import chronicles, options, stew/[arrayops, results], nimcrypto/utils import ./rln_interface, ../conversion_utils, ../protocol_types, ../protocol_metrics import ../../waku_core, ../../waku_keystore logScope: topics = "waku rln_relay ffi" proc membershipKeyGen*(ctxPtr: ptr RLN): RlnRelayResult[IdentityCredential] = ## generates a IdentityCredential that can be used for the registration into the rln membership contract ## Returns an error if the key generation fails # keysBufferPtr will hold the generated identity tuple i.e., trapdoor, nullifier, secret hash and commitment var keysBuffer: Buffer keysBufferPtr = addr(keysBuffer) done = key_gen(ctxPtr, keysBufferPtr) # check whether the keys are generated successfully if(done == false): return err("error in key generation") var generatedKeys = cast[ptr array[4*32, byte]](keysBufferPtr.`ptr`)[] # the public and secret keys together are 64 bytes if (generatedKeys.len != 4*32): return err("generated keys are of invalid length") # TODO define a separate proc to decode the generated keys to the secret and public components var idTrapdoor: array[32, byte] idNullifier: array[32, byte] idSecretHash: array[32, byte] idCommitment: array[32, byte] for (i, x) in idTrapdoor.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+0*32] for (i, x) in idNullifier.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+1*32] for (i, x) in idSecretHash.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+2*32] for (i, x) in idCommitment.mpairs: x = generatedKeys[i+3*32] var identityCredential = IdentityCredential(idTrapdoor: @idTrapdoor, idNullifier: @idNullifier, idSecretHash: @idSecretHash, idCommitment: @idCommitment) return ok(identityCredential) proc createRLNInstanceLocal*(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult = ## generates an instance of RLN ## An RLN instance supports both zkSNARKs logics and Merkle tree data structure and operations ## d indicates the depth of Merkle tree ## Returns an error if the instance creation fails var rlnInstance: ptr RLN merkleDepth: csize_t = uint(d) resourcesPathBuffer = RlnConfig.toOpenArrayByte(0, RlnConfig.high).toBuffer() # create an instance of RLN let res = new_circuit(merkleDepth, addr resourcesPathBuffer, addr rlnInstance) # check whether the circuit parameters are generated successfully if (res == false): debug "error in parameters generation" return err("error in parameters generation") return ok(rlnInstance) proc createRLNInstance*(d: int = MerkleTreeDepth): RLNResult = ## Wraps the rln instance creation for metrics ## Returns an error if the instance creation fails var res: RLNResult waku_rln_instance_creation_duration_seconds.nanosecondTime: res = createRLNInstanceLocal(d) return res proc sha256*(data: openArray[byte]): RlnRelayResult[MerkleNode] = ## a thin layer on top of the Nim wrapper of the sha256 hasher trace "sha256 hash input", hashhex = data.toHex() var lenPrefData = encodeLengthPrefix(data) var hashInputBuffer = lenPrefData.toBuffer() outputBuffer: Buffer # will holds the hash output trace "sha256 hash input buffer length", bufflen = hashInputBuffer.len let hashSuccess = sha256(addr hashInputBuffer, addr outputBuffer) # check whether the hash call is done successfully if not hashSuccess: return err("error in sha256 hash") let output = cast[ptr MerkleNode](outputBuffer.`ptr`)[] return ok(output) proc poseidon*(data: seq[seq[byte]]): RlnRelayResult[array[32, byte]] = ## a thin layer on top of the Nim wrapper of the poseidon hasher var inputBytes = serialize(data) var hashInputBuffer = inputBytes.toBuffer() outputBuffer: Buffer # will holds the hash output let hashSuccess = poseidon(addr hashInputBuffer, addr outputBuffer) # check whether the hash call is done successfully if not hashSuccess: return err("error in poseidon hash") let output = cast[ptr array[32, byte]](outputBuffer.`ptr`)[] return ok(output) # TODO: collocate this proc with the definition of the RateLimitProof # and the ProofMetadata types proc extractMetadata*(proof: RateLimitProof): RlnRelayResult[ProofMetadata] = let externalNullifierRes = poseidon(@[@(proof.epoch), @(proof.rlnIdentifier)]) if externalNullifierRes.isErr(): return err("could not construct the external nullifier") return ok(ProofMetadata( nullifier: proof.nullifier, shareX: proof.shareX, shareY: proof.shareY, externalNullifier: externalNullifierRes.get() )) proc proofGen*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte], memKeys: IdentityCredential, memIndex: MembershipIndex, epoch: Epoch): RateLimitProofResult = # serialize inputs let serializedInputs = serialize(idSecretHash = memKeys.idSecretHash, memIndex = memIndex, epoch = epoch, msg = data) var inputBuffer = toBuffer(serializedInputs) debug "input buffer ", inputBuffer= repr(inputBuffer) # generate the proof var proof: Buffer let proofIsSuccessful = generate_proof(rlnInstance, addr inputBuffer, addr proof) # check whether the generate_proof call is done successfully if not proofIsSuccessful: return err("could not generate the proof") var proofValue = cast[ptr array[320, byte]] (proof.