when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import std/[options, sets, sequtils, times, strutils, math, random], chronos, chronicles, metrics, libp2p/multistream, libp2p/muxers/muxer, libp2p/nameresolving/nameresolver import ../../common/nimchronos, ../../common/enr, ../../waku_core, ../../waku_relay, ../../waku_enr/sharding, ../../waku_enr/capabilities, ../../waku_metadata, ./peer_store/peer_storage, ./waku_peer_store export waku_peer_store, peer_storage, peers declareCounter waku_peers_dials, "Number of peer dials", ["outcome"] # TODO: Populate from PeerStore.Source when ready declarePublicCounter waku_node_conns_initiated, "Number of connections initiated", ["source"] declarePublicGauge waku_peers_errors, "Number of peer manager errors", ["type"] declarePublicGauge waku_connected_peers, "Number of physical connections per direction and protocol", labels = ["direction", "protocol"] declarePublicGauge waku_streams_peers, "Number of streams per direction and protocol", labels = ["direction", "protocol"] declarePublicGauge waku_peer_store_size, "Number of peers managed by the peer store" declarePublicGauge waku_service_peers, "Service peer protocol and multiaddress ", labels = ["protocol", "peerId"] logScope: topics = "waku node peer_manager" randomize() const # TODO: Make configurable DefaultDialTimeout = chronos.seconds(10) # Max attempts before removing the peer MaxFailedAttempts = 5 # Time to wait before attempting to dial again is calculated as: # initialBackoffInSec*(backoffFactor^(failedAttempts-1)) # 120s, 480s, 1920, 7680s InitialBackoffInSec = 120 BackoffFactor = 4 # Limit the amount of paralel dials MaxParallelDials = 10 # Delay between consecutive relayConnectivityLoop runs ConnectivityLoopInterval = chronos.minutes(1) # How often the peer store is pruned PrunePeerStoreInterval = chronos.minutes(10) # How often metrics and logs are shown/updated LogAndMetricsInterval = chronos.minutes(3) # Max peers that we allow from the same IP DefaultColocationLimit* = 5 type PeerManager* = ref object of RootObj switch*: Switch peerStore*: PeerStore wakuMetadata*: WakuMetadata initialBackoffInSec*: int backoffFactor*: int maxFailedAttempts*: int storage: PeerStorage serviceSlots*: Table[string, RemotePeerInfo] maxRelayPeers*: int outRelayPeersTarget: int inRelayPeersTarget: int ipTable*: Table[string, seq[PeerId]] colocationLimit*: int started: bool shardedPeerManagement: bool # temp feature flag proc protocolMatcher*(codec: string): Matcher = ## Returns a protocol matcher function for the provided codec proc match(proto: string): bool {.gcsafe.} = ## Matches a proto with any postfix to the provided codec. ## E.g. if the codec is `/vac/waku/filter/2.0.0` it matches the protos: ## `/vac/waku/filter/2.0.0`, `/vac/waku/filter/2.0.0-beta3`, `/vac/waku/filter/2.0.0-actualnonsense` return proto.startsWith(codec) return match proc calculateBackoff(initialBackoffInSec: int, backoffFactor: int, failedAttempts: int): timer.Duration = if failedAttempts == 0: return chronos.seconds(0) return chronos.seconds(initialBackoffInSec*(backoffFactor^(failedAttempts-1))) #################### # Helper functions # #################### proc insertOrReplace(ps: PeerStorage, remotePeerInfo: RemotePeerInfo) = ## Insert peer entry into persistent storage, or replace existing entry with updated info ps.put(remotePeerInfo).isOkOr: warn "failed to store peers", err = error waku_peers_errors.inc(labelValues = ["storage_failure"]) return proc addPeer*(pm: PeerManager, remotePeerInfo: RemotePeerInfo, origin = UnknownOrigin) = ## Adds peer to manager for the specified protocol if remotePeerInfo.peerId == pm.switch.peerInfo.peerId: # Do not attempt to manage our unmanageable self return if pm.peerStore[AddressBook][remotePeerInfo.peerId] == remotePeerInfo.addrs and pm.peerStore[KeyBook][remotePeerInfo.peerId] == remotePeerInfo.publicKey and pm.peerStore[ENRBook][remotePeerInfo.peerId].raw.len > 0: # Peer already managed and ENR info is already saved return trace "Adding