import std/[tables, sequtils, future, algorithm, options], bearssl, chronos, chronicles, metrics, stew/[results,byteutils], libp2p/switch, libp2p/crypto/crypto, libp2p/protocols/protocol, libp2p/protobuf/minprotobuf, libp2p/stream/connection, ./message_notifier, ./../../node/v2/[waku_types, message_store] logScope: topics = "wakustore" const WakuStoreCodec* = "/vac/waku/store/2.0.0-beta1" proc encode*(index: Index): ProtoBuffer = ## encodes an Index object into a ProtoBuffer ## returns the resultant ProtoBuffer # intiate a ProtoBuffer result = initProtoBuffer() # encodes index result.write(1, result.write(2, index.receivedTime) proc encode*(pd: PagingDirection): ProtoBuffer = ## encodes a PagingDirection into a ProtoBuffer ## returns the resultant ProtoBuffer # intiate a ProtoBuffer result = initProtoBuffer() # encodes pd result.write(1, uint32(ord(pd))) proc encode*(pinfo: PagingInfo): ProtoBuffer = ## encodes a PagingInfo object into a ProtoBuffer ## returns the resultant ProtoBuffer # intiate a ProtoBuffer result = initProtoBuffer() # encodes pinfo result.write(1, pinfo.pageSize) result.write(2, pinfo.cursor.encode()) result.write(3, pinfo.direction.encode()) proc init*(T: type Index, buffer: seq[byte]): ProtoResult[T] = ## creates and returns an Index object out of buffer var index = Index() let pb = initProtoBuffer(buffer) var data: seq[byte] discard ? pb.getField(1, data) # create digest from data index.digest = MDigest[256]() for count, b in data:[count] = b # read the receivedTime var receivedTime: float64 discard ? pb.getField(2, receivedTime) index.receivedTime = receivedTime ok(index) proc init*(T: type PagingDirection, buffer: seq[byte]): ProtoResult[T] = ## creates and returns a PagingDirection object out of buffer let pb = initProtoBuffer(buffer) var dir: uint32 discard ? pb.getField(1, dir) var direction = PagingDirection(dir) ok(direction) proc init*(T: type PagingInfo, buffer: seq[byte]): ProtoResult[T] = ## creates and returns a PagingInfo object out of buffer var pagingInfo = PagingInfo() let pb = initProtoBuffer(buffer) var pageSize: uint32 discard ? pb.getField(1, pageSize) pagingInfo.pageSize = pageSize var cursorBuffer: seq[byte] discard ? pb.getField(2, cursorBuffer) pagingInfo.cursor = ? Index.init(cursorBuffer) var directionBuffer: seq[byte] discard ? pb.getField(3, directionBuffer) pagingInfo.direction = ? PagingDirection.init(directionBuffer) ok(pagingInfo) proc init*(T: type HistoryQuery, buffer: seq[byte]): ProtoResult[T] = var msg = HistoryQuery() let pb = initProtoBuffer(buffer) var topics: seq[ContentTopic] discard ? pb.getRepeatedField(1, topics) msg.topics = topics var pagingInfoBuffer: seq[byte] discard ? pb.getField(2, pagingInfoBuffer) msg.pagingInfo = ? PagingInfo.init(pagingInfoBuffer) ok(msg) proc init*(T: type HistoryResponse, buffer: seq[byte]): ProtoResult[T] = var msg = HistoryResponse() let pb = initProtoBuffer(buffer) var messages: seq[seq[byte]] discard ? pb.getRepeatedField(1, messages) for buf in messages: msg.messages.add(? WakuMessage.init(buf)) var pagingInfoBuffer: seq[byte] discard ? pb.getField(2,pagingInfoBuffer) msg.pagingInfo= ? PagingInfo.init(pagingInfoBuffer) ok(msg) proc init*(T: type HistoryRPC, buffer: seq[byte]): ProtoResult[T] = var rpc = HistoryRPC() let pb = initProtoBuffer(buffer) discard ? pb.getField(1, rpc.requestId) var queryBuffer: seq[byte] discard ? pb.getField(2, queryBuffer) rpc.query = ? HistoryQuery.init(queryBuffer) var responseBuffer: seq[byte] discard ? pb.getField(3, responseBuffer) rpc.response = ? HistoryResponse.init(responseBuffer) ok(rpc) proc encode*(query: HistoryQuery): ProtoBuffer = result = initProtoBuffer() for topic in query.topics: result.write(1, topic) result.write(2, query.pagingInfo.encode()) proc encode*(response: HistoryResponse): ProtoBuffer = result = initProtoBuffer() for msg in response.messages: result.write(1, msg.encode()) result.write(2, response.pagingInfo.encode()) proc