library 'status-jenkins-lib@v1.2.18' pipeline { agent { label "${getAgentLabel()} && x86_64" } parameters { string( name: 'NIM_PARAMS', description: 'Flags for Nim compilation.', defaultValue: params.NIM_PARAMS ?: '-d:disableMarchNative -d:insecure --parallelBuild:6' ) string( name: 'LOG_LEVEL', description: 'Build logging level. (DEBUG, TRACE)', defaultValue: params.LOG_LEVEL ?: 'DEBUG' ) string( name: 'VERBOSITY', description: 'Makefile verbosity level.(0-2)', defaultValue: params.VERBOSITY ?: '1' ) string( name: 'MAKEFLAGS', description: 'Makefile flags.', defaultValue: params.MAKEFLAGS ?: '-j6' ) } options { timestamps() /* manage how many builds we keep */ buildDiscarder(logRotator( numToKeepStr: '3', daysToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '1', )) } environment { TARGET = getAgentLabel() } stages { stage('Deps') { steps { script { /* Avoid checking multiple times. */ v1changed = versionWasChanged('v1') v2changed = versionWasChanged('v2') /* Building Nim compiler takes a while. */ cache(maxCacheSize: 250, caches: [[ $class: 'ArbitraryFileCache', excludes: '', includes: '**/*', path: 'vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/bin', ]]) { sh "make V=${params.VERBOSITY} update" } sh "make V=${params.VERBOSITY} deps" } } } stage('Binaries') { parallel { stage('V1') { when { expression { v1changed } } steps { sh "make V=${params.VERBOSITY} v1" } } stage('V2') { when { expression { v2changed } } steps { sh "make V=${params.VERBOSITY} v2" } } } } stage('Run Tests') { parallel { stage('V1') { when { expression { v1changed } } steps { sh "make V=${params.VERBOSITY} test1" } } stage('V2') { when { expression { v2changed } } steps { sh "make V=${params.VERBOSITY} test2" } } } } stage('Upload') { when { expression { v2changed } } steps { script { def out = genOutputFilename() sh "mv build/wakunode2 ${out}" env.PKG_URL = s3.uploadArtifact(out) jenkins.setBuildDesc(Waku: env.PKG_URL) } } } } // stages post { success { script { github.notifyPR(true) } } failure { script { github.notifyPR(false) } } always { cleanWs() } } // post } // pipeline /* This allows us to use one Jenkinsfile and run * jobs on different platforms based on job name. */ def getAgentLabel() { if (params.AGENT_LABEL) { return params.AGENT_LABEL } def tokens = env.JOB_NAME.split('/') for (platform in ['linux', 'macos', 'windows']) { if (tokens.contains(platform)) { return platform } } throw new Exception('No agent provided or found in job path!') } def genOutputFilename() { return [ "wakunode2", utils.timestamp(), utils.gitCommit(), getAgentLabel() ].join('-') + (env.NODE_NAME.startsWith('windows') ? '.exe' : '.bin') } def versionWasChanged(version) { def changes = sh( script: "git diff --name-only origin/${env.CHANGE_TARGET}", returnStdout: true ) if (changes =~ "(?m)^(Makefile|waku.nimble|config.nims|vendor).*") { return true } if (changes =~ "(?m)^(waku|tests|examples)/(${version}|common)/.*") { return true } return false }