`ptr`) let proofBytes: array[320, byte] = proofValue[] debug "proof content", proofHex = proofValue[].toHex ## parse the proof as [ proof<128> | root<32> | epoch<32> | share_x<32> | share_y<32> | nullifier<32> | rln_identifier<32> ] let proofOffset = 128 rootOffset = proofOffset + 32 epochOffset = rootOffset + 32 shareXOffset = epochOffset + 32 shareYOffset = shareXOffset + 32 nullifierOffset = shareYOffset + 32 rlnIdentifierOffset = nullifierOffset + 32 var zkproof: ZKSNARK proofRoot, shareX, shareY: MerkleNode epoch: Epoch nullifier: Nullifier rlnIdentifier: RlnIdentifier discard zkproof.copyFrom(proofBytes[0..proofOffset-1]) discard proofRoot.copyFrom(proofBytes[proofOffset..rootOffset-1]) discard epoch.copyFrom(proofBytes[rootOffset..epochOffset-1]) discard shareX.copyFrom(proofBytes[epochOffset..shareXOffset-1]) discard shareY.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareXOffset..shareYOffset-1]) discard nullifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[shareYOffset..nullifierOffset-1]) discard rlnIdentifier.copyFrom(proofBytes[nullifierOffset..rlnIdentifierOffset-1]) let output = RateLimitProof(proof: zkproof, merkleRoot: proofRoot, epoch: epoch, shareX: shareX, shareY: shareY, nullifier: nullifier, rlnIdentifier: rlnIdentifier) return ok(output) # validRoots should contain a sequence of roots in the acceptable windows. # As default, it is set to an empty sequence of roots. This implies that the validity check for the proof's root is skipped proc proofVerify*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, data: openArray[byte], proof: RateLimitProof, validRoots: seq[MerkleNode] = @[]): RlnRelayResult[bool] = ## verifies the proof, returns an error if the proof verification fails ## returns true if the proof is valid var proofBytes = serialize(proof, data) proofBuffer = proofBytes.toBuffer() validProof: bool rootsBytes = serialize(validRoots) rootsBuffer = rootsBytes.toBuffer() trace "serialized proof", proof = proofBytes.toHex() let verifyIsSuccessful = verify_with_roots(rlnInstance, addr proofBuffer, addr rootsBuffer, addr validProof) if not verifyIsSuccessful: # something went wrong in verification call warn "could not verify validity of the proof", proof=proof return err("could not verify the proof") if not validProof: return ok(false) else: return ok(true) proc insertMember*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, idComm: IDCommitment): bool = ## inserts a member to the tree ## returns true if the member is inserted successfully ## returns false if the member could not be inserted var pkBuffer = toBuffer(idComm) let pkBufferPtr = addr pkBuffer # add the member to the tree let memberAdded = update_next_member(rlnInstance, pkBufferPtr) return memberAdded proc atomicWrite*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, index = none(MembershipIndex), idComms = newSeq[IDCommitment](), toRemoveIndices = newSeq[MembershipIndex]()): bool = ## Insert multiple members i.e., identity commitments, and remove multiple members ## returns true if the operation is successful ## returns false if the operation fails let startIndex = if index.isNone(): MembershipIndex(0) else: index.get() # serialize the idComms let idCommsBytes = serialize(idComms) var idCommsBuffer = idCommsBytes.toBuffer() let idCommsBufferPtr = addr idCommsBuffer # serialize the toRemoveIndices let indicesBytes = serialize(toRemoveIndices) var indicesBuffer = indicesBytes.toBuffer() let indicesBufferPtr = addr indicesBuffer let operationSuccess = atomic_write(rlnInstance, startIndex, idCommsBufferPtr, indicesBufferPtr) return operationSuccess proc insertMembers*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, index: MembershipIndex, idComms: seq[IDCommitment]): bool = ## Insert multiple members i.e., identity commitments ## returns true if the insertion is successful ## returns false if any of the insertions fails ## Note: This proc is atomic, i.e., if any of the insertions fails, all the previous insertions are rolled back return atomicWrite(rlnInstance, some(index), idComms) proc removeMember*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, index: MembershipIndex): bool = let deletionSuccess = delete_member(rlnInstance, index) return deletionSuccess proc removeMembers*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN, indices: seq[MembershipIndex]): bool = return atomicWrite(rlnInstance, idComms = @[], toRemoveIndices = indices) proc getMerkleRoot*(rlnInstance: ptr RLN): MerkleNodeResult = # read the Merkle Tree root after insertion var root {.noinit.}: Buffer = Buffer() rootPtr = addr(root) getRootSuccessful = getRoot(rlnInstance, rootPtr) if not getRootSuccessful: return err("could not get the root") if not root.len == 32: return err("wrong output size") var rootValue = cast[ptr MerkleNode] (root.`ptr`)[] return ok(rootValue)