import os, sqlite3_abi, chronos, chronicles, metrics, stew/results, libp2p/crypto/crypto, libp2p/protocols/protocol, libp2p/protobuf/minprotobuf, libp2p/stream/connection, stew/results, metrics {.push raises: [Defect].} # The code in this file is an adaptation of the Sqlite KV Store found in nim-eth. # # # Most of it is a direct copy, the only unique functions being `get` and `put`. type DatabaseResult*[T] = Result[T, string] Sqlite = ptr sqlite3 NoParams* = tuple RawStmtPtr = ptr sqlite3_stmt SqliteStmt*[Params; Result] = distinct RawStmtPtr AutoDisposed[T: ptr|ref] = object val: T SqliteDatabase* = ref object of RootObj env*: Sqlite template dispose(db: Sqlite) = discard sqlite3_close(db) template dispose(db: RawStmtPtr) = discard sqlite3_finalize(db) proc release[T](x: var AutoDisposed[T]): T = result = x.val x.val = nil proc disposeIfUnreleased[T](x: var AutoDisposed[T]) = mixin dispose if x.val != nil: dispose(x.release) template checkErr*(op, cleanup: untyped) = if (let v = (op); v != SQLITE_OK): cleanup return err($sqlite3_errstr(v)) template checkErr*(op) = checkErr(op): discard proc init*( T: type SqliteDatabase, basePath: string, name: string = "store", readOnly = false, inMemory = false): DatabaseResult[T] = var env: AutoDisposed[ptr sqlite3] defer: disposeIfUnreleased(env) let name = if inMemory: ":memory:" else: basepath / name & ".sqlite3" flags = if readOnly: SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY else: SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE or SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE if not inMemory: try: createDir(basePath) except OSError, IOError: return err("`sqlite: cannot create database directory") checkErr sqlite3_open_v2(name, addr env.val, flags.cint, nil) template prepare(q: string, cleanup: untyped): ptr sqlite3_stmt = var s: ptr sqlite3_stmt checkErr sqlite3_prepare_v2(env.val, q, q.len.cint, addr s, nil): cleanup s template checkExec(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) = if (let x = sqlite3_step(s); x != SQLITE_DONE): discard sqlite3_finalize(s) return err($sqlite3_errstr(x)) if (let x = sqlite3_finalize(s); x != SQLITE_OK): return err($sqlite3_errstr(x)) template checkExec(q: string) = let s = prepare(q): discard checkExec(s) template checkWalPragmaResult(journalModePragma: ptr sqlite3_stmt) = if (let x = sqlite3_step(journalModePragma); x != SQLITE_ROW): discard sqlite3_finalize(journalModePragma) return err($sqlite3_errstr(x)) if (let x = sqlite3_column_type(journalModePragma, 0); x != SQLITE3_TEXT): discard sqlite3_finalize(journalModePragma) return err($sqlite3_errstr(x)) if (let x = sqlite3_column_text(journalModePragma, 0); x != "memory" and x != "wal"): discard sqlite3_finalize(journalModePragma) return err("Invalid pragma result: " & $x) # TODO: check current version and implement schema versioning checkExec "PRAGMA user_version = 1;" let journalModePragma = prepare("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;"): discard checkWalPragmaResult(journalModePragma) checkExec(journalModePragma) ok(SqliteDatabase( env: env.release )) template prepare*(env: Sqlite, q: string, cleanup: untyped): ptr sqlite3_stmt = var s: ptr sqlite3_stmt checkErr sqlite3_prepare_v2(env, q, q.len.cint, addr s, nil): cleanup s proc bindParam*(s: RawStmtPtr, n: int, val: auto): cint = when val is openarray[byte]|seq[byte]: if val.len > 0: sqlite3_bind_blob(s, n.cint, unsafeAddr val[0], val.len.cint, nil) else: sqlite3_bind_blob(s, n.cint, nil, 0.cint, nil) elif val is int32: sqlite3_bind_int(s, n.cint, val) elif val is uint32: sqlite3_bind_int(s, int(n).cint, int(val).cint) elif val is int64: sqlite3_bind_int64(s, n.cint, val) # Note: bind_text not yet supported in sqlite3_abi wrapper # elif val is string: # sqlite3_bind_text(s, n.cint, val.cstring, -1, nil) # `-1` implies string length is the number of bytes up to the first null-terminator else: {.fatal: "Please add support for the '" & $typeof(val) & "' type".} template bindParams(s: RawStmtPtr, params: auto) = when params is tuple: var i = 1 for param in fields(params): checkErr bindParam(s, i, param) inc i else: checkErr bindParam(s, 1, params) proc exec*[P](s: SqliteStmt[P, void], params: P): DatabaseResult[void] = let s = RawStmtPtr s bindParams(s, params) let res = if (let v = sqlite3_step(s); v != SQLITE_DONE): err($sqlite3_errstr(v)) else: ok() # release implict transaction discard sqlite3_reset(s) # same return information as step discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(s) # no errors possible res type DataProc* = proc(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) {.closure.} proc query*(db: SqliteDatabase, query: string, onData: DataProc): DatabaseResult[bool] = var s = prepare(db.env, query): discard try: var gotResults = false while true: let v = sqlite3_step(s) case v of SQLITE_ROW: onData(s) gotResults = true of SQLITE_DONE: break else: return err($sqlite3_errstr(v)) return ok gotResults finally: # release implicit transaction discard sqlite3_reset(s) # same return information as step discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(s) # no errors possible proc prepareStmt*( db: SqliteDatabase, stmt: string, Params: type, Res: type ): DatabaseResult[SqliteStmt[Params, Res]] = var s: RawStmtPtr checkErr sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.env, stmt, stmt.len.cint, addr s, nil) ok SqliteStmt[Params, Res](s) proc close*(db: SqliteDatabase) = discard sqlite3_close(db.env) db[] = SqliteDatabase()[]