# Use DNS discovery to connect to existing nodes > **Note:** This page describes using DNS to discover other peers and is unrelated to the [domain name configuration](./configure-domain.md) for your nwaku node. A node can discover other nodes to connect to using [DNS-based discovery](../../tutorial/dns-disc.md). The following command line options are available: ``` --dns-discovery Enable DNS Discovery --dns-discovery-url URL for DNS node list in format 'enrtree://@' --dns-discovery-name-server DNS name server IPs to query. Argument may be repeated. ``` - `--dns-discovery` is used to enable DNS discovery on the node. Waku DNS discovery is disabled by default. - `--dns-discovery-url` is mandatory if DNS discovery is enabled. It contains the URL for the node list. The URL must be in the format `enrtree://@` where `` is the fully qualified domain name and `` is the base32 encoding of the compressed 32-byte public key that signed the list at that location. - `--dns-discovery-name-server` is optional and contains the IP(s) of the DNS name servers to query. If left unspecified, the Cloudflare servers `` and `` will be used by default. A node will attempt connection to all discovered nodes. This can be used, for example, to connect to one of the existing fleets. Current URLs for the published fleet lists: - production fleet: `enrtree://ANEDLO25QVUGJOUTQFRYKWX6P4Z4GKVESBMHML7DZ6YK4LGS5FC5O@prod.wakuv2.nodes.status.im` - test fleet: `enrtree://AO47IDOLBKH72HIZZOXQP6NMRESAN7CHYWIBNXDXWRJRZWLODKII6@test.wakuv2.nodes.status.im` See the [separate tutorial](../../tutorial/dns-disc.md) for a complete guide to DNS discovery.