peer to manager", peerId = remotePeerInfo.peerId, addresses = remotePeerInfo.addrs pm.peerStore[AddressBook][remotePeerInfo.peerId] = remotePeerInfo.addrs pm.peerStore[KeyBook][remotePeerInfo.peerId] = remotePeerInfo.publicKey pm.peerStore[SourceBook][remotePeerInfo.peerId] = origin if remotePeerInfo.protocols.len > 0: pm.peerStore[ProtoBook][remotePeerInfo.peerId] = remotePeerInfo.protocols if remotePeerInfo.enr.isSome(): pm.peerStore[ENRBook][remotePeerInfo.peerId] = remotePeerInfo.enr.get() # Add peer to storage. Entry will subsequently be updated with connectedness information if not pm.storage.isNil: remotePeerInfo.connectedness = NotConnected pm.storage.insertOrReplace(remotePeerInfo) # Connects to a given node. Note that this function uses `connect` and # does not provide a protocol. Streams for relay (gossipsub) are created # automatically without the needing to dial. proc connectRelay*(pm: PeerManager, peer: RemotePeerInfo, dialTimeout = DefaultDialTimeout, source = "api"): Future[bool] {.async.} = let peerId = peer.peerId # Do not attempt to dial self if peerId == pm.switch.peerInfo.peerId: return false if not pm.peerStore.hasPeer(peerId, WakuRelayCodec): pm.addPeer(peer) let failedAttempts = pm.peerStore[NumberFailedConnBook][peerId] trace "Connecting to relay peer", wireAddr=peer.addrs, peerId=peerId, failedAttempts=failedAttempts var deadline = sleepAsync(dialTimeout) let workfut = pm.switch.connect(peerId, peer.addrs) # Can't use catch: with .withTimeout() in this case let res = catch: await workfut or deadline let reasonFailed = if not workfut.finished(): await workfut.cancelAndWait() "timed out" elif res.isErr(): res.error.msg else: if not deadline.finished(): await deadline.cancelAndWait() waku_peers_dials.inc(labelValues = ["successful"]) waku_node_conns_initiated.inc(labelValues = [source]) pm.peerStore[NumberFailedConnBook][peerId] = 0 return true # Dial failed pm.peerStore[NumberFailedConnBook][peerId] = pm.peerStore[NumberFailedConnBook][peerId] + 1 pm.peerStore[LastFailedConnBook][peerId] = Moment.init(getTime().toUnix, Second) pm.peerStore[ConnectionBook][peerId] = CannotConnect trace "Connecting relay peer failed", peerId = peerId, reason = reasonFailed, failedAttempts = pm.peerStore[NumberFailedConnBook][peerId] waku_peers_dials.inc(labelValues = [reasonFailed]) return false # Dialing should be used for just protocols that require a stream to write and read # This shall not be used to dial Relay protocols, since that would create # unneccesary unused streams. proc dialPeer(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerID, addrs: seq[MultiAddress], proto: string, dialTimeout = DefaultDialTimeout, source = "api"): Future[Option[Connection]] {.async.} = if peerId == pm.switch.peerInfo.peerId: error "could not dial self" return none(Connection) if proto == WakuRelayCodec: error "dial shall not be used to connect to relays" return none(Connection) trace "Dialing peer", wireAddr=addrs, peerId=peerId, proto=proto # Dial Peer let dialFut = pm.switch.dial(peerId, addrs, proto) let res = catch: if await dialFut.withTimeout(dialTimeout): return some(dialFut.read()) else: await cancelAndWait(dialFut) let reasonFailed = if res.isOk: "timed out" else: res.error.msg trace "Dialing peer failed", peerId=peerId, reason=reasonFailed, proto=proto return none(Connection) proc loadFromStorage(pm: PeerManager) = ## Load peers from storage, if available trace "loading peers from storage" var amount = 0 proc onData(remotePeerInfo: RemotePeerInfo) = let peerId = remotePeerInfo.peerId if pm.switch.peerInfo.peerId == peerId: # Do not manage self return trace "loading peer", peerId = peerId, address = remotePeerInfo.addrs, protocols = remotePeerInfo.protocols, agent = remotePeerInfo.agent, version = remotePeerInfo.protoVersion # nim-libp2p books pm.peerStore[AddressBook][peerId] = remotePeerInfo.addrs pm.peerStore[ProtoBook][peerId] = remotePeerInfo.protocols pm.peerStore[KeyBook][peerId] = remotePeerInfo.publicKey