stream, severity, eventName, props) logFn trace , LogLevel.TRACE, debug=true logFn debug , LogLevel.DEBUG logFn info , LogLevel.INFO logFn notice, LogLevel.NOTICE logFn warn , LogLevel.WARN logFn error , LogLevel.ERROR logFn fatal , LogLevel.FATAL # TODO: # # * don't sort the properties # * define all formats in terms of nim-serialization # (this will remove the need for setFirstProperty and the thread id will become optional) # * don't have side effects in debug and trace # * extract the testing framework in stew/testability # * extract the compile-time conf framework in confutils # * instance carried streams that can collect the information in memory # # * define an alternative format strings API (.net style) # * compile-time topic-based log level (e.g. enable tracing in the p2p layer) # * auto-derived topics based on nimble package name and module name # # * dynamic sinks # * Android and iOS logging, mixed std streams (logging both to stdout and stderr?) # * evaluate the lexical expressions only once in the presence of multiple sinks # * dynamic scope overrides (plus maybe an option to control the priority # between dynamic and lexical bindings) # # * implement some of the leading standardized structured logging formats #