{.used.} import std/options, testutils/unittests, chronos, libp2p/switch, libp2p/peerId, libp2p/crypto/crypto, eth/keys, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/enr import ../../../waku/[ waku_node, waku_discv5, waku_peer_exchange, waku_peer_exchange/rpc, waku_peer_exchange/protocol, node/peer_manager, waku_core, ], ../testlib/[futures, wakucore, assertions] proc dialForPeerExchange*( client: WakuNode, peerInfo: RemotePeerInfo, requestedPeers: uint64 = 1, minimumPeers: uint64 = 0, attempts: uint64 = 100, ): Future[Result[WakuPeerExchangeResult[PeerExchangeResponse], string]] {.async.} = # Dials a peer and awaits until it's able to receive a peer exchange response # For the test, the relevant part is the dialPeer call. # But because the test needs peers, and due to the asynchronous nature of the dialing, # we await until we receive peers from the peer exchange protocol. var attempts = attempts while attempts > 0: let connOpt = await client.peerManager.dialPeer(peerInfo, WakuPeerExchangeCodec) require connOpt.isSome() await sleepAsync(FUTURE_TIMEOUT_SHORT) let response = await client.wakuPeerExchange.request(requestedPeers, connOpt.get()) assertResultOk(response) if uint64(response.get().peerInfos.len) > minimumPeers: return ok(response) attempts -= 1 return err("Attempts exhausted.")