pm.peerStore[AgentBook][peerId] = remotePeerInfo.agent pm.peerStore[ProtoVersionBook][peerId] = remotePeerInfo.protoVersion # custom books pm.peerStore[ConnectionBook][peerId] = NotConnected # Reset connectedness state pm.peerStore[DisconnectBook][peerId] = remotePeerInfo.disconnectTime pm.peerStore[SourceBook][peerId] = remotePeerInfo.origin if remotePeerInfo.enr.isSome(): pm.peerStore[ENRBook][peerId] = remotePeerInfo.enr.get() amount.inc() pm.storage.getAll(onData).isOkOr: warn "loading peers from storage failed", err = error waku_peers_errors.inc(labelValues = ["storage_load_failure"]) return trace "recovered peers from storage", amount = amount proc canBeConnected*(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerId): bool = # Returns if we can try to connect to this peer, based on past failed attempts # It uses an exponential backoff. Each connection attempt makes us # wait more before trying again. let failedAttempts = pm.peerStore[NumberFailedConnBook][peerId] # if it never errored, we can try to connect if failedAttempts == 0: return true # if there are too many failed attempts, do not reconnect if failedAttempts >= pm.maxFailedAttempts: return false # If it errored we wait an exponential backoff from last connection # the more failed attempts, the greater the backoff since last attempt let now = Moment.init(getTime().toUnix, Second) let lastFailed = pm.peerStore[LastFailedConnBook][peerId] let backoff = calculateBackoff(pm.initialBackoffInSec, pm.backoffFactor, failedAttempts) return now >= (lastFailed + backoff) ################## # Initialisation # ################## proc getPeerIp(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerId): Option[string] = if not pm.switch.connManager.getConnections().hasKey(peerId): return none(string) let conns = pm.switch.connManager.getConnections().getOrDefault(peerId) if conns.len == 0: return none(string) let obAddr = conns[0].connection.observedAddr.valueOr: return none(string) # TODO: think if circuit relay ips should be handled differently return some(obAddr.getHostname()) # called when a connection i) is created or ii) is closed proc onConnEvent(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerID, event: ConnEvent) {.async.} = case event.kind of ConnEventKind.Connected: #let direction = if event.incoming: Inbound else: Outbound discard of ConnEventKind.Disconnected: discard proc onPeerMetadata(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerId) {.async.} = # To prevent metadata protocol from breaking prev nodes, by now we only # disconnect if the clusterid is specified. if pm.wakuMetadata.clusterId == 0: return let res = catch: await pm.switch.dial(peerId, WakuMetadataCodec) var reason: string block guardClauses: let conn = res.valueOr: reason = "dial failed: " & error.msg break guardClauses let metadata = (await pm.wakuMetadata.request(conn)).valueOr: reason = "waku metatdata request failed: " & error break guardClauses let clusterId = metadata.clusterId.valueOr: reason = "empty cluster-id reported" break guardClauses if pm.wakuMetadata.clusterId != clusterId: reason = "different clusterId reported: " & $pm.wakuMetadata.clusterId & " vs " & $clusterId break guardClauses if not metadata.shards.anyIt(pm.wakuMetadata.shards.contains(it)): reason = "no shards in common" break guardClauses return info "disconnecting from peer", peerId=peerId, reason=reason asyncSpawn(pm.switch.disconnect(peerId)) pm.peerStore.delete(peerId) # called when a peer i) first connects to us ii) disconnects all connections from us proc onPeerEvent(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerId, event: PeerEvent) {.async.} = if not pm.wakuMetadata.isNil() and event.kind == PeerEventKind.Joined: await pm.onPeerMetadata(peerId) var direction: PeerDirection var connectedness: Connectedness case event.kind: of Joined: direction = if event.initiator: Outbound else: Inbound connectedness = Connected if (let ip = pm.getPeerIp(peerId); ip.isSome()): pm.ipTable.mgetOrPut(ip.get, newSeq[PeerId]()).add(peerId) # in theory this should always be one, but just in case let peersBehindIp = pm.ipTable[ip.get] # pm.colocationLimit == 0 disables the ip colocation limit if pm.colocationLimit != 0 and peersBehindIp.len > pm.colocationLimit: for peerId in peersBehindIp[0..