encode*(rpc: HistoryRPC): ProtoBuffer = result = initProtoBuffer() result.write(1, rpc.requestId) result.write(2, rpc.query.encode()) result.write(3, rpc.response.encode()) proc indexComparison* (x, y: Index): int = ## compares x and y ## returns 0 if they are equal ## returns -1 if x < y ## returns 1 if x > y let timecmp = system.cmp(x.receivedTime, y.receivedTime) digestcm = system.cmp(, if timecmp != 0: # timestamp has a higher priority for comparison return timecmp return digestcm proc indexedWakuMessageComparison*(x, y: IndexedWakuMessage): int = ## compares x and y ## returns 0 if they are equal ## returns -1 if x < y ## returns 1 if x > y result = indexComparison(x.index, y.index) proc findIndex*(msgList: seq[IndexedWakuMessage], index: Index): Option[int] = ## returns the position of an IndexedWakuMessage in msgList whose index value matches the given index ## returns none if no match is found for i, indexedWakuMessage in msgList: if indexedWakuMessage.index == index: return some(i) return none(int) proc paginateWithIndex*(list: seq[IndexedWakuMessage], pinfo: PagingInfo): (seq[IndexedWakuMessage], PagingInfo) = ## takes list, and performs paging based on pinfo ## returns the page i.e, a sequence of IndexedWakuMessage and the new paging info to be used for the next paging request var cursor = pinfo.cursor pageSize = pinfo.pageSize dir = pinfo.direction if pageSize == 0: # pageSize being zero indicates that no pagination is required return (list, pinfo) if list.len == 0: # no pagination is needed for an empty list return (list, PagingInfo(pageSize: 0, cursor:pinfo.cursor, direction: pinfo.direction)) var msgList = list # makes a copy of the list # sorts msgList based on the custom comparison proc indexedWakuMessageComparison msgList.sort(indexedWakuMessageComparison) var initQuery = false if cursor == Index(): initQuery = true # an empty cursor means it is an intial query case dir of PagingDirection.FORWARD: cursor = list[0].index # perform paging from the begining of the list of PagingDirection.BACKWARD: cursor = list[list.len - 1].index # perform paging from the end of the list var foundIndexOption = msgList.findIndex(cursor) if foundIndexOption.isNone: # the cursor is not valid return (@[], PagingInfo(pageSize: 0, cursor:pinfo.cursor, direction: pinfo.direction)) var foundIndex = foundIndexOption.get() var retrievedPageSize, s, e: int var newCursor: Index # to be returned as part of the new paging info case dir of PagingDirection.FORWARD: # forward pagination let remainingMessages= msgList.len - foundIndex - 1 # the number of queried messages cannot exceed the MaxPageSize and the total remaining messages i.e., msgList.len-foundIndex retrievedPageSize = min(int(pageSize), MaxPageSize).min(remainingMessages) if initQuery : foundIndex = foundIndex - 1 s = foundIndex + 1 # non inclusive e = foundIndex + retrievedPageSize newCursor = msgList[e].index # the new cursor points to the end of the page of PagingDirection.BACKWARD: # backward pagination let remainingMessages=foundIndex # the number of queried messages cannot exceed the MaxPageSize and the total remaining messages i.e., foundIndex-0 retrievedPageSize = min(int(pageSize), MaxPageSize).min(remainingMessages) if initQuery : foundIndex = foundIndex + 1 s = foundIndex - retrievedPageSize e = foundIndex - 1 newCursor = msgList[s].index # the new cursor points to the begining of the page # retrieve the messages for i in s..e: result[0].add(msgList[i]) result[1] = PagingInfo(pageSize : uint64(retrievedPageSize), cursor : newCursor, direction : pinfo.direction) proc paginateWithoutIndex(list: seq[IndexedWakuMessage], pinfo: PagingInfo): (seq[WakuMessage], PagingInfo) = ## takes list, and perfomrs paging based on pinfo ## returns the page i.e, a sequence of WakuMessage and the new paging info to be used for the next paging request var (indexedData, updatedPagingInfo) = paginateWithIndex(list,pinfo) for indexedMsg in indexedData: result[0].add(indexedMsg.msg) result[1] = updatedPagingInfo proc findMessages(w: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery): HistoryResponse = result = HistoryResponse(messages: newSeq[WakuMessage]()) # data holds IndexedWakuMessage whose topics match the query var data = w.messages.filterIt(it.msg.contentTopic in query.topics) # perform pagination (result.messages, result.pagingInfo)= paginateWithoutIndex(data, query.pagingInfo) method init*(ws: WakuStore) = proc handle(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, gcsafe, closure.