import sqlite3_abi, chronos, metrics, stew/results, libp2p/crypto/crypto, libp2p/protocols/protocol, libp2p/protobuf/minprotobuf, libp2p/stream/connection, stew/results, metrics, ../waku_types, ./sqlite # The code in this file is an adaptation of the Sqlite KV Store found in nim-eth. # # # Most of it is a direct copy, the only unique functions being `get` and `put`. type DataProc* = proc(timestamp: uint64, msg: WakuMessage) {.closure.} proc init*(T: type MessageStore, db: SqliteDatabase): MessageStoreResult[T] = ## Table is the SQL query for creating the messages Table. ## It contains: ## - 4-Byte ContentTopic stored as an Integer ## - Payload stored as a blob let prepare = db.prepareStmt(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages ( id BLOB PRIMARY KEY, timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL, contentTopic INTEGER NOT NULL, payload BLOB ) WITHOUT ROWID; """, NoParams, void) if prepare.isErr: return err("failed to prepare") let res = prepare.value.exec(()) if res.isErr: return err("failed to exec") ok(MessageStore(database: db)) proc put*(db: MessageStore, cursor: Index, message: WakuMessage): MessageStoreResult[void] = ## Adds a message to the storage. ## ## **Example:** ## ## .. code-block:: ## let res = db.put(message) ## if res.isErr: ## echo "error" ## let prepare = db.database.prepareStmt( "INSERT INTO messages (id, timestamp, contentTopic, payload) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);", (seq[byte], int64, uint32, seq[byte]), void ) if prepare.isErr: return err("failed to prepare") let res = prepare.value.exec((@(, int64(cursor.receivedTime), message.contentTopic, message.payload)) if res.isErr: return err("failed") ok() proc getAll*(db: MessageStore, onData: DataProc): MessageStoreResult[bool] = ## Retreives all messages from the storage. ## ## **Example:** ## ## .. code-block:: ## proc data(timestamp: uint64, msg: WakuMessage) = ## echo cast[string](msg.payload) ## ## let res = db.get(data) ## if res.isErr: ## echo "error" var gotMessages = false proc msg(s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) = gotMessages = true let timestamp = sqlite3_column_int64(s, 0) topic = sqlite3_column_int(s, 1) p = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(s, 2)) l = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, 2) onData(uint64(timestamp), WakuMessage(contentTopic: ContentTopic(int(topic)), payload: @(toOpenArray(p, 0, l-1)))) let res = db.database.query("SELECT timestamp, contentTopic, payload FROM messages", msg) if res.isErr: return err("failed") ok gotMessages proc close*(db: MessageStore) = ## Closes the database. db.database.close()