<(peersBehindIp.len - pm.colocationLimit)]: debug "Pruning connection due to ip colocation", peerId = peerId, ip = ip asyncSpawn(pm.switch.disconnect(peerId)) pm.peerStore.delete(peerId) of Left: direction = UnknownDirection connectedness = CanConnect # note we cant access the peerId ip here as the connection was already closed for ip, peerIds in pm.ipTable.pairs: if peerIds.contains(peerId): pm.ipTable[ip] = pm.ipTable[ip].filterIt(it != peerId) if pm.ipTable[ip].len == 0: pm.ipTable.del(ip) break pm.peerStore[ConnectionBook][peerId] = connectedness pm.peerStore[DirectionBook][peerId] = direction if not pm.storage.isNil: var remotePeerInfo = pm.peerStore.get(peerId) remotePeerInfo.disconnectTime = getTime().toUnix pm.storage.insertOrReplace(remotePeerInfo) proc new*(T: type PeerManager, switch: Switch, wakuMetadata: WakuMetadata = nil, maxRelayPeers: Option[int] = none(int), storage: PeerStorage = nil, initialBackoffInSec = InitialBackoffInSec, backoffFactor = BackoffFactor, maxFailedAttempts = MaxFailedAttempts, colocationLimit = DefaultColocationLimit, shardedPeerManagement = false): PeerManager = let capacity = switch.peerStore.capacity let maxConnections = switch.connManager.inSema.size if maxConnections > capacity: error "Max number of connections can't be greater than PeerManager capacity", capacity = capacity, maxConnections = maxConnections raise newException(Defect, "Max number of connections can't be greater than PeerManager capacity") var maxRelayPeersValue = 0 if maxRelayPeers.isSome(): if maxRelayPeers.get() > maxConnections: error "Max number of relay peers can't be greater than the max amount of connections", maxConnections = maxConnections, maxRelayPeers = maxRelayPeers.get() raise newException(Defect, "Max number of relay peers can't be greater than the max amount of connections") if maxRelayPeers.get() == maxConnections: warn "Max number of relay peers is equal to max amount of connections, peer won't be contributing to service peers", maxConnections = maxConnections, maxRelayPeers = maxRelayPeers.get() maxRelayPeersValue = maxRelayPeers.get() else: # Leave by default 20% of connections for service peers maxRelayPeersValue = maxConnections - (maxConnections div 5) # attempt to calculate max backoff to prevent potential overflows or unreasonably high values let backoff = calculateBackoff(initialBackoffInSec, backoffFactor, maxFailedAttempts) if backoff.weeks() > 1: error "Max backoff time can't be over 1 week", maxBackoff=backoff raise newException(Defect, "Max backoff time can't be over 1 week") let outRelayPeersTarget = max(maxRelayPeersValue div 3, 10) let pm = PeerManager(switch: switch, wakuMetadata: wakuMetadata, peerStore: switch.peerStore, storage: storage, initialBackoffInSec: initialBackoffInSec, backoffFactor: backoffFactor, outRelayPeersTarget: outRelayPeersTarget, inRelayPeersTarget: maxRelayPeersValue - outRelayPeersTarget, maxRelayPeers: maxRelayPeersValue, maxFailedAttempts: maxFailedAttempts, colocationLimit: colocationLimit, shardedPeerManagement: shardedPeerManagement,) proc connHook(peerId: PeerID, event: ConnEvent): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = onConnEvent(pm, peerId, event) proc peerHook(peerId: PeerId, event: PeerEvent): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = onPeerEvent(pm, peerId, event) proc peerStoreChanged(peerId: PeerId) {.gcsafe.} = waku_peer_store_size.set(toSeq(pm.peerStore[AddressBook].book.keys).len.int64) # currently disabled #pm.switch.addConnEventHandler(connHook, ConnEventKind.Connected) #pm.switch.addConnEventHandler(connHook, ConnEventKind.Disconnected) pm.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerHook, PeerEventKind.Joined) pm.