import strformat import os except dirExists const aflGcc = "--cc=gcc " & "--gcc.exe=afl-gcc " & "--gcc.linkerexe=afl-gcc" aflClang = "--cc=clang " & "--clang.exe=afl-clang " & "--clang.linkerexe=afl-clang" aflClangFast = "--cc=clang " & "--clang.exe=afl-clang-fast " & "--clang.linkerexe=afl-clang-fast " & "-d:clangfast" libFuzzerClang = "--cc=clang " & "--passC='-fsanitize=fuzzer,address' " & "--passL='-fsanitize=fuzzer,address'" honggfuzzClang = "--cc=clang " & "--clang.exe=hfuzz-clang " & "--clang.linkerexe=hfuzz-clang " # Can also test in debug mode obviously, but might be slower # Can turn on more logging, in case of libFuzzer it will get very verbose though defaultFlags = "-d:release -d:chronicles_log_level=fatal " & "--hints:off --warnings:off --verbosity:0" type FuzzingEngine* = enum libFuzzer honggfuzz afl AflCompiler* = enum gcc = aflGcc, clang = aflClang, clangFast = aflClangFast const defaultFuzzingEngine* = libFuzzer when not defined(nimscript): import os, osproc template exec(cmd: string) = discard execCmd(cmd) template mkDir(dir: string) = createDir dir template withDir*(dir: string; body: untyped): untyped = ## Changes the current directory temporarily. ## ## If you need a permanent change, use the `cd() <#cd,string>`_ proc. ## Usage example: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## withDir "foo": ## # inside foo ## #back to last dir var curDir = getCurrentDir() try: setCurrentDir(dir) body finally: setCurrentDir(curDir) template q(x: string): string = quoteShell x proc aflCompile*(target: string, c: AflCompiler) = let aflOptions = &"-d:afl -d:noSignalHandler {$c}" let compileCmd = &"nim c {defaultFlags} {aflOptions} {q target}" exec compileCmd proc aflExec*(target: string, inputDir: string, resultsDir: string, cleanStart = false) = let exe = target.addFileExt(ExeExt) if not dirExists(inputDir): # create a input dir with one 0 file for afl mkDir(inputDir) # TODO: improve withDir inputDir: exec "echo '0' > test" var fuzzCmd: string # if there is an output dir already, continue fuzzing from previous run if (not dirExists(resultsDir)) or cleanStart: fuzzCmd = &"afl-fuzz -i {q inputDir} -o {q resultsDir} -M fuzzer01 -- {q exe}" else: fuzzCmd = &"afl-fuzz -i - -o {q resultsDir} -M fuzzer01 -- {q exe}" exec fuzzCmd proc libFuzzerCompile*(target: string) = let libFuzzerOptions = &"-d:llvmFuzzer --noMain {libFuzzerClang}" let compileCmd = &"nim c {defaultFlags} {libFuzzerOptions} {q target}" exec compileCmd proc libFuzzerExec*(target: string, corpusDir: string) = if not dirExists(corpusDir): # libFuzzer is OK when starting with empty corpus dir mkDir(corpusDir) exec &"{q target} {q corpusDir}" proc honggfuzzCompile*(target: string) = let honggfuzzOptions = &"-d:llvmFuzzer --noMain {honggfuzzClang}" let compileCmd = &"nim c {defaultFlags} {honggfuzzOptions} {q target}" exec compileCmd proc honggfuzzExec*(target: string, corpusDir: string, outputDir: string) = #if not dirExists(corpusDir): # # libFuzzer is OK when starting with empty corpus dir # mkDir(corpusDir) # TODO: # Other useful parameters: # --threads|-n VALUE # Number of concurrent fuzzing threads (default: number of CPUs / 2) # --workspace|-W VALUE # Workspace directory to save crashes & runtime files (default: '.') # --crashdir VALUE # Directory where crashes are saved to (default: workspace directory) # --covdir_new VALUE # New coverage (beyond the dry-run fuzzing phase) is written to this separate directory # --dict|-w VALUE # Dictionary file. Format: exec &"honggfuzz --persistent --input {q corpusDir} --output {q outputDir} -- {q target}" proc runFuzzer*(targetPath: string, fuzzer: FuzzingEngine, corpusDir: string) = let (path, target, ext) = splitFile(targetPath) compiledExe = addFileExt(path / target, ExeExt) corpusDir = if corpusDir.len > 0: corpusDir else: path / "corpus" case fuzzer of afl: aflCompile(targetPath, clang) aflExec(compiledExe, corpusDir, path / "results") of libFuzzer: libFuzzerCompile(targetPath) libFuzzerExec(compiledExe, corpusDir) of honggfuzz: honggfuzzCompile(targetPath) honggfuzzExec(compiledExe, corpusDir, path / "results")