when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import std/[nre,options,sequtils,strutils,times], stew/[results,byteutils], db_postgres, postgres, chronos, chronicles import ../../../waku_core, ../../common, ../../driver, ../../../common/databases/db_postgres as waku_postgres, ./postgres_healthcheck export postgres_driver type PostgresDriver* = ref object of ArchiveDriver ## Establish a separate pools for read/write operations writeConnPool: PgAsyncPool readConnPool: PgAsyncPool proc dropTableQuery(): string = "DROP TABLE messages" proc createTableQuery(): string = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages (" & " pubsubTopic VARCHAR NOT NULL," & " contentTopic VARCHAR NOT NULL," & " payload VARCHAR," & " version INTEGER NOT NULL," & " timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL," & " id VARCHAR NOT NULL," & " messageHash VARCHAR NOT NULL," & " storedAt BIGINT NOT NULL," & " CONSTRAINT messageIndex PRIMARY KEY (messageHash)" & ");" const InsertRowStmtName = "InsertRow" const InsertRowStmtDefinition = # TODO: get the sql queries from a file """INSERT INTO messages (id, messageHash, storedAt, contentTopic, payload, pubsubTopic, version, timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);""" const SelectNoCursorAscStmtName = "SelectWithoutCursorAsc" const SelectNoCursorAscStmtDef = """SELECT storedAt, contentTopic, payload, pubsubTopic, version, timestamp, id FROM messages WHERE contentTopic IN ($1) AND pubsubTopic = $2 AND storedAt >= $3 AND storedAt <= $4 ORDER BY storedAt ASC LIMIT $5;""" const SelectNoCursorDescStmtName = "SelectWithoutCursorDesc" const SelectNoCursorDescStmtDef = """SELECT storedAt, contentTopic, payload, pubsubTopic, version, timestamp, id FROM messages WHERE contentTopic IN ($1) AND pubsubTopic = $2 AND storedAt >= $3 AND storedAt <= $4 ORDER BY storedAt DESC LIMIT $5;""" const SelectWithCursorDescStmtName = "SelectWithCursorDesc" const SelectWithCursorDescStmtDef = """SELECT storedAt, contentTopic, payload, pubsubTopic, version, timestamp, id FROM messages WHERE contentTopic IN ($1) AND pubsubTopic = $2 AND (storedAt, id) < ($3,$4) AND storedAt >= $5 AND storedAt <= $6 ORDER BY storedAt DESC LIMIT $7;""" const SelectWithCursorAscStmtName = "SelectWithCursorAsc" const SelectWithCursorAscStmtDef = """SELECT storedAt, contentTopic, payload, pubsubTopic, version, timestamp, id FROM messages WHERE contentTopic IN ($1) AND pubsubTopic = $2 AND (storedAt, id) > ($3,$4) AND storedAt >= $5 AND storedAt <= $6 ORDER BY storedAt ASC LIMIT $7;""" const DefaultMaxNumConns = 50 proc new*(T: type PostgresDriver, dbUrl: string, maxConnections = DefaultMaxNumConns, onErrAction: OnErrHandler = nil): ArchiveDriverResult[T] = ## Very simplistic split of max connections let maxNumConnOnEachPool = int(maxConnections / 2) let readConnPool = PgAsyncPool.new(dbUrl, maxNumConnOnEachPool).valueOr: return err("error creating read conn pool PgAsyncPool") let writeConnPool = PgAsyncPool.new(dbUrl, maxNumConnOnEachPool).valueOr: return err("error creating write conn pool PgAsyncPool") if not isNil(onErrAction): asyncSpawn checkConnectivity(readConnPool, onErrAction) if not isNil(onErrAction): asyncSpawn checkConnectivity(writeConnPool, onErrAction) return ok(PostgresDriver(writeConnPool: writeConnPool, readConnPool: readConnPool)) proc createMessageTable*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[void]] {.async.} = let execRes = await s.writeConnPool.pgQuery(createTableQuery()) if execRes.isErr(): return err("error in createMessageTable: " & execRes.error) return ok() proc deleteMessageTable*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[void]] {.async.} = let execRes = await s.writeConnPool.pgQuery(dropTableQuery()) if execRes.isErr(): return err("error in deleteMessageTable: " & execRes.error) return ok() proc init*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[void]] {.async.} = let createMsgRes = await s.createMessageTable() if createMsgRes.isErr(): return err("createMsgRes.isErr in init: " & createMsgRes.error) return ok() proc reset*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[void]] {.async.