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerHook, PeerEventKind.Left) # called every time the peerstore is updated pm.peerStore[AddressBook].addHandler(peerStoreChanged) pm.serviceSlots = initTable[string, RemotePeerInfo]() pm.ipTable = initTable[string, seq[PeerId]]() if not storage.isNil(): trace "found persistent peer storage" pm.loadFromStorage() # Load previously managed peers. else: trace "no peer storage found" return pm ##################### # Manager interface # ##################### proc addServicePeer*(pm: PeerManager, remotePeerInfo: RemotePeerInfo, proto: string) = # Do not add relay peers if proto == WakuRelayCodec: warn "Can't add relay peer to service peers slots" return info "Adding peer to service slots", peerId = remotePeerInfo.peerId, addr = remotePeerInfo.addrs[0], service = proto waku_service_peers.set(1, labelValues = [$proto, $remotePeerInfo.addrs[0]]) # Set peer for service slot pm.serviceSlots[proto] = remotePeerInfo pm.addPeer(remotePeerInfo) proc reconnectPeers*(pm: PeerManager, proto: string, backoff: chronos.Duration = chronos.seconds(0)) {.async.} = ## Reconnect to peers registered for this protocol. This will update connectedness. ## Especially useful to resume connections from persistent storage after a restart. trace "Reconnecting peers", proto=proto # Proto is not persisted, we need to iterate over all peers. for peerInfo in pm.peerStore.peers(protocolMatcher(proto)): # Check that the peer can be connected if peerInfo.connectedness == CannotConnect: error "Not reconnecting to unreachable or non-existing peer", peerId=peerInfo.peerId continue # Respect optional backoff period where applicable. let # TODO: Add method to peerStore (eg isBackoffExpired()) disconnectTime = Moment.init(peerInfo.disconnectTime, Second) # Convert currentTime = Moment.init(getTime().toUnix, Second) # Current time comparable to persisted value backoffTime = disconnectTime + backoff - currentTime # Consider time elapsed since last disconnect trace "Respecting backoff", backoff=backoff, disconnectTime=disconnectTime, currentTime=currentTime, backoffTime=backoffTime # TODO: This blocks the whole function. Try to connect to another peer in the meantime. if backoffTime > ZeroDuration: trace "Backing off before reconnect...", peerId=peerInfo.peerId, backoffTime=backoffTime # We disconnected recently and still need to wait for a backoff period before connecting await sleepAsync(backoffTime) discard await pm.connectRelay(peerInfo) #################### # Dialer interface # #################### proc dialPeer*(pm: PeerManager, remotePeerInfo: RemotePeerInfo, proto: string, dialTimeout = DefaultDialTimeout, source = "api", ): Future[Option[Connection]] {.async.} = # Dial a given peer and add it to the list of known peers # TODO: check peer validity and score before continuing. Limit number of peers to be managed. # First add dialed peer info to peer store, if it does not exist yet.. # TODO: nim libp2p peerstore already adds them if not pm.peerStore.hasPeer(remotePeerInfo.peerId, proto): trace "Adding newly dialed peer to manager", peerId= $remotePeerInfo.peerId, address= $remotePeerInfo.addrs[0], proto= proto pm.addPeer(remotePeerInfo) return await pm.dialPeer(remotePeerInfo.peerId,remotePeerInfo.addrs, proto, dialTimeout, source) proc dialPeer*(pm: PeerManager, peerId: PeerID, proto: string, dialTimeout = DefaultDialTimeout, source = "api", ): Future[Option[Connection]] {.async.} = # Dial an existing peer by looking up it's existing addrs in the switch's peerStore # TODO: check peer validity and score before continuing. Limit number of peers to be managed. let addrs = pm.switch.peerStore[AddressBook][peerId] return await pm.dialPeer(peerId, addrs, proto, dialTimeout, source) proc connectToNodes*(pm: PeerManager, nodes: seq[string]|seq[RemotePeerInfo], dialTimeout = DefaultDialTimeout, source = "api") {.async.