{.used.} import std/[options, strscans], testutils/unittests, chronicles, chronos, libp2p/crypto/crypto import ../../../waku/[ node/peer_manager, waku_core, waku_lightpush, waku_lightpush/client, waku_lightpush/common, waku_lightpush/protocol_metrics, waku_lightpush/rpc, waku_lightpush/rpc_codec, ], ../testlib/[assertions, wakucore, testasync, futures, testutils], ./lightpush_utils, ../resources/[pubsub_topics, content_topics, payloads] suite "Waku Lightpush Client": var handlerFuture {.threadvar.}: Future[(PubsubTopic, WakuMessage)] handler {.threadvar.}: PushMessageHandler serverSwitch {.threadvar.}: Switch clientSwitch {.threadvar.}: Switch server {.threadvar.}: WakuLightPush client {.threadvar.}: WakuLightPushClient serverRemotePeerInfo {.threadvar.}: RemotePeerInfo clientPeerId {.threadvar.}: PeerId pubsubTopic {.threadvar.}: PubsubTopic contentTopic {.threadvar.}: ContentTopic message {.threadvar.}: WakuMessage asyncSetup: handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() handler = proc( peer: PeerId, pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage ): Future[WakuLightPushResult[void]] {.async.} = let msgLen = message.encode().buffer.len if msgLen > int(DefaultMaxWakuMessageSize) + 64 * 1024: return err("length greater than maxMessageSize") handlerFuture.complete((pubsubTopic, message)) return ok() serverSwitch = newTestSwitch() clientSwitch = newTestSwitch() server = await newTestWakuLightpushNode(serverSwitch, handler) client = newTestWakuLightpushClient(clientSwitch) await allFutures(serverSwitch.start(), clientSwitch.start()) serverRemotePeerInfo = serverSwitch.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo() clientPeerId = clientSwitch.peerInfo.peerId pubsubTopic = DefaultPubsubTopic contentTopic = DefaultContentTopic message = fakeWakuMessage() asyncTeardown: await allFutures(clientSwitch.stop(), serverSwitch.stop()) suite "Verification of PushRequest Payload": asyncTest "Valid Payload Types": # Given the following payloads let message2 = fakeWakuMessage(payloads.ALPHABETIC, content_topics.CURRENT) message3 = fakeWakuMessage(payloads.ALPHANUMERIC, content_topics.TESTNET) message4 = fakeWakuMessage(payloads.ALPHANUMERIC_SPECIAL, content_topics.PLAIN) message5 = fakeWakuMessage(payloads.EMOJI, content_topics.CURRENT) message6 = fakeWakuMessage(payloads.CODE, content_topics.TESTNET) message7 = fakeWakuMessage(payloads.QUERY, content_topics.PLAIN) message8 = fakeWakuMessage(payloads.TEXT_SMALL, content_topics.CURRENT) message9 = fakeWakuMessage(payloads.TEXT_LARGE, content_topics.TESTNET) # When publishing a valid payload let publishResponse = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsubTopic, message) == handlerFuture.read() # When publishing a valid payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse2 = await client.publish(pubsub_topics.CURRENT, message2, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse2 check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsub_topics.CURRENT, message2) == handlerFuture.read() # When publishing a valid payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse3 = await client.publish( pubsub_topics.CURRENT_NESTED, message3, serverRemotePeerInfo ) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse3 check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsub_topics.CURRENT_NESTED, message3) == handlerFuture.read() # When publishing a valid payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse4 = await client.publish(pubsub_topics.SHARDING, message4, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse4 check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsub_topics.SHARDING, message4) == handlerFuture.read() # When publishing a valid payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse5 = await client.publish(pubsub_topics.PLAIN, message5, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse5 check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsub_topics.PLAIN, message5) == handlerFuture.read() # When publishing a valid payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse6 = await client.publish(pubsub_topics.LEGACY, message6, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse6 check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsub_topics.LEGACY, message6) == handlerFuture.read() # When publishing a valid payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse7 = await client.publish( pubsub_topics.LEGACY_NESTED, message7, serverRemotePeerInfo ) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse7 check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsub_topics.LEGACY_NESTED, message7) == handlerFuture.read() # When publishing a valid payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse8 = await client.publish( pubsub_topics.LEGACY_ENCODING, message8, serverRemotePeerInfo ) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse8 check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsub_topics.LEGACY_ENCODING, message8) == handlerFuture.read() # When