import std/[sequtils,times,strformat,json,options], strutils, os import chronicles, chronos, libp2p/crypto/secp, stew/shims/net import ../vendor/nim-libp2p/libp2p/crypto/crypto, ../../waku/common/utils/nat, ../../waku/v2/waku_enr/capabilities, ../../waku/v2/waku_core/message/codec, ../../waku/v2/waku_core/message/message, ../../waku/v2/waku_core/topics/pubsub_topic, ../../waku/v2/node/peer_manager/peer_manager, ../../waku/v2/node/waku_node, ../../waku/v2/node/builder, ../../waku/v2/node/config, ../../waku/v2/waku_relay/protocol, events/[json_error_event,json_message_event,json_signal_event] ################################################################################ ### Wrapper around the waku node ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### Exported types type ConfigNode* {.exportc.} = object # Struct exported to C host*: cstring port*: uint key*: cstring relay*: bool ### End of exported types ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### Not-exported components type EventCallback = proc(signal: cstring) {.cdecl, gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} var eventCallback:EventCallback = nil proc relayEventCallback(pubsubTopic: string, data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} = # Callback that hadles the Waku Relay events. i.e. messages or errors. if not isNil(eventCallback): let msg = WakuMessage.decode(data) var event: JsonSignal if msg.isOk(): event =, msg.value) else: let errorMsg = string("Error decoding message.") & $msg.error event = try: eventCallback(cstring($event)) except Exception: error "Exception when calling 'eventCallBack': " & getCurrentExceptionMsg() else: error "eventCallback is nil" var retFut = newFuture[void]() retFut.complete() return retFut proc okResp(message: string): string = $(%* { "result": message }) proc errResp(message: string): string = # Convers an error message into an error-JsonResponse # { # error: string; # } return $(%* { "error": message }) proc parseConfig(config: ConfigNode, privateKey: var PrivateKey, netConfig: var NetConfig, jsonResp: var string ): bool = if len(config.key) == 0: jsonResp = errResp("The node key is missing."); return false try: let key = SkPrivateKey.init(crypto.fromHex($config.key)).tryGet() privateKey = crypto.PrivateKey(scheme: Secp256k1, skkey: key) except CatchableError: let msg = string("Invalid node key: ") & getCurrentExceptionMsg() jsonResp = errResp(msg) return false if len( == 0: jsonResp = errResp("host attribute is required") return false var listenAddr = ValidIpAddress.init("") try: listenAddr = ValidIpAddress.init($ except CatchableError: let msg = string("Invalid host IP address: ") & getCurrentExceptionMsg() jsonResp = errResp(msg) return false if config.port == 0: jsonResp = errResp("Please set a valid port number") return false ## `udpPort` is only supplied to satisfy underlying APIs but is not ## actually a supported transport for libp2p traffic. let udpPort = config.port let natRes = setupNat("any", clientId, Port(uint16(config.port)), Port(uint16(udpPort))) if natRes.isErr(): jsonResp = errResp(fmt"failed to setup NAT: {$natRes.error}") return false let (extIp, extTcpPort, _) = natRes.get() let extPort = if extIp.isSome() and extTcpPort.isNone(): some(Port(uint16(config.port))) else: extTcpPort let wakuFlags = CapabilitiesBitfield.init( lightpush = false, filter = false, store = false, relay = config.relay ) let netConfigRes = NetConfig.init( bindIp = listenAddr, bindPort = Port(uint16(config.port)), extIp = extIp, extPort = extPort, wakuFlags = some(wakuFlags)) if netConfigRes.isErr(): let msg = string("Error creating NetConfig: ") & $netConfigRes.error jsonResp = errResp(msg) return false netConfig = netConfigRes.value return true # WakuNode instance var node {.threadvar.}: WakuNode ### End of not-exported components ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### Exported procs proc waku_new(config: ConfigNode, jsonResp: var string): bool {.dynlib, exportc.} = # Creates a new instance of the WakuNode. # Notice that the ConfigNode type is also exported and available for users. var privateKey: PrivateKey var netConfig = NetConfig.init(ValidIpAddress.init(""), Port(60000'u16)).value if not parseConfig(config, privateKey, netConfig, jsonResp): return false var builder = WakuNodeBuilder.init() builder.withRng(crypto.newRng()) builder.withNodeKey(privateKey) builder.withNetworkConfiguration(netConfig) builder.withSwitchConfiguration( maxConnections = some( ) let wakuNodeRes = if wakuNodeRes.isErr(): let errorMsg = string("failed to create waku node instance: ") & wakuNodeRes.error jsonResp = errResp(errorMsg) return false node = wakuNodeRes.value if config.relay: waitFor node.mountRelay() node.peerManager.start() return true proc waku_version(): cstring {.dynlib, exportc.