{.push raises: [].} import metrics declarePublicGauge waku_store_errors, "number of store protocol errors", ["type"] declarePublicGauge waku_store_queries, "number of store queries received" ## f.e., we have the "query" phase, where the node performs the query to the database, ## and the "libp2p" phase, where the node writes the store response to the libp2p stream. declarePublicGauge waku_store_time_seconds, "Time in seconds spent by each store phase", labels = ["phase"] # Error types (metric label values) const dialFailure* = "dial_failure" decodeRpcFailure* = "decode_rpc_failure" peerNotFoundFailure* = "peer_not_found_failure" emptyRpcQueryFailure* = "empty_rpc_query_failure" emptyRpcResponseFailure* = "empty_rpc_response_failure"