} = if nodes.len == 0: return info "Dialing multiple peers", numOfPeers = nodes.len var futConns: seq[Future[bool]] for node in nodes: let node = parsePeerInfo(node) if node.isOk(): futConns.add(pm.connectRelay(node.value)) else: error "Couldn't parse node info", error = node.error await allFutures(futConns) let successfulConns = futConns.mapIt(it.read()).countIt(it == true) info "Finished dialing multiple peers", successfulConns=successfulConns, attempted=nodes.len # The issue seems to be around peers not being fully connected when # trying to subscribe. So what we do is sleep to guarantee nodes are # fully connected. # # This issue was known to Dmitiry on nim-libp2p and may be resolvable # later. await sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(5)) proc connectedPeers*(pm: PeerManager, protocol: string): (seq[PeerId], seq[PeerId]) = ## Returns the peerIds of physical connections (in and out) ## containing at least one stream with the given protocol. var inPeers: seq[PeerId] var outPeers: seq[PeerId] for peerId, muxers in pm.switch.connManager.getConnections(): for peerConn in muxers: let streams = peerConn.getStreams() if streams.anyIt(it.protocol == protocol): if peerConn.connection.transportDir == Direction.In: inPeers.add(peerId) elif peerConn.connection.transportDir == Direction.Out: outPeers.add(peerId) return (inPeers, outPeers) proc getNumStreams*(pm: PeerManager, protocol: string): (int, int) = var numStreamsIn = 0 numStreamsOut = 0 for peerId, muxers in pm.switch.connManager.getConnections(): for peerConn in muxers: for stream in peerConn.getStreams(): if stream.protocol == protocol: if stream.dir == Direction.In: numStreamsIn += 1 elif stream.dir == Direction.Out: numStreamsOut += 1 return (numStreamsIn, numStreamsOut) proc pruneInRelayConns(pm: PeerManager, amount: int) {.async.} = if amount <= 0: return let (inRelayPeers, _) = pm.connectedPeers(WakuRelayCodec) let connsToPrune = min(amount, inRelayPeers.len) for p in inRelayPeers[0.. pm.inRelayPeersTarget: # await pm.pruneInRelayConns(inRelayPeers.len - pm.inRelayPeersTarget) if outRelayPeers.len >= pm.outRelayPeersTarget: return let notConnectedPeers = pm.peerStore.getNotConnectedPeers().mapIt(RemotePeerInfo.init(it.peerId, it.addrs)) let outsideBackoffPeers = notConnectedPeers.filterIt(pm.canBeConnected(it.peerId)) let numPeersToConnect = min(outsideBackoffPeers.len, MaxParallelDials) await pm.connectToNodes(outsideBackoffPeers[0.. 0: peersToDisconnect += inPeerDiff if outPeerDiff <= 0: continue # Get all peers for this shard var connectablePeers = pm.peerStore.getPeersByShard( uint16(pm.wakuMetadata.clusterId), uint16(shard)) let shardCount = connectablePeers.len connectablePeers.keepItIf( not pm.peerStore.isConnected(it.peerId) and pm.canBeConnected(it.peerId)) let connectableCount = connectablePeers.len connectablePeers.keepItIf(pm.peerStore.hasCapability(it.peerId, Relay)) let relayCount = connectablePeers.len debug "Sharded Peer Management", shard = shard, connectable = $connectableCount & "/" & $shardCount, relayConnectable = $relayCount & "/" & $shardCount, relayInboundTarget = $connectedInPeers.len & "/" & $inTarget, relayOutboundTarget = $connectedOutPeers.len & "/" & $outTarget # Always pick random connectable relay peers shuffle(connectablePeers) let length = min(outPeerDiff, connectablePeers.len) for peer in connectablePeers[0..= pruningCount: break peersToPrune.incl(peerId) var notConnected = pm.peerStore.getNotConnectedPeers().mapIt(it.peerId) # Always pick random non-connected peers shuffle(notConnected) var shardlessPeers: seq[PeerId] var peersByShard = initTable[uint16, seq[PeerId]]() for peer in notConnected: if not pm.peerStore[ENRBook].contains(peer): shardlessPeers.add(peer) continue let record = pm.peerStore[ENRBook][peer] let rec = record.toTyped().valueOr: shardlessPeers.add(peer) continue let rs = rec.relaySharding().valueOr: shardlessPeers.add(peer) continue for shard in rs.shardIds: peersByShard.mgetOrPut(shard, @[peer]).add(peer) # prune not connected peers without shard for peer in shardlessPeers: if peersToPrune.len >= pruningCount: break peersToPrune.incl(peer) # calculate the avg peers per shard let total = sum(toSeq(peersByShard.values).mapIt(it.len)) let avg = min(1, total div max(1, peersByShard.len)) # prune peers from shard with higher than avg count for shard, peers in peersByShard.pairs: let count = max(peers.len - avg, 0) for peer in peers[0..count]: if peersToPrune.len >= pruningCount: break peersToPrune.incl(peer) for peer in peersToPrune: pm.peerStore.delete(peer) let afterNumPeers = pm.peerStore[AddressBook].book.len trace "Finished pruning peer store", beforeNumPeers = numPeers, afterNumPeers = afterNumPeers, capacity = capacity, pruned = peersToPrune.len proc selectPeer*(pm: PeerManager, proto: string, shard: Option[PubsubTopic] = none(PubsubTopic)): Option[RemotePeerInfo] = trace "Selecting peer from peerstore", protocol=proto # Selects the best peer for a given protocol var peers = pm.peerStore.getPeersByProtocol(proto) if shard.isSome(): peers.keepItIf((it.enr.isSome() and it.enr.get().containsShard(shard.get()))) # No criteria for selecting a peer for WakuRelay, random one if proto == WakuRelayCodec: # TODO: proper heuristic here that compares peer scores and selects "best" one. For now the first peer for the given protocol is returned if peers.len > 0: trace "Got peer from peerstore", peerId=peers[0].peerId, multi=peers[0].addrs[0], protocol=proto return some(peers[0]) trace "No peer found for protocol", protocol=proto return none(RemotePeerInfo) # For other protocols, we select the peer that is slotted for the given protocol pm.serviceSlots.withValue(proto, serviceSlot): trace "Got peer from service slots", peerId=serviceSlot[].peerId, multi=serviceSlot[].addrs[0], protocol=proto return some(serviceSlot[]) # If not slotted, we select a random peer for the given protocol if peers.len > 0: trace "Got peer from peerstore", peerId=peers[0].peerId, multi=peers[0].addrs[0], protocol=proto return some(peers[0]) trace "No peer found for protocol", protocol=proto return none(RemotePeerInfo) # Prunes peers from peerstore to remove old/stale ones proc prunePeerStoreLoop(pm: PeerManager) {.async.} = trace "Starting prune peerstore loop" while pm.started: pm.prunePeerStore() await sleepAsync(PrunePeerStoreInterval) # Ensures a healthy amount of connected relay peers proc relayConnectivityLoop*(pm: PeerManager) {.async.} = trace "Starting relay connectivity loop" while pm.started: if pm.shardedPeerManagement: await pm.manageRelayPeers() else: await pm.connectToRelayPeers() await sleepAsync(ConnectivityLoopInterval) proc logAndMetrics(pm: PeerManager) {.async.} = heartbeat "Scheduling log and metrics run", LogAndMetricsInterval: # log metrics let (inRelayPeers, outRelayPeers) = pm.connectedPeers(WakuRelayCodec) let maxConnections = pm.switch.connManager.inSema.size let notConnectedPeers = pm.peerStore.getNotConnectedPeers().mapIt(RemotePeerInfo.init(it.peerId, it.addrs)) let outsideBackoffPeers = notConnectedPeers.filterIt(pm.canBeConnected(it.peerId)) let totalConnections = pm.switch.connManager.getConnections().len info "Relay peer connections", inRelayConns = $inRelayPeers.len & "/" & $pm.inRelayPeersTarget, outRelayConns = $outRelayPeers.len & "/" & $pm.outRelayPeersTarget, totalConnections = $totalConnections & "/" & $maxConnections, notConnectedPeers = notConnectedPeers.len, outsideBackoffPeers = outsideBackoffPeers.len # update prometheus metrics for proto in pm.peerStore.getWakuProtos(): let (protoConnsIn, protoConnsOut) = pm.connectedPeers(proto) let (protoStreamsIn, protoStreamsOut) = pm.getNumStreams(proto) waku_connected_peers.set(protoConnsIn.len.float64, labelValues = [$Direction.In, proto]) waku_connected_peers.set(protoConnsOut.len.float64, labelValues = [$Direction.Out, proto]) waku_streams_peers.set(protoStreamsIn.float64, labelValues = [$Direction.In, proto]) waku_streams_peers.set(protoStreamsOut.float64, labelValues = [$Direction.Out, proto]) proc start*(pm: PeerManager) = pm.started = true asyncSpawn pm.relayConnectivityLoop() asyncSpawn pm.prunePeerStoreLoop() asyncSpawn pm.logAndMetrics() proc stop*(pm: PeerManager) = pm.started = false