} = let ret = await s.deleteMessageTable() return ret proc rowCallbackImpl(pqResult: ptr PGresult, outRows: var seq[(PubsubTopic, WakuMessage, seq[byte], Timestamp)]) = ## Proc aimed to contain the logic of the callback passed to the `psasyncpool`. ## That callback is used in "SELECT" queries. ## ## pqResult - contains the query results ## outRows - seq of Store-rows. This is populated from the info contained in pqResult let numFields = pqResult.pqnfields() if numFields != 7: error "Wrong number of fields" return for iRow in 0.. 0: let cstmt = "contentTopic IN (" & "?".repeat(contentTopic.len).join(",") & ")" statements.add(cstmt) for t in contentTopic: args.add(t) if pubsubTopic.isSome(): statements.add("pubsubTopic = ?") args.add(pubsubTopic.get()) if cursor.isSome(): let comp = if ascendingOrder: ">" else: "<" statements.add("(storedAt, id) " & comp & " (?,?)") args.add($cursor.get().storeTime) args.add(toHex(cursor.get().digest.data)) if startTime.isSome(): statements.add("storedAt >= ?") args.add($startTime.get()) if endTime.isSome(): statements.add("storedAt <= ?") args.add($endTime.get()) if statements.len > 0: query &= " WHERE " & statements.join(" AND ") var direction: string if ascendingOrder: direction = "ASC" else: direction = "DESC" query &= " ORDER BY storedAt " & direction & ", id " & direction query &= " LIMIT ?" args.add($maxPageSize) var rows: seq[(PubsubTopic, WakuMessage, seq[byte], Timestamp)] proc rowCallback(pqResult: ptr PGresult) = rowCallbackImpl(pqResult, rows) (await s.readConnPool.pgQuery(query, args, rowCallback)).isOkOr: return err("failed to run query: " & $error) return ok(rows) proc getMessagesPreparedStmt(s: PostgresDriver, contentTopic: string, pubsubTopic: PubsubTopic, cursor = none(ArchiveCursor), startTime: Timestamp, endTime: Timestamp, maxPageSize = DefaultPageSize, ascOrder = true): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[seq[ArchiveRow]]] {.async.} = ## This proc aims to run the most typical queries in a more performant way, i.e. by means of ## prepared statements. ## ## contentTopic - string with list of conten topics. e.g: "'ctopic1','ctopic2','ctopic3'" var rows: seq[(PubsubTopic, WakuMessage, seq[byte], Timestamp)] proc rowCallback(pqResult: ptr PGresult) = rowCallbackImpl(pqResult, rows) let startTimeStr = $startTime let endTimeStr = $endTime let limit = $maxPageSize if cursor.isSome(): var stmtName = if ascOrder: SelectWithCursorAscStmtName else: SelectWithCursorDescStmtName var stmtDef = if ascOrder: SelectWithCursorAscStmtDef else: SelectWithCursorDescStmtDef let digest = toHex(cursor.get().digest.data) let storeTime = $cursor.get().storeTime (await s.readConnPool.runStmt( stmtName, stmtDef, @[contentTopic, pubsubTopic, storeTime, digest, startTimeStr, endTimeStr, limit], @[int32(contentTopic.len), int32(pubsubTopic.len), int32(storeTime.len), int32(digest.len), int32(startTimeStr.len), int32(endTimeStr.len), int32(limit.len)], @[int32(0), int32(0), int32(0), int32(0), int32(0), int32(0), int32(0)], rowCallback) ).isOkOr: return err("failed to run query with cursor: " & $error) else: var stmtName = if ascOrder: SelectNoCursorAscStmtName else: SelectNoCursorDescStmtName var stmtDef = if ascOrder: SelectNoCursorAscStmtDef else: SelectNoCursorDescStmtDef (await s.readConnPool.runStmt(stmtName, stmtDef, @[contentTopic, pubsubTopic, startTimeStr, endTimeStr, limit], @[int32(contentTopic.len), int32(pubsubTopic.len), int32(startTimeStr.len), int32(endTimeStr.len), int32(limit.len)], @[int32(0), int32(0), int32(0), int32(0), int32(0)], rowCallback) ).isOkOr: return err("failed to run query without cursor: " & $error) return ok(rows) method getMessages*(s: PostgresDriver, contentTopicSeq: seq[ContentTopic] = @[], pubsubTopic = none(PubsubTopic), cursor = none(ArchiveCursor), startTime = none(Timestamp), endTime = none(Timestamp), maxPageSize = DefaultPageSize, ascendingOrder = true): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[seq[ArchiveRow]]] {.async.