} = var message = await conn.readLp(64*1024) var res = HistoryRPC.init(message) if res.isErr: error "failed to decode rpc" return info "received query" let value = res.value let response = ws.findMessages(res.value.query) await conn.writeLp(HistoryRPC(requestId: value.requestId, response: response).encode().buffer) ws.handler = handle ws.codec = WakuStoreCodec if return proc onData(timestamp: uint64, msg: WakuMessage) = ws.messages.add(IndexedWakuMessage(msg: msg, index: msg.computeIndex())) let res = if res.isErr: warn "failed to load messages from store", err = res.error proc init*(T: type WakuStore, switch: Switch, rng: ref BrHmacDrbgContext, store: MessageStore = nil): T = new result result.rng = rng result.switch = switch = store result.init() # @TODO THIS SHOULD PROBABLY BE AN ADD FUNCTION AND APPEND THE PEER TO AN ARRAY proc setPeer*(ws: WakuStore, peer: PeerInfo) = ws.peers.add(HistoryPeer(peerInfo: peer)) proc subscription*(proto: WakuStore): MessageNotificationSubscription = ## The filter function returns the pubsub filter for the node. ## This is used to pipe messages into the storage, therefore ## the filter should be used by the component that receives ## new messages. proc handle(topic: string, msg: WakuMessage) {.async.} = let index = msg.computeIndex() proto.messages.add(IndexedWakuMessage(msg: msg, index: index)) if return let res =, msg) if res.isErr: warn "failed to store messages", err = res.error MessageNotificationSubscription.init(@[], handle) proc query*(w: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery, handler: QueryHandlerFunc) {.async, gcsafe.} = # @TODO We need to be more stratigic about which peers we dial. Right now we just set one on the service. # Ideally depending on the query and our set of peers we take a subset of ideal peers. # This will require us to check for various factors such as: # - which topics they track # - latency? # - default store peer? let peer = w.peers[0] let conn = await w.switch.dial(peer.peerInfo.peerId, peer.peerInfo.addrs, WakuStoreCodec) await conn.writeLP(HistoryRPC(requestId: generateRequestId(w.rng), query: query).encode().buffer) var message = await conn.readLp(64*1024) let response = HistoryRPC.init(message) if response.isErr: error "failed to decode response" return handler(response.value.response) # NOTE: Experimental, maybe incorporate as part of query call proc queryWithAccounting*(w: WakuStore, query: HistoryQuery, handler: QueryHandlerFunc, accountFor: AccountUpdateFunc) {.async, gcsafe.} = # @TODO We need to be more stratigic about which peers we dial. Right now we just set one on the service. # Ideally depending on the query and our set of peers we take a subset of ideal peers. # This will require us to check for various factors such as: # - which topics they track # - latency? # - default store peer? let peer = w.peers[0] let conn = await w.switch.dial(peer.peerInfo.peerId, peer.peerInfo.addrs, WakuStoreCodec) await conn.writeLP(HistoryRPC(requestId: generateRequestId(w.rng), query: query).encode().buffer) var message = await conn.readLp(64*1024) let response = HistoryRPC.init(message) if response.isErr: error "failed to decode response" return # NOTE Perform accounting operation # if SWAPAccountingEnabled: let peerId = peer.peerInfo.peerId let messages = response.value.response.messages accountFor(peerId, messages.len) handler(response.value.response)