} = return WakuNodeVersionString proc waku_set_event_callback(callback: EventCallback) {.dynlib, exportc.} = eventCallback = callback proc waku_content_topic(appName: cstring, appVersion: uint, contentTopicName: cstring, encoding: cstring, outContentTopic: var string) {.dynlib, exportc.} = # outContentTopic = fmt"{appName}/{appVersion}/{contentTopicName}/{encoding}" proc waku_pubsub_topic(topicName: cstring, outPubsubTopic: var string) {.dynlib, exportc.} = # outPubsubTopic = fmt"/waku/2/{topicName}" proc waku_default_pubsub_topic(defPubsubTopic: var string) {.dynlib, exportc.} = # defPubsubTopic = DefaultPubsubTopic proc waku_relay_publish(pubSubTopic: cstring, jsonWakuMessage: cstring, timeoutMs: int, jsonResp: var string): bool {.dynlib, exportc, cdecl.} = # var jsonContent:JsonNode try: jsonContent = parseJson($jsonWakuMessage) except JsonParsingError: jsonResp = errResp (fmt"Problem parsing json message. {getCurrentExceptionMsg()}") return false var wakuMessage: WakuMessage try: var version = 0'u32 if jsonContent.hasKey("version"): version = (uint32) jsonContent["version"].getInt() wakuMessage = WakuMessage( # Visit for further details payload: jsonContent["payload"].getStr().toSeq().mapIt(byte (it)), contentTopic: $jsonContent["content_topic"].getStr(), version: version, timestamp: getTime().toUnix(), ephemeral: false ) except KeyError: jsonResp = errResp(fmt"Problem building the WakuMessage. {getCurrentExceptionMsg()}") return false let targetPubSubTopic = if $pubSubTopic == "": DefaultPubsubTopic else: $pubSubTopic if node.wakuRelay.isNil(): jsonResp = errResp("Can't publish. WakuRelay is not enabled.") return false let pubMsgFut = node.wakuRelay.publish(targetPubSubTopic, wakuMessage) # With the next loop we convert an asynchronous call into a synchronous one for i in 0 .. timeoutMs: if pubMsgFut.finished(): break sleep(1) if pubMsgFut.finished(): let numPeers = if numPeers == 0: jsonResp = errResp("Message not sent because no peers found") elif numPeers > 0: # TODO: pending to return a valid message Id (response when all is correct) jsonResp = okResp("hard-coded-message-id") else: jsonResp = errResp("Timeout expired") return true proc waku_start() {.dynlib, exportc.} = waitFor node.start() proc waku_stop() {.dynlib, exportc.} = waitFor node.stop() proc waku_relay_subscribe( pubSubTopic: cstring, jsonResp: var string): bool {.dynlib, exportc.} = # @params # topic: Pubsub topic to subscribe to. If empty, it subscribes to the default pubsub topic. if isNil(eventCallback): jsonResp = errResp("""Cannot subscribe without a callback. Kindly set it with the 'waku_set_event_callback' function""") return false if node.wakuRelay.isNil(): jsonResp = errResp("Cannot subscribe without Waku Relay enabled.") return false node.wakuRelay.subscribe(PubsubTopic($pubSubTopic), PubsubRawHandler(relayEventCallback)) jsonResp = okResp("true") return true proc waku_relay_unsubscribe( pubSubTopic: cstring, jsonResp: var string): bool {.dynlib, exportc.} = # @params # topic: Pubsub topic to subscribe to. If empty, it unsubscribes to the default pubsub topic. if isNil(eventCallback): jsonResp = errResp("""Cannot unsubscribe without a callback. Kindly set it with the 'waku_set_event_callback' function""") return false if node.wakuRelay.isNil(): jsonResp = errResp("Cannot unsubscribe without Waku Relay enabled.") return false node.wakuRelay.unsubscribeAll(PubsubTopic($pubSubTopic)) jsonResp = okResp("true") return true proc waku_connect(peerMultiAddr: cstring, timeoutMs: uint = 10000, jsonResp: var string): bool {.dynlib, exportc.} = # peerMultiAddr: comma-separated list of fully-qualified multiaddresses. let peers = ($peerMultiAddr).split(",").mapIt(strip(it)) # TODO: the timeoutMs is not being used at all! let connectFut = node.connectToNodes(peers, source="static") while not connectFut.finished(): poll() if not connectFut.completed(): jsonResp = errResp("Timeout expired.") return false return true proc waku_poll() {.dynlib, exportc, gcsafe.} = poll() ### End of exported procs ################################################################################