} = if contentTopicSeq.len == 1 and pubsubTopic.isSome() and startTime.isSome() and endTime.isSome(): ## Considered the most common query. Therefore, we use prepared statements to optimize it. return await s.getMessagesPreparedStmt(contentTopicSeq.join(","), PubsubTopic(pubsubTopic.get()), cursor, startTime.get(), endTime.get(), maxPageSize, ascendingOrder) else: ## We will run atypical query. In this case we don't use prepared statemets return await s.getMessagesArbitraryQuery(contentTopicSeq, pubsubTopic, cursor, startTime, endTime, maxPageSize, ascendingOrder) proc getInt(s: PostgresDriver, query: string): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[int64]] {.async.} = # Performs a query that is expected to return a single numeric value (int64) var retInt = 0'i64 proc rowCallback(pqResult: ptr PGresult) = if pqResult.pqnfields() != 1: error "Wrong number of fields in getInt" return if pqResult.pqNtuples() != 1: error "Wrong number of rows in getInt" return try: retInt = parseInt( $(pqgetvalue(pqResult, 0, 0)) ) except ValueError: error "exception in getInt, parseInt", error = getCurrentExceptionMsg() return (await s.readConnPool.pgQuery(query, newSeq[string](0), rowCallback)).isOkOr: return err("failed in getRow: " & $error) return ok(retInt) method getDatabaseSize*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[int64]] {.async.} = let intRes = (await s.getInt("SELECT pg_database_size(current_database())")).valueOr: return err("error in getDatabaseSize: " & error) let databaseSize: int64 = int64(intRes) return ok(databaseSize) method getMessagesCount*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[int64]] {.async.} = let intRes = await s.getInt("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM messages") if intRes.isErr(): return err("error in getMessagesCount: " & intRes.error) return ok(intRes.get()) method getOldestMessageTimestamp*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[Timestamp]] {.async.} = let intRes = await s.getInt("SELECT MIN(storedAt) FROM messages") if intRes.isErr(): return err("error in getOldestMessageTimestamp: " & intRes.error) return ok(Timestamp(intRes.get())) method getNewestMessageTimestamp*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[Timestamp]] {.async.} = let intRes = await s.getInt("SELECT MAX(storedAt) FROM messages") if intRes.isErr(): return err("error in getNewestMessageTimestamp: " & intRes.error) return ok(Timestamp(intRes.get())) method deleteMessagesOlderThanTimestamp*( s: PostgresDriver, ts: Timestamp): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[void]] {.async.} = let execRes = await s.writeConnPool.pgQuery( "DELETE FROM messages WHERE storedAt < " & $ts) if execRes.isErr(): return err("error in deleteMessagesOlderThanTimestamp: " & execRes.error) return ok() method deleteOldestMessagesNotWithinLimit*( s: PostgresDriver, limit: int): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[void]] {.async.} = let execRes = await s.writeConnPool.pgQuery( """DELETE FROM messages WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM messages ORDER BY storedAt DESC LIMIT ? );""", @[$limit]) if execRes.isErr(): return err("error in deleteOldestMessagesNotWithinLimit: " & execRes.error) return ok() method close*(s: PostgresDriver): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[void]] {.async.} = ## Close the database connection let writeCloseRes = await s.writeConnPool.close() let readCloseRes = await s.readConnPool.close() writeCloseRes.isOkOr: return err("error closing write pool: " & $error) readCloseRes.isOkOr: return err("error closing read pool: " & $error) return ok() proc sleep*(s: PostgresDriver, seconds: int): Future[ArchiveDriverResult[void]] {.async.} = # This is for testing purposes only. It is aimed to test the proper # implementation of asynchronous requests. It merely triggers a sleep in the # database for the amount of seconds given as a parameter. proc rowCallback(result: ptr PGresult) = ## We are not interested in any value in this case discard try: let params = @[$seconds] (await s.writeConnPool.pgQuery("SELECT pg_sleep(?)", params, rowCallback)).isOkOr: return err("error in postgres_driver sleep: " & $error) except DbError: # This always raises an exception although the sleep works return err("exception sleeping: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()) return ok()