publishing a valid payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse9 = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message9, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server discard await handlerFuture.withTimeout(FUTURE_TIMEOUT) assertResultOk publishResponse9 check handlerFuture.finished() # And the message is received with the correct topic and payload check (pubsubTopic, message9) == handlerFuture.read() asyncTest "Valid Payload Sizes": # Given some valid payloads let overheadBytes: uint64 = 112 message1 = fakeWakuMessage(contentTopic = contentTopic, payload = getByteSequence(1024)) # 1KiB message2 = fakeWakuMessage( contentTopic = contentTopic, payload = getByteSequence(10 * 1024) ) # 10KiB message3 = fakeWakuMessage( contentTopic = contentTopic, payload = getByteSequence(100 * 1024) ) # 100KiB message4 = fakeWakuMessage( contentTopic = contentTopic, payload = getByteSequence(DefaultMaxWakuMessageSize - overheadBytes - 1), ) # Inclusive Limit message5 = fakeWakuMessage( contentTopic = contentTopic, payload = getByteSequence(DefaultMaxWakuMessageSize + 64 * 1024), ) # Exclusive Limit # When publishing the 1KiB payload let publishResponse1 = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message1, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server assertResultOk publishResponse1 check (pubsubTopic, message1) == (await handlerFuture.waitForResult()).value() # When publishing the 10KiB payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse2 = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message2, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server assertResultOk publishResponse2 check (pubsubTopic, message2) == (await handlerFuture.waitForResult()).value() # When publishing the 100KiB payload handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse3 = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message3, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server assertResultOk publishResponse3 check (pubsubTopic, message3) == (await handlerFuture.waitForResult()).value() # When publishing the 1MiB + 63KiB + 911B payload (1113999B) handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse4 = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message4, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is received by the server assertResultOk publishResponse4 check (pubsubTopic, message4) == (await handlerFuture.waitForResult()).value() # When publishing the 1MiB + 63KiB + 912B payload (1114000B) handlerFuture = newPushHandlerFuture() let publishResponse5 = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message5, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the message is not received by the server check: not publishResponse5.isOk() (await handlerFuture.waitForResult()).isErr() asyncTest "Invalid Encoding Payload": # Given a payload with an invalid encoding let fakeBuffer = @[byte(42)] # When publishing the payload let publishResponse = await server.handleRequest(clientPeerId, fakeBuffer) # Then the response is negative check: publishResponse.requestId == "" # And the error is returned let response = publishResponse.response.get() check: response.isSuccess == false response.info.isSome() scanf(response.info.get(), decodeRpcFailure) asyncTest "Handle Error": # Given a lightpush server that fails let handlerError = "handler-error" handlerFuture2 = newFuture[void]() handler2 = proc( peer: PeerId, pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic, message: WakuMessage ): Future[WakuLightPushResult[void]] {.async.} = handlerFuture2.complete() return err(handlerError) let serverSwitch2 = newTestSwitch() server2 = await newTestWakuLightpushNode(serverSwitch2, handler2) await serverSwitch2.start() let serverRemotePeerInfo2 = serverSwitch2.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo() # When publishing a payload let publishResponse = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message, serverRemotePeerInfo2) # Then the response is negative check: publishResponse.error() == handlerError (await handlerFuture2.waitForResult()).isOk() # Cleanup await serverSwitch2.stop() suite "Verification of PushResponse Payload": asyncTest "Positive Responses": # When sending a valid PushRequest let publishResponse = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message, serverRemotePeerInfo) # Then the response is positive assertResultOk publishResponse # TODO: Improve: Add more negative responses variations asyncTest "Negative Responses": # Given a server that does not support Waku Lightpush let serverSwitch2 = newTestSwitch() serverRemotePeerInfo2 = serverSwitch2.peerInfo.toRemotePeerInfo() await serverSwitch2.start() # When sending an invalid PushRequest let publishResponse = await client.publish(pubsubTopic, message, serverRemotePeerInfo2) # Then the response is negative check not publishResponse.isOk()